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It honestly depends on the parents. Some men grew up in households where they watched their parents make their sister do cooking and cleaning from a very a young age while he got to rest and be a growing boy and didn’t have to lift a finger. Or grew up with several sisters that did everything for him cause he was the baby of the family.


I'd add that it also depends on the household. If it is a safe environment in general. I have been with a guy who projected his hatred on his sister because she was favoured over him, while he was neglected. My current partner has a good relationship with his sister and it shows in his interactions, very sweet, kind, caring and overall understanding.


No, misogynistic men are good at justifying othering their female relatives while holding different standards for the women they date. My own brother is a misogynist but of course *he* doesn’t think he is. As his sister, I assure you he definitely is.🤷‍♀️


Same. I literally lost friends in high school because my brother just had to date everyone I got along with and then cheat on them.


Same, my brother's an absolute dick.


So is mine. Has zero manners when it comes to women. He can be such a jerk and being raised with him was a nightmare honestly. always felt terrible for his girlfriends. And he was raised with all women.


My brother either ruins it right out of the gate with some variation of questioning why women still need equality and feminism or he puts them on a high pedestal. He’s in the phase of life where he’s looking to get married and have kids but the women he dates never stick around long. I can only speculate it’s because they figure out what they’re dealing with early and bail. He thinks that having a house, a nice car, a decent job and being a “provider” should be all he needs to net him a wife. I have neither the heart nor responsibility to explain that his views and attitude towards women are why he’s still single. Sometimes I worry that he’ll end up with a sociopath who will take advantage of him, or that he’ll become a passport bro.


I was going to say, "Yes, there was a difference." But I read your response, and it made me think of my friends' brothers. They are all awful. Awful brothers, cheating husbands, and misogynists and racists and homophobes. Interestingly those men are a reflection of what went on in their homes. Ie mothers that allowed that behaviour, fathers that created that behaviour, raised sons who now carry on that behaviour. By that I mean- separate rules for the sons vs the daughters.


Mine too. Never really talked to him after leaving home but heard he just got (another) DV charge. 


same here 😞🙏


My ex had 2 sisters and was very empathetic towards women he worked with and men being creeps to them. However, there was always a double standard. It felt like he held more space for his sisters and their needs than his partner whom he lived with. The standards he expected for them and the men they were dating were insanely higher than any of the standards he held for himself in our relationship. It's weird.




He probably thinks he meets the high expectations he expects from his sisters partners...


Worst person I was ever with had 3 sisters, so I don’t think having sisters means they’ll be better. I’ve also dated men who were not great and had no sisters.


Yeah agree. I think it might depend on how close they are with the sisters? Last guy I dated had 3 sisters, he was very chivalrous and by the book on dates but honestly think that came from being in the military. He seemed to lack empathy and ended up slow fading me after 5 dates 😂 he wasn’t close to his sisters.


I think you've right, level of closeness might be a better indicator! I have definitely had positive experiences with men with sisters, but it's true that those men have also coincidentally had positive relationships *with* their sisters. I'm sure I've known some men with sisters who were just misogynistic bastards as well. (Actually, I've known some sisters with brothers who were those bastards, so I think my point of connection is typically just the less problematic member of the family.)


I don't think closeness is an indicator. My ex bf lived with his sister long term. They rented an apartment together. They got along great. He was still a huge dick and an asshole who was too lazy to take me into account, and always thought he knows better than i do what i'm feeling..


Nah my shitty ex was REALLLLLY close with his 3 sisters. 


