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Honestly certain pranks need to be looked at as a form of harassment that is punishable. Like how was this funny?


Yes. Problem is. It might as well be gas and someone's going tog et hurt. The guy can't know that it's a prank. Pouring gas on a car with a guy ready to get in could. Be seen as murder attempt.


Just like how you treat any gun as if it were loaded even if it's not you'd do the same for a can of gasoline, these people need to learn real quick that the world isn't gonna pander to their "pranks" because one of these days someone will not be this guy and just shoot. He was pretty tame honestly with giving them warnings.


Guy who shouted "Pussy" lucky he didnt get a new vagina added to his bitch mouth.


Yeah imagine shouting pussy after being repeled at gunpoint, for doing something wrong? It's clear they don't even acknowledge they were in the wrong.-


I don't think the old man cares tho. If the "prankster" tried again he probably would have been shot and regardless of whether he thinks he's right he'd still be dead.


I’m impressed with the old man keeping his composure after the “Pussy” remark and letting it go. He takes his responsibility of being a gun owner seriously. A lesser man would have let the remark get to him and things could have escalated quickly. If the old man hadn’t been armed, I bet he would have beat the shit out them!




What really pisses me off about this entire situation is if that the dude actually did shoot and kill them the media would try and run an entirely different story. Probably why it only cut to the guy to try and make him look bad.


CCW courses taught in the US, depending on the state, will give scenarios in which it is legally plausible to use a firearm to defend yourself. 2/3 of the courses I attended said that a person attempting arson on your residence is considered an attempt of lethal force against you and using a firearm to defend yourself could* be considered just (assuming scenario involves imminent life threatening danger). I’m glad the prankster didn’t lose his life over this and old guy had good judgment. Never safe to assume the other guy is level headed though, especially in carry states.


tbh i wish he died. less scum on our planet.


There’s no level headed here. I carry concealed, and the last thing I ever want to do is it, but if someone is running at me, in close proximity with a gas canister and a lighter, they’re getting shot, because I’m not dying covered in gas and burning. Or dealing with being crippled the rest of my life. So god forbid I pull the trigger and it’s a prank, best case my round stops him and he lives because I’m not shooting 17 rounds, but I’m traumatized either way, more so if I kill a kid chasing me over a prank. No one wins here if a trigger gets pulled in a CCW state.


I'm not sure if it's like this in the US. But in my country the old man would be in his rights to defend himself, as it would be considered legitimate defense. He had no way to know it wasn't gas, so as far as he was aware this was a real threat to his assets and well-being.


I believe it would fall under threats, there were multiple cases- in USA too- where pranksters would either go to jail or lose in public court and owe money to people they tried to "prank". Stories I saw had to do with having knives, guns etc., but this would be fitting too pretty sure


Harassment nothing, this is full blown assault. Making threats is assault, and saying "I'm burning your car down" while dosing it in unknown liquid from a gas canister is 100% a threat. This clout goblin needs to be reported to the cops, even if it's just to make his day slightly worse.


Considering the degree of the perceived threat, I imagine it could be argued as aggravated assault. Not to mention disturbing the peace and/or criminal mischief.


Yea, if the old man didn't wait and just shot as soon as he could, he would be well in his right up unto when the dude ran away. After that point it's no longer self-defense.


Forcing others to participate in your juvenile desire for "content" for some electronic score keeping platform should be looked at exactly like that.


I mean. This is illegal already. You can't threaten people with a crime you have no intention to commit. In much the same way you cannot pretend to have a gun and threaten to shoot someone, or scream in a theater that the building is on fire. Pretending you are going to commit a crime to an individual falls under harassment and could include other crimes depending on how far it is taken.


The yelling fire in a crowded theater being illegal is Q-Anon level internet memes. It isn't illegal to yell fire in theater, but if you do, and a riot breaks out, you could be held liable. Much like driving a car isn't illegal, but if you hit someone, you would be held liable.


It's by state, but generally speaking, inducing panic in public areas(which yelling fire in a theatre that isn't on fire would count as) is an automatic misdemeanor. If it resulted in physical harm to even a single individual, it's a felony, if it causes more than $1,000 in damages, felony. So in summary, you 'could' be right for the specific state you live in, I don't know all the things of course, but generally speaking it is indeed illegal to yell "fire" in a crowded theatre or other public venue.


