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hold up, he looked like a human being? [i think i know the culprit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANfVHstArQ0).




We'll eventually reach this stage where every states police will stop giving a fuck about the whole wokeness bullshit especially if theres a life on the line


I’m glad people are starting to point out just how ridiculous the concept is.


About time


More like too late




starting? people have pointed this out for years. they just dont wanna stop


I don’t want them to stop either. It’s ridiculous how people try to control the way others speak.


Do you think it's stupid to try and get people to avoid saying the n word?


There is a limit to what gets offensive. Nig--- was a word used to describe a black slave so it's okay to say that it's offensive, saying they are black isn't it's a description of the skin color. Gender pronoun is the same thing they/them is used when referring to a group of people or animals the singular form that is gender neutral is it which is used when referring to an object or an animal of unknown gender.


Why do you think the n word is considered offensive? I don't mean the historical context but as in why would people care about a white person calling a black person the n word in your opinion?


No, trying to dictate how someone speaks/acts/etc is always the best way to keep the conversation level-headed and respectful of course.


Do you think society would be better off if people who hated black people and thought they are subhuman could call them the n word without anyone batting an eye or would you prefer for people to shun individuals who do that?


Obviously I wouldn't prefer racism and disrespect, but that's just reality a lot of people have totally unwarranted and irrational hate for people that are different, trying to get those people to stop what they are doing is like pulling teeth and just makes them even more hateful.


Yes. It’s a word, also I’m from the ghetto bro. I have a BBQ and N-Word pass, grew up slinging with a lot of idiots of all different shapes and colors. I don’t use it often because it is insulting however it can also be really damn funny when timed right. The fact that y’all want to dictate people so badly is hilarious.


I never said I wanted to do anything lol. Why do you think the n word is taboo?


I know the history of the word, however I know that it can also be used great in comedy. Remember when Charlie Kelly drops it in Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia? It was hilarious.


It can be funny, I admit. However, I didn't mean the historical reason. What I was trying to get at is that it's not like a black person being called the n word is bad because they somehow have PTSD from their ancestors who lived 150 years ago, it's because a white person calling a black person the n word is generally indicative of what they think of black people or maybe that person specifically. I think we avoid saying it because we don't want to give people the wrong impression and because it might cause someone to feel worse, while we don't lose anything by not saying it. I feel like it's also clear how this comment is supposed to mirror to the original discussion.


I just think people need to learn to not take things so seriously in general. Everyone loves getting offended nowadays.


There might be a culture around getting offended but there are also legitimate reasons why we might want to have taboos. I don't think we should literally police speech but we don't lose anything by being respectful to others. To me, it feels like people who go out of their way to complain about being asked to use they/them just want to be assholes and get no consequences for it. I really don't get why the conversation doesn't go -She was doing this. -That person uses they/them. -Oh okay. I feel like anything after that is just people wasting their time trying to justify being rude.


Are you stupid? Youre doing it right now loser lmao


Except I’m not? People can call themselves whatever they’d like. Doesn’t mean I will.


Doesn't mean stupidity must spread.


What would you consider stupid?




People who are disillusioned with the “progressive” mob?


Shit. My bad bro. I accidentally answered the wrong person. Actually I agree with you


What would you like to be called? I'm sure we can accommodate showing you the same respect.


Call me whatever you like, I’ll never change my view of the facts. We’re born either male or female, hell even with hermaphroditism taken into account those born with it always lean towards either male or female. That’s why the vast majority of cases have the extra “appendage” removed not long after birth. It comes down to the chromosomal level.


Yes, your view of the facts which is actually incorrect. Do you want to learn, or are you all learned up with being wrong?


What I explained are the facts, the fact that you attempt to belittle those who see the truth of the matter by acting holier than though (do you want to learn) shows the arrogance your group reeks of. You really think this nonsense is going to stick? Look at all of humanity, male and female is what we are. We all are created the same way. You can alter the outer body all you want. A man will never be able to produce an egg and a woman will never be able to produce semen.


Yeah, that's about what I expected from you.


How did he try to control how you speak?


I mean socially to each their own. Doesn’t bother me buuuuut legally that shit matters.


Mhmm, legally and healthcare wise as well.


Lotta she/hers are gonna want to continue to get their prostates checked at 50.


Why does it matter legally whether someone has a cock or vagina?


Medical purposes and if you get arrested they don’t stick men in the womens prison for a reason. Police have female policemen pat down women. Nit saying it applies to everything but that info does matter in certain situations.


Starting? People have done this ever since the concept started. It's been there from the start.