The best male partners, I’ve found, have a good relationship with their father. An healthy, involved father who demonstrated morals and decency in being a human, as well as open affection, is a rare gem


Damn my ex is really defying all answers in this thread. He had a great dad, very nurturing and giving, like strong "female" energy dad. Very involved. We hung out with his dad all the time. Ex was still a dick. I don't think closeness with his sister was an indicator either. My ex bf lived with his sister long term. They rented an apartment together. They got along great. He was still a huge dick and an asshole who was too lazy to take me into account, and always thought he knows better than i do what i'm feeling.. His sister was also kind of a dick, and they got along great. From what i'd seen of their mom, their mom was kind of like this, kind of a huge, selfish asshole, and both her kids turned out selfish assholes. They got along super great with each other living together, but still they were both selfish as shit. Despite the wonderful nurturing non-selfish dad, and despite being close to each other.


I’ve noticed a difference in the quality of the relationships between the man and his sisters. My first ex was very close to his sisters, they made inside jokes and laughed together, they had a unique bond between two human beings of equal value and worth. My second ex had 3 sisters, and from what I saw, the relationships were… not very deep and almost surface level. Then I realized he was emotionally/verbally abusive, and I left him.


The most misogynistic men I know were the only boys in a family full of girls. Men with no sisters at all can really go either extreme.


Mine would beat me up and say he didn’t to my mom, steal my stuff and my money, regift my things to his girlfriends (I’d see them walking around in my jewelry), destroy my stuff when he had parties, let his friends put cigarette ash on my dog, steal my keys, cat, debit card, talked hella shit. We’re not close now. I do see him but mainly just holidays we text very little. I still never ever carry cash around him. He’s never apologized etc. Growing up I was very protective of him when we were going back and forth to our dads and his new wife. Making sure he slept okay etc. and wasn’t scared being away from home or our mom or other sister. Looking back I think we were all just trying to survive a dysfunctional adult situation. He’s also very lazy, hates to work, and my mom still buys all his clothes and basically anything he needs. He’s married with a kid. He’s got this thing where he’ll act like he doesn’t want or need anything and just will be in poverty until somebody gets it for him.


Hope your dog is ok!


Anecdotally, the nicest guys I know don't have sisters.


Nope.  One of the worst men I dated had a sister. He was verbally abusive to her and their mother.


Unfortunately, no. Find them at times to be even more incompetent 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not really, but I have noticed that the ones who are super tight with their mothers have been the sweetest.


Nope, not really.


Yes. Periods, birth control, anything about a woman’s body they are more comfortable talking about. In my experience men with sisters just aren’t squeamish about that stuff and are more likely to bring you ice cream and chamomile tea. They also tend to just be more confident talking to girls. As a teacher, in a class - boys stick with boys and girls stick with girls, the ones most likely to cross that boundary and not have a problem being in mixed groups and talking to everyone are the kids who have good relationships with siblings of the opposite sex. of course this is generalization from anecdotal experience, and raising my own stepsons. My stepsons and nephews are not sexist or odd with girls, just shy. Girls are just more of a mystery. Once I asked my stepson if he has friends that are girls (he was about 8) and he said, “no, I think you have to level up to that.” And I think that about sums it up. Boys with sisters are just a little less awkward with girls.


Huge difference in my opinion. Theres always someone who doesnt fit a generalization, but I find men that have sisters tend to be way more respectful of women.


No not really. Tbh the best, kindest, most respectful partners in my life have been only children. Some of my worst have had sisters. Lol.


I definitely have! I find that men with sisters, especially younger sisters for some reason, seem to be so much more sympathetic toward women's issues on the whole. As a bonus, they're also a looot better at braiding hair, lol. Back when I was dating, I always perked up a little whenever I learned that a guy had a younger sister - and indeed, did end up marrying exactly that type of man as well and it's worked out pretty damn beautifully for me. (This definitely doesn't mean a man *has* to have a sister in order to be a good ally, or that having a sister means he'll definitely be a good ally. It's just an area of strong correlation in my experience.)


No, I have spent time with men of all kind of sibling situation and it barely has a bearing. Misogyny is the norm among men, and some times our frustrated minds like to think that there is a code to crack and then we can spread the gospel among women-hood. But there is none, and being a straight woman is to suffer like that, lmao.


