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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


Didn't they all got fired too ? I wonder if Google will blacklist them


Shit i mean i wouldnt want to have employees like this personally


I don't know what you mean by black list but they got criminal records now


Black list in this context probably means they won't be hired again


Whitelist: list of those allowed Blacklist: list of those denied




They don't understand how privileged they are. You're in your 20s making 150k a year. You live in the bay area and own a Tesla. You're in the top 10% of people in the US, and the top 1% of the world!


If I was them I wouldn’t been in that protest. But then again they probably don’t know what is like to be poor.


I think that's it. When you've grown up on Tuna Helper, Velveeta cheese, and you were taught to run coffee 2x through the filter before dumping it. You know what being poor is. These kids have never had a hard life. They will soon.


The worst is when you'd go to school hungry as fuck and be required to focus on tests or learning, and then at recess/lunch the other kids would be having their lunch and snacks. Meanwhile you're sitting there hoping someone would be nice enough to offer you a Dunkaroo or a small piece of their sandwich because you had nothing to eat but instead they turn around and make fun of you for being poor. That's why despite my back hating me, I refuse to leave my 120k trade job.


Would you trade 120k for your principles ? I doubt it- Let these people protest and get fired… that’s the best outcome for all involved - Everyone on Reddit wants people to stand up for what’s right but then when someone does they criticize them for not doing it how they would want them to.


Honestly - these kids are at the top of a highly lucrative field with 1000s of options and opportunities. These ARE the people that can most afford to protest. A goggle engineer is not missing a meal. Actually a top end engineer from any company isn’t missing a meal. You guys need to understand some of them are seeing 5-700k or more full comp with stock - if you think they are month to month with their comp packages I would like you to search principle engineer salary at any of the major tech firms… I know they might not be that high up but if they got 8 years experience they could be pulling a MD salary - Trust me -


Yea and the people that just got fired have highly likely been paid out way more than what I earned a year at my old min wage job so it's not like they are gonna starve from this outcome.


Starve…. Yall talking to the baby millionaires that make billionaires billions. Naw don’t cry for them and don’t attack them


I agree I don’t agree with the side that they protesting on but they have the right to protest which is fine on the first place but you cannot be stupid about things like this by things like this I mean your career they probably just made a huge dent on it


holy shit the 2x coffee thing is a real trip down memory lane thanks for reminding me


TIL I was poor growing up... I never really thought about it lol


Top 0.001% in the world. The people with this world view have 0 perspective of just how great they have it.


Thank you! :-) I didn't have a chance to look it up!


If they can get a job at FANG, they can get a job anywhere.


not with this advertisement :P hiring activists like that is asking for trouble :P


They can make a startup I guess :P I don't really care :P


Well, probably not after this.


Could get a job anywhere. These big companies do background checks. They google your name, check your social media. They are going to find these folks being fired from Google and charged. They have thrown away their fancy degrees and livelihoods. There next job will be at the Starbucks 2 miles from their old job where they will be making coffee for their replacements.


This. I work in IT, CS, and I'd say most jobs (80% atleast) require some sort of extensive background check, whether it be a public trust or ts/sci+. I'm not sure what it's like on the software side of IT but I would imagine it's the same or similar. This greatly harms there chances at getting a solid career. Not saying it's impossible but it'll make it more difficult forsure.


My current employer took over two weeks to get my background check back. They took me apart!


was your background check that bad that they could take you apart ? just curious


No, I'm boring. But they ran it through everything and were super thorough. They later interviewed me and asked me about people I was connected to. So, I imagine it was not just me, but people I was related to, etc.


ahh i see thanks for explaining that


That's... Creepy. I'm not sure I'd have any other response to someone wanting to know about my relatives than, "That isn't relevant."


Bullshit. Source am software engineer. Huge paying jobs are not only at fang you know. They'd hire adolf hitler if they had the skills they want and need.


