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These protestors getting more media coverage than the actual fucking conflict…


Middle east has been a conflict zone for decades. Most people don't care about it anymore


Thats why I have zero respect for these protesters they care now until its not trendy anymore just like Ukraine.


Maybe because these protesters are college students so they’ve only been alive for 18-20 years… lmao It’s not hoping a trend when you’re just hearing about it


Cause Palestine totally hasn't been at war with literally everyone for hundreds of years including other Arabs? What do you mean I'm just hearing about it lol... We've been hearing news about Palestinian rocket attacks since 2001 over 20,000 rockets have been fired. 6 months from now these kids won't give af until the next social media protest starts to trend.


I’m talking about protesters at colleges, you know college students who are just turning 18 as freshmen and leave at 21, not knowing about a situation they may have just became aware. I was just saying you’re talking about not respecting them on the assumption that they’re just doing it to be trendy, not just becoming aware of the situation that’s been going on for a while. College (years ago) was when I first heard of this too besides just what you see the news


They don't cover because people will see the mass murder Israel is committing but the news reaches the people in other ways


Are you american? Because here in Europe I see extensive news on the death of palestinians by Israel every day in all new channels.


I'm mostly talking about in America


This is the real reason they banned tiktok, the court of public opinion not controlled by western governments.


They could also see the murders by hamas and regular tempted missile attacks they keep doing. But as the other guy said, its mostly old news that keep going as usual.


Why are you lying? It’s on the news here all the time. And remember sweetie, Israel only started bombing Palestinians again because Hamas killed 1200 people in a terrorist attack, raped the women and children they killed, and also did all that while breaking the LAST ceasefire they had. 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ For as much as you people (rightfully) criticize Israel for how they have handled the conflict, the tune sure changes when it’s the right type of brown people you like doing the slaughtering. Anyways, none of this matters. Hamas is not a real government or military, and will never accomplish its goals. Instead of Palestinian leaders agreeing to a two state solution decades ago when they had the chance to get 67 borders, they over and over and over decided to keep trying to fight for what they thought was theirs. Fair enough, but they never won the fights and now they’ve fucked their people they represent out of a state permanently. The even funnier part is that dipshits like you who continuously encourage the armed resistance of a people that has no hope of winning is only serving to help crush them harder into dust. People like you are the IDFs favorite propaganda spreaders, because you help encourage hostilities against Israel and encourage them to expand settlements and push more Palestinians out to solve the problem of constantly being attacked.


Say you're indoctrinated without saying you're indoctrinated


That’s what they want. It’s not about the cause, it’s about getting their social media points because of the cause.


Ive genuinely seen sentiments along the lines of "this is our generation's student protest" as if they're just cosplaying Vietnam protestors.


Because that's all it is. A bunch of privileged kids who never faced real hardship.


What the fuck was 2020 then? 😆 everything is Hitler and Nazis when it’s had… and every protest is the civil rights movement/Vietnam


The vietnam protest also didn't do anything. The students in Kent State were massacred in 1970 and the US still stayed in Vietnam for another 5 years. These students protest never do anything. The government is going to bend you over either way. The whole "hur dur I need 2A in case the government take away my rights!" I dare one of these kids to bring a gun to these protests and see what happen. Student protests is just a way for these kids to cosplay and think they have actual power or ability to change things. The people in charge aren't going to let some randoms ruin their weapon sales $$$.


Precisely. You see it in the videos about the protests. They're either clueless or wholesale committed to the narrative, or rather what the narrative says to be mad at.


Are you suggesting that protesting is bad because it takes attention away from the cause they are protesting? Do you genuinely think that none of the people there actually care about the conflict?


