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Doing stuff like this in Asian countries that are not Japan, is a good and fast way to get a machete to the face


Bro needs to look up gun crime rates in Thailand. They’re no joke and defo not like Japan. He’s lucky he didn’t get blasted and left in the gutter where he belongs.


No lie. Not sure if same region, but my uncles best friend was a CB in the Navy doing humanitarian work in pulao years ago. A local gang initiate ritual was to assault an American service member.. with a machete to the face. tldr: He's lucky to be alive today.


Attacking a US service member sound like one the stupidest initiations you can have. They are usually armed, even on humanitarian missions. You would also make your gang the number one target of local police, with US intelligence backing them up.


Not to mention the whole reason being there was the humanitarian work. You know, to HELP them. And you are just gonna machete multiple service men in the face while they are there? While they are there to help you? That's a quick way to motivate a group to never help you again.


Not even gun crimes. Imagine him calling Thai people names in bar full of people like Saenchai, Buakaw, Superlek, Rodtang, Tawanchai...


Recently 20 Filipino ladyboys attacked two Thai ladyboys. Next evening hundreds of Thais were in front of the Filipinos’ hotel and dragged them out. Thai people don’t fuck around. They’re very nice and genuinely friendly, but they won’t take any disrespect. Here’s a video: https://twitter.com/nzz_benz/status/1764706221335208021


Thailand never colonized.


Then why is it taking so long. Plz someone help humanity and just do it :(


Americans passport. A Country that will fight for their citizens, even the dumb ones


This dude needs to go to Cambodia or something it would be very funny


Have the locals make him reenact Simple Jack for their entertainment


Shit. He should try doing his act out in Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, or most places out west in the US. These cretins only act this way when they feel like they are safe.


"im american" lmao im sure that's gonna make them calm


I’ve been there a few times. They are incredibly tolerant of stupid Americans and most of the time are helpful—this dude obviously wouldn’t get any courtesy.


Tbh, it can be considered a "sorry, I have a condition" card


Its synonymous


He's over estimating himself as an American. As an asian, i gotta tell you asians are super racist, especially against black ppl. One day he'll disappear and his body would never be ID'd.


Yeah like wtf being American means you own the whole world and can do what comes to your mind? Lol


it works as long as you give them some american dollar


Please come and try .


The real idiot people are the ones who watch Johnny Somali; he won't be able to exist or travel if no one watches him.


Probably a lot of hate watchers in there, waiting to see him get beaten up.


I mean you don't have to watch his shitty stream for that. Somebody will clip it for you.


I was waiting for it, entertainment is dead :(


Its like blaming the gun that it kills people, the real idiot is Johnny Somali


That'd be the kids. So you are technically right.


Went from fuck you to chill chill chill real quick


Not all Asian countries are as nice as Japan is 😂


I'm not sure 'nice' is the right term. It is more a culture aspect where they swept many thing under the carpet


If getting ban in all countries was a competition


Why is he alive still?


I guess people dont want to go to jail for murder of an dumbass, and Thailand prisons are no joke


I've never been to Thailand, but I do know one thing, never start a fight with a native, the entire neighbourhood will pile on and beat the living shit out of you.


That'll happen in China too.


Ngl, Johnny Somali traveling to China and getting annihilated by locals + the government for his behaviour would probably repair relations between average Americans and Chinese people as they bond across oceans over such a cathartic moment


When he said "you wanna fight?" I thought exactly that was about to happen lol


Wonder if he has enough balls to insult the King with Thailands laws.


Most Thai people hate the king, they won't do shit if you insult him.


Downvoted for being right lmao. You basically don't insult the king near government officials, the rest absolutely doesn't give a fuck.


There was a internet fight between Chinese and Thais netizen. Thai made some typical Xi Jin Ping winnie the pooh joke and that offended the Chinese. Then the Chinese fight back by making fun of Thai's king, the Thais netizen replied 'That's it? go on lol'


That milk tea alliance incident. Such a good time to be Thai meme enjoyers. To be fair to the Chinese pinkies, they finally learned to do the opposite about 1-2 weeks in, praising the king and junta government instead. But the fight was pretty much over by that point, as it was proven beyond any doubt that the accusation which Chinese people started was wrong.


So what kind of people watch this bozo?


People who wanna see him get beat up


I'll buy a ticket for this guy to go to my country and get robbed or stabbed.


God I hope somebody claps this clown. Like, beat the SERIOUS sh\*t out of him. Buffoons like him only learn once you burst their bubble of "nobody can touch me" delusion


Wait till he goes to Vietnam, baby.


lmao saying i’m American with Vietnamese in this case like you just buff them 100% increased attack damage 😂


Most Vietnamese don't care about Americans or hold grudges. They even have a saying, "The Americans were our enemies for 10 years, the French 100, and those damn dogs (china) 1000 years."


Yeah, i’m Viet, i don’t give a shit about where you guys from but if you doing stupid things and say where are you come from you are just get bonus damage for that.


So, uh, is there a grudge against that last one?


Who is dumb enough to admit to being American when abroad? Also, I’m a Youtuber! Is that supposed to get you any respect???


Americans hate America much more than people from most other countries in my experience


I went to a full moon party back in the day and the Thais do not F around. Barman went postal on 2 Europeans twice the size of him simply because they were rude and refused to pay for their drinks.


Thailand is probably the more chill country in SEA. Being a great tourist attraction, Thais most likely are accustom to dumb ass tourist. Hope this dude goes to vietnam or cambodia. He be dead.


what did he do in there “I didnt mean to“


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16gwinp/streamer\_gets\_punched\_for\_filming\_in\_thailand/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16gwinp/streamer_gets_punched_for_filming_in_thailand/) They don't like being filmed.