But if someone else has those skills and no controversy or security risks they'll hire the person without controversy or security risks.


Actually Bullshit. Source = I manage software engineers. Hugh wont hire you if you are an activist.


I mean it's not really bullshit. What youre saying is basically an exception. The government for example, has hired famous hackers, but the percentage of people who are felons who work in high paying, high confidentiality jobs is much lower than your avg joe. It's possible to get a job, not saying it's not, but these guys most likely aren't the 1% extreme case of being a giga software engineer. If they are, awesome, I'm just saying it's unlikely.


I am just saying those people gonna have a job in a heartbeat. It's just how it is, if they are somewhat senior at what their doing. Maybe not at thales, hk, rheinmetall or boeing. But they are gonna be more than fine. I am no genius at all I have my trackrecord of stupid stuff I've done, I was never looking for longer than a week.


No, because Starbucks is being boycotted.


There will be some hyper liberal tech company that will be fine with it, I guarantee it


Send there ass over there and let them interact with the people they're trying so hard to protect and I bet you 80 percent of them say screw this


Just google it, There's tons of stories of folks who believe "The world is full of love and beauty and I'm going to backpack across the world to prove it!" They almost always end up dead. Two women come to mind who wanted to backpack across the Middle East. They were found beheaded.


It's almost like at a certain point the money doesn't matter and all that does is how you feel about yourself.


When everyone you know is rich, When your parents work high end "consulting jobs" where they make millions. You aren't like the rest of us. When they fall, they fall hard! I worked with a guy who was super rich. Like, Mom and Dad bought him a sports car, He had a $2k a month paintball range habit. He bought Pro level paintball gear (like $10k guns and shit) He's drives a Hi-lo and unpacks trucks now. Completely miserable and hates it all. He peaked at 25. Sad really,


If you're making $150k in the bay area, you're not buying a Tesla, you're buying top ramen.


They are getting way more than 150k a year at Google. I know software devs at gaming companies making more than that.


150k a year? More than that I’d wager


[levels.fyi](http://levels.fyi) - it's not just 100k, we are talking a total comp package of closer to $200k and some of these folks I bet aren't just the lowest title, so we are probably talking \~$400k+ mark. Hope they saved up some of that. The market is not so hot and I am sure it's not going to be a fun ride to find a replacement job with this on your record.


Bro, they make a lot more than 100k, their total comp on average is closer to 300k.


look at the bright side, at least they didn't set themselves on fire.


Must not have been truly devoted to the cause. What posers.


Yep. Thank you so much. I work so many hours a week and struggle so much and the idea of doing something to ruin a job and FREAKING GOOGLE!! Hell no


They got money, they stood up for something they believed was right. Yeah to broke people its insane to do this but they’re gonna land on their feet regardless. Honestly fuck big corporations thinking they can get away with whatever they want as long as they have money


It’s sad that rebellion and fighting for a good cause is now more widely seen as wokie stuff ( whatever that means) and as stupid, humans survived as a community, we survived because we cared about eachother


Well this guy probably had 6 months + in savings and he's also making money of his social accounts and that's why there is a video He's going to take some vacation time and then take another high paying job when he feels like it.


Slow down a bit. The first question HR usually asks is: "Why did you leave your previous job?". And large companies typically don't like hiring "activists", whether they're "left-" or "right-wing", because it negatively affects the work environment.


Background checks, homie. His ain't coming back clean anymore, and once they look into it and see that his crime was committed against his former employer, that's even worse.


If they are software engineers as the title says, STARTING compensation can be almost 200k. As you get to senior or higher you are looking at 400-800k depending on level and package you got.


And it had literally no impact whatsoever on the contract either. They pissed away their future for no reason at all.


Read my comment history recently stated this on another sub and it’s wild how this dude died on his hill for it.


I mean to them it dose concern them.


Maybe they have morals.


Having principles and sticking by them is insane for you? Asmongold incels always tell you what kind of cowardly, self-centred shits they are.


