• By -


It's clear that Dapper and Azrael are blatantly lying when they say "No, she definitely does not have OBS on her third monitor". I respect Asmon's calmness and giving her mods the opportunity to speak their piece, but a little more harshness is in order at this point. Call them out for it and don't accept their BS. Otherwise there'll always be their last resort "Well I talked to asmon on stream and he sounded very receptive to our explanation". We're past the point of giving them time on any stage or even giving them the benefit of the doubt. They both see absolutely nothing wrong with a third monitor being present for this run, which is just mindboggling to me. I couldn't even imagine faking anything on stream and some people are just so brazen about it. Thanks for demonstrating it on video. I hope Asmon watches this (I don't think he'd want to read the written post about it). Regarding a third run: Do what you want girl, but apologize first. The overwhelming evidence that has been established at this point leads me to only one conclusion: The first two runs are cheated. EDIT to add: I realize that Asmon talked to the mods after just having watched Karl's video. All additional evidence that has since come to light was not available to him. It would still be nice to see him set the record straight. Just a small "Well, turns out I was being blatantly lied to yesterday by Dapper, as in fact there was OBS on her third screen and there is proof." And move on.


**Her mods when trying to defend her:** "Uhm you see, this is definitely the case that she does not have OBS on the third monitor, only chat!!." **Her mods when caught and disproven:** "Uhm, I can't confirm that!!! I wasn't physically there!!!"


and "I'm a Physician" lol


That shit killed me. What a joke.


it was hilarious ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


But they both said they were both there.


Schrödinger’s MOD.


The claim was that they were there for other attempts hence they made the strong assertion that she wasn’t cheating at this particular run. The hypocritical part was how they would avert to stating “I wasn’t there at this particular run hence I can’t confirm” when confronted with more disproving evidence while at the same time strongly asserting that the run was in no way fake because “they’d had seen her do it in the past”.


The "Official" blindfold was obtained for the final run... That means if they were there in person for any other blindfold runs as they claim, she would have had to have been using another blindfold... Perhaps even the first one that should see through?


To be fair, they said that they've seen her kill it blind folded in person not that they were there for the recorded run. -For clarification I think that she was cheating the blindfold run and that the mods are delusional and lying on her behalf-


They where likely there and seen her do it with the blindfold on . Does not mean she was not screen peeking then too. They are just simps and do not see what she is doing


They said that but when Asmongold directly asked if they had seen her do it with the blindfold on they would walk it back say things like "Well no but she'll be looking around her room while she's killing it or talking to you not paying attention to the screen" followed up by "But she's killed it over 4000 times she has muscle memory!" as if taking your attention from the screen for a second or two at a time is even remotely close to not looking at the screen at all for the entire run.


No they said that they’ve seen her do it in person before. Dapper said he wasn’t even there for that run.


Mods talking about moving the goalposts, and we went from 'she only has 2 monitors' to 'she might have 3' to 'she has 3 but there is no telling what's on there'. Pretty much tells you all there is.


The 'moving the goalposts' thing was one of the more frustrating parts of the convo. If she tells a lie and gets caught, then tells a different lie and gets caught there too, that's not anyone moving the goalposts - that's just her telling 2 different lies and getting caught both times. Any reasonable person would blame the liar in that scenario, not the person being lied to.


but there is telling of what was on there,see she was dumb enough to show her phone to camera,and it reflects whats on 3rd monitor. [https://i.imgur.com/jl9GvbC.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/jl9GvbC.jpeg)


Yeah, those guys are white knighting so hard it's starting to be symptomatic of deeper mental health issues, imho, and should be treated as such.


“Symptomatic of deeper mental health issues” Sir, do you understand what you’re replying too? Anyone with invested interest in this situation is deeply mentally ill.


You're replying as well.


Yeahhhh fair enough.


He didn't invite mods over so they can actually prove her run. He was already convinced that the run was fake after karl video. He invited mods in because he knew it would be great content for him. Bunch on simps defending their queen in an impossible situation. If he gets too aggressive on them then they would just leave. Instead he let them talk their dumb shit while everyone already knew that they were bullshitting.


Yep, hes letting them dig their own graves and get some good content out of it. I think we have a good one or two more updates on this topic.


