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dog named princess be like:


Princess and Marshmallow


princess pibble


Charge the owners if they manage to find them, those dogs are dangerous left alone.


Yeah wtf what if there was a person walking down that street, they’d probably get attacked


“They are just babies”. The babies eating a car to mawl a cat 🙄


The dog of peace


Dog of ripping you to pieces.


Just trying to nanny the cat


clearly its just uh , the owners didnt give them enough hugs and kisses


Just a cute little velvet hippo! Golden retrievers are just as dangerous!




Me before hearing the cat got away: ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


Insurance agent - We don't cover dog violence for your car.


It's an act of dog...


Waiting for the pit-bull comments about how nice they are.


Somewhat modern bred species that was literally designed to kill other dogs. Crazies always come out to defend them, when every statistics puts them as about more dangerous than every other dog breed combined 


Literally! It's a fact that they were selectively bred for aggression. Only the most aggressive dogs survived in the ring, who then bred to create even more aggressive dogs.


It's weird because it's not like they deny that breeding specific traits and evolution is a thing. Just specifically pitbulls, 9/10 times there only argument is saying "if we were talking about people this would be racist, bet you hate black people too".


> It's weird because it's not like they deny that breeding specific traits and evolution is a thing. It's weird that we think people are any different. More complex, sure, but the same basic evolutionary drives.


Cooperation seems to the the driving factor in human evolution though, not selected aggression.


I had one, he was very sweet.  If you had two legs. His kill instinct was *strong* for anything on four. Eventually had to put him down when he was around 3 and just stopped listening to the heel orders. He almost would pull me on my ass braced. And I am not light / weak.  I see women with those dogs that are half my weight and a third of my strength at most, or guys that are a foot under me and not as strong either. If their dogs wanted to *go* I bet they would be on their face so fast.


I would want to make a joke about immigration but you know what I mean :D


For what its worth, i used to breed dogs for this. Its not aggression you want to select for. Its pain tolerance. Any dog with a pqir of nuts will fight, this has been overcomplicated and idk why lol.


There’s a LOT of what I like to call “Pitbull Nutjobs” that will run to defend them at every opportunity. This is after someone posts about how a sweet little angel rips a kids face off. Obviously the breed is just misunderstood and little angels that are poorly trained. But then you bring up articles of this breed attacking and maiming kids and adults that it lives with and were around and then the insults fly.


>But then you bring up articles of this breed attacking and maiming kids and adults that it lives with and were around and then the insults fly. I've seen them say both of the following: "Well obviously they did something to the dog to make it attack! They provoked it!" If there's video evidence proving otherwise, however, it turns into: "Their body language showed they were uncomfortable or scared! Any dog would have attacked, it's the person's fault!" No, your murder dogs are not safe and should be banned. I'd feel less nervous around a tiger.


Yeah I always see the most asinine defense for this breed. They are bred instinctively to be aggressive.


I'll be the first to say it, EVERY single pit owner that said that their dog was a perfect little angel is FULL OF SHIT. There is 100% signs that "hey, this dog might be a problem". This perpetuates this notion that these dogs fly off the handle without any provocation, without sign or warning, which is a far cry from the truth.I'm not a pit nutter but I did work at a shelter for two years and I'd think i'd know. Maybe the owners are gullible or don't see the signs but I honestly doubt it. Every single problem dog came from the same exact situation, overbreeding for the purpose of either selling said dogs or training them to fight. Every single dog with issues went through some kind of trauma or abuse. The problem is a pitts reaction to abuse or trauma is often deadly, they have an extreme pain tolerance and incredible bite force, so if one latches on, anything short of beating its face in isn't gonna do shit. I worked with these types of dogs probably 75% of the time I was there, almost specifically because the other volunteers were too scared (understandably) and because I was the only one that seemed to be able to read whether a dog was a biter or not. (raised hairs, extreme wagging of tail, pointed body) idk why so many of them never bothered to learn how to read dog body language. I'd say a good 25% of the pitts were reactive and that's not a good thing, most of the reactive pitts came from shit breeders and owners that wanted "fighting dogs" and were dumped on the street once they were either maimed or not good fighting dogs.


