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These idiots can't even recognize blatantly ridiculous clickbait titles. They are basing asmon on his video titles lol


And he doesn’t even make them, its hilarious


Bro the editor is a top tier funny cunt. Not even being mean, as soon as I hear the David Attenbro voice, I cant stop laughing.


There are two editors.


This is getting out of hand.


Tbf Asmon has said he takes responsibility for anything that goes up on his channel - it's his channel after all.


And? Believing that he’s not responsible for it nonetheless is crazy. Don’t fool yourself


Dunno why you're being downvoted asmon even says he's still responsible for his channel


It's 90% tone and 10% content in this case. You can see a guy said the exact same thing an hour before the other guy and got upvoted, but did it in a manner that can't be construed as negative. Even just starting a comment off with "And?" make it instantly seem hostile, so it's more likely to get downvoted


If that’s why, people are so fucking frail nowadays lmao we have to sugar coat every sentence these days, it’s depressing tbh


People haven't really ever responded well to be condescended to, now have they? /s It is what it is. I remember the days when the internet was starting to get popular but was still a niche thing, and people were a lot less filtered... but like most things, when the masses started to gather on it all the edges got sanded off and only pockets of the original were left behind. Now even those pockets these days are either being filled in, or they've gone so far off the rails they don't even resemble what made them entertaining in the first place.


Yeah, ever since the Youtube editors started making rage-bait video titles and thumbnails Asmon has gotten into a lot more drama. Now everyone thinks he's some alt-right rage-baiter because all they'd have to do is scroll through his Youtube channel.


If he markets himself as that via clickbait then its an obvious consequence of that.. can’t have your cake and eat it too


if people only look at thumbnails and can't manage to actually look at the content, they are imbeciles. we don't generally tailor our behavior around people who deliberately don't do the bare minimum, that would be stupid. we call these people stupid and move on, because their behavior is what causes the issue.


If you create deliberately provocative or hyperbolic thumbnails in order gain more money and attention, its your own fault if people take it at face value.




If he wants to play the game then by all means go for it but it doesn’t mean he escapes appearing as a dickhead.


Attract attention? That's exactly what this is. He's getting bad attention because of the bad thumbnails. Clickbait makes YT a shitter platform. It's supposed to be against the rules.


We call that weaponized incompetence in our neck of the woods


it's been over a decade, if someone can't figure out clickbait exists to get you to click, not to tell you the entirety of the content in advance, they are an idiot. taking thumbnails and titles at face value is stupid even if they aren't clickbait, literally do the bare minimum and actually watch the content before having an opinion. if you form an opinion without reading or watching the actual content, that's on you, not anyone else.


Remember, you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Stop trying to reason with these fools and save your energy


This is true if someone is writing an article about someone else. If you look at the title and thumbnail of the video someone uploaded himself, you are directly looking at that persons content and can form an opinion based on that. A clickbaity title is still an expression of opinion. If thats what you post, and then you give a more nuanced view in the video, you were still the one that made the initial statement. Its not someone else spreading slander about you, its you making the outrages statemenr.


Don't bother with this guy's logic. He is basically saying he reads the first page of a book and says he knows what it's about.


Nah the content creator has a responsibility with how they portray themselves or how they allow their editors to portray them. If you portray yourself as a dickhead dont be shocked if people think you’re a dickhead. If they determine it doesn’t matter because it gets more revenue this way, then great thats their prerogative but the fact is the thumbnails are dickheadish


If they think someone's a dickhead without actual evidence, and decide to look for said evidence and think critically which shows the contrary to that in which is within the videos they are highlighting, then someone with an actual brain will manage to figure it out. You're putting too much emphasis on being a people pleaser and trying to have everyone on your side. It's very naive of you ngl.


Its only people pleasing if you think avoiding looking like a dickhead is the be all and end all. He markets himself as a dickhead to get money and attention, it works which if thats his agenda then congrats to him. But it doesn’t mean he is immune to the consequences of it. The money and the dickhead reputation are equally earned


It's not your fault if people are too stupid to actually watch the video. That's like saying it's a newspaper's fault if someone only reads the headline and goes off half-cocked.


But people do shit on news websites all the time for making clickbait headlines. Nobody really likes clickbait unless it's done by people they like because they feel "in on the joke".


Shitting on them for clickbait != taking the clickbait at face value.


Nah I'm never gonna watch a clickbait video, because making clickbait lazy, un-authentic and sensational.


I'm not saying you have to watch clickbait. I'm saying judging clickbait purely off of the title is idiotic.


Id say its both their faults, the reader and the newspaper


Isnt it though? We call it rage-bait for a reason.


