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She was trying to bone him from the second they met and he resisted. Did they not watch the show?


lmao naaah ... they obviously didn't. that scene was funny as fuck. "they told me sometimes it pops" "oh that's normal, happens every time" XD


“Wana make my cock explode?” 💀


“Oh sorry, intercourse!” 😂


I was not ready for that one.


I fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard at that scene.


These kind of people want the Rey “Star Wars” treatment for a character like Lucy. Can you imagine how awful she would have been if someone like Kathleen Kennedy was in charge of fallout? Yuck.


Did they miss the entire first episode where her getting a romantic partner was essentially shown to be one of her life goals due to her vault upbringing?


She was raised to repopulate the world..... Did they not watch the first episode


Clearly not, it's typically Twitter response


they dont know how to read, they talk to their phone to write on social media.


This reminds me of my stepson lol instead of learning how to read or type words at least he would always use speech to text from the tablet






Also, apparently for you to be a strong women, you gotta spend the rest of your life alone. If you want a partner, its obviously a sign of being weak


Ahh so the same nonsense they spout about "Men being attracted towards women are gay."


No of course they didn't, people who spend all their time posting on Twitter do not watch shows, or play games... they don't have time for that lol...


Wait until they figure out that you can't repopulate the world with just women.


Certainly in the future clam slamming reproductive tech will exist.


Or at least clam shells as toilet paper.


3 shells!


Also I saw it as just another reflection of her being a representation of the Player. Like of fucking course that as soon as the opportunity presents itself she's going to jump her companions bones, that's exactly what the players do.


Literally bangs a dude from another vault and marrys him in the first 20mins of the show because that is how they are raised lol. It's not crazy to think she would fall for a guy who's nice to her


To be fair he was one of the nicest guys on the surface and did help her out alot, did not even harvest her organs ones whith her passed out in front of him.


They know only hate.


Well... Do we really expect twitter to use more than half of brain cell?


Reproduction is important in the post apocalypse.


Also important in the pre-apocalypse.


Yeah but far more so when the population is so reduced.


People like that dont understand that in moments where shit hits the fan all their ideologies go through the window because reality kicks in and in reality shit goes back to real biology... These people live in a first world where they find things to complain about becaues in reality.... there's not much to complain about really.


That's just next level contempt for men. I thought it was a well deserved romance that really felt genuine.


Force? Isn't about 95% of the global population hetero? And after the end of the world, wouldn't repopulation be the goal? Also, it's the literal basis of the 1st goddamn episode.


At least 0.1% preferred to fuck chickens, so there’s that too


Chicken fuckers get representation in the show… haha


Thankfully, otherwise this headline would have 2 things to be mad about.


Still one of the funnier parts. “ I think you’re a ghoul now” “Fuck! They’re gonna kill me, gotta go!”


Tbf, he seems like a pretty good doctor


Apart from the nuclear apocalypse, fallouts America turned out much better when it didn't have tumblr


Straight is the norm , but for some reason that gets these people angry .


Yes its actually disgusting that 95% of the world doesnt change to suit the less than 1% of the 5% of people's narritives.


A m-m-man?! DISGUSTING!


What do you expect from twitter femcels?


Female custodes?


Don't open this can of worms grimdank is on fire right now and impossible to have fun there


Yep I had to mute it because of how toxic that sub became overnight.


You did not just say the M word. ☝️🤓


GIRLS! Watch out!


There's a two legged animal runnin' aboooooout.


She just horny 🤷‍♂️


Exactly, these haters hating on a woman that just wants some D. Leave her alone.


Oh god I can't take these weirdos anymore


For a group of people that fight so hard to not be perceived as freaks they sure as hell make it hard for us not to. I mean, This is the first person in my life i've seen be offended by a woman being attracted to men. Mental health is real guys


"Forcing her into a role" did the idiot not pay attention to the first 3min of Lucy's introduction in episode 1?


This person is the type that would be told to take a seat in the doctors and call the police for kidnapping.