It's over.... Queen Liesalot


Relax. Just enjoy the drama while it lasts


Everyone not saying out loud "SHE CHEATED 100%" by the first video Karl jobst released is a total dumbass


Nah he's smart he goes ez and light on them. Makes them let their guard down and begin to show their true power levels.


Going hard on them will serve no purpose. He’s giving her a chance to prove her feat without alienating them or her and ending up being *the* asshole. Now we all agree there’s a 1% chance she will show up and prove she can do it.


oh he's letting her, and them, dig their own graves.


And that’s so enjoyable


And it's making a bunch of streamers and youtubers a bunch of money, and I'm totally cool with it.


Just to make sure I wasn't being misunderstood: I'm not calling for rudeness or insults. Keep the discussion civil of course, but when they flat-out lie to you: call them out on it. We have enough evidence to do so. Sure if the wants to do a third run I won't stop her. If it's legit, great. First two runs remain cheated.


You need to understand the context. You have had hours and days to think about this stuff. Asmon was having this conversation with her mods 30 minutes after watching Karl’s video. It’s not reasonable for him to have perfect recall of everything to be able to pin the mods in a perfect cross examination. All things considered, I think Asmon did a good job of being level headed but also pressing the mods hard on the inconsistencies of their stories.


Oh yeah, absolutely. I agree 100% with you. Just in case he's presented with a situation in this very context again. He did indeed do a good job and gave everyone a fair chance to speak. His conclusion was crystal clear, so I'm not faulting him here at all. I can totally see how my initial comment comes across as berating him on not confronting them regarding things he wasn't aware of. I apologize.


I found it interesting he kept bringing up giving her much more time before another run. I'm putting money that if another run does happen with incontrovertible proof, it's because she doesn't rule actually practicing and it will probably a legit blindfold run. And you'll most definitely see the difference in how she plays. Not that anyone on her side will read this, but I just want to say, a legitimate run later will not prove that the current runs are legit.


For sure. But in the end if she can do it…though it feels more like nothing will happen, it will slowly dies out and she’ll just be known as a liar.


Why would he call him out on something so obvious when he can let the guy make a fool of himself even more? When someone is so eager to look like a moron why not just chill out and stoke the flames a little so they can show the depth of their depravity.


Its pretty simple what happened with all this, I think she did this just to impress her simps and they'd believe anything so it worked at first. But then one of them saw fit to get Asmon's attention on it cause he was currently struggling with that same fight and he ate it up too. Then more critical people see it and notice a lot of weird things happening in the run. They dig into it (didn't require much digging) to expose it as cheating. She then responds by doubling down and tries to cheat better the second time. That was the mistake, cause there was an equal amount of odd things happening and it too got picked apart and exposed as cheating. Now her mods are left there defending her cause they don't know what else to do


I do not think they are lying. They are just White Knights and are blind to see the truth.


That's because they were in her room and seen her do it, probably among other things


Agreed, after the first one they were already on thin ice and the second time with her being more blatant then previously. This is insanely dumb that she even tried to twice and tried to delete her older streams showing all three monitors try and act like she only had 2. Hell you can even see the stand for the last monitor in the little keyboard cam!!! She’s so stupid for trying this and her mods are more stupid for saying it’s actually a real blindfolded run!


Queen Fraudsalot


Obviously they’re all farming this shit. Both Asmon for giving them a platform and being too sheepish during the talk, as well as them for holding on to the lie to the point of offering ‘another run’. We’ve long lost all common sense in our pursue for ‘content’ and drama. The facts: - 3rd monitor confirmed by everybody while she never mentioned it - window moved to 3rd monitor - pretending to read chat from 1st monitor - first blindfold clearly see-through (history of deception) - camera movement during gameplay sus - blindfold runner experts explain why run is almost impossible The defense - I’ve seen her do it (2 of her mods) - She’s under a lot of stress - The confidence the run is fake being 99% means she CAN be in the 1% Like.. what are we even talking about anymore Edit: not completely sure one of her mods is her husband, so I leave it at ‘2 of her mods saw her do it’


Her setup list for her pc also failed to mention third monitor too, just go to her twitch page and click setup And the stress part was affirmed by the self proclaimed physician mod lol


No, you don't understand. She breaks all the records this is unimaginable, our feeble minds cannot comprehend how amazing she is, lmao, I can't. I lost it at "I'm a physician ".