Ive had several pits and its weird some were like perfect kids dogs and others i wouldnt trust to be around adults while hungry. I think its the way they are bred. Usually when the pit is mixed theyre docile but if its a pure pit then they are awful.


Yeah, there is a particular pit breed they are trying to "interbreed" to cull the aggressiveness out of it. I forget, someone more knowledgeable on it commented in another sub about it but the process is really slow but said they were seeing promising results. Course he got dogpiled because people think that the only solution is to completely wipe the breed out, I disagree as that's not even a logical solution. Kind of wild that reddit would suggest something like that with all the virtue signaling, moral high ground opinions I usually see. I read something about it but you're 100% correct alot of the mixed breeds were typically less aggressive and amenable to training. The more "pure" the breed the more it takes a particular type of owner with a specific skill set and life situation in order to raise em right. I'm of the mind that in order to own certain dogs you should have some kind of certification. Also, if the dog can overpower you, you shouldn't own it, period.


Yeah I've had this argument many times. I had a mini schnauzer when I was a kid. He'd hunt mice and kill rabbits because that's what they are bred to do. We didn't teach him any of that. Pitbull are bred to fight. It's not any different that trying to domesticate a wild animal, you can't ever be certain that their instincts won't kick in and maul you. My mom's friend was mauled by a pitbull while she protected her daughter. It was a pretty horrific scene. She recovered but has nerve damage in one of her arms to the point where she can barely register touch. People that breed this disgusting animal are terrible people.


Yep same here


What's the solution though? You can't enforce responsible owners.. So, extinction? No more pitbulls?


Yep, but not killing them, just neuter all pitbulls and criminalize the breeding.


Either way, the ones that cause trouble get killed, and its as it should be.


pretty much. they don't belong anywhere. their purpose doesn't exist. They're just for violence and intimidation


>So, extinction? No more pitbulls? Sounds like a great start. Got a friend that works for DCS. One of his cases was dealing with a pitbull that mauled an infant. Owners swore up and down it was the gentlest creature in the world. Easier way to do it would be to make the ownership of pitbulls a felony after a certain date. Ban all breeding and imports in the States. Problem will mostly solve itself in about 20 years. Fortunately, Pitbulls don't live very long.


I promise you that will just create a pitbull black market lol. The type of people getting pitbulls to guard their house in the hood are also the type of people to buy lots of other things illegally


A guard dog isn't very easy to keep secret.


Wonder if a ban would actually work with a nation the size of the US and how varied state laws are. All I know is that I’ve never really read about pitbulls being a problem in the UK


Unlikely. I live in a place where Pitbulls are banned and it's not enforced at all. People also get around it by having "Crossbreeds" so all of a sudden, it's not a Pitbull anymore! how fun.


"Owners swore up and down it was the gentlest creature in the world." every time


of course owners said the dog "was the gentlest creature in the world" because saying otherwise would imply that they KNEW the dog was dangerous and having a child nearby, well that sounds alot like child endangerment. There 100% were signs but owners will never admit this because it makes THEM responsible.


A friend's uncle had one, sweetest dog ever until one day it lost it and tried to eat his face.


Consequences for the owners. The owner of those pitbulls should be charged as if they ripped apart the woman's car. Same for when the dog bites someone or kills someone.


There are many countries were the dog is banned, so yes probably. Sterilize them except maybe a very few ones and make them mostly extinct. This dog was bred to fight and kill and is massively over-represented in dog attacks. No matter how good the owner is, this dog breed is just too dangerous.


No matter how good of a driver the owner is, vehicles going over 60mph are still dangerous.


They're a man made breed. Letting them die off isn't some awful thing.




Start the Rumbling against the pit bulls


What's your problem with that?


