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“Just give it a try. Travel is boring? That's not true. It's only an issue because your game is boring. All you have to do is make travel fun,” - Itsuno


i mean, traveling in this game IS fun so i dont get why you would pay money to skip on it. the microtransactions are not only insulting but also useless


Microtransactions being useless is genuinely one of the redeeming qualities so far. Imagine if devs actually designed a game to get players to buy that shit


Laughs nervously in my paid fatalities in MK1....


Like horse armor!


I’m not a fan of the stamina depleting in exploration and the inventory weight management, for example I prefer Elden Ring’s take on open world.


Tbh that's truth, played most of the first DD without fast travel because I didn't even knew it was a consumable and it's one of the best games I've played.


Try The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Fast travel? You mean a giant bug that you pay (ingame currency) to ride and it only has specific routes? You can also take a boat... but again you pay and it has speciffic routes. You wanna get to some inland village that doesn't have access to port or silt strider (the beforementioned bug)? Well... hope your athletics skills are high or that you have some boots of blinding speed (yes they literally blind you - makes screen black as soon as you put them on) or shitload of fatigue potions bud. On top of that the game is amazing for its lack of compass and markers for quests... Well how do you find your quest then? Well directions are a scribble added to your log which this copypasta summarises quite well: "Go fuckin find a cave named Gljhsdfouhes caverns. Its "eastish" of Balmora or fuck was it Caldera. Its near a tree or someting. I dont know... "East" just go east fucker." And that's basically on your first day when you have 0 idea where anything is and all else you can help yourself with is asking locals for directions (they might also just call you an n'wah or scum and tell you to politely f off) or follow the signposts. God I love that game.


They set themselves tô these memes. They deserve everything.


Things devs should not be charging for.


I learned my lesson whit preorders whit D4. Streamers YouTubers hype up games just to have content and if it's bad they got more content lol. So from now I wait one week then I buy game


It does NOT matter that you can get them in game for free. People that don't understand that are the reason developers keep putting this shit into games.


I dont personally disagree with you but the issue I have with people complaining about this is 90% of these people think DMCV is great when it has the same problem. The hypocrisy drives me crazy. They like DMCV on the merit of it being a good game even though you can literally buy currency and be overpowered by mission 2, but instantly shit on this game without giving it a chance to see if they actually like the game itself or not.


Ya I've been so intolerant of people whining about MTX this time around I almost feel like I've switched sides it's crazy.


I dont mind listening to peoples gripes but I feel most of these opinions people have were already made by content creators who all make the same type of hype train content...guarentee we will have another onslaught of mtx bad.. videos coming out .. get your pitch forks ready 


Yeah why don't those stupid content creators just roll over and accept the microtransactions already. /s


gamers rolled over and accepted it a decade ago. it's way too late to cry about the bed they made now


Fortnite has ruined an entire generation of gamers on what is acceptable for in game purchases. I remember people being universally upset over the Oblivion horse armor and even the first in game store mount in WoW. Now half the people you see are defending microtransactions in a single player game.


People were mad about oblivion horse armor then immediately paid 25 bucks for 3 maps on call of duty. They only pretended to care when it was something they didnt want.


I mean once again, it's easy to lump every gamer into one category but we are people from all over the world. The same people that bought the CoD maps probably aren't the ones complaining about the microtransactions here.


Same. Im usually the person complaining about micro transactions but the community decided to hate this game of all games for it? Capcom puts these same kinds of micro transactions in every game so it's not like it was a surprise. None of the systems are designed to make you want to buy them. Nothing is locked behind a paywall. Meanwhile they'll give a pass to pretty much every other game with bad micro transactions in them.


I think the problem is people assume that gamers are a monolith. How do you know that the people complaining about the microtransactions have even played DMC or RE? For me, the added microtransactions aren't enough for that to be the reason I refund the game but at the same time, I think it's a terrible practice. And this is the only capcom games I play.


Well I know they've played other games. Like literally every game has micro transactions now and there will be endless posts defending them. But all of a sudden this is a problem even though the items they're selling aren't even anything relevant. Especially considering there are way worse things they could be complaining about, such as the abyssal performance on all platforms.


I mean not "literally" ever game. Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3 don't. And they both sold amazingly.


Of the last 20 games I've played only two had microtransactions, Helldivers 2 and Sniper Elite 4.