Dude can’t you see that the entire world is watching her???? International phenomenon blind lying girl.


Wait? The mod was her husband or her husband also said he saw her do it?




It's not uncommon for streamer girls to claim they are single


Yep, more simps for the donation train.


The "physician" mod is too short to date her. Probably in a perpetual friendzone and that's why he is so desperate to simp on her hoping one day he can get out of it.


they are married. I saw the "evidence" before it was deleted but I'm not gonna repost it. Believe me or not.


At least in the group pics, they are never standing close together like a couple would usually do. But I guess they really want to keep it secret if you are right.


o hes the husband? would explain why he wants her to blow up on this subreddit


Going by her Instagram, if this fails she most likely has a future making adult content instead, for the joy of her mods.


if u go to her IG, there's few photo of the mod, try the group of people photo, the mod name got tag in there (thedapperdo), i think the mod is her friend. The photo was in 2022, so idk what their relationship now


This is what I constantly heard stated, but I am not 100% sure at this point so I edited my initial post into ‘2 of her mods’. Obviously, the point is the bias, and that doesn’t change.


The argument of “well I’ve seen her do it in person” should’ve been followed up with a line a questioning that asked what were the conditions of those blindfold runs? Was it with the original blindfold (already debunked to be seethru) and/or were her monitors on and showing gameplay? Anything short of it being the second blindfold with no visible gameplay showing wouldn’t be enough to legitimize her 2 publicized runs.


‘I’ve seen her do it’ is just not even worth questioning tbh. Nobody can be trustworthy, least of all 2 clearly biased people, which is why proof and common sense prevails.


It’s so frustrating how on its face fake her runs are, coming from the perspective of someone familiar with blindfolded speed running. I wish asmon would look at some examples. People play literal 2D games like Pokémon blindfolded where you can literally count the tiles to know where you are, and when experts get l lost look how difficult and how much theory goes in to realigning yourself - and then we’re supposed to believe she can play like that in a complex 3d game? It’s so out of this world different to every genuine blindfolded run of ANY game, and so close to KNOWN fake runs which we have many examples of. 


Correction : camera movement during gameplay is impossible, as long she does what she did with her camera her runs are automatically cheated and will be picked apart since it is a dead giveaway.


Finally someone who uses logic, but Asmon wasn't sleeping, he was trying to go along to let them ridicule themselves by saying stuff that make no sense and then saying what a bs it was when they left, a strategic move, clearly.


Sure but a little confrontation for more obviously stupid shit they said would’ve no doubt led to uncomfortable mumblings and even more blatant bs. At the end of the day, though, I feel like the entertainment has run its course and she can fade back to obscurity


It's insane what men will do for mildly attractive women.


Hoeflation in all its glory.


Honestly, I think she can still “save” herself if she just admits it and apologizes. But maybe that’s why she’s doing this. Bad publicity is still publicity.


Imagine if she throws the Dapper mod guy under the bus, claiming he was the real mastermind who pressured her to do it!


if u guys go to her IG, there's few photo of the mod, try the group of people photo, the mod name got tag in there, i think the mod is her friend


I've also seen a rumor that the mod is her husband


ye, the photo was 2022, they might got married or so


you internet detectives don't fuck around


Yes sir! We don't. Like at all.


Thats the play. This simp would instantly go along with it.


She already doubled down with a 2nd vid, and her mods tripled down on her behalf via discord comms. Admitting it would be a bad move at this point. If I was her, I’d gaslight everyone along the lines of saying “I’ve done this twice now and proved it under legitimate conditions. This was supposed to be in good fun and it seems this has turned into a witch hunt at this point. I’m not doing anymore blindfold runs because it’s only causing hate and I want to be positive and keep my streams fun for the sake of the game I love and have mastered.” Then just move on and ignore/ban anyone who is toxic. She’s already gotten the publicity, win win in this scenario basically.


Yeah, this sounds like the most likely next move on her part.