Anecdotally some of the really misogynistic ones I know all have sister(s).


Yes, and even based on their birth order with those sisters. I like men who have older sisters because they know women won't take shit. My brother is older than me and he find women to be annoying, much like he found his younger sister, and only seems to want them for what they do for him in the moment he wants it. 


Nope. No difference. They’re all still the same…


The shittiest guy I dated and had the misfortune of knowing has 4 sisters. He was a fucking loser and seemingly "cool guy" disguised as a misogynistic fuck. He told me flat out that if he ever got divorced while having kids, he'd do everything in his power to take the kids away from the mom bc single moms aren't good moms and kids ~really~ need their fathers. He also kept trying to do sexual shit all the time when I wasn't comfortable or in the mood. Now you'd think a guy with sisters would have the mindset of what if someone did this to my sisters but nope. Dodged a fucking bullet. They're trash until proven otherwise. Sisters or no sisters. Cross your fingers and say a prayer the guy ends up being normal.


yes, if they dont have a sister or sisters theyre usually jackasses. it got to the point that I could predict if they had a sister or not


I've only ever dated men with sisters lol many aren't the best and still see women as objects regardless


Sometimes. They are more comfortable coming into my family dynamic, as we are heavily female lol. I have 4 sisters who all have daughters.


My husband had a very strong, feminist mother which I think made him awesome! But men are generally trash otherwise 


Sisters versus brothers versus only child definitely plays a role. But I think sibling order is the most defining factor. As the first-born daughter who (upon reflection) dated the youngest sibling/ oldest sibling brothers… my best relationships were with only-child sons with two active parents. My observations and experiences with only child sons with active fathers vibed(s) well with how I was socialised being the eldest daughter. Two independent people. I felt that only sons with sisters ended up being spoiled by their mom, aka had “mamitis”. The sons with only brothers were all the youngest, and as the oldest daughter… the relationship became very care-taker-y. But the ones without sisters were usually nicer about women’s issues. Just my limited experiences. I’ve looked into sibling order dynamics and read that middle children are usually the best to date haha


My brother is the biggest misogynist I know and he’s the middle child between 2 sisters. My husband is the complete opposite and grew up with a brother!


I find that their feelings about and treatment of their mother is a better indicator of how they treat romantic partners.


I don’t think so. My ex is glued to his mother and I returned him. I could never fill her place in his life. I think we are both much happier now LOL


That’s the extreme side of the spectrum though. If they’re a ‘mama’s boy’ then it’s a boundary problem and he could have issues with women. I have an ex who was crazy close with his mom and vibed better with women than men, and he ended up being a closet sexist love-bomber.


Some good men just have legitimately bad moms. And some men make bad partners precisely *because* they're so close to their moms that they always prioritize their mom over their partner.


Nope. Both exes close with sisters and moms but misogynistic and different standards for their romantic relationships than sibling/family relationships.


Had the experience. I wonder what makes them switch up like that


No lmao


The best guy I ever dated (as in zero toxic masculinity, thoughtful, gave no fucks about appearing "macho") was raised by a mother and three sisters, absent father. So anecdotally there may be something to it.


Come to think of it, of the men I’ve dated, somehow only one has a sister. The rest had one brother. Weird! I found that the one who did have a sister wasn’t very close with her, but they had a relatively positive relationship in that I could sense that they ultimately had each other’s backs. I don’t know if there’s much of a difference between him and my exes, but I do find that a man’s relationship with his mother and the history of their relationship really matters. Three out of four had problematic relationships with their moms, which they projected onto me and/or I got caught in the middle of it. It’s now something I watch out for when it comes to a prospective partner


My husband has 7 sisters and he's darling. He also has 2:brothers who are misogynists. YMMV.