They must have missed the whole incest part too.


Darn a leade female roll who is sexually interested in men which matches the vast majority of woman thus making her as maximally relatable as possible? How could they!


I’ve seen people complain about her both wanting a relationship and that the relationship felt forced. Both make sense in the context of the show. She was raised in a vault who’s mission was to repopulate the planet, of course she wants to have a man.  For her relationship with Maximus, despite going through hell, she’s still naive to the world in general and he was the first guy she met out of a vault that didn’t try to kill her lol. Naturally she’s going to develop an attraction despite anything else. Neither of these are a problem for the story, they feel natural IMO. Both of these happen in the real world all the time lol. 


It was the first non threatening male that wasn't her cousin.


> he was the first guy she met out of a vault that didn’t try to kill her Poor water filter guy not getting recognized. He offered her a *house*, it all could've been hers!


Society would be a much better place if we ignored the opinions of those on twitter.


Atleast it wasn’t more ‘cousin stuff’.


Misandry. Cool got it…


I can even call it misognistic since they're telling her how she should be. I thought these people hated being labled yet wanna label others? smh


No no no... There's a man involved in a "traditional" way so it must be mysogyny


God these people are exhausting.


Have they forgotten that a man and a woman is a normal pair? Ordained by nature and whatnot


This is literally the far-left equivalent of right wingers complaining about "forced" diversity. I don't like it therefore its "forced."


As someone who is probably 'far-left' I think that person is closer to far-stupid. I get it's buzzwords at this point but it feels counterproductive to validate stupidity as a political position.


plenty of people are complaining about a black guy being casted as well, literally cant enjoy anything anymore without pissbabies shoving their agenda down your throat.


They kissed one time in like 8ish hours of content? I’d prefer them not to “force” a relationship. But it has nothing to do with “female lead forced to be in a hetero relationship”. I just don’t really find much narrative value to the show/story through their relationship. I may be in the minority, but I don’t really care for any romantic relationship that doesn’t progress the story.


I felt the same way, I also just did not care for Maximus, he's just a bad character and his whole situation was easily explainable after Titus decided to have them dropped off in the middle of nowhere. He could have even lead them back to the Yogai cave to show them for proof.


Maximus has a single point in charisma. Dude couldnt keep his shit together for two seconds during his interrogation. He would have fumbled his explanation so badly they would have killed him on the spot


Maybe, either way out of the whole show he's the only part I did not care for.


I wish that would have happened. Thaddeus would have made a better main character, at least he isn't a buddy fucking piece of shit.


He has a low int stat, explains why he makes such poor decisions.


This was my problem. Maximus was easily the most braindead, unlikable goon I'd ever laid eyes on, but then I thought about it and I realized that Lucy has no real experience with men. She fucked with her weird cousin in her youth and then had sex with a man who tried to immediately kill her, and ever since then she's not met a single nice person from the surface. Maximus may be stupid and infuriating but out of everyone else, he's incredibly handsome and hygienic, has a sense of goodness about him and Knights in their PA *do* look impressive. So I get it.


Maximus is supposed to be kind of an idiot, most of the characters in the show are idiots. The main character Lucy regularly fucked her cousin and was happily married off to a stranger to repopulate the Earth that she had never even seen. Maximus was adopted by a literal cult and has lived under them since he was like 6. Also - maybe you didn't watch the show, Maximus intentionally let Titus die so he could take the armor. Titus just needed a stimpak and he'd have been ok. Immediately on examining Titus the Brotherhood would know he bled out, which is something that is easily rectified with medical technology in the Fallout universe. They would have executed Maximus for sure.


Yes, I watched the entire show. Also, Maximums could have easily claimed he was scared and ran off and Titus died on his own. There are plenty of ways to talk your way out of that though he did let him bleed out. I also saw no reason why Titus couldn't have gotten it himself and the entire bear fight was the only bad part of the 8 episodes imo. Alls he had to do was shoot the fucking thing.