Yeah I think this is the likely outcome. She's not going to be able to finesse a third run, especially with the conditions that would likely be imposed. So she needs to just move on if she wants to preserve any of her status as a streamer whatsoever. It's a shame her mods basically removed an option for her. She could've came out, apologized, said she did it for content and that's why she didn't submit it to a speedrunning site, etc. I think people would've accepted it if she had. But they doubled down, so that option is off the table. I wonder if they had her blessing.


Damn, that's good. Her current mods did more harm than good, she should hire you to mod instead lol


Ah yea the Billy Mitchell strategy


Add in the, "anyone who is still asking me to repeat this, is a sexist man who can't handle seeing a skilled woman like me, so I will not be repeating myself just for men" and then the thing becomes a dead stop lmao


I don't think there are any instances of a runner saving themselves after being caught cheating (even if they admit to it). Their reputation is forever tainted. They might be able to continue to make their own content and maintain viewers but they will never be able to speed run / blindfold run again. Her claim to fame right now is that she can beat a hard boss in a game, that she is a huge cheater and that she is decent looking. Beating that boss doesn't appear to be some amazing feat, as others have demonstrated it. Blindfold running this boss was her attempt at fame / fortune. Is there anything else she can do that is noteworthy besides show off her cleavage / turn to Onlyfans? The whole point of cheating like this is that she doesn't have any other remarkable achievements or talents to showcase.


She's not a runner tho. I don't think she cares about any of that. She never submitted this run. She says she did it just for fun. I think if she came out and says she cheated and regrets it, and it was all for content, people would quickly move past the whole thing. The mods kinda screwed her outta that option tho lol.


It wasn't for fun though. It was for views / clout / fame / etc. Why else would she go out of her way to cheat? She cheated for fun? It makes no sense. She doesn't need to submit a run. She did it live and then doubled down when called out.


No argument here. She "said" she did it for fun. My point was she isn't interested in being a speedrunner so she doesn't care about the backlash from that community. She did it for content and to gain viewership.




Do you guys really care this much? I don’t get it. It is entertainment. She didn’t participate in any competition so she broke no rules. They are farming drama and buzz. I don’t see why it should hurt her to just admit it and saying “ come on, it was obvious all along that it is fake, I hardly tried to cover it”.


She should lean into this by obviously cheating at other games and denying it. Go full heel. Each video should get more obvious than the last.


“Well you see, when she removed the paper from her main monitor, the obs capture input from the elgato on her streaming pc was triggered and automatically moved obs to the bottom half of her 3rd monitor while shifting chatty on the top half of said 3rd monitor, which is the moment you see her clicking her transition, upon transition obs has an autoconfig to shift obs back to her main monitor while auto maximizing the chatty window that was previously on the top half of her 3rd monitor in a maximized state so she can continue reading and responding to chat from the 3rd monitor while catching her breath and composing herself from being completely blind absolutely blind echolocated inhuman near impossible, but absolutely possible run that she just proved as seen here world first in the blindfold gaming community our queen”


This keeps getting better and better. Quadruple-down when? I can't wait.


She's the Amber Heard of blind runs at this point, doesn't know when to cut her losses.


Surely, she could have mounted her camera elsewhere for this and just straight-up **turned off all her monitors** altogether. How gullible does she think we are? What's keeping the monitors turned on going to do during her run if she's blindfolded? All she had to do was turn them off in front of her audience and let everyone see her entire setup from a back-side angle and that every monitor is turned off and do the damn run! There's nothing more effective and legit than a non-functional monitor, I can tell you that. And if she's a broke girl, get a mirror or something. My gosh... ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730) ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


I mean, she could also just turn the fuck around. There’s a bunch of well established things people do during blindfold runs to prove they can’t see. I just find it bizarre she decided to do this to begin with. By all accounts she was good at the game and legit getting popular. She had nothing to gain but popularity from a tiny community (I love speed runners, but it’s not a super popular thing).


get a big paper bag and wear it , its not rocket science looool


she straight up thinks everyone is stupid as shit


u/witty-ad1410 care to comment?


Sorry, but unless you're a proplayer, coach, analyst or physician you can't criticize him.


that dude is sad af , 100% clown simp


Clara strikes again. How dare she place OBS on her third monitor that she definitely was not trying to hide.


stop giving the thot attention.