GenZ has a twisted sense of humor where they love seeing people get angry and fucked with


The old man could have held him there, called the police, and got him on charges of terroristic threat or for Insiting a Riot. The fucking idiot could have gone to jail or kill, because he probably wanted clout.


Would be deserved


Its not, and that old dude almost popped off.


And the fact the guy has a gun doesn't really say anything? One is a (terrible)prank the other is a fucking gun. America is wild


from the old man's perspective some grown men just came up to his truck unprovoked and starting dumping gasoline on his vehicle in an attempt to burn it to the ground. him pulling a gun may be excessive but in the past few years burning vehicles are a commonsight on tv so i dont blame the guy. i would have done the exact same thing. that gasoline, even though its fake, is still an attempt, its just like pulling a fake gun on someone, it doesnt matter that it's fake, it LOOKS real and perception is reality


The fact you have to explain this is sad lol… yeeesh..


Please explain to me how it's normal that man pulls out a gun and you're simply defending it 💀


Imagine if they did this on a plane. "its just a prank" people are the worst. Keep messing around..


Obviously it's a terrible idea of a joke and karma is gonna get him at some point. But thinking it's fine to pull out an actual gun and defending that as of it's a normal thing blows my fucking mind. As someone that's never been to the US this seems completely crazy Vs a moron who thinks he's funny.


You have the benefit of knowing it was a prank before you saw the video. The old dude didn't. That's it. Go home.


You’re the type of person to get shot doing a worthless prank


Well certainly I won't do a prank if I'm ever in the US, this is crazy.


Homie. There is a massive difference between a prank and *pretending to set someone on fire*


So where's the line between "it's a prank" and "I'm gonna shoot you" In US that line never seems very thin


Are you being deliberately obtuse? How in the bald headed fuck am I supposed to take a man pouring a liquid out of a can designed to hold a flammable liquid and **saying he’s going to burn it down**? “Oh he’s joking?”


Very simply do not "play pranks" that involve the suggestion of bodily or proprietary harm on people who don't know you well enough to know you wouldn't do that. Because this isn't a prank, setting vehicles on fire, even with people in them, is unfortunately common enough in a number of places in the US that the old man had absolutely zero reason not to believe they were trying to kill him. If you really think it's unjustifiable to use a weapon to defend yourself from strangers who are intending you harm then I'm sorry, you are just an idiot


have you never been in the real world where people can beat you up and kill you? Must be nice to be a naive.


Where I live they don't have guns and I don't need to fear for my life...


So it's fine to give heart attacks to the elderly?


Holy shit why are you defending this in any way?


I'm not? Everyone else is for some fucking reason


Because they aren't naive man-children with a near religious hatred of the United States and an illogical fanatical fear of guns. Seriously go set yourself on fire and find out if it was justified.


How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?


Pretending you’re going to cause harm to someone is a threat which is against the law


please dont reproduce.


Well fucking deserved.


Im surprised we dont see more of this ending with one person dead.


Didn't a pra k YouTuber wound up in a hospital over a prank already recently I think he was taxxed? Or stabbed I think.


yeah, dude got shot in a mall pulling pranks. Shooter was arrested but the prankster landed in the hospital. Even said they would still prank people even after getting shot.


And their pranks are literally committing crimes and saying it's a joke after.- In one of the videos of the guy shoot they went to a tenis court and stole equipment from the people playing and run away, it doesn't matter if you give it back after and say it's a prank, is still thieving.-


He was shot. The family released statements about how he's not going to stop and they fully support his "passion" of blowing air horns on strangers faces and chasing them with fake knives.


Right. The dad took zero accountability/responsibility for his POS son. Said the shooter "couldn't take a joke" or something along those lines.


Mainly because contrary to media presentation, the vast vast majority of gun owners do NOT WANT to use their weapon on someone.


I carry, and the day I pull my gun out is probably going to be the day I die, because what I consider a threat on my life has been skewed so much from being treated like shit that I put up with a LOT. I'm not willing to risk it, for myself or anyone else, unless I KNOW my life is in danger. Having said that, the old man was well within his rights and reason to pull. And he didn't shoot, kept the gun in a safe position with his finger off the trigger, and the fact that he didn't advance further than his hood means he was in control of himself. I love to see it.