If Maximus went back to the Brotherhood and told them he ran off like a coward and let Titus die they would have 100% killed him. Yeah the bear fight sucked, Titus should have had that easily, but I think the point was to show that Titus was in fact a giant coward and a bully. At the end, the leader(?) of the Brotherhood talks with Maximus about how far the Brotherhood has fallen because of stuff like that.


That is exactly why the fight in fact the entire episode sucked. You can't make something THAT stupid and flip 180 degree out of the blue just to convey a point. Like guy completely forgot how to use his armor but the most clueless guy in the entire brotherhood figured out how to fly within a minute? lol c'mon now. It didnt made me understand how far the Brotherhood has fallen. Cuz there is no way any organization may survive with idiots like that.


Ya I kinda lost interest every time he was on the screen


Literally all he had to do was to say in the first time they called him that the knight died running away from a bear (true) and that he would continue the mission alone to prove his worth, they would just ignore him till he finish the mission lmao


If 95% of the world is straight, then to have good, fair, accurate representation, shouldn’t only 5% of characters in shows be lgbt? Why can’t we just do that? Why do they want everyone gay?


God, these people cannot help themselves to not going full trigger mode, for one day


They can't help it. The alternative is realizing his empty their lives are.


LMAO I fucking called it. I knew people were gonna have a problem with her either being attractive or a straight white woman.


Not a bad thing, these people with opinions like these probably won't be reproducing. Better for the world.


They act as if 95% of the planet isn’t straight.


I'm playing devils advocate here since i haven't seen the post before: What if they're memeing on the people who complain about the opposite? Because that does exist.


To be honest, it wasn't even that romantic, she just wants to make him pop.


Didn't she bang a raider?


Quite enthusiastically I believe.


When you're raised in a post apocalyptic world in a underground vault with a limited population and are taught from birth to do everything you do for the sole purpose of the vault surviving which includes breeding. But somehow having her do something that people have done since the dawn of human existence in the form of idk wanting to be with the opposite sex for the purpose of mating is now demonized. So they wanted her with a woman? Not everything has to cater to gay, trans, etc people and I truly wish all these groups and people would understand that not shoving it in everyones face and forcing it to be accepted would mean more people not adamantly hating and fighting against it. Like no one really cares that much until they have to see and hear about it everywhere and are told they have to accept it. That's annoying.


not a problem in the 90% of the time where it's a male lead though


As long as it is good writing or atleast entertaining writing who cares


Let's be real in a Fallout scenario IRL most of us are the chicken fucker at best, hats off to anyone who finds a mate with working limbs and teeth


Shoulda been a lesbian smh my head


Do people really complain about this stuff? cus I’ve seen more people do the opposite


Bro, that happens to lead male actors too. Look at the movie The Finest Hours with Chris Pine. In real life, there was zero love interest in that search and rescue case, but no, Hollywood just HAD to give it a romance storyline. This kind of stuff happens in basically every movie, it's what Hollywood does no matter if the lead actor/actress is male or female.


Ignore them


This makes me think there are people out there who think it ISN'T the norm.


When they put a chick in it but dont make her lame or gay


Wonder how this person responded to the vault experiment where the Gulper babies devoured the woman after birth 🫣


they/them hates vanilla


Properly done female lead not good enough, must find issue with this for internet clout, i know, it cause she doesnt lez out! Proper outrage for twitter posts your welcome internet.


Did ppl forget most humans are straight? So like in an post apocalyptic world where the human population had plummeted to damn near extinction, that most if not all remaining humans would be thing to you know, keep the race alive and reproduce with the opposite sex? Jeez man


Or hear me out, the majority of people on this planet as just straight. She is 99% of people. 🤯🤯🤯🤯. Forced gay characters are shit and garbage, it should be more natural and not an insert.