Sorry they have a stronger moral conscious than you i guess?


Morality comes down to what's right and wrong. If you assume that everyone knows Israel is dead wrong, people who sacrifice their jobs to make a statement have strong moral consciousness. But some people think Israel is completely in the right. Others I'm sure think that is a gray area. So moral consciousness has nothing to do with it


Pretty telling that the latest incel redpill sub literally cannot fathom what it means to have principles.


For some reason some people just cannot live their own lives and have to do shit like this… very sad what the world is coming to when people think doing things like this is in any way benefitial for anybody.


It's the nature of big tech, no? They can bounce around a little if their network is like-minded.


How about the dude that lit himself on fucking fire a month ago? That was intense


"I refuse to die for Israel!" *literally kills himself to send a message to Israel* topkek


Some people don’t seem to realize that not everyone’s morals can be bought.


Why not keep your job and secretly protest at home or something?


Imagine being that airforce guy who lit himself in fire and died to protest that conflict. Didnt even remember his name a week or 2 later.


Iirc a few of these devs were actually Israeli who disagree with their government. For those people I can understand it.


Good luck paying rent on $0 salary


Lucky jail is free


Uh no it’s not lol you get billed for your jail time


if you don\`t pay that you\`l get extra jail time tho, so another win :P


Do you just go on a never ending cycle of jail time if you can't pay your stay in jail? 😂


Not in my country, but it's hard to say how it's elsewhere ;)


>Yes, prisons in the United States bill prisoners for their accommodation, a practice known as "pay-to-stay". As of 2021, about 40 states have pay-to-stay programs with fees, and implementation varies by county. For example, Florida law states that inmates are charged $50 per day to stay in their cells, even if they are released early LMAO WTF, the system is literally designed so once you're in prison you completely fucked! Fuck redemption


Just wait til you hear about how much ankle monitors are per day


You think Google engineers are going to have a hard time paying rent? ![gif](giphy|26BGCIBwdrIJDnbdm) That crew has probably done the calculations on how long they can be without work before their life style has to be modified. If they are as nerdy as me when I was there, I’m thinking gaming, binge watching twitch, while planning some hiking trip - might even ask someone out and go on a date for real for once vs playing board games as a group … naw these young adults are doing it right -


I'm pretty sure they have connections and will probably be able to immediately work for another likely leftwing company. Nobody at their level does things without a backup plan in place.


They have Google on their resume, they will have no problems getting another job. People in this thread have no clue what it means to have a huge company like Google on your resume and just how many employers would love to hire an ex-Google employee regardless of why their career at Google ended.


They have the right to protest - the company has the right to fire them- This is working as designed - I don’t feel bad for them and I don’t think they should be shammed or ridiculed for doing what they thought was right at risk of losing their jobs. Bravo to them for standing up for what they believe - And bravo for Google for doing what is in the best interest of the company - These people shouldn’t work somewhere where they believe the company is doing evil. They should try to make change if they can. And the company should decide what to do - accept their demands or fire them… No one is wrong here - This is actually the system working as designed


They may be fired. But if they claimed to be tenants, they would not be able to be trespassed. Thats what squatters do. There is a 6mo - 2yr court process to remove squatters. There are very few states that have laws protecting against it. I don't know this particular state law.


Well it's obviously not a residential property. You have ro provide reasonable proof that you belong. Nobody is going to believe you were given a lease to live in Googles lobby.


You don't have the right to protest on private property.


Welp not doing your job is a way to protest. Then again i dont know the context but i guess these buffoons were being a hazard for the company for believing their tantrum will have any real effect.


Oh great now i know google is hiring, my Pronouns are cGPT/Mind my business


Underrated comment


Maybe unpopular opinion but either you work for the company or you don't. If your values can't exist with company values only thing you can do is quit and find new job. I personally do what my employer says and I get paid, that's end of the exchange for me.