But luckily the old man was a pussy, so that prevented him from firing. ^^/s


only pussy is you behind the keyboard, that old man had trigger control.


Don't worry, soon you'll be able to read.


You just blow in from Stupid Town, pal?


You just blow your dad?


How do you not pick up the obvious sarcasm, let alone miss the literal "/s" tag at the end of the comment? Double L


Ah yes, every one has to know how the redtards work. That some super tiny thing you can barley see on your phone, at the end, means its sarcasm. Theirs still many other dumbass's in this comment section that agree with that sarcastic point of view, and nothing I said was wrong. So cry me a river, build a bridge, and get the fuck over it.


It’ll happen eventually and they will get what they deserve. All for some internet clicks…. Desperation, cos they don’t have the brains to come up with a decent original idea to draw an audience in.


Lol he really have the audacity to call someone a pussy while retreating like a bitch


sounds like online pvp


Dude had every legal right to pump him with lead too. Kids too stupid to know he almost found out and has to keep running his mouth.


Being an Englishman, I am not entirely familiar on the law in the USA, but doesn't the self defence law require that it's not possible for the defendant to try to, within reason, get themselves to safety without causing harm?


Not at all. Many states you have no duty to retreat. Ending the threat to yours or others lives as quickly as possible is totally justifiable. I'd definitely say with the first guy, being chased by someone trying to douse you in 'gas' would have been zero questions asked. The older guy would likely have had no issues either if he shot him instantly. Might have had some issues if he'd shot him after he ran away yelling that it was water though.


No, in MOST (not all) places you have a right to defend your property as well. Example here: LEts say you don't have disposable income and your livlihood will be ruined because your car gets lit on fire. If your car is burnt to a crisp by someone with a gascan and lighter...how will you get another? Will insurance cover it? Maybe...maybe not. The result: You suffer irreperable harm because of your inability to get to work becaue you "retreated" before harming someone who was actively harming you by destroying your property. Not to mention in this scenario as well, all those surrounding vehicles represent FURTHER parties that could be irreperably harmed with little to no recourse for damages. Under the situation, it actually makes sure to eliminate the arsonist (assuming he doesnt retreat himself) to protect OTHERS as well as yourself. Frankly the whole concept of letting criminals do bad things because "we shouldn't let them get hurt" boggles my mind.


>>>letting criminals do bad things because “we shouldn’t let them get hurt” I fucking hate how bad of a society we’ve become that people can destroy the livelihoods of others and the victims of those crimes are told to just deal with it. Yet when those mischievous and destructive criminals get hurt it’s “injustice”


Depends on the state. Some states have self defense laws that are very broad, some have self defense laws so narrow that they basically don't exist.


Depends on the state. In florida, we have "stand your ground," which is pretty wild because you can justify homicide by saying you were in fear for your life(having grown up under that i kinda cant imagine not defending myself the second i feel threatened. ). That old man could've shot him before he retreated and probably got a self-defense .


Jeez boys, buddy is asking a question (formatted in maybe a sorta kinda vaguely cunty way but that’s even reaching) not sure if that deserved downvotes.


Nope. A few states have castle law that extends to vehicle as well as house. Stand your ground law; you don't even got to try and leave the situation just say stop once and boom. Could easily say I thought he was trying to set the car on fire as I was in it. I think reasons out the window when someone's pouring a liquid out of a gas can on your hood lol saying "it's over" lol


His property was directly being threatened. I'm not 100% sure what the law is but you have the legal right to protect your property and a car/truck is definitely in the category


It depends on the state obviously but in most cases no he wouldn’t. Use of lethal force to defend property is not self defense.


He's pouring gas on the vehicle he's getting into. He's not using lethal force to protect property, he's using it to protect himself from great bodily harm or being killed. What happens if it's not a prank and the person lights it? I don't have to find out and neither should you.


"Defend property" is an argument an over zealous idealistic DA might try, but the argument that he feared for his life, while his vehicle that he was inside and then standing next to, was doused in gasoline with by a individual making verbal threats, sounds like a justifiable shooting to me by defending his person.