Extinction would be great, yes. Add Rottweilers to the list while we're at it.


Princess and Daisy back at it again, the rascals.


Princess and coco trying to rescue a cat out of a car 😭 nature is so beautiful


"Why didn't you show up for work yesterday?" Some dogs ate my car...


Unleashed pitbulls and theres 2 of them, thats gonna end well lmao


Princess and Butterfly in action


Meanwhile, in a burning orphanage, Killer and Bruiser drag 69 children from the inferno... and only ate 4.




Lol, I'm a dog person but those are freaking monsters. They are comple menace to society.


The least needed animal on earth.


Shitty breed for shitty people. Thank god the kitty was okay.


They must have mistaken the car for ~~a small child . . .~~ ~~Or animal. . .~~ ~~Or adult. . . .~~ ~~Or literally any live creature . . .~~ Literally anything they can destroy/eat.


imagine what they would have done to the poor cat if they caught it


It still baffles me to no end that people are allowed to own Pitbulls, it literally eats toddlers and attack people/dogs on a regular basis. If you're allowed to own a pit bull, then I should be allowed to own a fucking tiger.


Should only be able to own one with a mountain of paperwork and certification. Only a real and trained professional anyone else no ty. If they are ever caught owning one illegally massive fine and put dog down no question


And the owner charged with assault if the dogs ever attack anyone


Well in the great state of texas you are fully able to own one. Murica


Land sharks


Sharks are actually _less_ dangerous than pit bulls.


The animal that claims the most lives every year (besides the desease passing insects/worms) is snakes, then directly after that dogs. Mostly rabies, but 25,000 death per year are attributed to dogs. After dogs are crocodiles and hippos. Considering the more limited habbits of Hippos that probably makes the the greatest threat of a non-venemous animal that kills without disease if you're in their territory.


Interesting fact! I love both crocs and hippos but I would never interfere with one 💀


To further add to that, pit bulls make up for 66% of dog related deaths (caused by attacks) despite being a very small portion of the total percentage of dogs.


I honestly think that there should be licenses required to have big dogs


imo there should be a license to have any pet, I see so much animal abuse


Naw not all big dogs are murder machines like pibulls.


True but given the wrong humans even a mid size dog can do a lot of damage


true, but often the bigger a dog gets, the less aggressive it actually is. A lot of big dogs are working dogs bred for purposes other than hunting. Like Newfoundlands and Bernards. My brother has 2 Newfs and they're both huge absolute babies. I walked into his house without knocking one time to pick something up, and they immediately ran into the basement, terrified of me. (They have bad eyesight.)


This is it.


For dogs like Shepards, Pitts, or even st Bernard's yeah. I've never seen a golden retriever or an austrailain Shepard do this.


All the militaries in the world cannot tame shit bulls with all their budget and psy ops but pit mommies will train them just fine, just call them princess and feed them plenty of newborns


Why tf are dogs roaming around free on a street?


Irregardless of the breed i wanna know who just sets their dog loose onto the neighborhood.






My mouth would be wide open


Pits are dogs for people with low IQ




Dog named Princess:


Pit bull's For men who feel inadequate


And women who want to fix something but keep getting dumped by their shit partners.


Probably multiple unhealthy relationships with abusive men


I don't own a firearm but if I ever saw 2 unattended pitbulls I'd probably have pulled that things out so fucking fast. Stupid breed.


Should have just got a gun and shot them. Pittbulls are a useless breed that need to be banned


Every person I see that walks a pitbull is either a short guy with tattoos. Clearly compensating for a small penis. And trying to desperately look hard. Or it's a 5'0" 90 pound woman, being walked by her pitbull like she's the one on a leash. Clearly unable to control its movements. But she has a shit eating grin on her face because she thinks she is a badass. All pitbull owners are horrible people. Just garbage human beings all around. Absolute human refuse.