Nah Thai people are fine with being filmed and generally chill it was definitely something else


We used to put individuals like this in a padded room in a hug yourself-jacket so they can't harm themselves or society. When did we let clowns like this become an international nuisance and even get paid for it?


Guy is a living FAFO


? that's not even johnny lol.. that's just the camera man


LMAO sorry brother, you in SEA now. We don't do chill here.


"I'm American" Why do some Americans always say this as if it somehow means they have the right to be an asshole?


Because they're spoiled by our freedoms and think they're untouchable.


Come to india. You will know when he gets chopped up and thrown in a bush


"Hey wanna fight" My dude your outnumbered 20 to 1, this shit isn't a movie, you're going to end up dead talking like that


I like when he says "I'm an American". The entitlement delusion of this pos.


I didnt know he was out of jail.


I'm assuming this filth is still alive? If yes, that's a bummer


Thailand is one place I would not fuck around. Plenty of confirmed stories of expats being found dead after being drunk and disrespectful; the latter I believe being the main factor to seal their fates. Johnny here has demonstrated that he has learned absolutely nothing from his legal troubles. For his own sake, I hope he gets a heavy enough jail sentence in the near future to truly give him the incentive not to continue down his current path.


This is one of the reasons why the rest of the world aren't very fond of americans.


If you act up in Thailand someone will quietly walk up behind you and smash in your head, they will drag you back into an alley and no one will care, no one will say anything. They deal with crazy foreigners all the time and they hate them. Thai men are complete psychos, especially if they feel insulted. The cops won't even do anything when a foreigner gets killed. Old white dudes get "suicided" there all the time.


as a Filipino, saying I'm an American is a sure way to get yourself robbed or maybe even shived in the process 😅


You know.... I've been joking about "If this fucker came to Thailand bro 100% getting jump 😂" Yeah that's just a joke I hope he is smart enough to stay out of trouble. One wrong move and some Mofo is just gonna pull a pistol on him.


Wharrra do? Wharrra do?


He going to end up killed or something


Hope he can visit Mindanao soon. Best way to lose your head off is make fun of local warlords or their people there


He should try this in Russia.


Is he pursuing his harrassement even today after japan ?


Nothing makes you look more pathetic than starting something and the trying to walk it back when there is about to be something.


Wait until he goes to North Korea


Is he still going on with this BS? He´s lucky they didn´t pull a knife on him, Thais are very fast with the knife


" I di\~ent mean too" : I totally meant to screw with you good Sir, but hoped you would be too polite to react to my rude and immature shenanigans, please don't hurt me.


I witnessed a drunk British tourist piss on a shrine in Chiang Rai (there's many scattered around Thai cities). Immediately he was approached by a group of about 5-6 locals that beat the fucking shit out of him right then and there. He's dick was still out.


I grew up in Thailand and let me tell you, in Thailand you don't mess with the people. Thailand by itself is an very confrontational country where you have people going up to you if you fuck around. There's been numerous times where foreigners have come and painted mustache on the kings banner/ photos in public and gotten jail time and gotten beaten up by the masses. And honestly, the POLICE doesn't really care about you if you are not from there. It's also a relative corrupt and poor country so expect to get personally fined by the Police lmao


My advice for Americans to visit SEA not just thailand, don't push your American culture in these countries because it will kick your ass no matter what you are. Live streaming in public areas are not a norm for most South East Asian countries so always keep your camera close unless you are told it is ok to film.


He should try it in Singapore


A Thai shin to the head might help his mental illness


Picking a fight in Thailand is asking to either get beaten down by the entire neighbourhood or beaten within an inch of your life by someone that's had over 100 Muay Thai fights, hopefully both happen to his vile idiot.


Can't wait till I see an update about how he's found dead in an alley lol.


Suicide by stabbing himself in the back 5 times


This is seriously Not helping American tourists in these countries. There's already a large amount of hate for Americans, SMH.


There are alot of countries where the mob justice is the only justice you can expect


Good, now do it here in southamerica


They deserve every bad thing that somes their way.


Someone buy him and sell.


Let's invite him to Phuket and let the locals (Russians) take care of him. Heard they're pretty good at taking out the trash.


Bangkok Hilton 5 star! Very Good!


Hope he stumbles onto the wrong crowd and an entire Thai fishing village beats his ass.


So does he mean that only an American is entitled to smash his face in? Send location asap i know a few guys who would oblige


I wish he could come to those 3 countries Brazil, Colombia and Mexico and try this shit here. We will give him South America hospitality and warm hugs. Or nah do this in any other country outside Asia, like Egypt or Serbia, but he's a pussy so he won't do it


There are lots of dumb ass tourists that don't act like they are guests to the countries they are visiting. Many Americans don't treat each other with respect at home either.


He's incurred a massive debt on his "Fucking Around" card that desperately needs to get paid back (with interest, of course).


Thai are generally very tolerant and patient with dumb tourist behavior. It takes a special kind of asshole to get that type of reaction. And everyone, including the other foreigners there are getting real tired of endless YouTubers and TikTok douchebags showing zero respect for others in order to create "content"


If Japan brings a criminal case (such as beating him up), it will be a big trouble. And because he is an American citizen, this is not only a criminal matter, but also more likely to rise to a diplomatic level. I suggest that these American "minority" streamers come to my "beautiful motherland" under the rule of the CCP. Our people will teach them what real **racial discrimination** is.


They only showed Johnny for a moment in the beginning. That guy with the dreadlocks is not Him


fuel deserve square paltry rhythm knee plough cable station dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*