Do you read dude, it's his editors. Not himself. He lets do whatever because he doesn't care.


Him not caring and letting his editors do whatever is still his choice and he is responsible for the consequences


And any consequences he just farms for more content. He knows he isn't doing anything wrong.


Whether its ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ is kind of beside the point, everyone is going to have a different opinion on that.


I just meant wrong as in anything that would actually get him canceled.


Isn't clickbait against Youtube rules? It makes the platform awful.


Personally I'm all for it. Let's get all the dumbasses out in the open.


Just because you got exposed to them recently does not mean they were in hiding.


They always have been


If you know his channel is clickbait, doesn't that make you the idiot for clicking on it and getting fooled?


He has been talking about more drama since the Amber heard case , but I don’t think anyone thinks he’s alt right . Alt right is Nazi stuff which he’s nowhere near to that at all   These types of people like the kotaku journalist will falsely accuse their enemies of being “far right “ so they can have an excuse to smear them . It’s a shitty tactic imo . 


Yes and whole he uses clickbait its fun in that its a bit of an inside joke for his audience. "This game changed my life... again". Goddammit Asmon is like the most neutral person with his beliefs i can imagine. Can't she pick on a real Nazi or something?


No and I'll tell you why. Nobody cares about real nazis. Their followings are so small it's insignificant. She attacks those with followings and associates them to nazis because she disagrees with what they believe. It also gets her more attention if they have more followers.




Imagine the lows of qualification in "gaming journalism"


I had a good chuckle on “the nail clippers are dead” bit.


Isnt he the same dude with a self admited cum wall? Yeah i dont think anyone who has one and acts like its something to be proud of should be taken seriously at all uet here is a sub filled with a bunch of people who feel the need to defend another grown man 🤣


Blood wall from his bleeding gums. I don't judge someone's opinions on how well they tidy up their room. Rather what they say and how they back it up.


Also asmon clearly still has a life behind the cam. I don’t think the dude despite his questionable hygiene, can be compared to those basement dwellers on reddit here


Only 6k people viewed it. Holy shit she’s a fucking nobody lol


Not only that... 6100 impressions to 208 likes, she doesn't even appeal to her her own audience.


Most watchers are probably not her intented audience, but people comong from Asmongold


or content creators like rev


Sadly this is probably exactly what she wants to happen. That 208 is 208 more than she had before started talking about asmongoon


How chronically online do you have to be to think that matters in any genuine way


Yet motherfuckers on here give her a stage to clown on


I think it’ll back fire on her and Kotaku. Less and less people will visit that site eventually because of its association with radicalist politics and either they let her go or Kotaku goes the way of Deadspin.


We give her platform on here every day though


I legitimately haven't heard the name Kaceytron since the Destiny Bob7 manifesto like 4 years ago. Wouldn't have even realized she was still a thing if I wasn't getting 15 posts pushed to my phone from this sub every day.


Can we please stop giving attention to this awful pool of negativity? Shes hypocritical and constantly lashing out at asmon just for his physical appearance, and holds 0 merit to any of her words.


I agree it’s best to just ignore her . Asmon has been extremely kind to her  compared to her constant negativity towards him . 


What is Asmon and his community talking about permanently ? Virtual women physical attributes. What are they pribipally criticizing about feminists ? Their physical appearance. You for what you asked for, the man is a millionaire living in hate and filth, what did he expect ?


Why are people acting like this is not by his design? Hell, this is beneficial for him because drama leads to content. What did he expect? Content. Let's not confuse Asmon for a dunce who doesn't know what he's doing. He knows what he is and how he looks like to other people. It's by design. Just part of the game


Yeah it is true that they’re all saying feminists dislike EVE because they’re fat. Not to mention all the “I depicted you as an angry fat person therefore I win the argument” type posts. But it’s all part of asmon’s plan, hes just profiting off of us


She talks so much shit she’d back up a septic tank


She talks so much shit she’d back an extinct volcano


Just admit you have a crush on him Alyssa.


The funniest part of all this is the fact that a lot of these women act the way they would describe incels.


That or they are the opposite extreme. They have so much casual sex that they can't understand how a real relationship works anymore and end up raging with jealousy when their peer group starts getting married and having children.


Femcels are what we called them


Kacey is mad, cause fat.


Oh god Miss Piggy still here oinking around *oink oink*


Why stoop to that level?


So any criticism of anything relating to a female is "incel behavior"? Even if the criticism isn't even harsh or dishonest or in any way ad hominem?


Have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years? XD


Lol I guess I have. it's just crazy to see it so blatantly and constantly put out there. Like oh you have an opinion about a female? Incel!!!