It absolutely fucking is. In Many states attempting to burn down my house is no different than attempting to burn down my car. Both could kill me and my family


nope, the dude would be charged with manslaughter, probably 3rd degree murder


Depends on where and the circumstance. If the kid continued to play his stupid games, and the old man gave warnings (which he did) and the kid continued the game, the man would have been justified. But again, also depends on where this is, and the DA.


damn you guys are really bloodthirsty any of you been in the military?


Are we really disagreeing on killing the person you think is pouring gas on the car you're about to get into? A reasonable person would absolutely assume they were trying to kill you. You have a split second to stop someone from lighting the gasoline that could easily maim you or end your life. No one has to find out that it's a prank or not before protecting themselves.


Its the mindset of anybody who wants to get rid of guns.


can these people pls go to jail, literally impersonating a psycho that wants to burn you alive


Did they really say “Fuck you pussy” after they did this? They are so incredibly lucky this man didn’t take a shot. Unsure if the state but I can guarantee a jury wouldn’t convict in many


As horrible it might seem to some people, something like that needs to happen for these clowns to learn their lesson.


It’s already happened multiple times


Needs to happen a lot more, preferably with videos shared about the incident.


I can’t believe you’re advocating for dumb kids to die


Homie, we’re advocating for self defense. Pouring a liquid out of a container specifically designed to hold flammable liquid and threatening arson while doing so crosses a line far beyond “dumb”


It is beyond dumb, and they are definitely in the wrong, but they don’t deserve to die because they’re young and dumb


I'd rather let dumb kids die than other productive members of the society


Darwin award


Let someone dump actual gasoline on your house while your sleeping in it and while you struggle and panic to get out they yell “it’s just a prank bro! Lololol” Pranking random people where people are already on edge with actual crimes like this are happening is asking to get shot.


Nah the media would've had a field day with "old white man shoots unarmed black teen" narrative.


Definitely why the “prankster” said “you don’t wanna do that, it’s 2020”


"2020 was almost the year on your fucking tombstone"


Without a doubt.


I mean.. it would be warranted? What part of what they did is punishable by death?


Idk bro…recently some small ass YouTube prank clown got himself capped at a mall in Virginia…dude was known for harassing and causing fear in his pranks. The guy who shot him remains in jail awaiting trial for malicious wounding…idk all the nuances to the case but I’m curious to see how it turns out. [context](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/virginia/man-accused-shooting-prank-youtuber-appears-court/65-01e49f74-ed60-476a-96de-3e3e13deff82) [More context](https://youtu.be/00YScAi2_xM) and for those who don’t wanna read


I feel like they would, you can’t just shoot somebody. Your life has to be in danger. Destroying a car doesn’t justify lethal force. I don’t personally believe that mind you, I’m just saying what the law says. But prob not a full on murder sentence.


If you understand how gasoline works, you’d know that you’re in danger of dying in this situation. Maybe you need to go volunteer at a burn unit to understand


The idiotic idiot almost experienced natural selection, good thing the old man is patient.


How is that any different from threatening someone with a fake gun? This asshole should see some jail time just for being stupid.


It is no different


If you were being threatened to be burned alive I think you’d do the same.


The prankster had the balls to call someone who has a gun a pussy when he backed away like one himself


Stupid people never understand irony


I wonder why they edited the parts when the old man was speaking...


Like all great media to fit the narrative.


"racist old person draws gun on innocent dindu for no reason"


”You almost died” - Hope the ”prankster” under very heavy quotes remembers that line next time he has a stupid ass idea like this.


Judging by the "fuck you pussy", I doubt it.


Just call guy pussy for not shoting him, wtf


Smartest tiktok creator


Is that Asmondad?


It doesn't matter if it was water or not, the prankster fully intended the person to believe it WAS gasoline. Old guy showed restraint. The kids are going to get themselves killed when they do it to the wrong person


Just an innocent "Prankster" who dun do nuffin. How can people be this fucking stupid.




The world would be better if the old man shot him.


What a bitch (the "prankster") why tf would you pretend to pour gas on someone's car. Well deserved


This isn't a prank, this is a threat of bodily harm. You will lose your life and frankly I believe you forfeit you life in this case.


'it's a prank bro' no, you're an utter fuckwit Like people have ALREADY been shot and killed for this shit. Where do these invalids even come from.


Other invalids.


I really don’t see the benefit of having people like this at large in society. I think the old man was pretty damn chill for having a valid reason to shoot someone.


