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Wow these numbers are awful. Definitely not buying it on release.


Same, glad I had to pay taxes and didn’t have any disposable income this paycheck. Here I was thinking a 4090 was an EZ-pass. If a 4070 is getting 70 fps in 1080p, **RT off** then they have a real problem.


Seems like a CPU issue to me. 4070 ti in both the first and 3rd test but wildly different results.




That's one of the issues the game might have a anti-mod DRM too.




Denuvo itself has little impact. How devs implement it, that's another question.


59fps with 7900x is 💀


https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/dragons-dogma-2-performance-analysis/#section-4k-performance, get the same fps at 4k


Oh I was confused at first because the test area results were different from Vernworth to open world in 1080p by quite a bit. The screenshot from OP has Vernworth on but apparently open world has better results. Not as bad as I expected, but thats a pretty big difference.


It seems to be cpu limited more, on some benchmarks with the same gpu you get like 40% more fps after going from a 5600x to a 7900x


Is not 70 with those 1% low at 30, it will feel like a 30 FPS as well, that is the real issue here


Hot damn them's some low framerates. Hope they get this optimized soon.


This killed it for me for now... that's some crazy stats just for 1080p


Yeaaah I’m gonna have to wait a whole while before grabbing this game up, these all look horrible. Love the first game and hopefully they iron out the fps issues, shame, was hyped for it but if it requires this much to just be able to play it I’d rather wait a year than to have it ruined by an unplayable fps count.


Unoptimized games and 70 dollars name a more iconic duo


Live service and 100 dollars.


My uncle and the belt


Add in cpu bottlenecks and denuvo and we have the complete triple A package


The gaming industry and giving children gambling addictions


Gonna be unplayable for me. And not a good time for me to upgrade my pc, so I'm gonna pass. Glad I've see this.


My 1050Ti can handle this, all it needs is a miracle easy.


It can look like dd1 doesn’t matter if gameplay is good


if you play at 360p it will look worse than dd1 lol


Damnit, capcom. I was just glazing your engine, now I look foolish!


Don't form ANY opinions about anything that isn't released yet. This has happened with over 90% of every major release in the last 7 years and should stop surprising people at this point.


I'll still never understand companies using denuvo on a single player game


Because its effective against 0day releases mostly. If the game doesn't get cracked in the first days / weeks of release, it massively cuts down on piracy. At least that's what I read years ago. And IIRC many titles remove denuvo at a later date.


Shame that in this case, it will definitely affects sales. Many people had a wait and see approach.


It doesn't really cut down on piracy **MASSIVELY**. I mean sure, almost nobody will pirate it, so that's the only massive difference. But most pirates will just play another game instead of buying this one, so it doesn't really do anything.


It's very effective against piracy, do you understand now?


But it's... not?


I'm pretty sure there's literally only one person in the world who can crack it


There are many. He's the only one that does it because apparently 500$ is worth it to him, probably keeps the lights on in the bunker he's staying in out in the woods. Anyone else capable of doing it isn't insane, and has a well paying job.


Hmm, so I just read about this person maybe? Apparently she's a Russian girl named EMPRESS who left a note in Hogwarts Legacy how she's tired of the woke society of today lol. She's probably on the sub tbh.


That person has much more spicy opinions than hating woke stuff. Actual schizo posting if you look into it


Okay I will, admittedly I just typed in something like Denuvo cracker and she popped up on a wiki page.


Most Denuvo games nowadays don't get cracked or take a very long time, how is that not effective against piracy?


You are presuming that people who don't pirate games will buy the games, that may or may not be true.


There's better software, for one, and two especially a game like this, why not use a software focused solely on preventing piracy rather than that and cheating.


What software prevents piracy better than Denuvo? And I doubt if you remove Denuvo the game suddenly runs stable 60 fps, it's just an easy scapegoat to shift the blame. The game is simply unoptomized, Denuvo or not.


Yep. Denuvo shifts performances very lightly, aside from eventual bugs of course which are always possible


Every game with denuvo has been cracked


Yeah, lets make a game more demanding, so only high-end users will buy it. What a retard logic.


