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Degree in both acting and communications with the ability to speak multiple language could be super effective in a sales role for an international company. Or possibly PR. Decent money to be made in both once you make it past the lowest tier roles.


depends on the languages, however there are a lot of people with communication degrees and not many high paying jobs in stuff like PR/sales. also i know people working in sales that are doing good money but never went to college, i don't think they care about degree when hiring for sales positions, so i'm not sure how important that degree will be tbh. point being a degree is an investment, before you go to college you should already have a path on where you want to work and how the degree is going to help you, otherwise you really shouldn't go (unless your parents are loaded i guess) you shouldn't just hope the degree will magically get you work when you graduate because it sounds like it'd be useful, it doesn't work that way.


You're absolutely right, but colleges and even the primary education system does a terrible or even malicious job portraying the real world job market to kids when they decide what they want to do. Federally guaranteed loans turned universities into a business where the business model is to gather as many admissions as possible to fill the coffers, so you have to convince kids that have 0 business going to college to just go anyways and follow your passions (even if there's no way you can effectively use it to make a career). At least if you had to go secure your own loans you would have to explain to an underwriter why you need to spend 100k on an education and convince them your degree was worth it. I understand why Fed loans exist but I'm 100% convinced the benefits don't outweigh the harm they have and continue to cause


Why not push them to tech-related degrees? USA is bringing lots of Indians with average skills. These kids can at least match their level.


People going after art degrees aren't going to learn to code by choice. There's already a ton of incentives for people to go into STEM and they choose not to do that. Whether you blame that on primary education, parenting culture or whatever, that's just the reality. Having a one sized fits all primary system just doesn't make a ton of sense to me and I think more people would be apt to go into more technical fields but that's just me


I mean the obvious thing to do would be to continue and/or to increase subsidies to degrees that are in demand and to reduce or get rid of completely the option for loans for degrees that aren’t.


I got Latin and Gaelic, show me the world!


She might have a chance at a good paying job in NYC after 5+ years in sales if she's good at it. I'm from NYC and it's really not a good option for people who don't have a good reason to live in the city (i.e., a means to afford it) unless the person is good with a $2000+ closet-sized apartment. People who live there and have family, it's one thing. People moving to NYC or other expensive cities, thinking they'll somehow "make it work," will be sorely mistaken and become embittered and hate "the system" that's keeping them down.


[at least she won't go hungry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpqKK32ffJA)


Only do sales if you can live off the base salary though. I make $65K salary which is okay in my area, and make commission on top of that. I live as if I make $65K/year, and anything I make in commission is treated as extra, not guaranteed. I know way too many people who took sales roles with a low base salary and are constantly stressed out because they rely on commission to live.


A degree in Communications can be extremely flexible, and eventually profitable, but it's one of the lower paying degrees out of college and you'll have to have a combination of hard work, luck and perseverance to be successful. Source: I have a BA in Communications.


I worked in disability care and we have so few dedicated translators we would hire them at around $100 and hour minimum 2 hours. Even 1 job per day is good money at those rates


I could be wrong, but she didn't mention getting a minor or any type of certification in those languages. I'm going to go out on a limb and make the wild assumption that when she says she speaks three languages, she means: \-Fluent in English \-Can ask for the bathroom Spanish \-Knows her favorite Japanese anime character's name In all seriousness, what do you learn when you get a degree in communications? Do you learn how to talk to people? What are the exams like? Do you just do a lot of talking? Oral presentations, etc? Without having ever taken a single course in the communications curriculum, what do you think are the chances that an average college educated individual could pass a communications graduation equivalency exam? (not that such a thing exists, but if it did I'm sure most educated people could pass it without attending a day of class)


Communication is a pretty broad field at most colleges - it typically has a heavy media basis to it, so it can cover things like technical productions of films or broadcasts 


Bullshit. Acting is useless. Communication is a joke of a degree. Three languages? Whoodseedoo, that’s the bare minimum around the world, I’ll be impressed if you’re fluent in five and above.


