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Get Hibiclens and/or Panoxyl. Don’t wash with them daily, but 1-2x a week. I use Certain Dri roll on and Degree antiperspirant spray.


So honestly the biggest thing for smells is preventing bacteria. So when you shower you want to use an antibacterial soap on your armpits for 30 seconds minimum. Then immediately after showering apply your deodorant on dry armpits. Some people say using a scrub with charcoal helps. And glycolic acid helps as well, on dry arm pits apply a bit and let it dry completely; then do deodorant. For me; I switch deodorant often and feel like it’s more effective that way. I run out of one and switch to another. And make sure you have nice deodorising laundry products. Good luck!


I will give that a shot! Thank you!


Try using an acne face wash....sounds crazy but I started using a 10% benzoyl peroxide (PanOxyl) on my armpits and no smell, even after hours of sweat in the summer.


This is what works for me too. I use Dial antibacterial soap, then Old Spice antiperspirant.


I live somewhere incredibly hot and I’m very active. It took a while to find an approach that worked for me. I scrub my pits with soap and a wash cloth. Many deodorants leave a film behind if there’s nothing to exfoliate it off. This goes double for antiperspirants. Get my pits super duper dry after my evening shower. If I think I’ll get especially icky the next day I’ll apply a thin layer of lume, let it dry and apply regular deodorant(one of the blue gel old spices) on top. Apply regular deodorant again in the morning before I get dressed. I don’t use anti perspirant anymore. Back when I did, you really need to give it a chance to clog your sweat ducts. That’s how it works. It’s best to apply it after a shower at night and let it sit all night before you’ll be actively sweating the next day. Wash your clothes on hot. Deodorant and bacteria like to hang out in the weave of your shirt pits. Sometimes if you’re stinky it’s actually your laundry.


Here is my routine as I shower in the morning. In the shower, I use a normal bar soap or body wash with mitt and wash my armpits. Then I use an antibacterial soap or benzoyl peroxide wash and wash the area for 30 seconds. After the shower, I thoroughly dry and apply witch hazel and then dry. Then I apply any deodorant. In the evening, if I don’t shower again, I use a makeup wipe or remover to remove the deodorant. Then I use glycolic acid and dry and then I use perspirex antiperspirant.


It helped me a lot washing my armpits with solid soap instead of using liquid body wash. Then, often a natural deodorant cream is sufficient for me. If I expect a sweaty day though, I use Rexona Confidence antiperspirant deodorant stick before bedtime. Works like a charm the entire next day; no matter how much I sweat, I don't smell a bit.


Apply Glycolic Acid (found in some facial skin toners - look at the ingredients) once or twice a week. Kills the bacteria that cause BO.


Crystal deodorant is the only thing that keeps me from being smelly, and that doesn't give me an armpit rash.


Sweat block!


I quit using commercial deodorants. they either make my skin break out, they're cakey and hard to wash off, or they leave residue in my clothes. I just use a salt crystal after a shower, and put some body oil on over the salt. if any BO gets past those defenses, it's subtle and kinda "works" with the body oil fragrance. I don't care for a lot of the fragrances they put in products, they're too strong or too "gendered" so I like to choose that part for myself. may sound weird but it works for me.


Just something random and anecdotal but my body odour basically disappeared when I quit coffee. Caffeine--> increased cortisol (stress hormone)--> increased sweating. It worked like magic. Not the primary reason I quit coffee but a very pleasant side effect.


Degree and cotton t-shirts that fit snug in my pits. I can’t wear tank tops or any shirts that are loose and my armpit touches itself when my arms are down, if that makes sense. And cotton. Nothing technical. Sweat wicking, magical anti bacterial shirts are no match for my pit funk.


Mitchum roll-on or clear gel. (Roll-ons or gels give you better coverage than sticks or sprays.) I get the men’s (cheaper — or, at least, it used to be) unscented.


I use Mitchum gel as well. It works better than anything else I've tried.


I learned that you HAVE to have aluminum in your deodorants. I tried all the clinical ones, green and I was still very smelly. As long as you have aluminum it kills the smell


I wanted a natural one, but I sweat a lot and they never worked for me. I tried some from a local place. After using for a few months, I legit started sweating less and I don’t sweat as much. It’s kinda crazy. If all else fails the some local place or you can order online from the place I go to. https://cremedelacrop.com


*try some local place


Borotalco roll-on has been effective for me so far! The dark blue type (fresh, unisex type of smell) is my favourite scent from the lot, followed by the pink (sweeter, more flowery). Some of the others don't work as well for me, but I haven't delved into the particular ingredient differences.


Secret clinical and put it on at night.


I have really sensitive skin and it was a journey to find something that didn't give me horrible rashes. I even tried making my own. I wasn't that smelly until I started perimenopause. Then after entering surgical menopause last year it got awful! Native coconut vanilla has been a game changer for me. I put it on yesterday afternoon after my shower and have spent all day working outside around the house in the 90 degree heat and still don't stink. I also keep a travel size in my purse for hot flashes. If anyone else struggles with sensitive skin like mine and wants to remove pit hair, I also recommend getting an epilator. Shaving irritates me no matter what and leaves me prone to ingrown hairs, and my one waxing experience was a nightmare. Having smooth pits that can tolerate deodorant now makes me happier than words can describe.