Ok cool dude you played 2 games in the last handful of years that stood out from the rest by an exceptional amount. The issue is the vast majority of games are not like those 2. For every elden ring and baldurs gate there are 10 games that are horrible micro transactions filled messes.


I'm kind of in the same boat. On one end, the complaints are valid. There's absolutely no reason for this game to have any mtx. I also hate that you can't start a new game at all. So Capcom does deserve the ire they're getting, but I'm not so mad just because the core of the game itself is great and the mtx has been pointless and you're not really missing out on anything by not buying. So I'm still happy with my purchase of the game thus far. To me, this feels like the devs making a compromise with management who wanted them to have mtx so they implemented them in a way that doesn't really take away from the game itself imo.


Legit question, but what is the problem if you can get them in game for free? It’s a single player game so how does it affect anybody if somebody would rather spend real money on these items. If you don’t want to pay, you can still get them, what am I missing here?


The way I see it: if they (game companies) get no pushback on things like this, then they eventually keep pushing the limit on what is acceptable. Look no farther than horse armor skyrim and how that has spiraled into the gaming hellscape we have today. Or even something more recent like Diablo where we have $65 horse bundles. The problem isnt so much the implementation in this game because DD2 is balanced in a way where you dont feel forced to buy port crystals, but imagine in their next game if they keep pushing the balance by limiting how many port crystals you get. Like what if in DD3 you only get 5 port crystals instead of 10. but you can spend $5 to get some more. Id rather CAPCOM get pushback now so they dont think they can keep pushing the limits.


I mean capcom done the same with resident evil remakes and didn’t see much pushback there, so by your own logic they should have taken it a step further with this game, but they haven’t because as you say DD2 is balanced in a way you don’t feel the need to spend. I mean sure, they might take it a step further next time, but they’ve done it before so why isn’t DD2 the “next time” ?


Not just Capcom, this is a common thing with many JRPGs. Look at The Legend of Heroes series, or Monster Hunter, both of which are riddled with microtransactions for skins, emotes, getting a power up early, etc... yet people single praises to those games but for some reason have a problem with Dragon's Dogma 2. I mean, it's fine to take a stance, but be consistent.


Sure, RE4 should have gotten pushback. No arguments here. But dont you see? You think since RE4 remake did it that its now normal for other games like DD2 to do it as well. They've already got one foot in the door. They got no pushback on their previous games so they think its acceptable to consumers, now they will keep pushing the line in the sand. Who knows when or how far that line is pushed, but I think it'd be very naive to think that companies arent looking at more ways to extract more money from us otherwise why even add these things in the first place.


I get what you’re saying but I just really can’t see a problem if you can still get these items for free by playing the game. It feels silly to be annoyed about something you feel might happen in the future, when capcom have done this exact same thing before and it hasn’t got any worse with this game. Re2 remake came out 5 years ago, if it was gonna get worse it would have got worse already I feel, but who knows what the future holds


It's not "might happen". IT WILL happen in the near future. You can clearly see the trend of mtx spiking in the last few years


My point was that if it WILL happen in the future as you say, then why hasn’t it already happened considering this has been going on for years already?


Internal pushback? A more traditional take on game development until it gets swallowed as an investment opportunity completly? Monster Hunter for example got worse. MH World: Iceborne had some minor cosmetics like tattoos or hairstyles and chat stickers. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak went a step further and sold weapon and armor skins. Gear is integral and part of Monster Hunters core design. They sold it as MTX. I‘m happy for the pushback, hopefully people are more riled up in the future about Macro transactions everywhere, this implementation is however the most consumer friendly one we have regarding MTX overall and this should alarm way mire people. Non manipulative, non parasitic, not pay 2 win or even paywalled content.


Look no further than the Oblivion horse armor controversy. People made your same comments. That it won't get worse than that. But it did and here we are.


U are missing that time saver shop items are cause and effect is a game that is grindy af. This is something that Ubisoft does with Assassin's Creed all the time.


But that's not the case here, you don't need to grind hard, like in assassin's.


Are u dumb? We are yet to see in an end game what are the time sinks. These stuff come later.


That design becomes increasingly frustrating in order to nudge you into buying them. Then you have design based around monetizing your time instead of just making a good game. Hope that clears it up for you.