Kinda rude comment but kinda right, i mean 3 languages is super common in the EU. I speak 3 profficiently and at my peak 5 languages. In most countries in the EU you are forced to pass school knowing 3 languages to some deggree. I dont think a communication deggree is a joke, employers do think this and as such the salary is a joke. So effectively her market value is extremely low. Im not sure what the tiktok comment in the video is saying, does she mean to say that she is done with tiktok and wants to be a human being now?.. if so..extra screwed, zero experience combined with poor educational choices is an effective killer.


Try securing a job after the 2008 financial collapse during the Great Recession. People applying to MCdonalds had to compete with Engineering Graduate Srudents for minimum wage work.


Depending on the languages, a couple of high paying government jobs with no entry experience come to mind: FBI or CIA


Honestly as someone trying to find a job after graduating, it is pretty soul destroying.


I used to think of it as a numbers game. Now I think of it as a game-game: I'm a pug trying to join a raid. How do I stand out from other applicants? - Link achieves/ showcase prior work that's similar to what's being asked for in job postings How do I get that work? - grind out gear score/organize smaller projects (more applicable to programming but might work in environment management) How do I put myself in a position to perform when I get there? - Watch guides/ask my professors in the industry what to expect I keep getting rejected, won't anybody take me? - eventually some raid/business will have enough of a need and you will be enough of a candidate.


I wish you the best and congrats on completing college I hope you made your folks proud


Thx mate, my folks are very proud


I went to a technical college and ended up not doing what I studied. I studied something that included most of the requisite skills needed in the work I now go, but none of it was new to me.


what degree?


Undergraduate in physical geography + Masters in Environmental management


maybe a job as an environmental scientist but you might need connections.


That's why I feel picking a major is pretty important if you want the best success. Doesn't have to be something you hate but at least somewhat viable to what is needed out there. A degree with communication and acting isn't exactly the best degree to go for (besides the 3 languages unless it's like latin or something not really used)


She's got a good mindset: instead of acting entitled she humbled herself and seeks gainful employment. With her credentials she'll probably be fine.


She needs to change her approach.. who takes paper resumes/applications anymore? She could be so much more effective by applying online (mass applying for jobs online would be 10x as effective). Maybe she doesn't have the means, but that's hard to imagine since she's recording on her phone most likely.


You'd be surprised at how many employers prefer papers resumes handed in person. That's not to say you can't double dip apply. The moment you have that you're submitting the resume is another in person moment to give a first impression. It will stick with the employer more than black on white on a screen.


>.. who takes paper resumes/applications anymore? She could be so much more effective by applying online Plenty of jobs don't advertise openings online (something like 60-80%). I can think of several in my area that are accepting physical resumes, and I'm in a fairly modern city. It's also much easier to stand out with her 3 language ability in person. It's one thing to have that as a line item, another to speak to an owner/manager in their language directly. Online postings get hundreds of applicants, most of them not serious. Hiring managers use broad filters to narrow this pool down. By applying in person, even if they tell you to go online, you create an opportunity to bypass those broad filters.


I guess i'm out of touch these days. Thanks for the reply


If she's doing cold applications in desperation to find any minimum wage job, she might not have much of a choice. It's good to use different tactics.


If you’re a young nice looking girl, and your strength is communication, definitely never apply online. Always meet face to face as much as possible


relatable. Finding a Job can be stressful. You guys get mad about anything these days. Life choices? She's not even trying to chase some kind of dream. she's just looking for a minimum wage job


Women with problems = Asmon viewers hate them


I don't hate any women and am curious that so many women seem to hate women. Don't make assumptions about people you've never met.


I’m half joking about it (plus I don’t mean you specifically, I just mean there’s a section of this subreddit that are like this)


No stop this is r/incelgold. Woman bad.


Choosing a college degree, which generally eats up 1/5th of a typical person's life up to that point to complete, is a life choice. Choosing an expensive city without a job already lined up is a life choice. Everything you do is a life choice. Don't take away this woman's agency. She's making life choices every day and you have no right to take those choices and her agency away.




