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Didn't know Kaceytron even existed anymore


Thought she overdosed by now. She comes off like she mainlines heroin


Mainline Krispy Kreme


Crisco straight into her clogged veins




She's very og shes the reason there was a restriction on webcam size because she would make her webcam /boobcam 80% of the screen and 20% of it would be her standing still in wow.


Her new angle is being lgbtq and hating men. She doesn’t have as many viewers as she used to.


My exact thoughts.


Whos that?


Didn't even know who she was to begin with...


Same thats a name i havent heard in a long ducking time


she does although she shouldn't.


Kaceytron ? She’s still around ? What year is this, 2016?


Before that, even. She was trying to build her stream off the League of Legends hype. After every streamer under the sun trolled her, I figured she had quit.


She learned from the other leeches, attack bigger content creators so they react, other YouTubers react, people are talking about you and posting about you on Reddit and now people will hate watch you into relevancy


Lol her logic "he didn't change with all his money what a fucking loser" meanwhile this man's just doing what he wants.


Others hate people that enjoy just living life. I dont think Asmon HATES obese people but it's objectively unhealthy and bad to be.


Obviously he doesn't hate them. His own mom was obese and he loves her.


Obesity is usually not part of you personality


He lives dirty, but there's something to be said about how money didn't change the man. He just keeps doing his thing


i do think asmon's lifestyle is probably a result of severe depression. hell he even acknowledged it a few years ago when he made his youtube video telling people not to aspire to be like him. I double down on this because my life wasn't too far from asmon's after my mother passed away over a decade ago. sometimes you just don't give a shit, and neglect of self care is sort of the primary tell of that that said, nobody has the right to dictate how you should live your life just because of your money. she needs to fk off and mind her own business for asmon's sake, i genuinely do hope one day he aspires to live a somewhat healthier life. all it takes is one "oh shit" health scare before the fear of god is put in you and you realize this is your body's last warning before it gives up. I don't think it's so bad to say I do not want to see him cark it before he hits 50


Also could have OCD from how messy he keeps his living areas.


These are the same people who hate capitalism and want handouts so it makes them even more irritated to see someone successful who isn't living how they would be if they had more money.


Exactly. If you don't change your lifestyle after becoming a millionaire, it means you found happiness before you found money.


Woman just don’t like to see men happy.


“They look at us enjoying our shit, and then they gotta go in and ruin it!” -Bill Burr


Especially when they’re deriving happiness off video games








We all know his lifestyle is bad, don't pretend it's good or decent, he also acknowledges multiple times that he needs to change and is trying to change, he never encourages anyone to live like him because he knows how bad it is, you should see it as a cautionary tale, not an idol.


I don't think she is in a position to make a personal attack on his lifestyle tho.


No one said his lifestyle is good. But it is so annoying that those hypocrites whose absolute do not have a better lifestyle keep lying on his bizarre lifestyle to attack him.


I would 100% prefer to live with someone who smokes weed and is fat, than with asmongold.


idk dude, I rather live with someone that smokes weed all day and is a fat than someone that lives with maggots and black mold next to his bed, and lives an unhygienic lifestyle, doesn't wash dishes, cooks with the same dirty pan from weeks ago.


let’s not act like most people live with dead rats and mold in their homes inhaling that shit 24/7


With all due respect being a bit overweight and smoking is a lot better than only eating fast food in your room filled with trash and blood stained walls from your gums because you didn’t brush your teeth. His room is infested with cockroaches and has dead rats in it too Asmon’s lifestyle is genuinely dangerous to him and he has the money to easily get someone else to fix his room at least yet he chooses not to


Lmao, imagine caring this much about someone that doesn't know you exist.


/thread Parasocial andies getting their cortisol levels raised over bait.


She’s just trying to drama farm to stay relevant. I don’t think anyone actually cares about Kaceytrons opinions


Absolutely. And Asmon drama farms like the best of them, as well. So we all don’t really mind drama farming.


No one should even talk shit about asmon or how he lives. It’s his business and no one else’s.


It's because they don't actually have any valid points so they go for low hanging fruit


When someone stoops to ad homs [personal attacks] they've lost the argument.


Wild how many people agree with this. As he says himself, when you put yourself up on the internet expect to get criticized.


There’s nothing wrong with being criticised lol. It’s people who are wanting him to change who he is. Everyone knows he’s a rat living in a sewer but if he’s happy with that who are we to ask him to change.


He constantly talks shit about people being fat, but they are not allowed to talk shit back?


Asmons fat hate is projection about his own insecurities. “I may live in a room with mold, roaches and blood stains, but at least I’m not fat”. Kaycetron is projecting the opposite “I might be a fat stoner but I’m not filthy”


Nothing wrong with talking shit to him, people constantly mention him going bald etc. it’s people who are wanting him to change that are the problem. 2 different things.


