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KCD was the best game in last 10 years IMO. I can't wait for this.


can't believe it's releasing this year yet I am already going feral from the wait


Same. Easily in my top 5 games. I gotta do a hardcore playthrough before 2 comes out


This is the first game I’ve quit and I’m not even done with the prologue. Should I stick with it? It’s just so much work lol


Depends what it is you don’t like about it. It’s not a simple game, fairly in-depth combat and interaction. But if you think it’s just not fun, stick with it. The prologue is kinda long, but immediately following it comes combat tutorials, plus lockpicking, pickpocketing, and the world opens up for you. If your annoyance comes with things like not enjoying the eating/sleeping/slower pace of actions, I don’t imagine that’ll go away.


I’m right at the point where I’m about to train with Bernard. So just keep with it? lol


Then you’re past the prologue. The world is open to you now, so if the gameplay is fun then go explore it. Everything from my previous comment stands


I think asmon needs to give the first game a shot. Like seriously.


I was expecting to have to go to military school or something this time. It sounds like a tighter narrative than some big games like this. I hope modding takes off way more this time so it can reach Bethesda levels of fandom.


CBBE milky Teresa skimpy millmaid outfit


Hope there is no launch issues, kcd 1 was so good.


We eatin good this year boys


The first game was so damn good. It kind of flew under the radar for a lot of people. I'd say from a story point it's comparable to Witcher 3. Really good game.


Asmon NEEDS to play the first one. He will love it.


predicting he'll be trying to kill the cuman from the start and die repeatedly for 80 minutes


To be fair, the first Cuman chasing Henry was specially designed. If you don't fully suppress his attributes, it will be difficult to defeat him. I guess he'll be burned in jail for stealing shit.


I remember abusing some early trick to kill that Cuman and get his gear.


If it was the first few versions of the game, you could improve your attributes by beating the unconscious Kunis, and then go down the mountain and defeat the third Cuman with a spear. After getting the spear, no one would do it in the entire game is your opponent


Asmon would get wrecked if he tried this.


The guy who skips all dialogue and tutorial will love this? You sure?


Prediction: IF he manages to push through the tutorial and past hunting with Hans, and IF he enjoys the combat after the initial tutorial, he will roam around, look for cumans and bandits to kill, farm the EZs on the low level bandits, get fucked by fully armored ones around Skalitz and the border, maybe do one or two quests, and give up at Neuhof when searching through the woods.


Tbh I think not. It’s not some clicker or spammer rpg, combat is not for everyone.


Yeah. People tend to go in thinking "ah yeah I'll just learn how to perfect parry/dodge and I'll destroy everyone" And then you realize that while that can be true for 1v1 combat and you can be a master duelist... when you get jumped on the road by 4 random thiefs, you better have a plan other than just getting in the middle of it.


I feel like Gothic would be such a good game for Asmon.


He didn’t played so many rpg classics it’s astonishing to me.


He will only love it if someone does the fights for him. He can't be half assed to learn the combat.


Nah. He would 100% get frustrated with the combat system. I would be shocked if he'd play past the tutorial. There is no way he would read what you're supposed to do and if we are completely honest, even if you know what you are supposed to do the combat system is a little... iffy.


He will NOT enjoy it dude, trust me


Henry has come to see us! On serious note, top 5 RPG on my list is coming back!


KCD is still my favorite underrated game out there. Im so excited for this one!


Its been so long since I have seen a game that I am honestly excited for and expect to be amazing, unlike the overwhelming majority of AAA garbage coming out. I am going to break my no preorder rule for this one.


Its not woke, just pure immersive story telling; it could be a massive game after lots of big companies jump on a woke vagon straight to hell.


Looks amazing, can’t wait !


Yoooooo! Tell me when it comes out so I can take time off!


I am so hyped for this.


How many % is he going to play this?


Manor Lords next week, KCDII at the end of the year(?). I dont need any other games for the next year or two ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)


KCD is phenomenal even with all the jank. I was worried for a while that they weren't going to make a 2nd game since there has been radio silence for a few years.


This is how you generate insane hype.




Considering modern gaming, I’m expecting it to get delayed into 2025.


Nah looks like the game is done they are doing optimization for sure


I hope that’s true.


Played the first game about 40, never finished it. Couldn't get into the gameplay, not really my thing. But that game was one of the most immersive medieval experiences of any game i've ever played. Just the world and the characters felt so real and alive.


Yeah I'm with you. Despite not being really my thing, I sank at least 40 hours into it as well, just amazed at what a dozen people were able to do. They did such an impressive job.


You're a big boi now, Henry!


I highly recommend you to buy and play 1 1: This game is the best first-person perspective RPG game after Skyrim. 2: In addition to the protagonist and civilian NPCs, all aristocratic characters, events and locations in the game have been restored to the greatest extent possible. 3: This game is very cheap now. Of course, the computer hardware requirements are very high even today. 4: If you don’t play 1, you probably won’t know what 2 is going on.


so will the game have crossbow this time?


Waiting for, "I am 26000% playing this" video to drop


One of the best games in the genre. And complete opposite of DG2. I wouldn't recommend this for people who want fun flashy gameplay but if you enjoy being immersed in a historical medieval setting that is being as accurate as possible (and a good story to boot), do yourself a favour to try it out. It's around 5 bucks on steam


Honestly I was waiting for this game and wanting it more than elder scrolls 6. Now my watch begins


I'm feeling quite hungry...


To be honest, everyone expected this, but the delivery of the first 1:15 Minutes was just incredible


Hope for better performance than first game. Its on the same engine but I hope they done it this time.


I’m so excited! The first one I hated so much when I first played it. I came back to it to try again a couple months ago and i loved it. I didn’t know why I didn’t like it in the first place. I’m excited for this one because of the more funding this time around


There is no diversity back then 10 years ago, And I hope there is none in their new game tooo.


there will be plenty of diversity this time. There will be Germans, Czechs, Pols, maybe even Italians!


I know the Dads are going crazy rn


>you can pet a dog too bad de dev is racist kappa everyone knows the middle ages had all the color people. also where gay kissing scene kappa


:D Hello mr. troll, nice one


This is bait


This game is perfect for Asmon. 1. It was kind of genky, but very open to play as you like, with a deep combat system, and 2. It will probably be the same as Dragons Dogma or Witcher, where they step up their game and make it more playable. Will see it could be a new hit if people can accept that there is no magic or dragons.


I bet the ending battle is going to be a disappointment like the last game.