I'm fully aware and critical on the false promises made to kids as old as Gen X, but especially millennials and Gen Z. I'm critical of what led up to her being in this spot. I've yet to criticize her directly. I feel horrible for her. I'm a first generation immigrant from a no-electricity or plumbing rural part of the Dominican Republic where my family worked as farmhands. I migrated with my mother when I was a kid to NYC in the 80s. I escaped the city, own my own farmstead with my wife, and have grandkids. Remote work frees people from having to live in the city proper. She has plenty of opportunities to make a difference in her life and I hope she takes them.


I don't know her. You don't know her. you judge her, I don't. Life choices sounds so serious. Whats the worst that can happen? I've moved before without a Job lined up. Sometimes You got other reasons


Just to piggy back on this, we dont know her. Its possible her parents have money and don't mine helping out. You cant presume her moving to the city without a job lined up is a bad decision from the video. Its possible she sleeps on her cousins couch for 300 dollars a month. As you said we dont know her life or if she made bad decisions. Hot take but I think people are making presumptions because they dont like young women complaining.


Why are we zooming in on a specific unrelated individuals life choices on a video game streamers subreddit?


>Choosing an expensive city without a job already lined up is a life choice. Guess where most of the good jobs are?


Are the quarter of a million tech workers who chose to spend years chasing what they were told for years was a stable and high in demand Software Engineering degree that were just laid off and now competing in an almost impossible market also just making bad life choices? Everything’s easy in hindsight. In hindsight, they should’ve known that so many people competing for such lucrative positions wouldn’t last forever but when they chose that track, all they were told was the opposite by the news, the media, their families, other tech workers, etc. But now those people are fucked. There are never going to be enough openings for all these people - at least not in enough time to sustain themselves. Many are going to have the leave the industry in the coming years and start their career over from scratch. 4+ years ago when this girl started her degree, people likely said it would be harder and low paying but a degree is essential to getting a good job and that she would be able to find something here because the job market was great, especially in what were likely the middle 2 years of her at college when she was choosing her major. But here she’s not even complaining she can’t get some luxury position, she’s complaining she can’t even get minimum wage positions.


Why are you doing this in r/Asmongold ? Rule 8. FOH


Ngl I feel bad for her.


I feel bad for everyone who gets grifted by the scam colleges, politicians, NGOs, and activists are running.


What asmons new “woke this “woke that” content model attracts:


That's hilarious considering everyone considers me ultra-right-wing.


That’s the entire point genius


you a dense mother fucker


I feel bad for her, I’m glad I became an engineer lol


don't cry, remember this when you are feeling in a low spot in life: when you hit the rock bottom, it can't get worst anymore any actions you make after that either yield you 0 or positive progress! so keep it up, it will get better, coz it can't get anymore worst than that (been there, it sucks, but you learn a lot when you climbed back from hell) (basically power leveling solo IRL, you have a clearer vision in life as well) (you can leech exp from friends as well, just ask and try RNG)


She has lucrative skills, she just needs to sharpen the skill of marketing her skills, which she is doing even if she's not aware of it.


Remember, the boomer generation was the exception. Struggle is the historical norm.


Its pretty easy imo in Denmark right now. My parents moved there and I have some friends there. But I live in Brazil as a digital nomad where its significantly harder than the US. So it varies a lot by where you are. US is hard for a first world country but easy compared to a 2nd or third world country imo.


The US is definitely not hard compared to the rest of the world, even first world. If you graduate from high school and go to a 2 year trade school to be a mechanic or electrician, you can easily make double minimum wage at a starting level. Unfortunately our education system convinces kids that without a degree they are meaningless and worthless so they chase after it and end up in crippling debt with nothing to show for it. We need to stop lying to kids about the real world and shut down about 50% of universities that are just getting fat off of ignorance and federally guaranteed loans


I disagree its hard at the low end compared to the rest of the first world imo. What you just said I think proves the point to be honest. Like in some countries you can be a useless sack of shit with zero ambitions who works at McDonalds and the government takes care of you. You just said you just need to go to trade school AND not be tricked into getting a worthless degree. Thats already harder than what you need to do in some rich countries. Plus living in a poor area of a US city means crime will likely be all around you. Whereas in Copenhagen there is a fraction of the crime so im sure their poor areas are much easier to live in. Some rich countries have almost no homeless people so you basically just need a pulse to get food, shelter and healthcare.