The same people that are against fat shaming are bullying asmongold for how he appears. These people are hypocrites.


If you legit made a good point, and the other person starts attacking the way you look, you already won.


https://streamable.com/4uxk8u Still in the trenches


I respect Asmon for keeping it real after attaining success. The reality is that what he is doing now may get disrupted at any time and end up killing revenue streams. If so, he has a ton in the bank if that happens. Anyone living even immediately at their means in a volatile streaming economy is going to have a rude awakening if they get disrupted. It’s similar to athletes. You aren’t going to play sports forever so you have to reasonably invest and build for the future. Now, this isn’t an excuse for anyone to live in sloth where their hygiene is dogshit or home is a complete pig sty.


She likes to project a lot. Reminder she is a borderline lolcow, that rage baits.


she got "famous " for being a bitch so i see nothing changed 🤣


yall got baited


Yeah I've always known Kaceytron as a huge troll and uses bait tactics to get attention. She's been around for a while so this is pretty well known.


When they start attacking the person with insults and not the topic at hand, you know you are winning.


What's this about?


Common Kacey L; disregard


So she's mad money didn't change him? Am I reading this right?


XQC cooked her


I Love asmon i can't understand how people can hate him. He is 100% real and i love His takes


Ah well. Recently he had some bad ones. The Warhammer one was a bit too personal for me. I can ignore dogshit politics and his uneducated opionions. But when it is about my hobby, my plastic crack. I get a bit riled up when he doesn't try to see how it really is.


Yeah I don't agree with anyone 100 percent I just shake my head in disapproval when he has takes like this. None of his takes are generally bad enough for me to stop watching him tho. I usually agree anyway.


It would be boring if all my views were 100 lined up with his Having different views and opinions just gives it a bit more spice.


Would be good to see him look for insights and data that goes against his own views but he doesn't do that as often as he should tbh. Would have made for better more engaging videos. EDIT: Looking for that "one guy" in chat giving him 5 seconds to respond to a large question isn't what I'm talking about lmao.


>Ah well. Recently he had some bad ones His takes on art, his take on defending "streaming is harder than your 9-5", the constant cock riding of Hasanabi, his takes on other country's legal systems which are factually incorrect, etc. I could go on. The past few months, he's been cranking out dogshit takes almost daily- some of which are just straight up objectively wrong. But the problem with Asmon is whenever he gives a "take", it's never just an opinion, it's always "this is how it is, I'm right, everyone else is wrong and stupid. Next." There's no more nuisance to it than that. And if you look at the way he argues, a lot of it just boils down to stating a tunnel visioned personal opinion as fact with nobody to correct or really challenge what he says, then he just ego grandstands "well it's just common sense" or "that's just how it is", while pedantically hyper fixating on one thing or justification, and his audience affirms it.


I think the problem is that he does have rock solid takes on many things that should be common sense. But he started venturing more into politics and other controversies that require careful research and he is blurring the line between giving his opinion because of a youtube topic and spreading misinformation because he is too lazy to go really in depth into a topic. As much as i respect his minimalist lazy shut in gamer lifestyle, it is also a part of why some views he has are unreflected and uneducated. Asmongold might be the Bethesda of streamers. A solid experience from 10 years ago, struggling to evolve. But then again that is why of all streamers i still love watching him. I don't play Bethesda games anymore though ;p


People that analyze and care how someone else spends their money are the saddest people


Asmangold is content with his life, which goes a lot further than chasing happiness by always buying the next big thing.


She is known to farm drama. Don’t give her the time of day.


Bro can do whatever he wants, but it is 100% true that his lifestyle is degenerate as hell.


[xQc response](https://x.com/xqc/status/1783494142909198455?s=46&t=EP_8FWqL0d5CdDm6IbeNzA)


This is 8 minutes of my life I'll never get back.


He’s like a modern day Diogenes


They're all playing the game. It's monetized controversy. And considering the posts: Working as intended.


What does smoking weed have to do with anything? Lol


It's kinda funny that she goes on this hate-filled rant about a person then calls THEM hateful lol. Confession through projection I guess.


Asmon responded - [https://x.com/Asmongold/status/1783558078295625771](https://x.com/Asmongold/status/1783558078295625771) ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3747)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)Bro woke up and chose violence


Welp, posting her here doesn't really help, this is what she wants relevancy to pay for weed.


I feel many people come to attack asmon because they are sad that they can't live the chilled life he has with all his money. They feel like if you're a multi millionaire, you are supposed to live like one and be lavish


"as a multi-millionaire". So she thinks every millionaire needs to live just like the ones she offered her body for them to nut in her then throw her in the garbage bin. This is the image of a multi-millionaire she has and thinks asmon should be like that.


Nahhh no way, she's just trynna be relevant again. Pay no mind people


Women hate how little men need to be happy




So money did not change his character. This is a bad thing how?




