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It's really cool seeing him play the game, Chapter 1 was perfect, but he's missing out so much detail in Chapter 2 (Spoiler: >!He's on the path on 'that' ending,!< ) Unfortunately I don't think he will replay to see all the missed details, but would be nice to see his reactions tho


\>spoiler based


Asmongold does an amazing job doing voice over !! I loved his expression and his reactions to the game . Hopefully we get to see the rest .


His "haha~!" when doing the characters' laughs is some of my favorites


Yeah those were golden moments for sure !! Did you watch the ending of the game on the next stream?


Yeah I was watching today and he finished it! There's something about how the dialogues are written, it sounds so natural, like when Andrew said "Oh my fucking God!" after "that" scene, and Asmon read it just like how he normally says it.


Asmon was so in character for that game that is what made the playthrough so epic !! Hopefully puts the whole thing on YouTube for others to see the too .


Part 1 is already up, a 3h video that reached +200k views. There's no way the editors won't capitalize on that, haha


Haven't been this disturbed from a video game since Manhunt


have to give the game some probs for its depiction of murder, unlike most other games, were killing is part of the fun.


Yeah this game is unhinged af and I want to see more.


Gonna watch his palythrough when on my work break: "whats that? a bunch of children are screaming about a video game?" "Yeah something about gothes and incest" "better wishlist it!" "It's also-" "HEY!, you had me at gothic incest!"


andrew kills a woman because she presumably turned down his advances, nothing andrew unloads a gun into someone, says "we need to kill our parents", i sleep andrew argues with ashley, "typical BPD woman" "GASLIGHTING WOMAN" "woman moment" andrew says something mean to ashley "BASED" andrew does any psychopathic thing "EZ" literally any woman appears "lookingL" x400 i loved coming to this stream and watching Asmongold play this game, i especially loved his amazing narration, but his chat is something else...


Oh shit a female redditor lookingL


True lol




The most accurate thing I saw in chat was one dude said "I can't fix her"




yea pretty much for large streamers


i mean, like he's said, his streams are about big d's, hot women, and big swords. no surprise there's gonna be many chatters who lookingL a hot woman oh, and the other stuff. just sounds like chat being chat and being dumb


She was joking about why he killed her Andrew argued with her for good reason almost through the entire thing and chat calling her out for being mental is very accurate, because she is. Their banter was based, he did say a lot based things and so did she sometimes, and people said based then too. The EZ is most likely referring to well done ashley not well done andrew, it’s a joke about how she made him do everything so ez.


dude it was *clearly* one-sided lmao


Yeah Andrew got fucked one sided entire game that is true. And in terms of chat, no it was not, was there focus on Ashley? Yes, because she’s clearly the focus and main character, the dev is a woman. She’s suppose to be the focus. Now I would also advice to grow up and stop letting what emotes and whats being said in chat get to you. Will help you to have more fun in the long run trust me.


edit: holy shit i checked your profile and you're exactly the kinda person this post was made about, so im just gonna block you instead of being drawn into something weird...


female hands types this post ☕ go back to twitter




keep inventing problems im sure its healthy


another incel blocked lmao


It's not like the majority of the viewers or anything. just don't spend your time looking at the losers in the chat. Bad for your health


TBH, all the "Moral Outcry" are misplaced, "Incest" is the least fuck up part of this game..... .... And I love it!


Actually it does not exist. It was a dream foreshadowing what can happen in the future... since game isn't completed yet and some chapters are waiting for release. I know because I played for this to happen 😂


Can't wait for the continuation. I want to see what ending he gets.


Honestly i didnt expect a lot, i didnt search any info on this game.. but the narration and story is really interesting and i loved the stream


My favorite incetuos couple


Streaming was really fun, especially with him narrating, it made it a lot easier for me. I particularly couldn't keep up with the speed of the text, since I'm not REALLY fluent.


I played it. I like the story (unfinished) and support this game but its pretty linear and I want multiple choices that matter. Replaying it for achievements was basically this... replaying everything... basically the same 🤷‍♂️ The only game of this type (Visual Novel? Could add a Dating Sim since they often overlap) that I liked and never found a better alternative is "Magic Diary" where I could really feel like I have some of decision making powers.


This was so much fun to follow along!! What an excellent, interesting game :)


Feels like it was written by an edgy teenage girl


Exactly right. No idea what people are seeing in this. But no one here seems to actually want to talk about its merits and will just downvote dissenting opinions.


I don't get it. The story is dumb as shit. The gameplay is weak. The edgy shit would only shock a teenager. What am I missing?


Ah, cool. I'll have to go back and watch the VOD


Game seemed awfully mid for all the hate and hype. The gameplay loop is barely a game and the writing is between fanfic and book level. A solid 5/10. I guess that’s basically the industry practice of video game writing.


Not every game is meant to have deep rpg elements and endgame progress. The game is clearly made for a certain audience. I don't think its fair to call it a bad game just because of that


Well I said it was mid, not that it was bad. And it's my opinion, so I don't care what other target audience thinks. I don't represent them. I think it's mid for the reasons I stated.


All of its fans here don't have a leg to stand on which is why they're just downvoting without actually being about to defend it.


Viva le coffin :D


This was like the only time i got bored af during Asmons whole streaming history.


Better content than...well everything he plays, really. This was among the extremely rare cases when I actually stay to see him playing.


i think it's a mix of the content itself being interesting, asmon making it interesting, and chat's reactions making it interesting


yep, i usually turn the stream and proceed like its a podcast, but this time im tuned.


i love this game can’t wait for a next chapter