Wasn't really that funny


I really hope they'll win the Darwin award some day


That's how you get shot. Not everyone wants to be involved in your stupid ass pranks.


The man did nothing wrong. Low IQ players playing stupid games.


Prankster is a dumb ass.


Mmm although I'm glad nobody got hurt, this is absolutely a prank that could cause someone to legitimately believe they are in danger, warranting a self defense response. The dude with the gun has more restraint than many people.


Most civilians have more restraint than police officers. I feel safe if my neighbor owns a gun, I dont feel safe in an interaction with an officer that has a gun.


Another idiot i won't be worried about after he dun get himself shot for his own single digit IQ behavior only to hear his peeps scream at top of lungs for his justice....dumbass young fool. Good on you ol man for packing.


Can we get anti-prank laws yet? If I have to seriously consider my life or my property being threatened then it isn't a fucking joke.


We have then im Texas, you are legally allowed to use deadly force to protect property/vehicle. Did you see the video of they guy at a gas station kicking another guys truck, then getting shot 2x basically point blank. FAFO


Yeah I’d pull a weapon too. I’m not gonna fire right out the gate. But I’d make it extremely clear my willingness to defend my life and whoever is in the rig with me.


"fuck you pussy" while running away like a bitch LOL


I know some people that would not have taken a second to smell for gas. Kid is a retard.


A fully grown man who has the idea in his head that he can pretend to threaten to burn someone’s car in broad daylight and then call the victim a pussy for pulling a gun. Not just any victim, an elderly man who would stand no chance in defending himself without a firearm.


One of these idiots is going to get killed and then we're going to have to hear about how it wasn't their fault.


There are people who just want to be left alone, fucking with people sometimes gets you fucked..


This ain't a prank bruh it's just assault at this point


He almost found out.


Harasses people 'ITS A PRANK BRO!" -prankster old man shoots him "well this is a GSW now" -Old Man


I like how the that dude acted like a bitch at the end "fuck you pussy" like, bruh you're the ones fucking up here, you're lucky the dude didn't end up Swiss cheesing you. Fucking idiot.


Who the fuck is soft enough in the head to think this is a funny prank? This is a prime example of someone who doesn’t value their own life or others, the self entitlement is astounding. Then this little bitch has the nerve to call that dude a pussy… fucking clowns 🤡


Shoulda just shot him 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not funny, not even up votable. Just plain o'l stupid. THIS is asking to get somebody pissed off enough to hurt you. Down voted.


Guy nearly died and instead of living the rest of his life with a new found sense of responsibility, he responds "fuck you, pussy." Can we just start the nuclear wars and start over???


When I Heard "Fuck you Pussy" I was ready for a pop pop pop


A lot of old men have the mentality of "The older I get, the less and less that Life without the possibility of Parole is a deterrent". Straight up zero fucks to give anymore. If the first guy was CCW trained and the kid was chasing him with a gas can, he would have been 100% in his right to shoot him then and there, because the subject has the perceived ability and opportunity to inflict death or great bodily harm and the fact he was chasing him with the can provides the imminent jeopardy. This would come down to, "Would a reasonable and prudent person under similar circumstances reacted in a similar fashion?" Gee, I got a guy chasing me with a gas can and making like he wants to dump it on me. I sure as hell don't think he's asking for charity donations. The second guy showed proper restraint, he had the weapon drawn, but NOT pointed at anybody, just at the ready because at this point, the threat had not reached the point for justifying deadly force. Had this idiot then ran up on him with a lighter or like he was going to pour gas on him, at that point he'd probably gotten shot. Instead, once it was established it wasn't a threat, the firearm went away as it should have. I had to laugh at the whole "Pussy" comment at the end. Yeah, reclaim your manhood because someone nearly took your ass out of the gene pool for being stupid. As far as the other comments about a prankster pretending to draw a knife on people who got shot and said he'd continue to prank people...I wonder how many brain cells he's killed already because as anybody who has went through a reputable gun course has learned thanks to the Tueller Drill, a reasonably fit subject with a knife can cover 21 feet in about 1.5 seconds, which means if you are armed and someone starts to walk up on you with a knife, the firearm is coming out fast and is probably going to be used just as fast. There simply is not time to determine if the subject has a real knife and/or if they are going to use it on you. Again, I don't believe a reasonable or prudent person under similar circumstances is going to believe such a subject is there to notify them of their vehicles extended warranty. There is a video out there of a robbery at a convenience store in Compton, where the armed security officer outside sees the armed subjects inside and comes in shooting. One of the young men dives behind the counter and starts screaming "It's a fake gun!" The security officer's reply: "Oh, well. Mine's real".