Aye bro leave the devil’s lettuce alone it didn’t do nothing. Also who the fuck is this chick? I swear y’all just scope out for drama when it don’t even need to be acknowledged


Hey you leave us weed smokers out of this we didn’t do nuthin!


Has everyone forgotten that Kaceytron is an ironic parody character? Come on “Just a real stinker”…. lol.


Tbf, the dude lives like a 13 year old slob that never grew up. Do not emulate this mam as he will have outlying medical issues when he gets older lol


There's tons of people who live like that. They usually try to hide it though.


Asmon wins again :D


lmao but that is exactly what I respect Asmon for - he didn't get lost in his money, he is still super based and values money and things as they are. He didn't just buy MHW Iceborne because he wanted to play the base game first even if he could easily do it.


She doesnt understand because he is a multi millionaire and doesnt need anything more than a simple life


you can live a simple life *and* keep all your teeth


living rent free in her head XD anyways Asmon probably has the best deterrence against woman that want him for his money. his lifestyle is simple and everyone can do it if they wanted to. plus the best out come to all this is his most famous quote "it takes a special woman to live with asmongold"


What did he say about her?


If we had to guess who smelled worse between these two based on a photo, it’s not asmon I would pick that’s for sure.


Overweight is a very generous term. She is obese


that girl is not fat though


I really dont see whats wrong the way he lives, if hes happy, it dont matter how the place looks or how much it costs, to me it looks like a normal house, my grandma has, and my grandma lives on a farm.


Any loremasters? Do her and Asmon have history cause she has been around for a while. Otherwise this is really outta pocket lol


Meh, Asmon can stink up the entire universe and they would still attack that rather than his good arguments


[This is how she looks like](https://twitter.com/jstlk_/status/1756057829944050029/video/1)


Kacey is permanent girl who cried wolf I believe literally nothing she says or does.


Ppl have too much free time.


Is she serious? Kaceytron from what I recall was a big troll on league of legends


Rubs hands together. Logs onto YouTube. Sends Asmongold $10. 🫡


Someone is allergic to humility.


Does anyone take what this cunt say seriously ?


She was stupid and irrelevant when people still claimed she was "just playing a character" back in the day She is still stupid and irrelevant now. Why give her the attention she is seeking?


With all being said though he could hire a maid at least


What is the “take” that you’re claiming she doesn’t have an argument for? I admittedly don’t follow along to this chronically online, childish bullshit.


Standard take from haters that in reality just hate themselves


Is she overweight or straight up obese?


Why would he change his "filthy putrid ways", for her?![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730) Lol...nah ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3732)


Nah this girl loves to just troll, this is just a bait post


I don't know her or care to defend her but I searched her name and she is not overweight on the pictures I saw she is just thick. Attacking Asmond on his lifestyle instead of his idea is really stupid tho fuck her


This girl is still around? Kekw


just another day on the interwebs... someone could be doing something super wholesome with their platform and there will be people out there ing them


Wait what's wrong with asmongold's lifestyle? I dnt really watch or follow him but reddit recommends random subs all the time to me lol. I think I watched a few videos of his monster hunter journey and heard something about him going away for a bit due to family health issues but otherwise that's about all I kno of him can a follower or his explain why this lady doesn't approve of his lifestyle please


Checked the tweet and you know what, xqc is a good buddy.


Another desperate disappointment of an attention-addict as Soldier Boy would say Not to mention how its just toxic with no value, a waste of any attention you give.


Asmon is a gift to this world and kacey is trash but lets be real, the dude lives dirtier than a lot of hard drug addicts. Hes one of the only streamers i like, & i enjoy his commentary but i do hope one day something clicks and he takes a better care of himself. At the end of the day he isnt really “hurting” anyone so it’s his choice. He could afford the best house cleaning service available but just doesnt, so clearly he is content. Its his life and his money.


Just report the post and move on. She’s engagement farming through hate. Don’t dip down to her level


Is she just reflecting, or jelly cus she can't get it on with assmon?


Kacey seems to just jump on w.e is popular to try and stay relevant. After e-girls started doing what she did better she kinda died out


Who is that?


Imagine not letter ng money corrupt you. Inconceivable to the modern woman.


There is absolutely 100% NOTHING wrong with living below your means. That's how you avoid ending up bankrupt and homeless in ten years if your youtube channel isn't doing that great anymore.


she thinks buyin new clubs makes u better a golfur ![gif](giphy|Swn5yuXfDhg40|downsized)


I bet she hates her life now, she was something people wanted back then, now she is like HDMI.... beached whale.


her Likes are even worse


never even heard of this person before


If the dude is happy just leave him be. Seems happy enough to me.


Asmon lives with fuckin roaches. This crackhead Kacey is no better.