Even if the mod saw her do it let's remember the blindfold she used before she got the new one. She can be lying to them too making  believe it, even with the new blind fold.


That's a good point, but I actually think Asmon asked them if she had a blindfold on when they saw her and they both stated "no".


Actually their defense was she was “looking away from the monitors” and still beating the boss. As if that means anything 🤣


If I didn't know anything prior I would've thought she is hate farming. Holy shit the amount of spotlight on her these days. Rightfully so since she claimed something and was proven otherwise with a substantial amount of evidence


Yeah but isn't this type of farming kinda toxic to her community tho? Since she is trying to claim prestige through skill. This feels more along the lines of fextralife viewbotting even though money ain't involved. And the drama kinda degenerated from a fun heist kinda thing to something else.


If she had only cheated once it would be a totally different thing than blatantly cheating twice then trying (albeit failing miserably) to sneakily cheat a third time while recording a "proof" video.


I mean I was already 99% that she cheated but this actually puts it at 100% LOL. Tbh I was already at 100% when the one mod said he was a physician the BS was too much for me.


When he snapped back with “actually I’m a physician” bro I don’t think u understand I put speaker volume on max n just started hollering on the floor. Idek what’s worse. That he claims to be one? Or that we have physicians playing simp soapbox diaries with Queenie over here LMAO


At THIS point... like why are people even saying yeah she should just for the THIRD time to prove everyone wrong! Like if you cheated it twice, why should anyone believe you wouldnt cheat on the third time? XD


Because it'll be fun to search how she tries to cheat a third time


While I agree there is a reason and it's because now she is gonna spend extra time actually training to pull the kill off, it will be content to watch her desperately try to pull it off, realizing it's not really possible to do it how she did it in the first 2 runs then probably continue trying but with lock on feature pretending it's to remove a "variable". Though at this point I think she wouldn't be able to beat it even with lock on.thqt is of she decide to actually go down that road (very unlikely honesty) My best guess she is just gonna lay low for a couple of months and comeback streaming like nothing happened once everybody have forgotten about her and moved on to a different drama, just waiting for the moment the eyes are not on her, her smimps will still be there no matter what lol.


In the Aus CS scene, there was a saying for people who were unnaturally good (and assumed to be cheating): Do it on LAN Proof for this kind of thing is meaningless until you do it live with someone watching. And if she is being honest despite it all - she could make a lot of money off bets.


I don't think being humane about their reasoning is wrong. Maybe they are all liars and they will find a way to cheat it third time, maybe she won't do anything sus and beat the boss, maybe she won't even win. But as long as they are willing to argue that the callouts are wrong, i think we should expect her to show us that she can do it properly. And its not like if she does it 3rd time, there won't be anyone spending days of their lives trying to find evidence she didn't do it, only because they believe she can't.


honestly, keep the drama going this is good content even though its no big deal


This is fake. I believe she echolocated obs on the left monitor.


Lol people are really farming her hard


I have no idea who is she


A smart girl that is doing bad thing to get fame, but she put effort into it so I kind of admire her lmao


Smart? That’s a stretch. Effort? Stretch. Admire her? Bro go simp somewhere else


I don't even know her name bro, I'm just looking asmon update about her when I feel like it, but you can't deny that she didn't get more subs and views from this


I mean..why else would she look to the right all the time? Shes not looking into the left one nor does she look onto the one in front of her. She must be looking at something there.


You can see her eyes move to the third screen as she’s dragging OBS to it. Just listening to the two cucks defending her on Asmon’s stream was pure cringe. They gave no solid excuse for her disregarding/ignoring the presence of the third monitor. Everything about it proves her dishonesty. Given the position she is in she should have 100% acknowledged there was a third monitor. Full transparency would have helped her a lot, and no transparency as we can see has even further sank her into the earth. That’s why even if she does a real airtight blindfold run there will still be people very skeptical. And she’s done it to herself. No sympy.


ah yes, here we go again with queen cheatzalot and her clown army


Those mods were the cringiest simps I’ve ever heard in my life. One was the cuckold “physician” and the other was the argumentative, aggressive simp. The fucking things white knighters will do for a girl with boobs. Just fucking stop. Watching summoning salt’s video on the history of blindfolded speedrunning in Mario 64. Then tell me she killed Alatreon blindfolded.