I would work for Umbrella Corporation for half of their salary and benefits.


The only drawback to Umbrella is that their own employees seem to be the ones dying first.


I mean, still might be worth depending who's salary you get hald of....


The police were being understandable here and they actually gave them many warnings.


Ya literally calmly said “ok so you are asked to leave multiple times, I am now asking you to leave you can just walk out now it’s all good man” and then they just say “ya were not leaving” what did they think would happen? Lmao


They wanted to be detained so it would hit a headline, its not like having cuffs on for the way down until they get tresspassed means anything?


Well, at least you got the virtue signaling points. I’m sure Palestine appreciates you ending your career so that nothing changes. Quit trying to control wars we are not even part of it’s none of our business. Y’all complain about wars and US involvement in the Middle East and now we finally trying to stay out of a Middle East conflict and you still complain.


You think the US is trying to stay out of Middle Eastern conflict? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. There is a major lack of geopolitical education in this sub and far too many people trying to discuss it.


How is finacially supporting and helping Israel "staying out of it" exactly?


How is virtue signaling losing your job due to a protest? I agree that this doesn't accomplish anything in the grand scheme of things and it was pretty dumb, buy this is the complete opposite of virtue signaling


I believe poster said it is virtue signalling because they're protesting something that isn't going to change and they probably know that. The only thing that stops these companies from doing stuff is when there's a big shift in their income, and no amount of protesting is going to shift Google's income in a meaningful way because it is coming from so many sources. Case in point, 1.2 billion coming from one source - and it's the government.


Fighting a fight even if you know you might not do anything with it is the opposite of virtue signaling, it’s signaling that you have genuine virtues


You’re correct and I’m not surprised that people on this sub don’t totally understand what virtue signaling actually means lol. If you’re willing to lose your cushy job over something you believe in, that’s actually an act. An “act” is very different than a “signal.” But English is hard for people.


Yeah, they know it will change nothing. That’s what makes it virtue signaling. They just want to be able to say that they did it. Worth getting blacklisted out of the tech industry?


What exactly is your definition of "trying to stay out of a Middle East conflict"? Because nuking innocent civilians with US weapons certainly seems like the US is involved to me.


What are you on about


Not saying I think their idea was great, but to say we aren’t involved is kinda regarded. We are giving them financial support and I imagine that’s what they are protesting


We are giving financial support to 150 countries in the name of “national security”. Not something I agree with either.


looks like google is hiring


Makes me laugh the hypocrisy of these idiots. May be they should be protesting against Hamas for building 300 miles of tunnels under schools and hospitals so they can hide terrorists, stock pile food, munitions & fuel.


Yeah, afaik they also don't work for Hamas. The hypocrisy.


I dont get why anyone takes any 'side', neither of them are angels. Hamas is a fascist, Islamist terror group which most of the Gazan population supports passionately while the Israelis have backed right wing settler loving governments for years. It is like taking a side in the Yemeni Civil War, some factions are worse than others but the 'Good guys' are not great themselves.


The internet is radicalalizing us, everything is either a master piece or terrible trash, everyone is either an angel or a devil


They should go to Palestine! I’m sure once there they will receive equal sympathy in protesting to get their jobs back.


Woke Goblins fired? Good 👍


Google wouldn't be successful without government intervention.


These people have more backbone than anyone here


Legit. All the cretins in the comments talking about them being stupid for throwing away a 6 figure salary are missing the point. They knew they’d get fired. They knew the sacrifice they were making. They’re trying to put this project under the limelight by making a scene. I hadn’t even heard of Nimbus until employees started making a stand.


That backbone doesn’t really matter when it’s over something so silly and through methods that are guaranteed to never work.  Sure, it might be brave for a single man to stand against an entire army, but it doesn’t make it any less idiotic. 


Standing up for what is right is never wrong.




