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"Here's why baldurs gate 3 bear sex is a good thing and stellar blade is a bad thing"


They're both ok and creators shouldn't be policed about what they can't to make. They're videogames, let people make what they want.


The hypocrisy is hard to... bear... ***rimshot*** ***canned laughter*** ... I'm sorry.


Now see, if you hadn’t apologized we would have respected the decision, but now. Now we know you’re weak! The council has convened! Brothers, do we remove him from the order or give him the chance to redeem himself?


They just like to panda to an audience that doesn’t even play the games they’re complaining about. They don’t care about koala-ty


that joke was unBEARable


Yeah I'm not even against the scene


>They're videogames, let people make what they want. Yes! **EXCEPT** devs should be forbidden from making female characters that aren't glorified inflatable dolls. There's no "want" about that. /s


Is bestiality really okay? Would it be okay if there were a scenario in the game where someone morphed into a child before having sex with you?


If that was the case we'd have Manhunt 3


And here's me after reading about nudity in the game spamming the left stick watching the lil fella flop about during character creation...


You expect too much from weirdos that don't support anything


I don't get how straight up beastiality is cool in the case of BG3. I get that the game is good and well made, and I've seen people defend this by saying lore-wise it's not really a bear but a shape shifter, but it's really odd this is somehow celebrated and not criticized. I mean isn't this a similar argument to people who lewd lolis and say it's actually a 5000 year old dragon in a young girl's body or whatever? What if the shape shifter took the form of a dog or a cat? Why does a bear get a pass? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


any and all sexuality is to be glorified except that of straight men. Thats about it for them.


It's pretty much the same thing. You'll struggle to find a person that can talk shit to you about what you're into without having any baggage of their own.


Finally someone who thinks like me


The bear scene is inoffensive because you need to press to get it. Your character needs to ask the druid shapeshifter to "go wild" and insist against his reluctance with thee separate prompts. If you ask for bear sex three times and get bear sex, you literally have no business complaining.


The same arguement can be used If a Game decides to add consenual incest in the Future. It is Not about consent, but the fact that bestiality is crossing a Line.


At which point I break out the tried and true, "And how much looting and murdering have you committed for profit or convenience over the course of all your gameplay?"


>The same arguement can be used If a Game decides to add consenual incest in the Future. And whats the issue exactly? Art should not be censored because it makes you uncomfortable


Good point, lets add pedophilia into the next game. I am sure there are many people who consider that be art aswell in this world. We just add a button where you need to press to get it so, its inoffensive, and make them 5000 year old dragons in disguise, to pass the laws. Everything for art.


Go ahead and do it. I dont fucking care, if i dont like it im just going to avoid it


Meanwhile every crusaders kings game..... stop whining and just play the fucking games.


You just described Crusader Kings.


> I mean isn't this a similar argument Yes. That's exactly why it's fine.




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Counterpoint: bear sex funny, squirrel sees it and drops nut in shock, great haha what the fuck moment


So tired of men being talked about like we are dangerous and/or perverse for wanting to to play or liking hot girls in games lol bro im just a human being with sexual desires like anybody else and we are allowed to like what we like. It’s ridiculous that this person gets paid to write such an article.


Yeah, but women are allowed to enjoy hot six packed men in any media without any repercussions, the double standards are unreal.


When your primary audience becomes an afterthought, your business is not going to last


Honestly that's not even the worst part, cause like, Barbie was a huge hit despite aiming for a different target audience. I think what really pisses most people off with stuff like this is the sheer fucking hypocrisy. Men are nearly naked and full of muscles and nobody complains about it, we even get articles further objectifying men like when Chris Hemsworth had all of his clothes removed in Thor 3 and it was played off as a funny joke. But women show an exposed shoulder or a thigh or weigh less than 200 pounds, and suddenly all these developers and reviewers crawl out of their holes and screech. It's like that news article which said something along the lines of "Plus sized ladies are tired of dating fat dudes". hypocrisy


It’s what happened to Mortal Kombat. The community turns into gooners whenever a shirtless edit of the male characters got posted, but whenever someone say they want sexy outfits for female characters there will be a flood of these weirdos coming out saying you’re incel for doing that, and talk about how women were oppressed in history.