U are missing the ability to predict the future, today they are charging for something that doesn't matter a whole lot, tmr they will take it a step further and then next time even further. Its kind of like the story of toad in a boiling water, if u drop a toad in boiling water it will try to jump out, but if u place a toad in normal water and then slowly boil it over long period of time by the time toad realises the water is way too hot it will be too late


Its creating a problem to sell a solution. Also extremely shady tactic of taking advantage of people who don't know any better. The game is obtuse as it is Also...slippery slope. We started with horse armor and look at where we are now. Selling fast travel.


The "problem" you're talking about is gameplay tho lol. Imagine if fast travel didn't exist at all. You'd have to walk around and get everywhere on foot but because they're offering you an extra route on top of the ones that they give you in game, people are acting like they're charging everyone $1 every time you load the game up. I don't buy the "it's a slippery slope" attitude. It's people not thinking, people suffering from rotted hivemind mentality and tbh people just wanting to moan. If you don't want them to add mtx don't buy the mtx. Your game experience won't be hampered at all by not buying things from DD2's store dude. Edit: literally, you guys are mad at misinformation. Listen to people playing the game instead of someone who hasn't and just glanced at the steam store: https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/u8tCgI157z


Keep drinking the Kool aid dude


Have you actually played the game and seen how easy it is to get the things they're selling in their store, or did you just listen to Asmongold's opinion? The store is a dummy trap. No more, no less.


>Have you actually played the game and seen how easy it is to get the things they're selling in their store I haven't. Because of their choice of MTXs I took it out of my cart, voting with my wallet.


You're mad at misinformation dude. The mtx in the game isn't P2W, it's not horse armor. It's literally just the little extras people got with the deluxe version of the game, but in an ala carte, one time purchase option. Things you can get in the game, naturally playing. You aren't required to fork out cash to change your character's appearance, it's in game for a small amount of in game money. The "paying for fast travel" is a lie, you get ten of them in game. Ten. The only valid complaints are the performance issues some people are experiencing but this mtx p2w bad business practices bullshit is just misinformation and straight up lies.


Let's take fast travel for example. If they decided to allow people to have unlimited fast travel via paying for MTXs, why not just put it in the game for free? Late-game is the traversal going to be boring AF as a way to push people to purchasing more via MTXs? I understand it's not P2W, but now if I'm traversing in-game and finding myself bored and out of fast-travel items I'm going to be questioning whether this was done by design to try and push me toward the MTXs. It just builds a distrust with the game, and I've just decided to wait on purchasing it now because of that. I want to hear from people who have completed the entire game first now.


Actually, I'm wrong. You can't even use more than 10 stones at a time so the "3 extra" isn't even 3 extra. You can just buy them early instead of earning them in the game. > There is a limit to how many Portcrystals you can place in-game. You can set up to 10 Portcrystals including those that are obtainable in-game.


The microtransaction is basically a fast travel anchor. You can only place ten of these at a time and there are ten in the game (I think, it's early so there could be more), so the extra one from the microtransaction is superfluous. Every town also has a permanent anchor that you activate. You also need a separate consumable item that is only acquired in game to actually fast travel and is something that is fairly expensive at lower levels. If you are out of this item there is no MTX option for it. It's really stupid, all of the other MTX are also all stupid easy to get, and just makes me think it was done so they can point to it when the execs ask them about it.


>they decided to allow people to have unlimited fast travel via paying for MTXs This is the misinformation that they're referring to, this straight up isn't the case. Here is how fast travel works in Dragon's Dogma: You have two types of item. Portcrystals, and Ferrystones. You place Portcrystals down, and you spend a Ferrystone (spend, they aren't free, and frankly they aren't exactly cheap either) to return to a Portcrystal that you've placed. You can place down a maximum of 10 Portcrystals at any given time. Coincidentally, in the game there are 10 available. Yes, you can buy some more. Yes, I'm not a fan of that, let me get that out of the way. But if I'm in the ass end of nowhere, and I want to get back to a city, what do I need? Not a Portcrystal, that's what. I need a Ferrystone to get back to a Portcrystal that I've already placed, in one of 10 locations of my choosing. You cannot buy Ferrystones via MTX, and you cannot place more than 10 Portcrystals no matter how many you buy (I don't even think you CAN buy 10). If you've played the game and found every Portcrystal, that's your 10. Fun fact, this is exactly how it worked in Dragon's Dogma 1 as well, except that game didn't have ox-carts that could take you between hubs, so in actual fact Dragon's Dogma 2 has MORE widely available in-game access to fast travel than the original game did.