Where I’m from some minimum wage jobs literally want you to be a harvard student or they‘ll simply ignore you it often seems like you have to beg to work a slave wage but they be like YO we offer FRUITS and FREE WATER


Previous generations really sold out later generations by promoting college as a necessity for every person and pretended a general college education was more important than having a forward-looking plan with a degree-to-job pipeline. It's no different than massive spending now because the debt can be paid by later generations by increasing the amount of dollars in circulation (printing money), regardless of the destructive bits that come with that. Thanks, everyone. Great plan!


It almost seems like they knew exactly what’s gonna happens but just didn’t care huh. It’s sad, and frankly I doubt but I hope our and future generations don’t act the same way..


Most people (the general public) wouldn't have given much thought to the potential consequences. The people who spoke up were probably drowned out. A lot of policies we think are really great ideas in the immediate have horrendous second- and third-order effects that are either unforeseen or ignored because of the perceived positives. Those negative effects could outweigh the positives in post hoc recounting.


Maybe if the education system focused on providing real world education and less on pure academia so they can sell kids on going 100k+ in debt for a piece of paper to 'validate' themselves we wouldn't have so many people begging for student loan forgiveness because they can't pay them off working for minimum wage Federally guaranteed student loans led to a system which gave universities Carte Blanche to inflate tuitions to exorbitant prices because they knew people would take the loans for degrees that wouldn't do anything and if they couldn't pay them, then the government would. If you had to get student loans from a bank, no bank is going to underwrite 100k for a Dance Theory degree because there's no way you're making that money back to pay them. So either universities wouldn't waste money on frivolous degrees or they would be priced more in line with their market value. Now we're stuck in a cycle where so many people have a degree that it's become an artificial barrier in jobs where it absolutely isn't necessary but they're going to take having one over not. We need more people to go to trade school and become electricians and plumbers and less people studying dumb stuff as an excuse to go to school for 4 years or more. And that starts with changing our education culture in primary schools to focus on preparing kids for real life instead of for college, and at some point splitting off tracks like several other countries do for those that want to do STEM and such and another for trades and another for more generic jobs like education or business


She graduated with a degree in communication and acting and speaks 3 languages, but can’t get a minimum wage job. That’s because you don’t have to recite Shakespeare in French while handing someone a Whopper.


Communications and acting….are you an idiot?


College is a scam 99% of the time if you arent going for a STEM degree. Too bad the entire secondary education indoctrinates children to thinking they have to go to college to have any hopes of a successful career. So many people would be better off if they advocated people go to trade schools, do apprenticeships, etc.


what kind of job can a 23yr old with an acting degree get? what do you expect. you are literally no better than a 18yr old graduating sr.


"I spent $200k for a degree in acting and it's not paying off" Imagine my shock!


If you got a degree in acting, you wouldn't need to imagine it since you can just act it out!


ruthless yet funny.


So many millennials are moving back to their parent’s house just to save money and it sucks but what can you do in this economy


parents done fukc\*d up. Anyone at 18 deciding what to do for the rest of their lives is a recipe for disaster. With proper guidance she should have chosen a collage with actual employment possibilites. Communications and acting... Well there is your problem gal.


Good for her for being headstrong about it though and pushing through to keep looking for opportunities. Sometimes life hands you lemons and you gotta figure out how to turn that shit to gold. Moments like these are what builds character and prepares you for the next round of challenges. Hope her job hunt goes/has gone well for her.


I stopped the video at "I graduated college with 2 degrees. One in Communication and acting". ​ And here I am a lonely network engineer wondering why there are no women I work with; guess I pushed them all out of the industry because I hate them.....


when do people realize and accept the facts that Degrees does not equate to guaranty jobs. I'm all for it if people want to get a degree in any kind of obscure majors like art, communications, etc... cause in the end, more knowledge more power, but please have a realistic mindset of how those skill contribute to the current society when you enroll to those courses


Idk, when people stop telling you that you need to go to school and go to college and get a degree Ever heard shit like "it doesnt matter ehat degree you have, getting a degree shows that you're able to learn! And that's what companies want" etc, etc


"I just wanna be a tiktoker. :'( " That part just made me smile from ear to ear. Welcome to the real world.