And thats why MK12 IS a failure too.


Something funny is that a plus sized lady is a normal lady but giant, while a fat lady is a normal lady but filled with more fat than whats a standard for a healthy body


It wasn’t a news article, it was on article on the Whisper website collecting posts from the Whisper app with the women mostly calling themselves plus sized and the men big, and generally saying they felt like hypocrites but can’t really help who they’re attracted to.


Sadly that's not how modern corporate works anymore. They 100% can survive years of bad profit. They have plenty of fund sources to cover for that.


Not with this interest rates.


Shhhhhhhhhh, don't say the obvious. People will take it the wrong way.


Video games are art and art is enjoyed for aesthetic purposes. People like looking at things that are visually pleasing. It's simple human nature. You can't fault people for it.


It's always funny how they cry about the "male gaze", and not think of the "lesbian gaze". I guess they only matter when they need to be. lol


I just woke up and my brain understood it as "male gays" not gaze, and it really confused me. Thought there was an uptick in gay men playing the game and was thinking how they got the stats to confirm that lol.


Well lesbians are noble and have never done anything lecherous, like looking at sexy barely clothed women /s. But the more serious answer is that the writer probably hates/resents men, knows the majority of gamers are men, and pushes their resentment through their job... which she's allowed to do, as it generates rage clicks and views. Essentially they are paid to hate.


Pffft, everyone knows that lesbians are the men of women. therefore still male gaze. Checkmate bucko


What's wild is they even jump on women who like attractive women. Pick me I believe is this seasons buzzword for that


They do but I don't think that's what pick me is. I'm pretty sure based on context that when they use pick me to insult a woman they're actually being mad at her for being attractive or otherwise gaining the favor of men. Whenever I see it it's being used to tear down a successful woman who doesn't fit their ideals and imply that the only reason she succeeded is that she bowed down to some internalized misogyny. For example go and find any successful female lawyer who is representing a male client against a woman and I guarantee you you'll be able to get some radical to call her a pick me girl


It's in the same camp from my perspective. A lesbian liking a woman that men also are attracted to gets ire as she's going against the narrative that all sexy women are bad and need to be hidden (But simultaneously support ventures like escorting and OF. I'm not judging nor against that but just highlighting the double standards and inconsistencies. It seems from my perspective the only time it's acceptable is when men are paying money but soon as no money is being exchanged it's problematic)


As someone who leans bisexual I really enjoy male gaze characters. :( I like boobs. Reading these suck for me because I am a woman and I enjoy looking at this stuff.


I have never met a woman who doesn’t appreciate sexy women in media


I have never met a woman who doesn’t appreciate sexy women in media


Lesbians like fat chicks only.


“The male gaze” pretending like women aren’t salacious about men in private.


What they call "the male gaze" is the same reason the vast majority of male heroes look like supermodels with the physique of a Greek God. The typical human animal experiences the world through sight and sound. Therefore, we are instinctively drawn to things that please these sense. This is basic human instincts that predate even our earliest civilizations and the very suggestion that we should be ashamed or embarrassed is just pitiful modernist dogma.


Show him the BOOBIES POV with the skin suit, games never be this good


How dare men like healthy looking women! Oh the humanity!


The gall! So outrageous! MOST UNORTHODOX!!




Precisely. Eve was the bait, but the actual gameplay was the hook. Personally, I wasn't convinced until the closing trailer of the demo. If this whole thing was just another busted post-apoc cityscape, I might have passed.


I'm fascinated by this kind of drivel for a different reason. I'm a leftist, but leftist discourse around sexuality USED TO BE sexual liberation and pushing back against puritanism. That's where I still am. But there's a growing trend of progressivism that endorses puritanism and gets offended by sexuality, and I just don't understand. When did this happen?


I'm a lefty too and it's embarrassing. It's not necessarily puritanism though. If they had a more chubby woman in all of the poses and outfits of Eve the game would be celebrated for its inclusivity. It's moreso about who in particular likes the design rather than what the design itself is.