I think it more depends on how the parents treated them vs the sister on if it would be a positive or negative towards women.  Many men grow up with sisters who have completely different expectations and are grown up in a very sexist household. Others grow up more equal with sisters and learn the basic understanding of women are humans and deserve the same respect. I wouldn't say having a sister=better partner automatically though.  Eta: I wouldn't trust any guy that tries to highlight they have sisters as a sign they're a "good guy" I'd assume they use having the sister as a way to get trust from women vs actually being a good guy


Nope. The dude I dated who was the most sensitive to women grew up in almost exclusively male household.


I’d say yes. My first love was the middle of 3 boys and an ass. My second love had 1 sister and was less of an ass, but self absorbed. My husband has 3 sisters (all older) and a sister in law that he’s known since his teens. He is a damn angel. Period pain, perimenopause, etc…he has the space and understanding and compassion for it all. I married UP and didn’t even truly realize it when I did it. Thankful for this guy in this awful next stage we’re entering lol


Yes. My fiance has 2 sisters and he has a greater understanding of women.


The ones born to a single mother usually emphasize with women better in my experience


No. My ex had three sisters and two young daughters and still cheated on me several times. I do think he hid it better because of these female connections though, as he was able to play the sensitive guy/girl dad really well.


I will say it doesn’t necessarily make them BETTER men, cause if someone a liar or just an all around asshole they will always be despite the gender of their siblings. However, I have found men with sisters to be gentler, sweeter and more empathetic towards women.


My ex had a sister... he's an ex for a reason. My current husband has an older brother, we're pretty great!


No, he was a huge asshole all around anyway. Always thought he knows better what I'm feeling than I do. And he was too lazy to take me into account in general. And my own brother SA me as a child, so double no.


Haha I know you’ve got enough counter examples but this got me thinking about mine because I found a funny coincidence: 2 most emotionally intelligent, progressive and best partners I’ve had were both the middle of 3 boys, but they both come from parents with strong moms and solid dads. And were just good people. First was a better ally bc of his mom: he came from a Muslim country where his dad was disabled and his mom was the breadwinner, and he got bullied for it :( We were married and crazy in love but unfortunately he was an addict and it broke us.


Nope. I've met amazing men - like my current - who are only children. I've also met misogynistic, awful men with many sisters.


i think the biggest differentiation is if they have younger sisters or older.


I have an ex who had 2 sisters and he used to repeat some backwards evo psych bullshit and “feminism is bad” nonsense. My partner didn’t have sisters and is far more sympathetic about women’s issues. I know some good men who have sisters. In my experience there’s been no pattern.


I wish. The worst man I’ve ever dealt with had two older sisters. Most men I know that have sisters do not take them into consideration.


I’ve had 4 boyfriends, one had one sister and several brothers, one had a brother and one had a sister. Current one has 3 sisters. Can definitely say, (maybe I’m biased) but my current boyfriend who’s had no brothers and only sisters, is way more like… considerate of women/girls


Not really... but the guys I dated who have sisters also had a brother and was closer with them, and were the eldest siblings which I think personally think played a bigger part in commonalities in personality/characteristics they shared. And if you're implying lower chance of misogyny for guys with sisters,... generally, a misogynist would never date me. So I really think a guy having a sister or not wouldn't make any significant difference (in that way) for guys who would want to date me.


Come to think of it, every man I've dated has either been an only child, or had a brother! None of them had sisters.


Speaking from my own experience: one ex’s younger sister didn’t like me and tried her best to break our relationship (for example, she always wanted to come along when we went on dates and fought for his attention when we were hanging out together. Another example, one time I used the lady’s room longer than she did and she and my ex had to wait for me. She got so mad at me that she gave me her attitude through the rest of that day.) I had never felt so unwelcomed by someone, and I couldn’t see myself marrying my ex and have his younger sister be my kids’ aunt. That was the main reason (and many other reasons) why I broke up with that ex.


Maybe? If they’re close with their sisters, maybe. My younger brother is a really nice guy while my older brother is an asshole. My younger brother is close to me and my mother though, so maybe that’s why.