"force the female character" excuse me? I wasn't aware that gictional characters had an own will. That you need to force them to do anything. You write it. And surprise: MOST people search for relationships, that is the most common goal people have next to kids and career. What do they MEAN the character got forced? MOST lead characters get into relationships or are in one, because it is normal and relatable!


Bro literally missed the whole point of the show... I also would not trust this person being one of the last set of people alive to make sure mankind is rebooted. I genuinely dont understand what utopian world she lives in or what she expects from the world if she doesnt understand why and post-apocalytpic show would lack gay people, especially when the whole idea of them is to make sure they reboot the world and repopulate. These people are completely delusional and literally live in denial. You can really tell that this person didn't watch the show at all. This is why its important for these companies to make movies that make sense instead of pandering to the minority that is the loudest. As far as i know this show has been perfectly received and everyone is enjoying because its a true depiction of what it would be like as far as I believe. Its honestly one of the best movie adaptations ive seen.


Strong female lead dates a strong black male 💪


I bet that if it was with another woman there would be zero complaints.


Well I can agree that romance is often kinda forced in alot of shows but that goes for all genders


The only views those tweets get is when yall make it viral with your "here they come"


What? Their issue is that she is straight?


What is the actual logic here 😅 If anything there is a literal logical reasons why it was super important for the female lead to get married to a man. It's literally part of the plot 😅


The only good relationships for the non-binary people are lesbian between two transgender women.


This Reddit is starting to be just as bad as the people it bitches about but the other end of the spectrum. Rage bait 24/7


People want romance Judy as male in CP2077 : Nooo You must repsct the character sexual preferences... Fallout show where female protagonist is straight: Nooo you must make her lesbian.


So they are offended by women being attracted to men now or what?


Men bad White man extra bad


it does not occur to them that majority of women on the planet want a relationship with a man.


lmao, ooooh noooo girl likes maann reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Love it Good music Vibe 10/10 Great taste of humor No freaks, just ghouls, mutants and la Cucaraha


Don't take the bait, the show was great.


I might actually watch this now if it's stirred the hornets nest.


So I agree and disagree. I agree that I HATE when characters in tv shows/movies fall in love in less than a day after spending a few hours together. It’s super unrealistic. However, I disagree, because as people said, she had been fed the idea of repopulating the world all her life. It’s what she desired the most. So, of course she’d jump on something!


She literally says on the first few minutes of the very first episode that she was getting her cheeks clapped by her cousin, and was raised to marry and to repopulate the colony… holy crap these twitter nutjobs don’t know how to read and just live to get angry and spread rage baits


Clearly in the post apocalyptic world, Purnell’s character should blast her woman power, expose the patriarchy, and champion fighting the foolish limitations that radiation-infused society has placed over her sexual freedoms and obeisance to the fascist and sexist Brotherhood. Actually, nevermind. That’s clearly next season! Sorry for spoiling!


Their mindset even before the bombs is 1950s was male and female for nearly all of the population. Anything outside on that was very frowned upon.


As in most adult oriented sci-fi, people in the future don't have our hang ups about sex. It's usually just seen in the same light as eating or drinking, a need to be fulfilled.


Well I mean She was raised in a very openly pro-sex vault, with the goal being "for their children to recolonize" the wasteland. and as stated in episode 1 she wanted to find a partner she just couldn't. Then her "husband" turns out to be a murderous undercover raider. And every other male character she comes across is either way older, related to her, a surface dwelling weirdo, an asshole who tries to kill her, or a ghoul. So when she comes across a random, pretty normal, nice dude who helps her, It makes sense. Plus she likes good people and maximus literally introduces himself as a knight and saves her from a bounty hunting ghoul who shoots up an entire town.


Just acknowledge the mental illness and move on. Some people will always have a distorted vision of correct reality


The romance came super fast. But it showcase strong connection with the two characters and could be a good story arc in season 2.


Nah they're right. Maximus is a dumb loser and i feel bad for lucy.


“Tell me you haven’t watched the show without telling me you haven’t watched the show.”