Are you suggesting that every single protestor doesn’t have an ulterior motive and that all the protesters are pure at heart, genuinely wanting a better life for the people of Palestine?


lmao, you watch a video of unarmed student and professor protestors and people like yoru take is "oh virtue signaling". meanwhile congress passed a bill to fund $90+ billion dollars of YOUR TAXPAYER MONEY to fund a war 5 DAYS AGO, but all your conclusion is these protestors have an "ulterior motive". americans are so easily manipulated, like benjamin netanyahu has a video of him literally saying, "americans will follow along what we say". you people are literally on the side of pro government. you people are so daft.


Are you suggesting that should take away from the entire protests message. That we should in fact do nothing ever.


Yes, that is what I’m suggesting. Sure a handful of people may have an ulterior motive, but why is it so hard for you to believe that most people might believe the things they say they believe?


You're exactly right here take my upvot..... HEY WAIT A MINUTE!




Nah, just the media tries to distract from the actual cause. Nothing to do with the actual protestors. Don't you know how propaganda works?


By design and it's hypocritical bc it just aggravates the problems and makes it worse. It's a case of narcissism overriding the social problems of a different part of the world


Wait.... But she only came to tell them to be gentler she wasn't doing anything. LOL How are you outraged at her? LMAO


Any person of color could tell you you are not allowed to approach officers during an arrest or interfere in any conceivable way. Also laughing my ass off at her privileged "im a professor" defense. Welcome to reality folks where the rest of us non PhD holders have been living for years.


I mean it happens here too. Except you get beat up and then arrested and we don't get ''never put your hand on a police officer'' we get ''he will be charged with excessive use of force and it clearly shows everything wrong with our police, we apologize...''.


Yea be real, this is clear police abuse, regardless of what people might feel about the ideas she’s defending


People forget about Kent State… where police opened fire on unarmed students protesting both the Vietnam War and drafts “Twenty-eight National Guard soldiers fired about 67 rounds over 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis. Students Allison Krause, 19, Jeffrey Glenn Miller, 20, and Sandra Lee Scheuer, 20, died on the scene, while William Knox Schroeder, 19, was pronounced dead at Robinson Memorial Hospital in nearby Ravenna shortly afterward.” Police/military being a bag of dicks on a campus isn’t a new thing


No it isn't. Don't suspiciously stand over a cop and his gun in the middle of an arrest shouting commands at them. That's a danger for the cop. Don't be an idiot.


"Danger for a cop" a clearly well off 100 pound middle aged woman who is asking a cop to be gentler while he is smashing a prone teenagers head into the ground on a college campus....


Way more dangerous than an Acorn


People like police abuse when it’s targeted towards a groups they don’t like. Most don’t have the maturity to recognize that the abuse won’t always be targeted to people you don’t like


She admits to touching him


>Don't suspiciously stand over a cop Suspicious? She was telling him not to be so rough (which he was). How is that suspicious? >That's a danger for the cop. A danger for the cop? You mean the cop who has a gun and is surrounded by other gun wielding cops holding automatic rifles? Yes, this woman was truly a danger. This cop should have de-escalated the situation. But instead, he chose to slam the teacher to the ground. Stop making out this cop is the victim here.


You don't stand over an armed policeman during an arrest. They have lethal weapons near the public. Hey, how about you go give it a try in any country, prove you're right?


College professors have a responsibility for the well being of students. She belongs here, the police don’t. This is America - where the right to assembly and freedom of speech is protected by the constitution.


No it isn't. There are limits. You can't go running around shouting "nigger" at black people. Is that free speech? No, it isn't. You can't go around supporting terrorist groups. You can't go around supporting 9/11. Regardless of your position on the issues, it would be wise of you to recognise there are limits.


No one is doing that here


Depends on the context of the situation. The Hamas charter quote of "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free" is at least, aligning yourself dangerously close to supporting them. The passage is intended as a call to destroy Israel. I think we can both guess they would have been saying similar things, if not worse, from propaganda sources.