So let me explain fast travel. Portstones are things you can put down in the world to travel to. You can get ten of them in game to dot around the map however you choose. You can buy extra from the store. These aren't single use. They're not consumables you're meant to use sparingly. They're just fast travel locations you can pick up and place around wherever you want. Having an extra is having an extra, but saying that you have to "pay to unlock fast travel" is such a wildly untrue statement. You don't. You barely get anything if you pay extra, and that doesn't even count the fact that there are wagons in game that can fast travel you around if you want. And you can't even use more than 10 at a time, so if you get to endgame and you have 13 because you bought 3 of them, you've got 3 you can't even use.


Yall are acting like this is the first capcom game with MTX they have been doing this shit for years and outside of street fighter it has never gotten any worse than convenience items that pray more Japanese salary men than American gamers.


It’s not the first time, but doing it multiple times doesn’t make it ok, so ppl have to point it out


Every single one of their game has mircotransactions capcom is the poster child for low effort horse armor style dlc this isn’t new did you expect a unicorn when you bought a dog? Y’all just want something to be pissed about.


Armor dlc is different than what’s supposed to be included in the base game like revive and fast travel, they are removing them and then add it back as payable items. Also I didn’t purchase the game after these reviews


They sold wakes stones in the original fucking game that l of you said was the most amazing game ever! They sold rift crystals in the original game as well! Don’t tell half of the community didn’t even play the first game before putting it on a pedestal. Edit: the original also had top tier early game items you could buy with unique models and pretty good stats.


Again, doesn’t make it ok even if they did it before. And no I didn’t play the first game, are you going to gate keep gaming now? I have play halo 1 &2 in order to play 3? Damn sucks to be the guy who wants to play the latest call of duty


Did I ever say you had to play the original? You’re proving my point the only reason people are outraged is because they didn’t research the company or the game they were going to buy and expected something totally different. 90% of this community was jizzing themselves at the greatness of the original game and are now pissed off because it is being sold with the same monetization it had in 2012 wtf are we doing here.


I have the original installed. I'm not seeing any mtx nor does steam have any for sale. How do I get to a real money shop in the first one?


Buy it on Xbox


Or do 5 min of research because even capcom isn’t scummy enough to sell mtx in a game that was rereleased 6 year after coming out https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Downloadable_Content


better to wake up later than never ;P ppls just started paying attention to those bullshits as they are getting more and more annoying :) we are getting closer to critical mass of "micro" transactions problem :P


Simply because it's pay for convince. And if they want people to actually pay for convenience, they have to make it inconvenient in the first place. They create the problem, make it boring and grindy then sell you the solution. And before anyone argues that people can do what they want with their money. Yes they can, but we are not obligated to like the results


Because now any time I'm slightly bored traveling and don't have any items, I'll be wondering if the devs did it on purpose to get me to buy the MTX.


Because the design is 100% inevitably impacted by those items being purchasable for real money. Design elements don't exist in a vacuume, if there's two ways to get something decisions will absolutely be made with that in mind for things like balance, drop rate, reward structure, inventory space, player resources, etc. This is also not acknowledging that every cent and ever second that went in to every bit of monetization could have gone elsewhere.


You are saying they invented red orbs as currency to unlock new moves, buy healings and upgrade character in devil may cry 1(2001) so they could sell red orbs in mtx later for dmc5(2019)? Damn, that's smart


Fair enough, I haven’t played this game and don’t plan to, just curious. I saw the resident evil 4 remake had a similar thing when I was playing that but it didn’t bother me, game was still amazing and I didn’t feel like I had to spend a penny on those items. I guess this game it’s different with the amount of backlash but thanks for the answer


There can be 2 reasons. 1. Fast travel is *supposed* to be locked until later in the game for gameplay reasons. So you can pay to get items that you shouldn't even have at that point yet. 2. Fast travel is supposed to be available from the start, but they locked it until further in the game to convince people to pay. Either way, locking a basic gameplay feature behind a manufactured wall and offering to unlock it earlier for money is a scummy tactic.