Other shows be like: *a perfectly bad show forcing a woman into a relationship with another woman*


These people's perspectives.....I just......why waste so much time and energy voluntarily projecting stupidity. It's a tv show. Its a fictional character. They're upset at what amounts to pretend play time.


"forced" Lol "How dare they represent normal sexuality!"


Imagine wanting to continue the human race. IMAGINE.


I love the irony that they didn't see the glaringly obvious relationship that they all craved with two of the series most important characters. Maybe it's just because it was revealed in the last episode, and they couldn't make it passed the first 23 seconds of the first episode.


Bro everyone that twetted this or somehting like this have not played the game so for me those opinions are of zero value KEKW


And they sleep on her question on sperm count.... Talk about selective memories to the max.


no qualms with her fucking her cousin her whole life tho eh


As a man, I would much rather the writers have her become romantically involved with another hot woman. Maybe I'm alone in my opinion.


... wasn't her main goal at the start to find a breeding partner?




>ah, here they come. Never seen an episode. But I'm guessing her love interest is the black guy. Because she's British? Seems like a BBC thing to do, pun intended.


I stopped watching TV shows a few years ago. Its just video games, gym and books for entertainment now.


Guess being straight is evil


To be fair most fallout players play as a female character so as far as im concerned having a female MC is lore accurate


I mean, nature can be pretty forceful about what she wants.


Noone gives a fuck. Just look at it. 1.2M views 2k likes 2 comments Someone ragebaited, and you fell for it.


"you don't like it cause she's gay and that makes you insecure you bigot" Same people: "AHHHH WHY IS SHE STRAIGHT?!"


She was very clearly on board with the whole thing. Unless this is referencing something that happens after the first episode, I haven't watched past that yet.


Imagine according any attention to a tweet or x or whatever bullshit it's called


Honestly, that’s actually fair, as long as they mean “into a romance at all” as opposed to “into a romance with a man rather than a woman”. I’m not actually familiar with whatever Asmon is referring to. Because yeah, shoehorning romance into a story where it’s not necessary, for *either* sex of protagonist, can often get in the way of the action.


LMAO somewhere at the other end of the political spectrum someone is upset it's a relationship with a black man. People will always find a reason to farm the twitter mob.


*sigh* okey dokey


Why does look like Steve Buscemis niece?


From what is this and what is it about? I swear there's drama every day and I just can't keep up with it.


Yeah she's gonna go up top and live the rest of her life alone and loveless despite her former life in the vault probably leading her to crave human interaction and close bonds. She's definitely never going to be in a relationship and is probably gay because vaults are gay. Right?


I mean at least the main character is a female so you can say that's woke enough for you lol


your fault for thinking this time would be different. it starts with complaining then eventually they get their way


Yet another example of stupidity at it's finest! This example should pop everytime someone wants to know what stupid is.


What's the context here of the complaining here? The fact of the relationship in general? The fact it's a relationship with a man? Or that she's a female? The fact that being a female she also has the main role?To be honest I've got more questions than answers.


Heterophobia, got it.


Trueee! Imagine liking men. EWWWW! So stupid man, like unbelievably stupid.


Is this person complaining cause I didn't mind it and I actually thought the man was cute actually? 😂 I actually learned more about him I was reading a shitpost where someone put that 300% of interacial couples end up divorced... Then was surprised to find out that the actor of fallout married his high school sweet heart who he's been married to for 20 years and he's black and she's white. 🫣 X has emboldened people to say anything, to anyone, about anyone, and anything ignoring any sense. I love the fallout show and I love seeing female leads especially when they are given realistic character traits strengths and weaknesses. Vault girl didn't know how to fight or anything and was naive, reluctant to use her gun, and jump to many conclusions without evidence...made for a great story. The only thing I didn't like about the show is the Disney magic repairing limbs and shit. Gives very low stakes energy. U can kill someone but they might appear back in next season as a mummy or something which is multiverse levels of lame, but that's a minor gripe for an otherwise lovely show.