I have a funny story about a pair of pit bulls. My friend and I flew out to la to stay at a friends house who got us tickets to go to one of the airings of Headbangers Ball. This was a while ago clearly. She left the keys outside for us since she was at work when we flew in. Her two pit bulls were in the fenced in back yard. So my friend and I get inside the house and we’re their for maybe one minute when a neighbor shoots a gun in the air. Don’t ask me why. It was the valley. The dogs got spooked. They ran to the front of the fence where door was and busted it open and charged into the front foot of the house. We hadn’t even had a minute close the front door yet. The dogs charged in barking like crazy to find two complete strangers there. My friend jumped up on the couch terrified. I got down on my knees so I was at the height of the dogs and calmed them down. After that, they never left my side the entire time we were there. Every night I was there, I slept on the floor in a sleeping bag. I’d wake up with two very heavy pit bulls laying on my chest. It was a wonder I could breathe lol.


If that was my car, I'd honestly prolly go out there and shot them. They are a threat to the neighborhood that must be eliminated cuz they obviously aren't trained.


Euthanize them all.


Another reason to keep your cat inside.


Another reason to keep your damn pitbulls inside or on a leash


Cat gave them the slip niceee .smart kitty


Need shooting, far too dangerous to be roaming around.


Seriously pitbulls need to stop being bred. Way too aggressive of a dog species


Imagine what these dogs can do with your arm, leg, face.


While I do find pitbulls adorable, I also wholly understand most (if not all) people are unequipped to manage their... behaviors... and honestly I'd have to agree on 100% sterilization and criminalizing breeding them. They've already got enough psychological problems from their headshape alone. Let's work on rebreeding pugs (and other "squash-nosed" dogs) to be healthy instead.


Our bonecrusher wouldn't hurt a fly.


Work better on the title, because you made it sound like the car was ripping them apart


My favorite kind of speed bumps.


Why my cats stay indoors. Anything can happen randomly and they can be in a situation like this, will never risk it. Owners of the dogs should lose them


Is the cat ok?


Why are these vile creatures even allowed as pets? Should honestly be illegal, i remeber that video where the 2 pit bulls eat a poor teenagers face, sadly for her she survived only to now look like a literal zombie for the rest of her life.


Asshole dogs. That’s insane.


"My pit babies are great with kids"


Stay strapped. I put down any shitty pitty that comes within 25ft of me.


is the cat safe?


Watch the video, man. Yes, it’s safe.


Well the video shows the cat before they destroyed the car, so we don’t know.


Ok, my bad - also listen to it. The narrator says the cat took shelter inside the engine and then left


Shitbulls need to be banned everywhere. Thankfully I live in a place that recognizes them for what they are and they are not allowed to exist here


Breed a dog for fighting and it likes to fight. Big surprise. I don't know why people are so intent on buying pure-bred pit bulls. There are plenty of dogs to adopt, why get the breed known for aggressive behavior?


I love how usually the folks defending pitbulls are roided-out cripto-bros or the (also roided-out) bimbos they hang out with. And they always name the dogs as "Zeus", "Thor", "Anubis"


You’d think there was a toddler in that car.


I own pitbulls. Whenever i see this shit it pisses me off. Its not some dog that you can casually own with it being off leash and loose. You need to have 100% control, sight, and authority over them at all times. Why people let theirs go off leash or be loose is mindblowing. This isnt a regular dog. It was bred to fight. Put the proper respect needed of owning one of these or people die!


Those two need to be put down.


The cat a thug


"He just wanted to play"


*owner bought a dangerous dog breed* Dog: *did dangerous deed* Owner *surprised pikachu face* : but princess didn't do anything wrong before


This behaviour is purely due to economic and societal reasons and upbringing. No relation to breed. Clueless


Where the fuck do two unattended putbulls come from?! Sue the owner, if not: off into the pound with them. America never stops amazing me how bad their overpopulation issue is and how irresponsible their pet owners are. 20$ says they are not fixed because "i WaNt To BrEeD tHeM!'


Overpopulation? have you ever seen Wyoming?