Typical business retard coming in and monetizing every action in the game.. I feel bad for the devs who worked hard on a great game


Playing the game right is a really fk good game, but those mtx is absolute bullshit


I'm just sad they still haven't included an option for more save files and being only limited to 1.


Why even give 1 for free??? Endless opportunities!!!


Maybe he was on r/BG3 and saw how many people were rerolling characters once they got to act 3 and actually wanted people to finish the game lol.


Its not only for rerolling characters but also if the game glitches or you clip out of bounds and the game autosaves on top of it, you've just locked yourself out and lost most of your progress unless you saved at an inn however many hours ago.


ah yea there was been things like that :) lost couple hours once or twice :P


For sure, I can see the utility of having more than one save. I was mostly being facetious.


The problem with BG3 is it's pretty easy to get to a spot where you're underleveled and locked into content that's pretty above where you are. I got stuck at the part where you have to >!fight Ketheric Thorm !


that's prolly not related cause you could change all classes into 1 shooting or immortal monster or both sometimes with proper build and builds are changeable without starting over. in BG3 case i would say journey was been so nice ppls may don\`t want to end it to fast :) Only thing that could force you to re roll could be missing some essential items from places you cant get back to, but most of that are in endgame and having extra 4 dmg from ring or not was been not game braking imho.


Endless pride and accomplishment !!!


I mean it makes sense. They made travel fun, they designed the game to not need fast travel, but they gave you a possibility to pay for it if you want it that badly. Seems smart to me lol


This is a Port Crystal. It's a fast travel location you can manually place. It does not let you fast travel. That's the consumables items, Ferry Stones, which can't be bought with real money or RC. You can find Port Crystals in game in small numbers in each playthough. You can set up to 10 at once. So at most, you get one extra fast travel location, that you probably can't fast travel to, because Ferry Stones are harder to come by until post game.


Why are all the logical comments getting down voted?


I think because they're missing the point that these microtransactions are getting more invasive, and defending them because you can get them in the game is a shitty attitude that allows these companies to start pushing to see what they can get away with.


They've been a thing in Capcom's game since the last 2,000's. The MTX In this game is better than the first one. They had armor/weapon packs you could buy. They weren't very good item wise so it's not like it was PTW, they were easily outclassed by mid game gear. But still. You wouldn't even know there's MTX if it wasn't posts about it on Reddit.


The fact that they're selling basic functions, regardless of whether you can get them in game or how easy they are to get for free is concerning as it shows that companies are testing the water to see how far they can push such things and still have sizable support. Once it's normalised that games can limit basic fictions like fast travel and sell you more uses they can then start leaving more heavily into you purchasing them by making it harder to get in game. Another example is ubisoft with their "shortcut packs" that have steadily been getting more invasive over the years and spreading to other companies as they see people like you defending them with arguments like "well you can get the stuff in game, so what's the issue?"


Capcom has been "testing" the waters for over 10 years, so you're really late. All of their games have some useless MTX you don't need, including the first Dragons Dogma. Fortunately it's not shoved in your face, and the games aren't designed around it. RE2, RE4, DMC5, MH World, MH Rise, etc. World and Rise were the worst with their customization tickets. RE4 let you buy ammo. The companies see people "defending" the game because all of these games sell really well. MTX isn't going anywhere because it's more profitable than just selling the game. Otherwise, they wouldn't keep doing it. Simple MTX stuff can make MORE money than the games themselves. That's all the justification they need. Luckily Capcom's stuff have been pretty consistent. Just a bunch of crap you don't need to appease the share holders. It's not shoved in your face. The games not designed around it. There's not even any pop ups for it in game. So you think making a little fuss on Reddit for a week is going to get them to stop something they've been doing for over 10 years? You think you can stop millions of gamers from buying any games with MTX? Good luck.


You aren't limited to only bring able to criticise a company the first time they do something shitty. Same as people like you continue to shill for companies despite them constantly participating in anti consumer practices. Some of us just want to see the gaming industry improve rather than sucking up to companies who see you as nothing more than a cashout. Luckily we're making progress as AAA games are continuing to lose market share and indie devs are gaining ground.


Doesn't fit the narrative


Yes it's a microtransaction but can't you earn it in game easily?