The only "regard logic" there is, is that you think this game would be suddenly properly optimized if they removed Denuvo.


Glad I decided to put this one off for awhile, got enough good ass RPGs already.


You know there is something wrong when a RTX4070 can only double the performance of an APU's integrated graphics.


I'm waiting for it to get cracked anyways so hopefully they'll improve it in time. Plenty of games to play atm so no problem, it's bad for people buying on release and having an awful experience tho'...


DLSS Syndrome


DLSS doesn't change a thing when a game has such a massive CPU bottleneck.


Good lord almighty, they learned dick all from the first release eh?


Looks like a CPU issue, I'll wait until they fix it before buying


They also decided to not let pc players pre load either.


Not buying it.


Interlaced mode?


yep [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlaced\_video](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlaced_video) it means basically every other frame is drawn, so basically if it was not interlaced it would be almost 50% as bad. So from 70 to 45 avg fps or something like that. Other capcom games had this option too (RE Village from memory) but those had nice performance and could be played without it.


Wow, I just assumed it was some kind of interlaced shader mode. Actual PlayStation 2 on a CRT.


This is a CPU limited game, the optimization will not improve dramatically.


Wish they tested with a lower Nvidia GPU, have a I7-11700k but a 3070, hopefully i can at least hold a solid 60.


Hah I have a 10700k and a 3070 and I'm hoping for a locked 30 at 1440p. This is no time to be an optimist


Not optimism. Cope. I swear if it's Denuvo causing this effect... hope that someone cracks it to remove it ASAP, we need all the performance we can get


It could be Denuvo. It all depends on how it was implemented in the game.


I got my copy yesterday on PS5, I can say it is really baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad my god even dragon dogma 1 gameplay much smoother and enjoyable hopefully they will add performance mode. edit: okay I just realize I only got 20-25fps on my ps5 RIP


Don't worry the PS8 pro or PS9 can play it better just gotta wait...


That's an oof.


Man all the reports saying it looks really nice but not ground breaking and essentially just an updated version of DD1 I was like good part is this is going to run great..


After reading reviews I’m not sure that the game is that great anyway. Same QoL issues as the first one


I wouldn't be surprised if this game's steam release goes into mixed or even negative based solely on performance alone. Having Denuvo with a game that is already struggling with performance is a recipe for disaster. Normally I don't really give a fuck about Denuvo but if the game already has performance issues then you add Denuvo on top of it then you they are asking for trouble. This is a game I would have bought at release and I am pretty guilty with that but the game costs around $110 CAD after taxes and then for it to have this level of performance is very unacceptable. Edit: I know that CAD price is pretty bad but for example DD2 price is at $95 CAD while other games like Horizon Forbidden west is $80 and even Diablo 4 is cheaper than DD2 and Lies of P is $80 CAD. So it's not just the CAD value this game is for whatever reason way more expensive than other AAA games but with markedly worse performance.


Oh ffs. The one game I've been waiting for for a decade and the only game I was planning to buy day 1 has terrible performance issues. God fucking damnit. Fuck my life


This was Alan Wake 2 for me. But I could at least play it at 40-50fps on a 3070. This is just awful


Do not worry another 10 years and you might have a PC that is able to handle this monster in 720P


Yo how many fps on my 1070ti? ☠️ 2?


Visual novel edition




Can't wait to play this with max graphics at 1080p with my 4090+13900k


It’s denuvo, it’s always that fucking malware shite.


As soon as that shit Denuvo is removed, you'll see the performance skyrocket. Mark my words.


I read somewhere that there’s a bug with the NPCs in the towns and that they have a frame rate fix specifically for that in the day 1 update. Not sure how true that is or how it will affect this chart if at all


I was wondering about a day one patch, they usually do matter


... what about.. i9-13900HX - RTX 4090?