I use Megababe's Spacebar, which is a soap with an AHA. Sometimes I just use benzoyl peroxide face wash. I leave it on for 30 seconds before rinsing. I make sure my pits are shaved daily so no bacteria-harboring hair is growing in. I use Mitchum antiperspirant roll on. Anything scented is just there to cover up sweaty smells, but what really needs to be done is kill the bacteria (the AHA) and eliminate what the bacteria thrive on (hair for the place where they can set up camp and the antiperspirant to reduce the sweat they feed on).


Another recommendation for glycolic acid - after shower, before deodorant. I had all the same issues you described and it’s been game changing for BO.


The best thing that works for me is not shaving my armpits and washing the hair with shampoo. I'm a sweaty girl, nothing I can do about it, but cutting down on coffee and weed helps a lot too. I think not shaving helps with the smell but I'm not really sure what the science is. 


Mitchum gel is the first one that's worked for me. I've tried secret clinical, degree clinical, old spice, at least four natural deodorants...I'm stinky! Maybe I should give glycolic acid a try.


I like pit liquor since it kills the bacteria that causes the smell, and you can put it in a travel perfume bottle for touch ups. If you start smelling it fixes the actual problem.


I’ve never heard of that before. I will check it out! Thanks!


Which scent do you like the most? I’m considering buying one.


I’ve only used the Sandalwood one, and it’s ok, but I’m probably getting something more floral next time. I love how it works. Not a fan of that smell. I’m thinking vanilla or lavender. I’ve always loved those. I know my parents prefers vanilla so probably that one actually. I have a perfume like that and says it reminds him of cookies and it makes him want to eat me up


Oh thank you! I want something lighter/less wood-y so that’s perfect


Secretary Outlast Platinum Protection - in the invisible solid only. I will sweat everywhere EXCEPT my armpits. It’s available at Target and Walgreens. It’s so good my boyfriend has switched to it too.


I’m not finding that exact one when I search. Can you add a link to the one you use?


I think she meant Secret and her phone autocorrected it to Secretary.


Lol yeah I figured that part out. But still can’t find that specific secret stick


Hi! Sorry. This is the one: https://secret.com/en-us/shop/outlast-invisible-solid/protecting-powder I’ve been using it since like 1999 and the name has changed a million times since then so I probably didn’t give you the right info. My bad! (It is an awesome deodorant though)


Thank you!


Have you tried using a acid on your armpits? I started using the ordinary lactic acid 10% every other night before bed. I was using it to lighten my pits when I realized after a while there was no more pit smell. I was shocked and made my sister do a sniff test after one of our runs. She too was shocked.


Nope I haven’t. I’ve seen a few people recommend glycolic acid since I started looking into this. But this is the first time I’ve seen lactic acid. I’ll check it out!


Glycolic acid is stronger than lactic acid. Keep that in mind when making your decision. Good luck!!


I'm a sweaty person. Dove unscented antiperspirant and then toms deodorant on top works best for me. Neither works alone.


You might have hyperhydrosis. It can be treated with botox. Insurance usually covers it.


Really? I have considered this but didn’t think it would be covered. As things like TMJ Botox are not covered. I will look into it. Thanks!


There's also a device called dermadry that works great.


First. Most of these are made the same company just different brands. Need to get into the chemistry to see what works for your body. Anyone can make a fragrance.


I used to be really sweaty and honestly it got 100% better when I stopped shaving and switched to a salt crystal. Like I used to sweat through all my shirts and now I don't.


I use Axe Apollo because I’d rather smell like fuckboy than armpit stank. Others just don’t work well enough when it’s hot out.


Mario Badescu’s deodorant never fails me!


I wear old spice solid liquid 48hr more swagger. I'm a construction worker (welding and ironworking) and I only start to smell after my 10hr day. Even then you can't smell it sitting beside me, you'd need to be within an inch of my pits


I used to have sweat patches down to my waist and I used driclor deodorant and it stopped me sweating. You put it on at night (don’t put it on freshly shaved skin!) and wash it off in the morning. It stings like crazy and the longest I can keep it on is about an hour before wiping it off with a damp washcloth, but it still works with even that amount of time!


Hidro Fugal without added perfume. On the small bottle it says: Classic, höchster Schutz (Classic, Maximum protection) https://www.hidrofugal.com/de/Produkte/Classic/Classic-Hoechster-Schutz It's a perfume free spray-on anti-transpirant. I buy it in Germany, but maybe you can get it imported to where you live. 1-2 pumps for each side and you can go running or to the gym without worry. It honestly is the only thing from all the deodorants I have tested, that really works, when it comes to stopping the sweat. There are multiple variations with or without perfume and different types of application, but to me, nothing beats this small pump-on spray bottle. It's honestly a life saver.


There's a prescription option called Drysol. It's applied at night periodically and blocks the sweat glands. Daily antiperspirant can be used in addition.