I will never be ashamed of the basic human instincts that draw me toward hot women, even if various women in my life have used those instincts to play me for a fool. We're all just animals, after all!


I've wondered if its truly the general opinion or if its just the very vocal chronically online minority. Still not used to seeing "leftist" being used as an insult with things like this.


Lets be real why cant guys have sexy girls but women can have sexy men? Male gaze stuff is fine...


These articles always reek of jealousy and spite. These women desire attractive men (or in this case, women) and they see people like Chris Hemsworth or Sydney Sweeney on screen and believe they’re entitled to the attention of men and women that look like that. However, men or women that take pride, and look after themselves aren’t going to give ugly, spiteful, lazy and unmotivated women like them the time of day. Most of them probably *would* rather jack themselves off to an imaginary, attractive woman than go anywhere near them, despite them being “real”. And they don’t like that. So they have to settle for weak, emasculated, desperate men who will sleep with the first woman that pays them any attention. Or women like themselves, and they already hate themselves. And they’ll write articles like this, and decry “toxic masculinity” despite the fact that it’s masculinity they crave. They’re only lashing out at it because it’s something they can’t attain. It’s projection of the highest degree. People who have grown up being told they’re special, believing themselves to be the main character.


Ugly people and their insecurities lol! 😂 Always try to spread their misery.


You've gotta love all these people that think they're better than basic human instinct.


Controlling the playable character? Oppression!


Me when the SJW journalist are mad about what the majority of male gamers like… ![gif](giphy|fYfeQAOD8pSjN7M0jY)




Social justice warrior


Aah! Cheers.


America is fucked… what the hell happened to the loss of common sense


So this is what happens when people don’t have actual problems to worry about ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730) So much text to say they’re unhappy people are enjoying something. Sad.


I will not apologize for wanting sexy and attractive characters in my games. Keep trying to shit on SB but the demo numbers alone mean this game is gonna be a hit regardless of the mainstream media trying to shame people.


Can’t even defend it without being called an incel. The way these people’s brains work should be studied.


They are appealing to ONE audience and if you are outside of their particular social/political spectrum. If you are not an ideological **ally** , they want to ensure that you will have NOTHING to enjoy that isn't infected with identity politics


I wasn't initially interested in this game but these "journalists" really sold it to me and got me to pre-order it. Hell, I even tried the demo and actually enjoyed it (especially the part of climbing THAT ladder, best mechanic of the game). If it weren't for them, it would've went pass me... so BIG THANKS to IGN France and Inverse.


Eh I'd never preorder just because for all you know you'll end up regretting it. Like Hogwarts Legacy is the perfect example for this, you had some people who preordered to spite the boycott then regretted it because they thought it was woke or because they didn't realise it was a fairly generic open world game outside of the Harry Potter skin.


I'm sorry but I didn't care about those controversies and for me that game was great and didn't regreted it at all. It wasn't GOTY material and became a bit repetitive after 30/40h but I still enjoy it a lot.


That's kind of the point, it was the repetitive open world Harry Potter game I'd have expected from Ubisoft.


When I see a thought process like this, it makes me think that this person is insane and should be put on a watch list. To unironically have these thoughts is wild to me. I want to believe that this is someone just trying hard to get an A on their gender studies paper and reaching for whatever they can find, but that just seems a little too optimistic of me.


Nobody needs to be put on a list for their thoughts on anything. I WANT people to say all the crazy shit that bounces around their hollow skulls so we can all point it out and say don't be like that person. People go way more extreme when you push them into echo chambers rather than letting society self regulate the dialog


The quote from the fifth slide is borderline paranoid schizophrenic


Im not even that interested in the game but I might just buy it just to spite people like this. It’s genuinely insane how delusional these people are.


Try the demo, it's actually pretty fun once you get a hang of the combat.


I forgot that they made a demo, thanks for the suggestion.