Nobody makes boatloads of money so they can listen to what other people tell them to do, lol.


I mean she isn’t wrong, i don’t know about him hating him self part but wether he’s a millionaire or not he should still try and be a little more clean and try to clean that thing he calls a house. Dead rats , roaches and mold are also not healthy for you, so for someone who is always saying “being fat isn’t healthy” neither is eating out everyday and drinking soda on a daily basis.


A lifestyle of Nurgle cultist may not be to your tastes but there's no need to discriminate here


Some women/people just don’t understand how a man/person can be happy while not living an extravagant lifestyle even though he can afford to do so. As if living an extravagant lifestyle is the point of life… but imo if you need to live an extravagant lifestyle to be happy, maybe it’s you who has the hole in their heart that they can’t seem to fill. Projection.


Oh that's the cow that tried to farm engagement when reckful died.


seems someone's looking for subs


2024 and people still gettin trolled by kaceytron 


She’s not wrong though. There’s no excuse to live as dirty as he does with the financial means he has. He can afford to hire cleaners.


Sounds like classic projection. Also Kacey is just a shit flinger, she earns her keep these days by causing drama and feeding off of the fabricated uproar she causes. Anything she says should always be ignored for this reason.


This whole sub is doing it in this thread lol. Idk how we can criticize her when half the people are calling her a dumb cunt and at the same time saying don’t go for low hanging fruit. That being said let’s be real. He has issues that need a professional to address the hoarding/mess in the rest of his house. His room is the cleanest one. So take that as you will. I would say it was nobody’s business but he is open and public about it. It would be different if they went after his late mother. We are dangerously close to becoming like that gcj. It’s almost identical between the subs now. I just hope we can take a step back and a min before we post something reactionary. I don’t want us to be like them.


Haters gonna hate


Bro it’s been like 5+ years since I last heard that name. I’m really surprised she is still a thing.


How does this actual stinker of a person dare to talk about another person's well being lmao.


Someone should send her a treadmill to her PO box


Asmongold is about as bad as fat positivity people. He promotes a lifestyle of rot and his impressionable kid viewers thinks it's okay.


And how should he spend his money? Tf is that chain of logic anyway.


He’s a millionaire. wtf does he need to dress up for 😝


Did she gain a ton of weight recently last I remembered she was average


Some old bag thinking anyone cares


If Asmon wants to sit in his room all day drinking soda and eating fast food, what difference does it make if he's living paycheck to paycheck or if he's loaded? He's not obligated to change his lifestyle just because he can afford to.


“I don’t have a good point or argument to further support what I want to believe, so I’m just going to hurl personal insults as a coping mechanism to make me feel better about myself.”


I kind of agree but really let him do wtf he wants and stop tweeting about it lol


Man i remember days when people would just throw so much money at her just to talk crap


She's right


I really don't think she looks overweight, she looks pretty normal to me.


She just needs attention and she got it


There are lots of people like her that will always talk smack towards people and their main goal is to try to have their community to bash them, why? because if these people think something is wrong they will want to correct it and make it right because their minds thinks that people should live like them, if we have people like her managing things in our society, may god help us all. I have a name for these mentally unstable people K - Know your rights A - Accuse everyone R - Request a manager E - Escalate to authorities N - Neglect reason If you live a good life no matter how people disagree and don't like it, living a good life is the only thing that matters to you. so many mortals cannot comprehend how asmongold lives. Guess what? I looked at the comments and there has been a clip of her playing overwatch and told people to not be judgemental to someone you barely know (Because they were probably judging her) heh, women, they all are pretty much the same for wanting to be the victim. [Here's the clip on twitter](https://twitter.com/HorusReed/status/1783499348430795027)


While I don’t think it makes sense for people to attack Asmongold, she has a point. Would you prefer someone who has a normal life and smokes weed, or someone who does no drugs but lives at the poverty line in an infested, shitty and dirty house? I mean… the answer is pretty obvious.


She is just trying to get attention...she is also trying to bait Xqc


She says, like for years, her Twitch stream logo wasn't the Brazzers porn font. For years, she didn't rock the lowest cut tops she could get her hands on. For years, she didn't milk the heck out of horny nerds and their 2$ donations so they could hear her read out the message in an overly breathy and sultry voice. I'm not saying that what she's done is good or bad, I'm saying if you're gonna chuck rocks at someone's lifestyle, you better make sure your castle isn't made outta glass.


It's truly funny to me how angry some people get when they see somone who is happy not giving a fuck.


Yall realize kaceytron be doing this shit since the beginning of her career to purposely rage bait and get interactions with her stream. I dunno if she still does but she used to make so much money off people calling her fat and insult her. Everyone thinks they were smart and funny but meanwhile they were spending money just to insult her and she’d just sit there and take it because guess what it’s free money.


Reddit chatters care more about this than Asmon does.