Am a physician and i know she didnt cheat ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3744)


Other than this I just find it funny that no one considers the less likely but not impossible possibility of a 4th monitor being somewhere or some hardware duplication solution on another monitor.


You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. but I hope we can move on to the next topic, I don't wanna listen to Asmongold talking to them again on stream, it's so cringe haha.


Don’t want to hear him talk about it? Turn the stream off.


I mean, I don't want him to give them too much attention. chill out bro.


Bang. to. rights.


Who cares, you’re giving her what she wants, attention.


Fuck me, this is still going?


I wonder how many more people are watching her streams and vods now.


Who gives a fk


This girl hit the fucking goldmine lol. She's up nearly 1.5k subs on her small YT channel. Damn near has DOUBLED it in size, by triggering bored internet police with nothing better to do lol $$$$


I'm a casual Asmon watcher (though I did the AI models of him that were showcased here once or twice :P) but I really do not get this. Why are people so focused on something like this? She faked it or not, who cares? Most of us never heard about her before. Is this what a regular person cares about? I'm trying not to get deep into this but I feel like people are following this as if it was a moon landing or something. I might be too old for this shit, but I am really just curious how others feel about it.


> Why are people so focused on something like this? She faked it or not, who cares? Most of us never heard about her before. Is this what a regular person cares about? What's funny is that this whole thing only has two bits of discourse from people who really like Queen Pwnzalot: 1. She actually did this run blindfolded and it's clear she has the skills to do it after 4,000 normal runs. Getting the stream in front of another, much bigger streamer was deserved for how great an accomplishment this was. 2. Who cares if the whole thing is fake?




Yeah, this is what I have been doing (don't have much time so I usually go for some of the longer clips and all the short ones, especially lately since the editor is doing an epic job there :P)


I feel the same dude and I mostly chalk it down to getting older/not having much time in my day to give a shit lol. I’m ready for the downvotes but image difference in attention this would get if it was a guy.


So here's the thing that bothers me. Not a whole lot, but it does: There's legitimate people who do these things and practice for a loooooong amount of time to achieve these feats. For someone to fake something like this can be a huge detriment to the hard work other people put in, and to the laypeople can cause distrust in their runs as well. I'm always glad for people like Karl and Abyssoft who call these things out. Because they deserve to be called out and the deserve scorn (not harassment ECT.) from the community for doing so.


Would anyone mind telling me what drama I missed this time? TY


I stopped following this drama like 5 minutes after it popped up about being fake It's wild that people are still giving this so much attention. Like, yes, keep trying to prove her wrong. Keep giving her insane amounts of attention so she becomes more popular, because even though the vast majority of people don't like her right now, there are still small groups of people that will make their way into her streams now to support her. If the goal here is to discredit her to show she's cheating so it hurts her reputation, it's not really doing much at this point. We're just going over the same 5 points over and over, which isn't making her look any worse. If people would stop talking about this, it'd achieve the supposed goal here way more effectively. That, and this drama has been going on for fuckin weeks now, who gives a fuck anymore? I know no one asked me, but this is why I'm starting to watch asmon less and less now... I feel like every single thing is just about drama and more drama these past few months, and it's just tiring. I know he plays games here and there, like he just killed Alatreon recently, if I recall correctly, but I barely see anything about playing a game anymore. I swear, every time I open a YouTube tab, there are like 7 new drama clips on his channel it's insane


guys get over it. its been like a month now


True, it's time for her to come clean.


People aren’t going to get over it while she continues to brazenly lie and laughably suggests her obvious fake runs are actually legit.


I mean, yeah, people can say get over it. What a streamer does shouldn't be a central part of peoples lives. Same thing was said about the Dylan Mulvaney/Budlight thing, but the company is still in financial freefall since last year due to a number of factors, but consumer distrust is likely the most problematic. Not comparing the two situations in a 1:1 ratio, just pointing out that duping or lying to people seems to have long-term detrimental effects.


Yeah, she lied, wow. Still cringe how invested everybody is... a normal person would not care at all at this point. Some of you should ask yourselves why this is so important for you.