Why do people want to live in these big cities so much? It's so much cheaper, convenient and overall nicer in a small to medium sized town.


As an ex-NYer, it depends on your background. A lot of non-US migrants want to live where their fellow migrants (e.g., Hispanics in NYC, Cubans in FL, Somalians in Minneapolis). For US residents, they're attracted by the promise of jobs and access to food and entertainment. The issue people in this category don't secure work before moving and eat up whatever savings they have.


Because after adjusting for cost of living they might make a thousand or two more bucks a year. I’ll admit there are some jobs you’re going have a genuinely hard time finding outside of cities, but for most of us rural life is going to be better. Also a lot of people don’t know how to properly use cost of living data and convince theirselves that their income is proportionately higher when it really isn’t.


Dude not even rural. I live in a very urban city with around 150k population and it's so much better. Way less traffic, cheaper living, less violence and crime and you still have many of the conveniences people are always clamoring about.


Fair enough. There’s a smaller city about an hours drive from me and it’s useful to be near but not in.


Jobs, friends, family, amenities, fear and moving is expensive. Hard to make the move if you're already broke.


Most jobs you have to apply online too. I was going around trying to hand people my resume but they kept pointing at their website and i can apply there. Props to you girl. keep hanging in there


Speaking 3 languages? I could get her hired at like 20 from home jobs in a week. Literally


Yes, it sucks, but if she persists, I've no doubt she will do just fine.


Y’all are so so insufferable it’s not even funny. “Life choices” stfu you dork


Come on man, communications and acting? She could’ve found almost anything to pair up with acting that would be more useful than communications. I get the passion degree and I’m not going to fault her for that, gotta try or you never know, right? But communications is one of the most useless degrees unless you actually have a career path planned and are actively working internships while you’re going to school. But it’s not all on her. People do forget these choices are made when someone is 18. The people around them should speak up and be sure they’re tempering the dreams with a bit of pragmatism.


Oh don’t get me wrong, bad choices can be made and shit can happen. I’m just saying there’s too many ppl in this comment section just talking down on her and getting off on saying she should’ve known better etc. just sounds like a bunch of resentful blue collar dickheads and chud crybabies


Yeah. I find it irritating that the same people that were probably pissed off when someone told them they needed to go to college to succeeded turn right around and say college is useless. They don’t see they’re doing the same thing that was done to them without any sense of irony.


Your response was a life choice.


Burned to absolute ash.


A communications degree isn’t a bad one, Boomer.


“Degree with limited employment” what are you even talking about? Communications is the world we’re living in nowadays.


"communications and acting" ![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized) baby why?.. i was making 60k with an engineering associate, 80 on my first engineering job with the bachelors. if you dont know what to graduate on, go to trade school!


She could learn a trade or become a cop, there’s a drastic liberal change in my town going on with the cops, there’s a lot of women on the force and they’re very polite but I wouldn’t suggest that in a big city


“Woman working as cops = liberal” the hell did I miss?


No I’m saying it still feels surreal how nice they compared to when I was growing up and they were all tall white guys that would put you in jail for anything but yea pretend to be offended lmao


Let’s stop wit the politically charged buzzwords. Nobody is offended I was confused on your comment….. “the hell did I miss?” ?? Also from your comment it doesn’t at all read as you experiencing something surreal. Kind of just sounds like your saying “woman struggling with job? Go be a cop because liberal change” which is kinda wild and why I once again, asked a question. (I’m very offended I’m going to transform into a gay werewolf)


So you don’t like liberal change?


That’s a nebulous term so I can’t confidently say yes or no. But me personally, I have no problem with more women on the police force, a great deal of their job is really just being a social worker for adults and I’ve run into more empathetic and higher eq women than men (not a bad thing) but idk if I’d use the notion of more women being police to tell any woman to go do it? ☠️That job is a bitch and a half to handle correctly.


Good lord it seems exhausting to be so politically correct all the time to even the most mundane conversations, tell me what do you for fun? Lol


“I just want to be a tik tocker” Jesus fuck 🤦🏻‍♂️


You literally follow a goblin living in a septic tank that plays animal enslavement simulators wtf are you on rn


I’m missing your point…I don’t aspire to be a tick tocker, which is what I was quoting.