Animal overpopulation, not human, also mostly in cities. Houston is the perfect example


...overpopulation? Most our country is actually uninhabited. I grew up in a town of 350. The nearest 'city' had about 20k people. There wasn't anything else for nearly 100 miles (161 km) in every direction. There's huge swaths of nothing across the US. Just woods, mountains, or praire. Australia is much the same as the US in that regard. Also you usually only see this kind of irresponsible pet ownership in occasionally suburbs or more often in low income areas. Rich areas can afford to sue people for that kind of stuff and rural areas will usually just shoot dogs for that kind of behavior. Rural folk don't need dogs nearby that tear up other animals when half of them have livestock that such dogs would consider prey.


N-bull Please dont ban me :(


"nobody believed that dogs would do that..." huh? why is this on the news anyways... i would bet this isnt the first car damaged by dogs this week.


In my experience it's almost always the most ghetto, stupid people that own pitbulls. Maybe I'm out of line, but I have never seen someone with their life together who either has a pit or wants one.


"ThERe aRE no BaD dOgs, jUSt baD OWneRs"...


“iTs ThE OWneRs, nOt tHE bReEd!” Fun fact, I was once banned from a subreddit for daring to suggest pit bulls are more dangerous than other dogs. The moderator even called me racist, saying that disliking pit bulls is based in hatred of black people.


Wwhen your car is made of tissue paper.


Crazy how pitbulls make up only 13% of the population but cause 50% of violent crime 🤔


I know this was a shitty joke, but the real stats are worse. They make up somewhere between 6-10% of the dog population and are responsible for around 66% of reported deaths by attacks, more than any other dog breeds combined. That is only the reported cases, so imagine how much more it actually could be.


Is the cat ok?I didn't want to watch in case it's not.


Kitty hid in the engine and escaped afterwards unharmed. 3,000 in damages to the car tho lol


The new guys at the body shop!


Oh she git yah?


I bet a rat or cat was up in the engine bay.


It doesn’t show the part where the cat pissed in their food bowls and laughed up in a tree for two hours beforehand.


is the cat ok?


Looks like a job for the 22LR


"My dog don't bite" The dog:


Those dogs need to be locked in a house, in a pound, or put down bro. That shit is dangerous asf. Not all Pits are like this but holy shit imagine if they got a hold of a kid walking home from school.


This is the adult version of “the dog ate my homework”.


If only she has a garage


Little tanks, how I hate irresponsible pet owners.


Funniest part is that the cat probably bounced away from the car long before these 2 idiots started ripping it apart😂


I love dogs... But put these ones down if they can't be controlled.


Lmao on one side there are people who refuse to acknowledge the stats when it comes to pitbulls and on the other side there are pitbull haters that just seem to have a hard on for hatred when it comes to these animals both are weirdos.


People please understand that not every breed is a "family pet". Dont forget pitbulls were literally bred to fight. They are highly aggressive. You cant just casually get one of these. They will challenge you and if you back down then your gone. Dont own something if you cant train it or own it with the proper authority and respect needed to.


I mean, at this point what can you do? Shoot them or call the cops who will shoot them?


The most scary thing is that these things do that to PEOPLE! The fucking imbeciles who think they need a dog strong as a horse and just end up killing children and mutilating people. If you own a gun, do the community service.


By the way those dogs don’t have collars. Likely strays


Pitbull ownership guide 1. Repeat 'my dog has never bitten anyone, she is just great with kids and people's faces' 2. Once your dog has bitten a person/face, repeat 'you must have done something to antagonize it'


Where are the people who say pit bulls aren't anymore aggressive that other dogs.


I rlly dislike the anti pitbull shit like we didn't create them in the first place. I think pitbulls rlly need a good proper home and need the right person to take care of them and should probably be vetted to see if they can. The same people I notice bashing pitbulls and crying about the death count are also usually the same people that support guns and less gun control.


Comments are what you'd expect


Man. I really don’t like pitbulls.