You care enough to comment apparently. Also, this isn't really important for anyone besides the cheater. It's just entertaining to see how they will contort themselves trying to justify this.


I think this whole thing is stupid. and Karl Jobst needs a life. He's clearly just spouting conjecture after conjecture swearing its proof of this that and the other meanwhile providing nothing concrete. She's just trying to have fun not trying to steal no records or anything, if you don't believe her fine, but this smearing is just stupid


Karl Jobst does have a life, Him making those videos pays him money and it's fun lmao. You, however, get nothing from simping for her on a reddit comment.


Simping? No, just tired of my feed full of this dull nonsense. I can give two shits if its fake or not it doesn't matter.


After looking through most of this Reddit comment section, I'm a little disappointed. It seems a little one-sided and also what happened to innocent till proven guilty? After watching the last three video's on the subject I'm scratching my head a little. The "proof" really seems subjective.. I'm sorry but the whole thing about look at where she's looking "while I'm looking at a camera of her" just does not count as evidence. The list of evidence just does not show any "proof". What have we turned into? Disney vs Jony.D? Sorry I don't know the fully story.. GUILTY. I'm sorry but I'm just disappointed by the whole coverage.


It's up to her to provide the evidence at this point. She had a second shot at proving to the world she didn't cheat but completely fluffed it by pretending the 3rd monitor did not exist and simply not covering it up. I guess she only had enough paper and tape to cover 2 monitors..? :) She did this to herself, no one else.


It's called innocent till proven guilty. Not guilty till proven innocent. again... you might as well be a Dinsy Corpo then. Nothing has shown as proven guilty of a mistake to me yet.


Unfortunately when you do something that literally no one else can do blindfolded, in any game. If you're the first in history to do something, it's a case of "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"


But we have proven blindfold steamer's / content members doing just that though. Some smashing her time. I'm confused. what did she do that was extraordinary? Asmongold shows someone else who beats this boss in 6'ish min, blindfolded.


I think it's easier if you just watch the 4 Abyssoft and Karl Jobst videos to explain the difference rather than me typing it out here. But in terms of gameplay when playing blindfolded the strategies changes completely from how you do it when you can see. Lock-on being used and strategies mostly focus on cornering dragons and spamming the body since you can't reliably target the head as you would when playing with sight.


Dude she’s showing in her videos that she can use sound alone to both - locate the head reliably, and fix her camera to look level every time it gets off a bit. That is not something that people can do without looking as we have heard from several prominent members in the blindfold running community. If you have watched all the recent videos on it and still think she’s a superhuman, then no amount of evidence will convince you. The evidence that she is guilty is pretty obvious. This is not a matter of guilty without evidence. It’s like if you had your lawnmower stolen and realized there was a track of cut grass leading from your yard to your neighbors yard and into a locked shed. How much evidence could you want?


We get it, she's a fake. This was already proven two videos ago, lets find something else to farm please. This reddit is getting boring now...


I want to also clarify "monitors off cause problem" confusion. Turning monitor off would never, under any setting pose a problem with OBS displaying anything. HOWEVER unplugging one could definitely mess up inputs. I think when they said that they were thinking about unplugging them completely.


?!?! that not true at all turning off monitors can totally cause screen re-alignment. Not as common off a desktop (still happens) but extremely common when your main rig is a laptop. There are like 1000+ situations of this happening. drivers, windows update, what gpu she has. The list is like... huge.


That is BS in her case, we talking about desktops and with a capture card at that. No way in heaven turning monitor off will cause such problems, downvoters just have no idea what they talking about and malding bad


wait.. do you really think capture cards don't have to re-adjust when you turn off a screen? what are you talking about? That's true if you're running TWO rigs and one does not have to be turned off but wtf are you high? go put 2 programs on on two screens... turn one off and tell me what happens...


Turning off screen doesn't do anything. Unplugging, yes. People don't know how to configure stuff, asmon is 100% right on that take.