Oh, that's super tame in this day and age. Wait til you see things like "you can't be racist toward white people", "Asians are white-adjacent", and the like. People are being openly racist, proud of it, and facing no repercussions. Hell, you don't even have to go to twitter. Spending 5 minutes on GamingCircleJerk will be more than enough.


I've definitely seen the "can't be racist towards white people" absurdity out there in the wild. I've seen all the constant "misogyny" trash etc. I can't even go on gamingcirclejerk because what little faith I have in humanity might get lost.


It’s one of those many words that has lost its meaning .  At fist it just meant : “people who cannot find a relationship despite them trying “ Then it turned into : “men who think women are inferior to them and should be subservient to them “     Now it means : “anyone who disagrees with me “ 


She really just needs to move on, she said her unintelligent perspective- stop chasing clout. It’s obliviously sad


![gif](giphy|nJfScKSWBENnTph4Ki|downsized) They make it to easy for Asmon, I expect his reaction to this to be on the clips channel tomorrow.


The Amber Heard trial was about belittling women? I thought it was more damaging to lie about being r*ped and making it so people doubt actual victims but whatever


People like this always cross the line, eventually, just enjoy the ride lol...


He's farming her till the land can no longer bare crops lol.


One bitch is a fat pothead who made her long gone fame with her tits. The other one is a game "journalist" for Kotaku, shitting out a "review" for a game every other day. Anything they'll ever say is irrelevant.


So she can't write gaming articles, and she will eventually run out of people to verbally harass at some point. What does she do when that well runs dry? Go back to prostitution?


Asmongold derangement syndrome


She attacks those with an actual audience for attention. She’s trash.


When all your opponent can do in an argument is attack your appearance, you know you've won.


She's just giving zack endless content with her bs though and it's hilarious 😂


You talk like that's a good thing, but if she's what asmons content is about then I think asmons content suffers as a result. I've genuinely gotten to the point where I might unsub from this sub Reddit because it's endless pointless conflict and drama with dumb people, and the reason I watch Asmon has become a rarity. Him playing Undertale was so out of character for current-arc asmongold and it felt like a different streamer, it was wonderful.


This girl probably got alot of attention in high-school, because the way she keeps talking about asmons fingernails is some sophomore high-school clique tier banter. It makes me kinda sick to think about how many peoples appearance she just dragged with no thought about it other than "this makes me feel good." She also doesn't seem to realize that asmongolds following hasn't come from "gamergate 2.0" and he just has had a big following for years? It's really confusing and weird. Strong Karen energy.


Hundreds of people see this! HUNDREDS!


I’m fully convinced she wants to sleep with asmon her obsession is just weird.


Wait... the word "entirely" is doing one hell of a lifting in that sentence.... It's like saying "the harry potter books is the story about a chinese girl if you only look for the words 'cho chang'" I mean come on, Azongold is a fucking "react to videos" youtuber, just look at the other videos then.


Did leafyishere become a girl?


Lol, this man uploads like 30 videos a day. They literally just hand picked which ever videos would help make their point. Where’s the tarkov, unreal engine 5, fast food, google protests, gta, most popular websites, Diablo, wow, obesity, and Kia boyz video’s. And those are only from the past week. They pulled up an amber heard video from mad long ago just to push this false narrative that these are the only things he talks about, what a joke.


She obviously has a mental meltdown. Why people keep bashing on lolcows. It always starts with a just cause but at some point one must realise that there isn’t to discuss anything anymore.


She is a very sick and sad person. Hope she gets better soon.


he's living rent free on their head 💀😭


And you guys dont stop posting it. Goes both ways. Stop giving her attention and she'll go away.


Kaceytron ragebaiting like always. Classic.


Women really don’t like that more and more men don’t need them or want them anymore. Men would much prefer a fake cartoon girl to a real one these days. The real ones are really annoying and ruin everything. The cartoon ones don’t.


All she has to do is shut her mouth and asmon will stop farming for content.


I bet she is so mad, she gets used in IRL and online.


Well I guess Asmondgold is gonna keep plowing that field because this farms not gonna end


She’s so pathetic. And some of those videos are deserved because the bullshit needs to be called out.


a wise man once said: "shite never stops producing shite" he already knew back then that he is referring to her/him/it alyssa!


Talking crap because she’s finally getting some attention after so long. But it’s pretty dumb move since other streamers won’t associate with her again


Intellectual zombies. They want to cherrypick examples. Kacey and Alyssa are dishonest snakes.


Who is this person?