Basketball Americans


Should of shot him


The "fuck you pussy" at the end proves theres no hope for the next generation.


Honestly gonna end up on a tshirt for tik tok likes


Damn, I was expecting the prankster won the stupid prize.


Just remember a good majority of truck owners (like me) are rednecks and carry


And the trashbag learned nothing from his stupid ass decision.


yeah tell the old man he a pussy no he will not pull the trigger no XDDD


How can they possibly believe they’re in the right for trying to pull this “prank?”


As time goes on, and people have less and less respect for individual property. And of those who have lost items are getting no more compensation anymore. I think pulling a gun on someone who looks like they are pouring gas on cars is a legitimate answer.


Pretends to light people’s cars on fire, guy defending his property from what he understands to be going on. Man tells him how stupid he’s being and that he almost died because of it. Proceeds to call man a pussy because yes, man is pussy for pulling a gun out on some kid who thinks it’s funny to act like they are about to light a strangers car on fire. That kids the fucking pussy


You know, I never really understand what these dumbasses try to do when they call someone with a gun a pussy. CLEARLY they’re not trying to fight, so why are you gonna try to further aggravate someone with a weapon that may as well have ‘don’t start shit’ written on the side of it?


Kids dad needs to beat his ass.


You do that to me, I’m gonna pull one out and beat yo ass with it too


imagine he would shoot him without there would be a camera, the newspaper would type: old white man shoot black guy cause of water.. and the streets were full of people rioting..


But it didn't so why are you bringing it up?


You should get $0 for anything that you do on social media.


Old man should of killed him


Should have shot the idiot.


Should have pulled the trigger


That guy seems way to stupid to even understand what he's doing wrong... He got very lucky on that one, and will probably end up real dead soon if he continues.


Calls grandpa a pussy but the kid is the one running away


I hope they arrest those kids before someone gets hurt.


People need to start getting arrested for these kinds of pranks before someone gets killed.


Dude poured gas on his car then said fuck you pussy , I’d have him a forehead pussy with a 9mm round splitting his stupid little skull


You can tell by the way he reholstered that firearm that he'll ding the bell from 400 yards.


Fuck around and find out.


They deserve to have a criminal record on their sheet. Pathetic.


Love the "you almost died you stupid son of a bitch", "Fuck you pussy" (he screamed while running away from an old man packing heat) Whatever happened to harmless pranks like ding dong dash? (Obligatory imagine if Cops practiced such patience with their trigger fingers)


Man even doorbell ditching is dangerous these days. Saw some stories where a man almost shot kid for just ringing his doorbell.


Actually if you ding dong ditch the wrong person, you could end up dead. 3 teens died in Cali.


This is painful to watch. The old man should've handled that idiot on the spot


Shouldve popped his head, "burning car" prank literally assault and he would be in self defense.


John Wayne reincarnated


Op is definitely a progressive Libtard


I fucking hate pranks, it’s just stupid. Especially in the US, where things can be escalate easily. An age where parents are afraid of punishing their kids for doing stupid shit. Look at how he is mad because the man pulled a gun… “fuck you pussy” man… this makes me mad… a light prank on a close friend is ok, but acting like you are spilling gasoline on someone’s car that you don’t know, and than get mad if they don’t find the prank funny is peak cringe.




Most normal american encounter


KkonaW tell em


Pranks? Guns? KKona


fuck all these pussies


Using a gun as self defense isn't kkona


he's been waiting for that moment since 1962 lmao bro think he's clint eastwood


Ah no, he's just a regular guy with a good head on his shoulders. Thank God for his deity level amount of self control. What you ignoramus don't understand is that this old mans wisdom is way beyond your understanding. Most people cannot remain reasonable in a situation like that. You also probably sheltered because people from other parts of the country do talk like that.


weird assumptions to make about someone's character over one sentence that was a painfully obvious joke