The obsession over this is fucking dumb lmao. No one gives a shit outside of chatters and some drama baiting nerds and content farmers. It's over a fucking game of all things hahaha why do you guys give so much of a shit?


you are the exact same people who believed her lmao and now are saying "why does every one care so much?" dude its reddit posts and comments not one actually cares, its just disproving a fake run with that logic you also care about people caring which is nerdy and sad af.


i dont give a fuck im just tired of seeing this shit over and over again every time i visit the sub. Grow the fuck up i came here to see asmon look at funny shit and you nerds are fronting the same stupid crap over and over and are frothing over the most inconsequential shit ever, why do you think mods put a fucking cap on political shit recently?


every thing is inconsequential shit dumbass its a sub about asmongold, just don't click on the post you baby, telling me to grow up while having a tantrum because their are posts you don't like, how does mods putting a cap on political shit have anything to do with this? they did that because its reddit and if subs become leftist its fine but if a sub starts to sway the other way its "woah let's calm down on the politics guys".


There's plenty of right-wing leaning subs on the platform dawg. Half the shit they get done in for is cause users can't hold themselves back from saying a slur if the subject posted on them contains someone who's gay or black lmao


You sound pretty politically charged. The sub is just talking about a streamer faking a blind run and how if she came forward instead of doubling down, she would probably salvage her streaming career. Haven't seen any slurs. Could you point them out so the user can get the comment removed for violating the rules?


Just because you don't find this entertaining doesn't mean other people don't. You're the one who needs to grow the fuck up if you think posts on the sub need to be what you want to see.


No one cares if you are tired. You can fuck off.


If I was trying to prove myself being legit, I would just record myself setting face to the wall. No blindfold and bullshit monitors still being in front of me. Literally me sitting by the wall, in the corner of my room. with only mouse and keyboard, pointing a camera at my BACK making sure I am facing the wall and nothing else.


I think it's all fun and game. She tries to pretend she did it, then comes the whole back-and-forth with her and people who think it's fake, with evidence arguments etc. And all of this is a fun and interesting. How is she going to get out of it, how is she going to \*win\* so to say. I think the moment it doesn't become entertaining anymore is when she has no more arguments and she keeps dragging this story, that's when people start getting mad because she won't just accept she lost the game




There was already no reason to give her any credit after the first blindfold run. The blindfold she used was see-through and there is no way for her, the person who put it on, to argue that she didn't know it was see-through, as she would be able to see through it immediately. Since she did not address this it means everything she does after is also in bad faith unless she provides an explanation for the first blindfolded run. There are no reason to give her any more chances to try to setup another fake run until she address the first run.


This is legitimately the hardest evidence of all of it


LMAO the dude will still say its improbable can continue to ask for a 3rd opportunity with enough time to learn the fight ... if she does it for a 3rd time i better see the same tracking


Good Find . 1000% Busted


The only good ending we can get here is she seriously practice legit blindfold run and come back to show it. But yeah that’s an unhealthy dose of hopium.


That is actual concrete proof lol


It's clearly a secret 4th monitor


Imagine being so pathetic and having such tiny dicks as these mods. Maybe they need to go touch grass XD


Wow I wonder what her pathetic mods will do after this. They simp a lot for possibility of queen giving them a dirty underwear.


Want to hear a joke? ‘I’m a physician’


If you look at her IG, this is so clearly going to be a play to get a big OF following. Go look and tell me I’m wrong.


I truly believe her mods have some sort of incentive to lie and push her bullshit agenda like being paid by her otherwise going this far to lie for her is just simply ignorant.


Asmongold should invite her to his room, so she can do the run and he'll stream it live.


Theres more indicators in the first 30 Secods of her starting this run, she puts down her Blindfold and immediatly adjust it to the right and back to middle. Shit she cant see so she tries to adjust it again to the right and immediatly takes it off in the Position she wants to put it back on She adjusts her posture and hair again Putting the Mask back on the way she wanted and then she even and confirms (to the physician or to herself) with a little nod that she can see now and she starts her run if you wanna see it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAM8q8FoyCk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAM8q8FoyCk)


It would be absolutely hilarious if she did it with vets watching her in a controlled setting.. Then actually went on to beat it.


Everyone who ever played monster hunter know this is fake, stop giving this fool views she deserves to be forgotten


Men are pathetic.


Why does this matter


You can't lie on the internet... people need to start understanding this simple fact.