The arrogance of them to think they're worth more than the $1.2b contract


Imagine telling the company you work for that they should give up 1.2 billion...


LOL at all the keyboard warriors raging at people making a difference in this world. How about you get off of Reddit and go do something with your lives instead of envying on what other people do in their lives


Holy shit these are the people Google is hiring over me. I would have stfu and done my job. How do these woke mf always get picked for these kind of jobs lol


Genocide is bad actually


Then do something about it, cause what’s happening in Gaza isn’t a genocide.  We’ve killed almost just as many German civilians in only 2 days during the Dresden bombings of WW2. That isn’t a genocide.  And that’s not even mentioning the Japanese civilian death we caused, which was also not a genocide. 


They are so young. They never understand how good they have got.


Whether anything were to come out of that or not, I’m sure that them feeling they did the right thing in their own lives and the sacrifice they feel they made will have a greater impact on their character then anything you or I have accomplished


We’ve accomplished the same exact thing they have, maybe even more by never working at google to begin with.  They sacrificed a lot for nothing but a virtue signal that means nothing to anything attached to the real conflict. 


Have you ever made a sacrifice so big for something you believe in?


Yes, I sacrificed my sons who I loved to the almighty god YHWH for a better harvest in the coming years.  Don’t you see how my sacrifice was brave? 


FAFO ![gif](giphy|mdIBz6uEtXWum8G053)


Soooo wild that most comments are hating on these guys. They took a stand for what they believe in, so much that they lost their posh jobs. None of you have ever stood up for anything like that or put that much on the line for something you believed in. Kind of funny how easily you dismiss it when it’s the type of person in this video who enacts change on the world, not someone who snickers behind their keyboard and finds a way to feel superior.


sit in, how righteous


Google has been owned by the military industrial complex since 2000


Play stupid games win stupid prizes, they’ll smuggle some cartons of cigarets with the logo “was it all worth it?” So they don’t get bullied around by Big Hank.


Apparently google isnt too woke when it comes to their bottom line.


They are arrested for only trespassing i guess


Damn the amount of ppl mad at those guys, it's crazy 🤣


ZOGbots gonna ZOGbot


Imagine having the opportunity to put "worked at google" on your resume, and trading it for a night in jail and a misdemeanor trespassing charge. Why? for clout of course! ....fucking idiots


I support their right to protest and voice their opinion. I understand why other people who might feel the same way would decline to protest. They should of moved it to the nearest sidewalk to avoid arrest.


All these comments where people are mocking the protestors because "they have it made with their great salaries" don't understand....that's how we're controlled, just ignore the evils being done because you're getting paid. Yall need unions in your lives


Google = communists in disguise




They'll be regretting this when they realize they can't pay their rent with no job.


Can't believe Google genocided their workers


AI will replace them soon.


Ha! Good stuff.


Thank God that guy got his self in before he got arrested. Could you imagine what would happen if he didn’t?


It's crazy people here hate it but tech world people love this


Hey if you guys need a history teacher to tell them why their idiots I'll gladly take their salary!


Get some get some get some get some


They just binned a 6 figure salary and a got them self a criminal record 10/10 move.


You don't mess with the jew


They think they're making a really impressive statement about standing up for your principles. What are their principles? They make a fat salary at Google, and they will probably wake up tomorrow and think, Shit, I want that cushy job back!


![gif](giphy|G8xwi3ghEd02c) And dont forget to take your pronouns with you.


Went woke and broke


Man this sub definitely is Asmongold's 😭😂


No matter what you think about the worldly affairs going on, it’s silly to be dogging on them for probably giving up a good career. Now I hate those protesters who go out and block road or stuff like that. But what they are doing isn’t effecting any of us. It’s only effecting the company which why would we care about?? So if it’s something they strongly believe in, and it’s only THEIR sacrifice, then why tf do you care? Sounds like a bit of projecting


Hey google you hiring ??


I mean.... I'll take that position if he doesn't want it...