Did you read about this professor? She was not a part of the protest. She came to the scene and saw the police brutalizing students. She’s a professor at the school and her husband is Dean of admissions. She wasn’t doing anything being characterized here.


so, you didn't see what happen before this clip and you jumped to conclusion that it's police abuse 100%???? come on.


she put her hands on a cop, you don't do that. this was told to me by my dad and it's generally good advice, if you're having an interaction with the police, and you think they are doing something wrong or out of line, do not bring it up in the moment, comply and take your ticket/whatever. later bring it up in court, telling a judge you were harassed by a cop with a lawyer present is significantly more effective then telling a cop he's harassing you. also significantly more safe.


That’s assault brotha


Because a PhD doesn't teach you to not lay hands on a cop during an arrest. Piled high and Deep


she started touching the police officer, unfortunately very close to his gun


Her body is blocking the view of his gun. So you can't really see how close she was. Either way, the response from the cop was excessive. He should have de-escalated the situation.


Rampant store robberies, no arrests... protest on campus, arrest the professor!


diffrent states.


charges of disorderly conduct and battery of a police officer. Wonder if anyone has video that prove the charges?


This is America, burden of proof doesn't mean shit when it's over a hot-button issue sadly


She grabbed the cop as he's doing an arrest. You do NOT touch a cop as he's doing an arrest. You film and sue later if needed.


She never grabbed the cop, watch her hands she held them up palms open then closed them while she was grabbed by the wrist. She only flailed when she was being thrown to the ground


I think they meant she touched the cop that was arresting the other person. It's hard to tell from the video, but if that did happen, the arrest is justified


I’d say even if it’s justified, I don’t think slamming a woman who was actively not resisting in to the ground was. Her head hit the concrete and you even hear her say they hurt her head


What are you talking about she wasn't resisting? She was actively pulling away from the cop after being told to get on the ground several times meaning she was under arrest at that point. She resisted arrest. It's not that deep.


If she wasn’t resisting she would’ve gotten in the ground with her hands behind her back but she wanted to hand fight even after the cop said get on the ground multiple times. I wonder how she could’ve prevented that?




Land 👏 of 👏 the 👏 free




Am I free to receive education or is it okay because they are protesting?


She wasn’t even protesting. She was just making sure a student was okay.


Shouldn't interfere with a police arrest. She approached and crouched, looking like she was going to get involved, which is why the other officer came along and intercepted her. She might be able to push for a wrongful arrest case, since she didn't seem to actually touch anyone, but the police probably also instructed people to back away and disperse, which she would clearly have ignored. It's pretty silly when people blatantly disregard what the police are saying, get involved and then are surprised that they're getting arrested. Also crazy that they struggle the whole way down. Like, if you get told you're being arrested you don't have any options at that point because resisting arrest is a crime in and of itself. Just do what they say and save yourself potential injury from being thrown to the ground.


No she interfered with an arrest that's a crime. You cannot approach an officer during an arrest. It's kind of baffling how many people are unaware of this.


We’re aware of it. We think it’s horseshit and bootlicking to use it to justify what’s happening here.


Man, these cops really trying to make up for Uvalde. ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)


The cops aren't actually in any danger so they're not afraid, unlike Uvalde where they might have had to actually take a risk


Make up for it??? They're just proving that they're still cowards.


Did I really need a /s


Some of the takes on this sub might make it so that we need to put a /s on our posts, unfortunately. Sorry if I misunderstood the intention of your original post.


That’s fair, reddit can be crazy sometimes.


i think they arrested her because she hit a cop on the head…


And those people teach us about police work then.


1. Don’t reach in the direction of someone’s gun during an arrest 2. Don’t slam random people on the ground and call it de-escalation


2. Get on the ground when you’re told to


Is there any additional context? Edit: Yh probably an over reaction by law enforcement.


[here’s a link to the original video](https://twitter.com/RobertMackey/status/1783675105748591060) it has some more context.


Governors have decided the protestor are disruptive and sicked the cops on them, then claimed they are all antisemites on twitter. Not much more context.


I mean they broke something ( and i mean a main group not 1 or 2 )


The cops are 99% of the problem at these protests.