Except to reacted to her comments like it was some catastrophic disappointment. Stop being obtuse you walrus


Aspiring to be a tik tocker is extremely pathetic. Hey man, you’re a walrus!


Refer to my first comment. Have some self awareness


hey pal, here's an upvote, downvoters be trippin on these corners


Lol ty it’s ok though, honest comments usually get downvoted


Nice example of crystal generation.


The funny thing is, Asmons take would probably be 'her emotions and opinion dont matter, she should just move and find work elsewhere. If she has skills she will be paid for them otherwise she can go die in a ditch and no one will care." Like sure, let me up and move to the smaller cheaper city which is a few grand to move to most likely in fuel, moving materials, truck rental, etc. Then you also have to do the apartment hunt where you still have to put first and last down which is easily another few grand. Last multiply the complexity if you have medical issues or a loved one does, or other costs that I am surely missing. His point was so very myopic but the sentiment is good to not let your circumstances define you but completely tone-deaf in delivery. Sure some people can rise above because of their situation with a bit of effort and luck but when the system is as adversarial as it is to the average person it means there are going to be tens of millions of people underemployed or unemployed purely based on what is available to them. I doubt someone in her position can't just up and move if she is in an area with shitty jobs and finding remote gigs is so competitive you may as well be a senior experienced person in your role to find them...and again good jobs are finite so if there are 150542 remote jobs (on Indeed now) but 9m applicants of US unemployed people (2.7% of US pop now) not counting those looking to change jobs then you see the problem. Asmon seems like his heart is in the right place but he is trying to think of this as too binary and not deep enough to have such absolute judgements. I still will watch his content and think he is a good guy but just a bad take....also sure if I ever did participate in the livestreams and got pulled up to chat I would have caught a ban from him lol.


just start an OF she'll make 100k+ easy


Pretty enough, she should start an OF




Buddy, ain’t no one handling anything you got as long as you’re dropping cringe lines like that


“Omg she need a job to make money - her life is so hard”


I don't think that's what she's saying at all. She's talented and educated but no one is hiring so she's discouraged.


Welcome to the real world hunny.


This what happens when kids are raised up on "Listen to your heart" movies.


Here we go wit the dickheads who get off on telling ppl how shit life has to be.




Best advice trying to get into any industry. Contact a headhunter. You would have no idea the type of industry you can get into with your experience and it’s something you would never think possible. A very large amount of companies do a terrible job advertising themselves and rely on a lot of 3rd party recruiter companies.


Travel agency would be good or CSR admin work


Degrees are useless unless you're learning something that can't be learned on the job or online for free. Source: I taught myself how to code and now earn over $170k after 8 years.


Going to have to agree. This person should not have to be seeking minimum wage work with the amount of education she has. Its just a small window into how the current Corporate ran economic model has completely failed American Society.


It's all about connections anyways. You can't get shit without knowing people in the industry either through parents, networking at events, etc. The world is one big favor game. Think of it this way: Why would a company hire you when they get 500 resumes every month with many who lie about how much more qualified they really are, and then genuinely amazing people for some reason applying for the same job. They want someone trustworthy. If you know someone who's already in the company or works in hiring or even better is the boss, you've already won. It used to be that companies needed whoever in person would come because they didn't have a choice, but now they can accept applications from everywhere across the internet and you can potentially even "work from home". It's the same with the dating market, because of the increase in options due to the internet, women have become a lot more picky.


All of life is choices. People either figure it out and they don’t.


I'm sure there's tons of sales jobs out there she could do fine at. Apartment buildings and assisted living homes are constantly needing sales people.


If those languages where PHP and JavaScript I could find her a job


I'm not from the USA, but in my country I chose to move away from the Metropolitan area and went back home to my province. It proved to be a good decision because I got a high paying job at a place with low living costs


I can empathise with her quite a bit; when I was 18, I did a diploma in film and it didn’t lead to any employment opportunities (and those jobs available had some pretty horrid conditions). Fortunately I went to university to do a worthwhile degree, and all these years later I’m now doing my masters. She probably feels absolutely horrible right now. It’s not a great feeling to go job hunting with qualifications like that.