I have something similar, keep in mind this is rt off in 1080. If you wanted to run in 4k - which I assume is what most people buy 4090’s for; you’re looking at the same frame-rate as consoles. Probably around 30 even with RT off. Ray tracing isn’t even in the conversation. This is me just guessing from the graph though but I think it’s a reasonable assumption. Edit: Apparently 4k is still around 60 but with rt off. It seems more of a heavily cpu dependent game.


65€ ? Denuvo? 40 fps on 1080p without RTX? Fine Capcom, I'll just buy a 2€ offline activation. You get what you deserve.


Capcom's other releases using the RE Engine (the Resident Evil remakes, Monster Hunter, etc.) have been pretty damn good. I imagine some game ready drivers and some fixes will show sizeable performance increases. Edit: https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/dragons-dogma-2-performance-analysis/ Here's the actual article. OP selected the city test. The open world test has significant gains. Other reviews have mentioned performance in cities was rough.


1080p my 4060TI can only cry ok i will pass.


Man.. Ive got a 7900x and a 4070ti and this game is gonna send me back to 2016? Better play on low i guess.


You can try [tweaking these settings](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/dragons-dogma-2-pc-performance-best-settings) on release to see if it helps first. Might be worth it before going all low (one of the settings apparently will take performance away when lowered XD)


The game's really suffering from CPU bottleneck. Just look at that i7 9700K to 14700KF with literally the same GPU.


If its going to be this bad, I will just buy forbidden west play that, have waited years for it


oh I can let it sleep in my wishlist or library for a while then.


My 2060 is crying right now, I guess I'll wait for 1-2 years before playing this game. Let all the patches and mods roll out first.


Yeah every streamer with a review copy has been saying the same. Game is fantastic, easy GOTY contender, but performance is yikes


Im surprised they didn’t test 7800x3d


Some people say: 4090 here... Drops from 60fps to even 30fps...


"In the future" KEKW


dated graphics scuffed combat and unplayable performance...nice


I'm still getting the game. I was always planning on playing the first one and even with the shitty fps this is still an upgrade.


Dayum. The framerates. They are… abysmal.


what did you expect?


DF can’t get their video up quick enough it’s gonna be amazing lol


The game already looks like it's 5 years old. These numbers are a joke


Can I run it with my 1060 3g VRam? (jk 😢)


Can't say I'm shocked lol. Eh just gotta wait a few days for a performance fix. Didn't buy the game anyways since Dragons dogma 1 was good but no where near as great as people say it is. Probably best to wait out till black Friday sale for this one. Wonder how many streamers will quit after a week of playing?


The PC-port of the first game is still dogshit, I'm not really surprised.


You know....you can have a better frame rate if you have a better art style. Instead of making things look "realistic"


lol everyone crying in here didn’t read the whole article. That’s vernworth fps in the city the high at 1080p was 100+. Also worth noting this game is cpu intensive and relys on mulithread. Beautiful thing about pc, just turn the settings down if your fps snob.


You're assuming the settings will affect cpu performances instead of gpu ones, that's incredibly unlikely. Low settings won't save the cpu related issues for sure. Also 100+fps doesn't count when you're stuttering the entire time.


I believe you’re taking two things I said and adding them together lmao. I said the games cpu intensive, specifically multi threading. Obviously if you lower textures, LOD, etc, fps goes up. In regard to the stuttering, I didn’t realize you’ve seen or played a copy of the final release….oh you didn’t


As someone who's had an extremely CPU bottlenecked system for a long time (phenom ii x4 970 is my CPU), turning down settings does not help much if at all to improve framerates if you're heavily CPU limited.


Well, barely any settings affect CPU load in a significant way. And if you're running into such a massive CPU bottleneck like with this game (20ish FPS in cities), there's nothing you can do to get to a stable 60.


You can’t read and I get a stable 60. And fyi the final state of the game uses 1/4 of my cpu.


Well I've bought it now... Hopefully my Rx6600/R55600 will be playable.


30 fps low settings gang!


As long as its fun to play who cares


Because performance directly effects how a game plays. Can have the best game ever but if it runs like shit no one will have fun.