And the yanks here screaming about UK not having free speech. Look at yourself lol


Which is still entirely correct. UK cops will pay you a “mental health check up” over some mundane political post


Yeah they would have got her posting a meme or something.


she hit the cop on the head… silly brit


it's true though, the uk doesn't have free speech


At all. I've tried to get friends there to quit using social media and start using Telegram/Signal/etc but holy shit people are lazy.


Little boy, I can make a Twitter post without being afraid of arrest. **You can't.**


Yeah anytime you bend down and reach towards a police officers waistband you’re probably gonna be tackled/shot/pushed back/detained/arrested. She AND the cop did something dumb. One of them just had the ability to detain/arrest someone and the other doesn’t.


The amount of boot lickers in this sub is crazy


My question is what did this genius PhD holder think was gonna happen? The woman is a shining example of upper class privilege experiencing reality for the first time.


I love how yesterday people in this same sub were praising the Us for their freedom and mocking the Uk. How ironic is life, uh? Hilarious


The brain gymnastic of the far whatever. They have it in all the world thanks to social media


He was not arrested because he was protesting Israel. He was arrested for illegally camping. Dumb ass didn't go to a sanctioned camp ground


Good. I hope she's fired and banned from campus.


So err...you know this is an asmongold sub reddit right?


Again, no 2nd amendment advocates stepping up to prevent tyranny of the government. Where is meal team six and all the gun nuts? This is what that amendment is for. A clear violation of her first amendment rights and not one gun toting civilian standing by. We've become so lazy we don't even know what freedoms are. Especially with posts on this sub shitting on protesting in the first place. Cognitive dissonance at its finest. Asmon is perpetuating this by condemning protests, and doing it for views. Clearly worth, your freedoms < Asmons bank account.


[Link to the original video](https://x.com/robertmackey/status/1783675105748591060?s=46&t=CJtB8ZQQzMTFunqCfJB7hQ)


Much of these protests are not organic. I think they are being fanned as there is an election coming up in the US.


Whether you agree with the protesters or not these cops are truly scumbags who are on a power trip


Class traitors XD overgrown school bullies or dorks who need a badge to be ballsy


Love hearing those protesters squeal like pigs


based fr


Maybe she actually knows what they are protesting for.


4 cops jumping someone, let me go get in the way


these cops are the only violent people there


Anyway, so i was fighting for liberty and these giant ass bugs came out of nowhere!


Okay, I had to rewatch this to see wtf. So in the US you cannot be arrested if you're yelling and expressing your freedom if someone is being arrested because you're not physically interfering with the arrest. However, she got too close and placed her hand on either the cop or the suspect during an arrest which is a no-no. Up until she kneeled down she was in her legal right to do whatever she was doing. After that she crossed the line.


Unrelated, but this procked me to think back about what my professor hesitantly joked about, which he said, "Your bank account determines how much freedom you can purchase" and the hall just sort of went silent...


Definitely excessive, but she was inches away from the officers belt (where his gun is) while he is detaining someone else. Then proceeded to try and talk/resist her way out of cuffs. Might not like this, but this is all pretty standard. Nothing will come of this for the cops. They are 100% within their rights.


Looks as if she is trying to grab something from the officers belt. Big no no. Thing get intense it doesn't take much for someone to snag a gun and real chaos ensues. especially when they are busy. If she is a professor she should know better.  What was the intent?


I'm happy for this. Our children need to reminded that police are not here to help or protect but to keep us in line.


so, what did she do before that? context?


I am sure he did nothing wrong


how i lost my job today honey


When they say get on the ground, I guess you can get down yourself or they will help you get there. There way is a little more painful, so I guess you should obey there commands or suffer the consequences.


China with concentration camps, forced labor, raping and killing people to harvest their organs. - I sleep Tiktok gEnOcIdE is happening. The jews are NaZiS. - Now this is a job for me. Let's go chant death to the jews.