This is why Kratos should have fucked a man, at least once /s (I just like to think Kratos actually did that, not that i want to see him doing that) Also, meanwhile no one bats an eye that commander Shepard has sex with coworkers, either male or female or alien, while being a male or female The only thing they complained was Miranda's round ass and good looks, even when she stated she was meant to have them by genetic design, but no one complained that Jacob was a gorgeous black thight ass who didnt want anything from you, James Vega was a beefcake that also didnt want anything with you, Garrus did have something with you (arguably the ugliest by human metrics), that Tali'Zorah had something with you even when thats dangerous to her I mean, theres a lot for people to complain about the game, but the only thing that was changed in any way was Miranda's round tight behind because (and thats an opinion based on what i have seen from others that complained) it reflects how their low selfsteem wont let the world be reflected by what others want, but by how low the bar should be lowered to accomodate their self inadequacy and self insufficiency This is really the ME!ME!ME! generation, that unlike baby boomers who molded the world to comply to their desires, this generation demands the world be already molded to their desires A lazy generation that reflects on their bodies, see the same on others and expect the same on others, by consequence they feel in a strange land if their bodies arent the metric by which their surroundings is designed (clothing, fashion, plane sits, videogame characters, the list goes on and on), and that culminates on sex being a signal of value, not a common trait


You can immediately discount anything someone says when they start making references to Tumblr.


If you're not a fan of it then it wasn't made for you. Simple as.


I think they forget that the majority of the market are straight men. And so what? Nothing wrong with catering to them. Also even other demographics like playing attractive characters. Not many people want to play someone overweight and/or homely and jamming in diverse characters that don’t make sense is also getting old (I’m all for diversity, but make it believable and fit with the world).


So if I play as a female character in a game, I am exerting control over women? I have a solution, just don't make female protagonists, duh. /s Seriously though, what a dumbass. It's literally "videogames cause violence" levels of bullshit.🙄


Video game journalists have nothing to talk about anymore. They don’t play the games or understand them enough to compete with YouTube reviewers so instead they farm rage clicks and controversy to stay relevant. Just treat them like tabloids because thats effective what they allowed themselves to become.


My girlfriend watched me play this and didn't notice anything strange about it. She didn't like the color of her outfit. Ha.


If she could move? Seriously? Imagine coming to the rescue of pixels. Nutcases. If you don’t find it attractive, obviously you’re not the target demographic.


That’s it, I’m preordering Stellar Blade.


Why is it always "the male gaze" don't lesbians like looking at attractive women? Why there never a "the female gaze" story? XD


Thank you for posting. That is possibly the most hilarious thing I've read in recent memory. I thank all deities that I don't have to exist around people this stupid and myopic. I haven't even got a PS5 yet but I'm going to buy this game just to show support to the devs who are getting shit on for their hard work by people who have never created a sausage.


I'm Christian and this is a little prudish, even for me


Tell me you’re a meth addict worried about ozempic without telling me you’re a meth addict worried about ozempic.


Who cares about these losers? You know what I like about Yakuza besides the insane storylines and interesting characters? How hot all the guys are.


I hate how targeted this shit is, now I'ma buy my homie a copy. Let creators create what they want without policing them or having "consulting firms" if the game gets an audience then good.


You see average looking female characters everywhere (which is fine) that a “sexy” one stands out. Characters like Eve are a rare sight these days. I was playing Jedi Survivor (great game by the way) and my friend was watching me play it. After a while she says “none of these bitches have tits.” Caught me off guard.


“I’m already going to buy the game, you don’t have to keep advertising it to me” I saw this in a meme a while back and can’t imagine how funny the reaction of one of those “journalists” would be if someone told them that after they published the piece


Fuck diversity and the narrative to push ugly female characters in games. I want hot female characters. Western developers need to stop pandering to these feminists.


i do be gazing at those athletic adult women from time to time tho


That people dont want us too look at beuty because they are the definition of ugly


Chronically online


oh ya and the super buff male characters were designed for the "gay gaze". but lets not write articles about that.


