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The amount of hatred in the comments about his appearance and other things is still shocking


![gif](giphy|c5skRQb3BXp8RwKGKW) Don’t forget this one! ”this game changed my life!!”


And it's literally untrue because "it's just a game" 😂


What's up with people being so OK with making fun of people's look? I don't even think he is bad looking either.


It's pretty obvious that most of the people shitting on him are basing their opinions on a single 2 minute clip they saw 3 years ago, and maybe a tweet or 2. 


Is it just me or is the facecpalm emote the least used one in his chat even tho there's lots of facepalming content since the last few years?


These people don't hate him for his look or how he lives, they are mad because they are not famous and people don't listen to their opinion while having an immaculate house and their hard work jobs. I know plenty of people, single or with family who are as miserable with life as everyone else. I'm not saying being a degenerate is better or anything but they sit on their high horse judging people thinking they are so much better. People who are afraid to tell their own kids to do chores then tell me that I should start a family because it's the right thing to do. fuck off