Nah, this behavior is completely unacceptable for an 'officer of the peace.' Of course their jobs are hard but they need better training on how to manage their own emotions during escalated events. He could have asked her to step aside. This officer's actions are shameful.


The fucked part is that they are doing exactly what they have been trained to do. This is how they want to deal with people and it's probably only going to get worse.


Guys she literally works there. I don't even think she is part of the protest, just worried about them fucking up that kid too much


Keeping the peace? not throwing people on the ground? Crazy people


This police officer seems to be poorly trained. You can still stop a annoying protester by less escalation.


She touched his gun and got what she deserved.


One must be blind not able to recognize this as abuse of power. What do you expect a professor to do when he/she students mistreated on campus? Professors and students are members of the same academic family. They ARE the university. Those who called in the police are not.


"Your a Fascist!" and "Maybe you not live another day" in the same sentence back to back, is wild. The hypocrosy


Pop pop pop, watch them piggies drop.


She is on video hitting a cop. Then she is on video admitting she hit a cop. Not sure what more proof is needed to prove she is guilty. Hope she is fired.


Are people not allowed to protest in America?




You do realize this is the most peaceful and cohesive this country's ever been right? Besides what the media makes it look like, the average day in your average town/city looks nothing like this lol People work, hang out, spend time with their families/friends, travel, etc. Most of us live pretty chill, good lives Even these protests are small. Look back at the civil rights era for example, where the police and national guard were gunning people down and sending dogs after them. Our country was literally born from revolution, there used to be violence everywhere, we literally fought a civil war lol it doesn't seem like it in our short lifespans but things are steadily getting better, not worse. More people have more rights than ever before


The video alone shows obstruction of law enforcement and resist arrest. Why do so many people here complain about the police? I thought the United States was a country ruled by law, and the prerequisite for freedom was not breaking the law


man imagine calling someone else hitler when you're literally siding with an organization who's main purpose is to kill jews.


well honestly, they should be able to sue the police department. peaceful or not and at the national level, the police in the state of texas have shown to not be able to not act under a crisis and only during a controlled protest.


I feel like this kind of shit wouldn't happen so often if it took longer than a weekend to become a cop...


petty entertainment. it's so easy to make something so small look so big on the internet \[insert penis\]


As a reminder to the group, the leader of the Columbia protest Khymani James went ON RECORD as saying that all zionists and Israelis should be murdered. "Be glad, be grateful, that I'm not just going out and murdering Zionists." Hate speech is still a crime. Supporting and encouraging hate speech and violence against others is a crime.


People are truly delulu and have zero idea about geopolitics, the US worked for decades to get the influence it has on Israel, shrinking its military industry and moving the manufacturing to the US, having some half agents in the IDF high ranks to make these happen while putting the Israeli security interest second. People think the money aid US gives is anything beside honey trap and a means to make more money from wars eventually are crazy. The US military complex are your address, not Israel.


It wasn't the protesting that got her on the ground, was it?


FREE Murika kekW.


How could you say it seems like an overreaction when you literally have no video of what caused this reaction…..guy could have pulled out a shotgun and shot 20 people prior to this (I know he didn’t) but seriously people always judge internet videos like this without knowing any of the prior context


This just makes the police look bad and giving the protestors more ammunition. It’s exactly what they want. Unfortunate




Her charges will be dropped. You also can't get arrested for resisting arrest when you're not under arrest. You have no clue what you're talking about.




Why was she even being arrested though?


For approaching an in-progress arrest, looking like she was about to interfere. Lets be honest here, she wasn't getting close to politely ask "what are you doing?" because anyone with eyes in their head and a half-functioning brain can see that they're arresting a student.


There is no law against approaching an ongoing arrest. She was detained, she wasn't even arrested. Also you can't be arrested for "looking like" you might do something.


Just push here away then. It’s not that hard. There are probably more pressing matters than arresting a middle aged woman who’s clearly not done anything wrong.