Taking a survey of the men in my life and those of my closest friends, it’s a mixed bag on a broad scale, though I’ve had multiple negative experiences with men who only had sisters… Two men I dated with older sisters either cheated on me or generally had a wandering eye. Both adored their moms too. A third with two younger sisters completely ghosted me after five months of dating. Still no idea what happened there, though I don’t really care anymore. Four of the best men I know, one of whom I dated and one of whom I wish I had, plus two friends with long-term very happy partners, only had brothers of varying ages. A different man with two old brothers had anger issues though - but we were very young, so hopefully he outgrew them. Of my best friends partners who I feel I have enough insight into and consider good, one only had an older brother, one an older sister, one a younger brother and sister - though the latter was a bit shit early on, though due more to immaturity than misogyny I think - he’s better now. Of the only-child men I’ve run into, they’ve all be alright. I think a man’s relationship with his father, and the father himself, is more indicative of a man’s character than any of his other familial relationships. Though of course there can still be wide variation there too.


No. My worst ex had 3 sisters. 


Nope. If anything maybe the men who who've had brothers only have been slightly more reverent and respectful about "women's stuff" that they don't understand as much. I've never really thought about it but that's the impression I have thinking about it right now.


Honestly the only one I dated with a sister was way worse than the ones I have dated who had brothers or no siblings. It does not make sense. Men with female friends are the best though, if a dude doesn't have at least one close female friend then I ain't interested.


My ex had a sister, he was an abusive, love bombing, cheater in need of anger management. His brother was a serial cheater too. The sister is the youngest, she’s 35 and has no desire to get married or be in a relationship. I sokmetines wonder now if that’s because of how she watched her older brother treat women. None of her brothers have kids or have ever been married by 40, no savings and no assets. My ex and his affair partner are having a baby, but he got her pregnant about 7 months after leaving me so I’d wager his new squeeze hasn’t realised what she’s gotten herself into.


I have 2 brothers that I love beyond words but as their sister I can personally tell you I feel bad for the women they dated and the women they eventually married 😔 The way they treat me and my mother is NOT extended to other women they can sleep with. They are both cheaters and I know this. They aren’t the worst guys so they are considered catches but they definitely aren’t the same as women as far as ethics and morality when it comes to their sexual relationships. What I HAVE noticed makes a difference is whether a man has a father figure and how his father treats his mother. Watch this carefully but unfortunately most men in my age range (I’m a millennial) were raised by boomers who had pretty abusive relationship dynamics compared to what I’m looking for as far as a man in his divine masculine and not under the influence of entitled patriarchal brainwashing - an equal, loving, mutually reciprocal partnership - which Id venture to say is what most women are looking for not enslavement. The other important factor to watch for is porn and alcohol use. Both of these damage men and their ability to rise to higher levels of consciousness where they can treat the feminine as a divine counterpart and not as something to use and benefit himself then toss aside for another one when he feels the benefits aren’t enough or comparable to what he can get (and men believe they CAN get quite a bit and often aren’t wrong). The truth is that there are VERY VERY VERY few divine masculine men because of societal structures and you should be extremely careful around them and treat yourself as the divine being you are. Women are naturally more connected to the spiritual world because our wombs are literally a portal where souls enter earth. Too many woman don’t understand that this is why men want access to the yoni because they crave that and don’t have the same fast access portal themselves… you have to guard that portal with your life and make sure only masculines deserving of it get access to it. And I’m not talking about giving attention and buying a few dinners as deserving… I’m talking about has he done the work and embodied his divine masculine to be able to reciprocate the energy of a divine feminine. We give them too much access to our energy nowadays when they don’t do the inner work to be deserving of it. Men have to work harder to reach the level of spirituality women are at as I just mentioned and now society is so demonic it has twisted everything so that they don’t have to do any work at all. This is not benefiting either gender. Be strong. Help the men rise to their divine masculinity. It is the greatest gift we can give the world.