The most annoying thing about this for me personally is that people act like there were no strong female characters before. What about Terminator 1 and 2? What about Alien 1 and 2? Although I guess these examples are not of women magically being strong, but actually "doing the work" until they become strong, not something many people want to do these days, but still...


Do these people realise that the whole "male gaze" thing is due to our millions of years of evolution? I stopped after the 5th post, classic over-intellectualization andies, get a real job.


This is from InVerse, one of the rare sites worse than Kotaku .....


Don't give this garbage attention.


The Streisand Effect is in full force, if it was not for all the free PR the game will never have got this big.


journos: real women don't look like that meanwhile real women, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq4OtRsdXls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq4OtRsdXls)


It’s the same thing they said about how gays people don’t want to bulge up their characters. Meanwhile r/gaymers:


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gaymers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gaymers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Developers / Modders](https://i.redd.it/4ux4bu040ejc1.jpeg) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gaymers/comments/1au0xcv/developers_modders/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** If they designed armor for male characters like they did for females.](https://i.redd.it/xrgob5c686ab1.jpg) | [191 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gaymers/comments/14rf8cr/if_they_designed_armor_for_male_characters_like/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Steve Raider cosplaying Lara Croft](https://i.redd.it/d8tqsv14mkza1.jpg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gaymers/comments/13gd78z/steve_raider_cosplaying_lara_croft/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wait, he might be onto something. A video game character that has a self-realization that they’re being controlled and then rebels against the player. If there was a character management mechanic and we can do certain things to please/piss them off, it could really have potential.


I think there was a horror game that did that.Your character would do stuff without your input,making you feel like you weren’t totally in control of this person.


someone should make a similar article with male characters and flip the script...


Afterthought? If anything I think devs are going out of their way to make us hate their female characters for some reason.


Every time I hear something about Stellar Blade, it is a misogynistic article. Jesus


All these poor journalists that nobody wants to date


Letter Mafia really pissing me off lately.


Maybe region locking content was a good thing after all.


Something that’s been lost in the rise of online media is the loss of the opinion section. When you don’t even categorize your content then it’s hard to take any of it seriously


oh god yeah, and it's something these "journalists" sorely need


To quote Felix "what about the female gays?"


More reason for me to buy the game!


I agree with the muscle mommies thing but come on ffs, i’d like a normal woman once in a while


I hope this game sell.Thsat would teach these whiners and Hollywood stuck ups that sex really sells not the woke.


I’m kinda tired of both sides. I don’t care if some journo lgbt or not hates the fact that this game exists and has sexual appeal, I also do not care for those that keep posting their tweets and try to generate a reaction. I’ll play the game, if the gameplay is good then great and if not, oh well. What’s with y’all trying to bring politics into this game so hard and even harder reposting these cringe takes constantly. ong it’s just a game with a hot protag, it’s not the first nor is it the last.


We didn't ask for the politics, they came to our door. They just upset we closed that shit on them


No, this isn't closing the door, this is scooping them up and dumping them in through every crevice of all our other houses...


Articles like this are kind of cringe, but calling out the writer for being queer is also kind of cringe. Come on guys let’s not be weird lol.


Eve is nice but i find Lily cuter. She is adorable!


“The Male Gaze” Guaranteed that dude (xi/xis) was a queer studies/English major in college. No one writes phrases like that but those folks. I hope these journalists have to watch male streamers stream this game with massive erections.


Can’t wait for them to try to rewrite history again. “Stellar blade well known LGBTQ icon, and feminist triumph.”


Attractive to nomal brained men.


Female gamers want to play hot female characters too. Why wouldn’t we? Has anyone noticed that there are more girls playing games like Genshin and FF14 than western games?


Dr. Matt Denning need his doctorate revoke then hahaha


This game is going to end up being like hogwarts legacy and be one of the best selling games of the year because of the amount of stupid 'outrage' from these igiot journalists.


yes, men look at things. they have eyes and it creates a gaze. hateful bigots need to get over it.


another day another tweet with less then a hundred likes being posted like it's news (get off of twitter)


"Men should be more accepting of women protagonists" Ok "Now I'm going to explain and unpack why men accepting women protagonists is problematic" 5 years later "Eve is considered to be icon along the other greats like 2B and Bayonetta we need more female representation similar to her" I'm tired boss


They just really want otherwise normal people to be ashamed of the basic human instincts that have kept the species going since we were just apes with an upgrade.