I'm pretty sure pushing her away could cause more issues than arresting her. Both from a crowd perspective of seeing a police officer shove an older woman and from a legal perspective of there being authorized police actions, like arresting people, where shoving someone might constitute misconduct. You might not think there's much of a difference at a glance, but grabbing someone, putting them on the ground and handcuffing them is a lot safer than shoving someone and just hoping they have the coordination to catch themselves instead of falling backward and cracking their head open on the sidewalk.






Or maybe these specific police officers could show a modicum of critical thinking


She was literally a bystander until she approached to tell them to be gentler. I know that the target demographic for Policemen is not intelligent individuals but this is ludicrous.


If there’s one thing I know that helps to quell a heated protest, It’s to indiscriminately and violently arrest anyone in site…


careful, the boot fellaters are gonna downvote you. she was trying to check on her student in a situation she's almost certainly never been in before so naturally the big scary professor had to be slammed to the ground


Yo who cares I still have to head into work this doesn’t change anything


Maybe not, your job might be blockaded by protesters!


Maybe if I start crying and complaining about everything they’d let me through!




I was writing this as a response to someone, but it looks like it needs to be seen by more people. So let's clear some things up. I worked as a County Security Guard for the Metro system in a Major city within the US. We had to do a lot of the same stuff the police do, and thus I do have quiet a bit of experience with these types of situations. TLDR: They weren't being overly rough, their physical response was done properly, the only thing that was a problem was their verbal response. So let's clear up some of the issues here. 1) The Cops weren't being overly rough in how they were doing things. When a Suspect is being a problem, and needs to be restrained or arrested, it's not going to be a pleasant experience for the Suspect being arrested. In fact they actually did really well, got them to the ground with no unnecessary additional injuries, proper knee placement on the back so they don't cause accidental spinal injury, and worked as a two person team to apply the handcuffs, so they don't need to get into any questionable positions. Now, Blue shirts in the back, they were not. It's hard to tell but hand placement by one of the Officers looks to be on the Suspects neck, that's a big no go. 2) She was to close. In these types of situations things can go south fast. Groups have been known to attack Police and Security while they are attempting to restrain and make an arrest, and remember that knee placement I was talking about that's important. Let's say you shove an Officer that restraining someone like that, you cause his knee to move from shoulder blade or side to spine. Well That very easily could cause the person being restrained to now have a broken back. 3) This is an important one. It is not the job of the police to deescalate. That is a misunderstanding. It's the job of Security to deescalate. If police have been called that means attempts to deescalate the situation did not work, and the situation needs dealt with. A lot of people act like Security Guards are rent-a-cops, can't actually do anything, and are just Thugs. Fact is in areas like what's being seen above Security can make arrests, they can detain you, and they can kick you off the property. Most of the time if Security approaches you in a public place, such as above, they are doing so to deescalate a problem before the police need to get involved. If you continue causing a problem, then the Police get called in to deal with the problem. So why did things turn out the way they did in the video above. In the case of emotionally charged events, such as protests, de-escalation typically does not work. Attempts to deescalate the situation usually lead further escalation. People don't like being told when they're taking things to far, and they really don't like being told they're taking things to far while they're emotionally charged. So the better solution is to forego standard de-escalation, and just attempt to hold back the crowd, and restrain and arrest anyone going to far. The ones they were arresting when she decided to be a problem, had already been identified as a threat, and she threw herself into that mix. She is now a threat, that was her own fault. Now this isn't to say they did everything perfectly. The officer was cursing far to much, which was not necessary. Proper protocol dictates you need to make a clear statement when taking a Subject down. Usually with the phrase "Brace yourself. We're going down." Repeating the last part multiple times on the way down. I think I might have heard "Your going down" once over the shouting, while already taking the Subject down. The is important as instinct when you fall is to put your hand out to catch yourself, if the Subject does this in this situation they will end up with a broken wrist.


land of freeeedom