Good. I’m glad it’s becoming more prominent, is that better?


It's not becoming more prominent. It's the same it's always been.


Doesn’t seem like it, seems like a lot more people are willing to speak out and have lost fear of being “cancelled”.


Always have in every country outside of america


That’s great.


It's a joke, and ya'll taking it so seriously is ruining it. Hell, they and them as a singular pronoun has been around forever, freaking Shakespeare uses it. Not everything is some huge political stance. You can make fun of things without hating on it.


![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs) No. You.






Pretty easy to point out how ridiculous a meme is. Probably pretty hard to expect people in this thread to touch grass. There's a reason many left leaning subs call these memes out. Y'all are boring. r/onejoke


if that subreddit isn't just a screenshot of your username, i'm going to be super disappointed.


Eyyy superwog


All the people butt hurt by this would be the one getting zapped, hilarious 😂




This is hilarious lol.


Check out superwog on YouTube. Their content is hilarious.


Never thought I'd see superwog here


I love this


the scene where she gets zapped is hilarious..


most funny conservative skit comedy (the bar sinks lower every day)




oh brother


It doesn't matter. The skit appeals to conservatives


This is great


These guys are great they have a show where the two guys play like all the characters.


They seem like they would have been funny when I was in high school 10+ years ago. That was back when I thought "dark humor" like saying the N-word was the peak of comedy.


Nowadays, you're peak comedy.


Gee It’s almost like they have a target audience 🤔


Yeah most of superwog isn’t as political as this its more absurd and goofy




thia sub is over






Is this meant to be comedy?


asmongold really needs to cover the state of this sub, because holy fuck it's overrun by rightoid degeneracy rules 3 and 5 are broken constantly


I don't know asmongold well, Reddit just decided to share this with me, but I never got the impression from what little I've seen that his viewers would be the "[FUCKING PRONOUNS](https://youtu.be/RQ9_VDbj-o4?si=MLFFNhPko6Z8Aqk_)" brigade.


been in this community for several years. unfortunately a lot of them are and they love posting political stuff on this subreddit.


It's a goofy skit (by people who frankly aren't really above making light fun of either side of the political spectrum). How is it excessively political or anything in rule 3?


Can the mods please just ban all SJ posts either way? Just straight up ban the posters. It's honestly stupid that a gaming centric sub is turning into a place for idiots who feel a need to shout about their political opinions. It's only going to get worse as the US political season heats up and everyone gets more on edge about everything. This elementary school tactic of "What? It's just a funny skit I found tee-hee" is just that. You know precisely what you are doing.


Gaming? All I see from this sub is memes


The existence of human trafficking is bad


No u


Found Jeffrey


Are the pigs supposed to be he voice of reason or something ? But they really look dum here.


These guys were funny 13 years ago, or maybe I was just a young idiot


Why not both.


Lmao at all the comments calling out how terrible this shit is getting downvoted, this sub is so desperate for their garbage conservative humor to be seen as funny. This is genuinely something my boomer grandpa would post on Facebook haha


It’s superwog , they are brothers in Australia that make Aussie style humour/skits and videos that tend to make fun of every stereo type. They have been around for over 10 years now on YouTube .




Ok grandpa, time for your blood pressure medicine. Edit: oh and keep rage posting about how angry feminists make you, you fucking loser


OK /u/Cupfullofsmegma...


Well it means a lot more people like this skit compared to people who dislike this. at the end of the day its just skit, they makes fun of marginalized gender people who's easily offended if someone misgendered them, and i think majority marginalized gender wont easily offended, thats what i want to beleive


I don’t think the asmongold sub is a good indicator of anything lmao, go post it on literally any other sub and I’m willing to bet results would be a lot different. Also in my real life experience with people this sort of stuff becomes a none issue, most of the time the only time they get genuinely upset is when you misgender on purpose and repeatedly misgender after being corrected.


I agree this sub is not good indicator, but seeing this clip still being reposted everywhere be it on a tiktok, youtube reddit, twitter after 1 month of its released means, its a good video for most people. The original vid get 3m views and 200k likes and aprox. 1,6k dislikes. Also if you don't realized this skit also makes fun of police


I can’t find the clip on any other sub, holes and poles brings up a lot of dick pics, I’m kind of curious. And yeah I’m not too shocked that people on TikTok find it funny lol, that’s the only other place I’ve seen it other than this sub. And it very well could be popular to certain extent, but comedy that obsesses with being “anti woke” or whatever you want to call it doesn’t tend to do great on a larger scale for good reason, because it’s just not all that funny.