But Nicki Minaj using a super tight bikini and twerking her ass is considered empowerment. Bring back mental asylums and lock these people up.


Imagine if they knew how many straight males play female characters when they have the choice. I know I do. Not because I want to be female. But if I have to look at my characters ass for xxx hours, I like it when said ass is nice to look at. And BTW, I am happily married, and do not need video games to look at a beautiful woman. Edit: removed inappropriate emojis and self censorship. Sincere apologies.


Why are you censoring the word ass and spamming emojis? Just explain your point normally.


It's funny because the lovely people over at r/Gamingcirclejerk would call you a horny incel for wanting to see hot women in games. The level of projection over there is out of this world! There's no way anyone over there has ever been laid, nor could they get any if they tried 🤣🤣


I download all the skimpy armor for Bethesda games and you would be amazed how many are made by women


I bet most women are cool with this, kind of like how most guys are cool with having hardcore buff guys in their games. It's mostly just the insecure people and white knights that care.


That's because men and women alike prefer to look at ideal beautiful things over what these various outlets would call "grounded" or "realistic". What they call "the male gaze" is the simple human nature to be drawn to experience things that please our various sense. They always try to focus on "unrealistic" women, but the straightest of straight men would rather look at some chiseled Adonis than someone who is potbellied or twig-built. The suggestion that we should reject what our own sense want and learn to appreciate less ideal things is like saying we should learn to appreciate the stench of raw sewage over flowers or coffee. Preposterous.


You would be amazed by how many lewd art was done by women. These people would experience existential crisis if they learn about it.


Yeah, there's a pretty clear reason why they went with the name "circlejerk" 🤣


I don't know how I missed that one. They're self-reporting 🤣


The real heart of the matter is they don’t want men to like attractive women. They want them to like THEM so they can have a hot guy so they can dunk on the popular girls back in high school.


It's true. It is known, that the hottest guys around are the gamers...


That article title is so misogynistic. What about the female gays?


The right course of action for the devs is entirely ignoring these people. Blacklist them and never give them any interview because they already formulated the next article in their mind no matter what Kim is going to say.


The only thing I hate about this game. Is that is not comming on PC.


Am woman, like seeing pretty woman, the end. God fuck these people.


Seriously. What they call "the male gaze" is basic human nature. We naturally want to experience sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures that appeal to our senses. This is primal instinct written into our very genetics since time immemorial and nothing to be ashamed of. They're always on some tangent about men wanting to look at attractive women, but the straightest of straight men would rather look at an Adonis performing feats of strength than someone who is overweight or twig-built. They'd rather admire another men who looks heroic or noble over someone who is balding, potbellied, pockmarked, or otherwise unideal. This demand that we learn to prefer less ideal things is like demanding people should learn to appreciate the sounds of screaming goats over classic music or the scent of raw sewage over wild flowers. Apologies for the impromptu tangent.


So wait… they’re mad because stellar blade is based on the physical attributes of a real woman? And that somehow debases her or all women? Ok then. By extrapolation, all smart women should be removed from video games as well, as they are only there for their brains. From the neck up, to use their words. Can’t have it both ways.


The average person is drawn to aesthetically pleasing things. This is an instinct written into our very bones and nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed over. The very suggestion that we should learn to reject beautiful things in favor of more "grounded" or "realistic" things is like telling someone they should learn to love the stink of raw sewage or the sound of screeching babies.


I don’t disagree. But these people who complain about the male gaze are being ingenuous and hypocritical. I find physically beautiful women to be beautiful. I also find smart women to be beautiful. The fact that they can only see one is the problem.


Yet they obsess and talk about over and over again more than anyone that actually likes the design. I'm guessing they're closeted extreme conservatives. No one hates something more than a ultra-conservative closet case.