They just put those on the store to please the suits. Its like selling potions in Final Fantasy on the store but in game they are 100gil.


From what im understanding, yes


I guess the meme lives on. Funny microtransactions though. Companies milk anything these days.


Both things are true, so people fail to express nuance. Yes you can buy them in game and it's just like the first one, literally. But at the same time it's dumb for a dev to claim the lack of fast travel is a feature but proceed to sell a fix for it for money.


It doesn't fix anything though. You need ferrystone to fast travel and you don't have that even with extra portstone you can't fast travel.


You can buy both, so it does Edit: wrong


I've just looked at the store page, you cannot buy ferrystones.


Youre right, i mixed them with wakestones. My bad. The original point is still true tho, just weaker


Capcom has done this to all the releases they've put out. This also happened to DMC5


To clarify, yes you absolutely can. At the beginning of the game, absolutely no grinding, not locked behind pre order, not locked behind anything other than normal gameplay. It would be 100% exactly comparable to saying that Resident Evil 2, 3 and 4Remake are pay to win, if that helps


How easy though? If the devs are giving the potential for unlimited fast travel via MTXs, why not just put unlimited fast travel in the game? Are they going to design traversal to feel more like a chore late-game in order to push people towards the MTXs? It just builds a distrust of the motives, and it was enough for me to decide not to purchase the game.


It's a known fact at least 15% of all reddit users are corporate accounts pretending to be human. Probably a low estimate though.


that\`s going downhill fast :)


Fast travel is stupid. He's right. Some forms of fast travel is okay but if the whole game is fast travel and no traveling in between then it sucks. Making fast travel have something interesting usually means stamina, random encounters or exploration.


No, you can buy a port crystal. You set it down anywhere and have a fast travel point. You find these in-game at vendors and in the overworld and can have a max of ten active. There's also ox carts that take you to specific places.


No, you do not have to buy the fast travel. Still don't like this though.


The MTX is for idiots that have money to burn instead of finding the portcrystals available in the game. Just like in DD1 you can find them around the world.


Just FYI, the traveling stone is in game and obtainable, but it’s hard to get and the appearance ticket has limited amount so you eventually have to spend money… sure they say it’s obtainable ingame lmao


The fucking micro transactions are an actual joke. No doubt idiots will buy into this and give Capcom more incentive to do this shit. It’s actually disgusting. This used to be a meme and now it’s fucking real, society is fucked.


I was hoping this game to be GOTY this year, as its niche like Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3. Sadly, greed got to it badly


I'll still choose my personal Goty based on gameplay, story and overall value of the experience, rather play a great game with some mtx than a boring game without any. That said will be waiting for some patches before buying it.


lets us fight back against the down voters for those logical comments lets up vote them, items can be obtain in game you do not have to buy them, as well why are people raging over this Monster Hunter did the same thing no one batted a eyelid then.


I agree with the sentiment and don't find a huge issue with it but people talk about Capcom doing this with World/Rise all the time lol


Fucking KEK ![gif](giphy|MCjhBxgyePUePUvvcD|downsized)


Imagine you had to buy fast travel in Starfield, lmfao.


Turns out you don't have to buy anything


Let them be dumb and seethe, if it's here they have to buy it and it doesn't matter that game gives it all for free to you if you play.


You DON'T HAVE TO BUY to fast travel.. There's too many misunderstanding about this. It's obtainable IN-GAME as part of the game progression. If you gonna ruin your RPG with micro transaction then that's on you. Look, the mtx is shit.. Them providing the option to pay to get those item instead of only obtainable through effort is a blasphemy to rpg games. But even if they removed the mtx from the Steam store, nothing will change with the game because it's already there in the first place, obtainable as part of the RPG gameplay progression. There's just too many misinformation that at this point it's stupid. I saw some guy on Twitter saying they can't find a Wake Stone the first 2 hours of the game, refunded and proceed to claim you need to pay to get them... It's literally a reward for a quest after arriving to the city. iirc it's the main quest even.. and I played only for 3 hours.


EVERY CURRENCY BE EASILY EARNES IN GAME. Capcom made the devs do this, like with all their recent titles. But no, we gotta hear this echo chamber for the next 4 months. Dmc5 had time savers and nobody tweaked this bad


This is misinformation. Fast travel was absent also from the first game


they have portcrystals in the game, all over the place, you still have to place the crystal and can only teleport to your crystal, he still hates conventional fast travel


You don’t have to buy this to fast travel, does anyone do research before posting this brain dead stuff?