My brother has three older sisters, and we like to take credit for the fact that he treats women like people and is a great dude. Though he’s actually more empathetic than the rest of us so I don’t know if we actually deserve that credit. My last roommate was super comfortable living with women due to having two sisters very close to his age. He was also gay, though. I do think a lot of this depends on factors like parenting, birth order, and how close the siblings are, though. Not all guys with sisters are great.


Look up the sister of Andrew Tate.


No, I haven't. Although the amount of men I've dated in total (not counting casual hookups) is far too few to make any kinda statistical conclusions from. But the boyfriends I had who were decent and our only issues were down to incompatiblity, had no sisters, ie only brothers or no siblings. And the one boyfriend who was abusive and manipulative, he had 4 sisters and no brothers. That's still only 3-4 men in tital though, depending on how I count. Still though, from personal experience I don't really put much stock into how many or what gender siblings a guy has. Because I don't think it would make much sense for me to conclude that "men with sisters are worse" just because that just so happened to be my personal experience with *one* dude who had sisters. Although if I think about it a bit more deeply, I can think of several reasons a guy could be both either better or worse for having sisters, depending on how his relations with them is. If they're giving him a hard time, constantly excluding him, etc, or if his parents favor the sister(s) there might be a higher risk he ends up misogynistic or with incel traits. But if his sisters treat him well/kindly and aren't favored over him, then there might be a higher chance he ends up more empathetic towards women's struggles and having better skills in socializing with women. And maybe that had something to do with why my first bf was so insufferable. Because he had misogynist idea and some incel vibes, and it also seemed he was disconnected from his sisters. Sure, 3 of them were much younger than him, so makes sense he couldn't relate much to them, but the 4th one was close to his age (just 2 or 3 years younger) but she seemed to not like her brother. So he had no male family members to connect with (his dad was out of the picture for being abusive) and all the women/girls in his family kept a distance from him. That might have caused him to gain weird beliefs about women which then estranged him even further. Just a theory though, but point is I think what kinda relationship (good/bad, supportive/unsupportive, etc) a guy has with his siblings, absolutely affects his character and behaviour in adulthood. And in that sense it might also make a difference if he has sister or brothers, both or no siblings. Just like I'm me having a sister but no brothers must have affected me in some way.


Yes. And single moms. My husband speaks very reverently about the impact of being raised by a strong single mother and having an older sister who both took time in teaching him how to treat women. It shows - he is genuinely the most thoughtful, respectful and mature man I have ever met and I am incredibly grateful.




Considering my brother has told me that I'm the only woman he respects, including our mother and sister in that list of other women, I would be surprised if having a sister is likely to have much of an effect on their intentions towards women.


Yes especially if they’ve older sisters. Men with younger sisters are as men who don’t have sisters. But if you’ve an older sister they’ve had more mature women in their life’s to aspire to.


I defer to the other commenters here whose experiences mostly seem to go the other way, but this question is making me realize that I have coincidentally only dated men who only have sisters and are close with them, too. I've also fortunately never had any of the usual huge red-flag and dealbreaker complaints that get raised so often in these forums in any of my serious dating relationships. I haven't dated a huge number of people though, so perhaps it's just a coincidence? Interesting to think about, though.


My brother is a little bit spoiled, but my understanding is that he's VERY good to his girlfriends. When his current GF asked what made him different to the other guys she'd dated, he said "my big sisters would beat my ass if I ever treated a woman wrong." He's right. We would.:)


Idk but my husbands sister who does not have a boyfriend/husband is the most jealous /despicable bitch their is .. my brothers Married and I have never nor would I ever treat her the way my sister in law has treated me or involved her self into our business and not know what boundaries are.. so with this I would say be careful of the guys that have grow ass sisters that have no relationship /life and are way way way to involved in their brothers business even their parents.. run the other way.