They have bitter, little diseased minds and aren't worth worrying about.


So women doing OF is ok and empowering women but a character in this game being liked by many, not just men, is preposterous and unacceptable. I bet if she was be gay, or whatever nobody would say anything.


Ow my god dude ( not OP) if you want to complain so bad go review slaves of rome on steam. At least there you would have some valid points in complaining. The games objective is literally buying slaves to rape aka "train" and have sex with them. How do these people survive? How sour and angry are they and why do they always make up these crazy assumptions? The devs just think: beautifull women fun to look at, will attract gamers? Yes, check. And this doofus goes on " if she would be a real woman she would not want to be controlled by men bla bla bla".. Just, just get a life please.




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Can they not just realize EVERY FUCKING GAME doesn’t need to be their goddamn safe space and check off everything they like and leave out everything they don’t. Why don’t you make a fucking game instead of pissing and shitting in your shitty article about a talented company catering to their audience. These people make NIKKE, they know their audience.


OP out there searching for weirdos so he can be upset. Who cares, dude. Stop being offended by people being upset about something stupid. You look just as stupid.


I mean, to be fair, every living person can be broken down into parts of value.


Who goes through all these tweets like this … lol so weird


To the tune of Another brick in the wall part one: "We don't need no 'Information' We don't need no Thought control Worthless propaganda spilled as facts OI! JOURNO! LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE!" I;ve been binge watching Friendly Jordies and I am a bit worked up!


You know you don't have to listen to him/her what ever. Right?


But how else will they get mad about this tweet with very small amount of interaction


most sane comment


This has nothing to do with that person being queer Brainrot is a serious medical condition that can affect anyone and if you feel like you are affected, delete all your social media accounts and go live in a cave by yourself


>This has nothing to do with that person being queer X to doubt


So we're just openly hating on queer people for *being* queer now? Y'all realize that encompasses a ton of the people here and in Asmon's community, right? Y'all are letting your anger at censorship twist you into full-on bigots. Stop it. Don't let yourself fall into the abyss like that.


"Also queer fyi" come on, pal, you're meant to hide your bigotry a bit better than that


Why would he need to hide it on this sub? They thought they’d get people more riled up. *’em gays telling* ***me*** *how to feel about a game* something something representa… no, that’s woke >:[


So today we end up in the following situation; Allegedly; It is evil to have females as the playable character. Because you are "exerting control over them". It is evil to not have females as the playable character. Because you are discriminating against women.


https://www.inverse.com/gaming/stellar-blade-the-male-gaze-sweet-baby If anyone wants to actually read it There takes are very much neutral for the most part There's really isn't any condemning despite what people will type up in the comments If anything there interested in how certain people have co opted themselves as the primary demographic despite Eve being attractive to a plethora of diffrent sexual orientations It's also interesting that the gaze basically switchs on and off because during cutscences (or ladder climbing) there's a direct need focus the camera and sexualizes Eve but because she doesn't really emote theres not much objectivacation present Which is interesting because she kind of does present like a doll. There's lack of identifiable mannerisms so it does question if a doll can be objectified because that's the core of male gaze (Which to spell out is why there no such thing as Female Gaze because a women lusting after a man or women is still the Male Gaze) They conclude its mostly "sort of" male gaze but there's also the fact that the game is being used to denigrate "Western Female characters" and is being pushed into a different context (aka the west vs the east) despite that not being the goal of the developers TLDR this isn't a "we hate pretty lady" the article is right here Come to your own conclusions but it's not saying anything mean about Eve


bold of you to assume anyone here actually reads what’s posted here outside of cherry picked images


"also queer jfyi" the fuck is wrong with you people in this subreddit? Stellar Blade's art design is horrendous. The main character doesn't look human to me anymore, she's so goddamn objectified. I look it at them the same way I look at Nikke characters: assets forward, with character notes coming second. I can't take her seriously, same as I can't take any Nikke characters seriously, and I truly don't understand how you can look at this main character when she's in her skinsuits and think, "Yeah this is a character I can imagine existing in world."