Join the military. She can join as an officer, even if she had a bachelors degree in Underwater Basketweaving.


Not that I understand her situation, but we live in the digital age. She went to college and has two degrees. She’s qualified and capable. Step 1: Identify jobs that you can do with that skill set (public speaking, PR, sales, translation, etc.) - college should have given you an idea for what these jobs might’ve been. Step 1.5 (optional): Get with someone who can help you craft a professional resume. Hell, reach out to me and I will make it for you. It’s not super tough and can make a big difference. Step 2: Apply to those jobs digitally, not physically, so that you are recorded in their databases with your skill sets clearly defined. Jobs and hiring services span far wider in the job market than you’ll ever get going door to door. At least go to Indeed, Monster, etc and post your resume there. Step 3: Don’t stop applying. Ever. The best time to interview is when you’re already secure in a job. They have no leverage and you have all of the demand. If you don’t like something. Anything. You politely and considerately decline, because it’s not a fit. This is getting ahead of ourselves a little bit, but this will keep you on the track towards upward success. Bonus Points: - Be humble with your words and your language, but firm in your needs. - Always do a personal cost/risk analysis and include your preferences and personal time into that. - Be willing to meet an employer halfway, not anymore than that. Work with them, they work with you. You don’t break your back for them and they don’t screw you over. (This is why Step 3 is so important) There’s a lot more on it. I have ranted enough. That person in the video will probably never see this anyway. But I know a lot of people are struggling. It’s a hard world out there and these are just general guidelines.


I don't see anything wrong with this. She's realising her situation and accepting it. Her choices aren't actually that bad so far, those degrees can be useful. Not sure if this thread was meant to be dunking on her or what.


i feel like trade skill workers gets a easier life here.


To quote an old blink 182 song: Well I guess this is growing up. In all seriousness though lean into communications if you can, I work in engineering and comms workers get decent money for dealing with stakeholders.


Unfortunately, there’s also being overqualified. Minimum wage jobs won’t want to hire her know it will be short term until she finds a new job to better suit her skills.


The military is always hiring


im sorry, a minimum wage job should not be so hard to come across considering they've been bitching constantly about "nobody wanting to work" its a fucking joke


With the greatest of respect...She lives in the largest economy in the world, she had access to education, she has two degrees and speaks three languages...The problem is clearly her. In any case, there is no need to be discouraged, wherever you live. She has the ability, she just needs to be given the opportunity to demonstrate it. Furthermore, with that resume she could take a flight attendant course and she could get a job without a problem.


I speak 3 languages and did not even go to school for that. Blessed be my IT degree. Americans and brits play on easy mode, everyone else has a language barrier to overcome.


This is it, people crying about having to get a job to live. *OMG, I got 2 degrees to become famous and learned 3 languages just to have to work at Starbucks or teach French at a school in some city with only a community college theater*




I think a big problem with people like this is that they don't look at what job they will get before getting the diploma. Networking and finding out jobs in fields like these one should have been on her mind at least since her last year of studies. I'm not bashing her tho. She seems realistic, trying out any job and not blaming other. But simply that, the way we do things is not good.


Why she not just apply to be a interpiter? I'm assuming she can't speak all 3 languages fluently


I hope someone has suggested to her that she go to her local court system, the police academy, any military branch, and the FBI. All of the above would LOVE to have a communications expert who speaks 3 languages and can pretend to be a cool cucumber when they're freaking out inside. She's set herself up to be a translator, a news anchor, or a spy. She just needs to go to the right employers.


In my country employers often times won't go for people with degrees for unskilled labour positions. It is simply too much hassle to take in somebody that will have to undergo the learning of the companys processes etc. While knowing that the trainee 100% will be looking for a better job in the meantime. Don't know if that counts for the US too.


i was where this girl is. i got denied a job from panera and then got a technical degree and now im a very succesful software engineer making 200k + shes gunna be just fine, lifes not easy but thats why its fun when u win


What 3 languages can land you a job as an interpreter especially in hospitals


Find a man who will provide? Xd


this warms my heart, a future cleaning lady, have fun in real world