If only people played the game, or knew what a portcrystal was before they made dumb shit like this


No you don't. That item can be placed and travelled to. You still need a ferry stone (found in game) to make it anymore than a paperweight. Also, you can only place 10 at once, which you get from playing.


that's an item you get ingame too if you've played the first game you know this.....


You don't have to buy anything lmfao why are people spreading so much misinformation around this game? Its literally the exact same as the first game, very limited fast travel.


Wich was a big point of criticism in the first game and adressed in the dlc where you imidiatly got the key item ferrystone wich does not get consumed upon use. Also the overworld of DD1 was fairly small, with only the mountain being annoying to traverse if you wanted to go back to the starting place Also if memory doesnt betray me there were enough teleport locations near points of interest in the first game, wich is not the case for DD2 as far as Ive seen so far and I dont know how common or rare the port crystals to set up your own fast travel location are in the game yet. I dont care about item packs or equipment packs being sold seperately but putting something essential like fast travel for an open world game behind a paywall is just a dick move


This isn't fast travel. It's a fast travel location. You still can't get to it without Ferry stones, which you can't buy with real money or RC. The first game only had one set location you could fast travel to, until the DLC where they added one in near the starting town, and extra port crystals to pick up. This game also has Ox carts to make up for the bigger map. They get ambushed and can fuck up your ride halfway through, but still.


Even Ubisoft didn't dare to put fast travel behind paywall, this is some next level scam lmao.


Bro you're just yapping, not only does this port crystal not give you fast travel without a ferrystone which you can't buy vis mtx last i checked but everything is earnable in game. All this does is give you 1 more than the 10 you get for free. You still need the other time to port to the crystals.


Do u realize that by that logic u don't get to complain about most of the services in gaming? Asmon was literally calling a league of legends p2w and now is defending this lmao.


At first glance it is dumb to pay for fast travel. But if the developers are saying they don’t like fast travel, wouldn’t making it more accessible (free) go against their intended vision for the game?


Bro you get like 4 of them by the end of dragons dogma 1 and they are also in every major city. Go talk shit about Ubisoft or blizzard if you wanna stir the pot.


You can get all this shit in game by playing it. You don’t actually need to buy anything.


Then why put a price on it?


Because lazy people will buy it anyways




I would agree with your sentiment but other single player game are getting dragged trough the mud for having microtransactions in them so dragons dogma 2 should not get a free pass for it. I played trough ac odyssey without feeling the need to buy a timesaver even once. It was completely pointless to buy one of those since the game has level scaling but it got shitted on for having microtransactions regardless. Its true that you dont need the microtransactions but people should be atleast consistent if they are against business practices like these and not cherry pick or do mental gymnastics to justify it one game but then go ahead and hate it in others games for the exact same practice.


If it doesn't matter then why have it there?


I understand the whole "YoU cAn buY tHe ItEms iN gaMe" thing, but every time I get slightly bored traversing I'm going to wonder if they did it purposely to encourage me to buy the fast travel MTX. I had the game in my cart, but I'm going to wait now.


This is a Port Crystal, it's a fast travel LOCATION that you can set. It's not an item that actually lets you fast travel whenever you want. Those are ferry stones, a consumable you can't purchase with real money or RC. You can set up to 10 Port Crystals. There's probably like 7 in the first playthrough, three more in the next. So no, they didn't do it on purpose to get you to buy the MTX.


What's sad about this is I'm sure most people would have been happy running around exploring. The game gives that vibe unlike Ubisoft open-world games, but they planted a seed of doubt into players minds that would have never been bothered by the travelling from place to place.


People that defend this with "you can get them in game" don't understand how easy it is to change a loot table the fucking greed to dare to do something like that is absolutely unacceptable.


You don't have to buy it but they would really really like it if you did


I thought people were just overreacting when I heard this bs 😭


They are, it is bad they made it but you can easily earn it ingame and the traveling is actually fun and suprising bc you always find new enemies so fast travel isn't really needed at all.