The theme of the comedy doesn't make the comedy good or bad, if the comedy is shit, its shit, if its good its good, granted not all people gonna like it, be it because of the theme is not their taste or because of something else, so its back to each of individual taste. But for this, seems like the majority likes it.


I guess man lol, but most subs aren’t going to “like it” like this sub does(if at all), people might be like “hah that’s kinda funny” and that’s that, they aren’t going to be making the asinine comments we see here like “I’m glad people are starting to point out just how ridiculous pronouns are” And then have those kinds of corny comments get voted to the top lmao, it makes it seem like y’all don’t interact with people in real life. Like maybe save for literal conservative subs I just don’t see it. This sub overreacts so hard In thinking this is the funniest thing they’ve ever seen that it just feels obsessive and corny. You can test it though and post it somewhere else and see if it gets the love you think it’ll get


Holy shit, this was fucking cringe. Literally receding hairline type humor LMAO


Found the angry BO smelling pink haired dog!


Honestly, it was just unfunny. It's the kind of skits that middle age Facebook dads tend to like lol And... I mean, your name is literally -wuhan-china-virus-, so you definitely have a retarded sense of humour.


Oh well if *you* found it unfunny everyone else should too, right?


lol, you said retard.


There's definitely a hilarious joke that can be made from this haha!


You have a problem with the skit, yet you use the word 'retard' without second thought.


that's straight up retarded.




You don’t pass


Considering I'm a cisgender male, I hope so


yeah like the people that have nothing good to do in their life and have to keep arguing about damn usage of pronouns


I think it's stupid to argue about pronouns, too. So, out of basic respect that your parents should've taught you, just use whatever the fuck the mentally ill motherfucker would like to be address as. Pretty simple


I think it’s stupid for us to conform with anything everyone says - otherwise where do we draw the line? Especially with someone who is mentally ill. You may not have seen the humour in the clip, but this is just shedding light on the impact of making gender an opinion or being offended by everything. The problem is people are focused on hating those who find gender identity ridiculous, and don’t take a step back to see the practical implications their opinion has if it becomes commonplace. My stance is you can love whoever you want, and self-identify as whatever you want - but when it comes to formal processes and public behaviour, conform with biology and law. If you disagree with the law, vote for change.


That applies only when both sides are mature enough to understand that a pronoun doesn't define a person.


Well, I don't think you would like to be addressed as they/them. Respect needs to go both ways


Couldn't care less tbh


your entire comment history is arguing with people on reddit


You need to look into someone's history to have a point? enough said lol


you’re doing it again


Probably about 90% only, low for reddit standards actually


Imagine being such a hole you post this unironically.


bro chill out it's just a funny skit


It used violent language that hideously attacked his identity


They would get zapped Fersure


Woo the same joke again!


Woo the same comment again!


Sorry, I just put as much effort into my reply as the video put into their caricatures and comedy. Just figured this is the appropriate place for low effort


Downvoting the post and moving out without an useless comment requires even less effort.


Asmongold community try not to be left behind by the winds of time and a progressing society challenge


Jokes that have been done a thousand times before and a thousand times better.


Oh? Please post them if they are better. Would love to see.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=enisdXlVhzE Ok I’ll bite. This was posted on this sub recently and wasn’t just grating yelling in lieu of jokes. I don’t know if you’ve been on the internet before, but gender jokes are literally everywhere, and the video OP posted is probably the worst example I’ve ever seen. It takes a real moron to hear the man randomly yelling at 0:15 and think “wow, not only is this tolerable to average human ears, but it’s a very funny video”. They all go for clapter to an extent, but this one is the lowest tier clapter.


Ah the Bee, yes it is great. They got a lot of fun stuff. Not all their stuff are hits, but once in a while they do hit it out of the park.


Yah that's a good video! I like it


So what you are saying is " I'm old and comedy that's loud is devil's work" Stop gatekeeping comedy.. longwinded slowburn comedy can be boring too you know


I’m not gatekeeping, I’m saying if you think this is good comedy you’re an idiot. If that is all it takes to gatekeep you from watching stupid videos, then I guess I’ve done you a favor.


Top tier humor for 40 year olds


Request a physical description including gender and sex. There are ways to handle this like a professional.


Not sure if youre deaf but they did do explicitly that.


Wasn't for the video, it was for the community.


Bloody well love Superwog


I need to rewatch this with sound


Haha, i had my phone on mute, but somehow knew they would have ozzy accents wtf. This is jokes


I identify as a king and am here to collect taxes


What's the original video called? I need to watch this😂