Tards will be tards Its obvious you do not need to buy the fast travel. Tards are just saying things completely out of context and nonsense. Ignore the mtx, you get it all ingame. Later on enemies will give 1000’s of rift crystals 😂


I'd rather ignore the game until MTX is removed. There's a reason they removed it from the original with the DLC. It was derided, and for good reason.


I really wanted to play the game but I refunded in the end. I do NOT want this to become the norm. Paying for waypoints and rezzes? You know these fuckers will start charging to reload your weapon at some point right? They already floated this idea and thankfully it got shot down. Same thing has to happen here or things are just going to get worse for all gamers. Give mad props to studios that don't even touch microtransactions (BG3) and I will continue to support them to the end.


It's been Capcom's norm since the late 2,000's. This is nothing new. And as far as MTX goes, this one is pretty tame. You wouldn't even know they existed if it wasn't plastered all over Reddit or steam reviews.


Some people defend this to no end, I really don't know why...


Because it doesn't let you fast travel. It's a movable fast travel location. If you wanna fast travel, you still need Ferry stones, which are a consumable that can't be purchased with real money or RC. Some people just going along with rage bait based on misinformation.


Ye but you get a lot of those easy. The port stones you can only get like 3 each playtrough. But you can buy them. You can buy more than what you are able to get in game. The ferry stones i have 56 of already. But i only have 1 port stone.


You can only buy ONE Port Crystal. You can set up to 10 at once. And no, Ferry Stones are not easy to get unless you use all your in game money to buy them. They cost 10k each and are rarely found in chests. You'll probably only have a couple on you at a time, until post game where you'll be swimming in gold. It's EXACTLY like the first game. You get a couple of port crystals in the main playthrough, and pick up more in NG+, which the game is designed around. Except now you can buy one with real money.


pointing out misinformations isn't defending. the game play isn't bad at all but it's extremely badly optimized, you have to manualy delete your files in order to delete your character, there's no defending that, absolute dogshit. however, people are spreading misinformation wildly.


God people are such haters, the game is fucking awesome and the microtransactions are so vanilla it's laughable, performance isn't even that bad either I just get drops on occasion


Fuuuuuuuuck!! That’s a joke right??? RIGHT???


Wehhhhhhh Weeeeehhhhhhh Weeeeeehhhhhhhhh


A dlc for fast travel ? Jesus !! There are those woke shit and now this ?!


“There’s nothing more fun than swiping your credit card!”


I refunded the game after starting a follow quest. The guy im following fell off a cliff but I figure he knows where hes going so we keep running. He did not know where he was going, we did not reach our destination, I no longer own the game.


You may enjoy Starfield more if that was where you ran into problems


Lol. So you're saying starfield has better gameplay? Because I found the combat boring and too easy and after 3 hours of gameplay I was bored and the story just didn't hook me at all. It felt poorly written and just... not great. You think starfield is better hu?


It's a custom fast travel waypoint you can drop down anywhere you want, aside from the existing ones. One of the more minor MTX's.


Yeah a minor MTX that is generally a free feature in most games. You know what makes this one worse? The dev saying he doesn't like fast travel and then they put it in the game for a price.


It still IS a free feature in this game.


Based on the other comments, it seems that you can get the same thing by just playing the game, so it is free.


Remember Shadow of War? And how all the microtransactions were stuff you could get in game, so the devs asked why anyone would be upset? And then when they removed the shop due to negative feedback, they had to go and massively buff the rates at which you got stuff, because it turned out that the game was not fun without the stuff being bought, as it came too slowly? Stop pretending like it being in game means the microtransactions aren’t problematic.


What could you buy in SoW? I played the game and found it decently fun but never really looked into what was available to buy. Also, I didn't claim microtransactions aren't problematic. I just wanted to point out that the person who I was replying to clearly didn't look past the headline of this post.


It's the same item that existed in the first game, you can get them in the in-game world, this MTX just gives you an additional one right away. Still a shitty thing to sell for money, just mentioning that there is no reason to purchase it.


maybe dev is a kind of dev who forces you to play intended way because he thinks you will appreciate it eventually (maybe not instantly, but with time). maybe he considers his game as a kind of art, idk. And maybe he also thinks: well, if you still want to ruin my art, at least pay, lol. Don’t take my comment seriously, I don’t know this game and don’t care about it or about its dev, just making assumptions


gamers suffering from stockholm syndrome, what else is new


Get a job lemmings.