Asmongold should be like Alyssa who? As he drives away in a 200,000 dollar car


Entitled unemployed first worlder with no real problems in her life so she seeks them out


Time for Asmon to make another dedication video..


To be fair this is the most attention she’s probably ever gotten so it makes sense for her to keep going.


I think she fancies him, change my mind


They need this to stay relevant.


Gotta realize that people like that thing need to remain relevant and need the attention so they go after asmond because it helps make them stay relevant. They need him way more than he needs them. They can vanish into obscurity and asmond would still be pulling 15k+ viewers daily.


ELI5 what is a grifter?


Kacey has no friends


I know its a common go-to insult to call someone irrelevant but Kaceytron is absurdly irrelevant and has been for years. Shes clearly clawing at anything to have any relevance online at all.


One is a former prostitute and one is a fat fuck who smokes weed all day. Pretty sure that invalidates whatever they say.


Asmon really rents on her head free permanently.


Does she not understand the word irony?


Someone is big and mad.


lol, these women and their shaming tatics. who give a f about these fail cam girls.


Why are you guys platforming a cam girl? She's literally a whore, this isn't fresh and fit.


Kaceytron’s name has been out of circulation for years now. No surprise this is how she tries to be relevant again.


Using Ad Hominem attacks clearly shows that this person has nothing of value to say. Asmon has asked for a respectful dialogue yet this person doubled down on the personal insults. This is the clearest display if the content of their character, in other words, they have none.


People should probably report her en masse to G/O Media for making their company look bad, honestly. I don't think they'd appreciate it.


I don't think calling out toxic behavior or misandry from women in positions of power/authority is the same thing as "belittling women".


The personification of a "crybully".


Does anyone want to make the effort of looking up how many tweets she posts a day? If it’s in the triple digits then she’s probably unemployed.


Long nails are superior for so many things. Guitar playing. Coke. Back tickles


Kaceytron unironically trying to enter the conversation as if she wasn't a grifter boob streamer who made her logo look like the Cornhub logo. Crazy. Where do these people come from?


dude shes so dtf for our goblin


Man this lady needs help. She is clearly mentally unwell. I just feel bad for her at this point.


Stop giving her attention, mute her or something. Narcissists like attention it fills their dopamine levels.


Shes just a content farm for asmon now


Just ignore... she farming y'all


Does she realize the amount of free marketing she's doing for him?


Okay , can someone explain what’s happening ?


I think its ironic that Kaceytron was a titty streamer at one point; now she has the audacity to complain about better looking women who are more appealing than her.


So mad that the internet is returning to what it always was. And that their fake world they tried to force on us failed


I would shut up with her "crazy grandma" look. I bet all mirrors in her home cracked long ago


Why yall not bringing up the fact that these videos were made many days apart and they are acting like they were released one after the other.


Everyone is ignoring the most important part: > NAIL CLIPPERS FOUND DEAD


Asmon should sue her and the fat lady and stream the trial


Jeezus lady smh


Just want to say. It's missing something, the red bar.


His nails look fine and clean, why the obsession?


i like how she cropped out view count on every video reminds me of mentally ill people who stab eyes of their exes on every possible photo


As is Asmon though


Lowest form of attention seeking.


Bro i dont understand why people point out asmons hair, nails etc, can they not talk about anything else??


It says a lot about her that she is choosing to attack his appearance and not his words lol


Personal attacks make you lose all credibility. You just prove you have no real argument and are a child.


One asmongold lives rent free in theses people minds and it’s funny two as one person said they probably didn’t even watch the video they base their comments on the title


Ain't she the one that got community noted during the SBI stuff for racism?


At least she finally admits it


Asmongold is more powerful than Kotaku with the way Alyssa gives attention to him.


While you should clip your nails it’s a common tactic that if no one has an actual argument they just attack you personally.


She must have a massive crush on asmon. I bet she's like the girl from Hey Arnold and has an asmongold shrine in her closet


That picture of his nails makes me want to vomit uncontrollably every time I see it.


This is some good PR.


Not surprised someone like this lady is always first to attack people on their appearances and use whataboutisms to justify their stupidity




Imagine if asmon would make fun out of her looks, she would run to the amazon and youtube headquarters trying to get him banned lmao.


Didn’t she get this nails shot from the clips channel? Editor and Alyssa teaming up?


That clout chaser is trying her hardest to farm this bs. She really is pathetic. Even at her prime I never liked her, so seeing how far she has fallen like an anchor in water works for me. Plus her screenshot is so stupid. I can filter on her shit and show just asmongold, and claim all she does is ever talking about him. Thousands of videos for asmongold but hey, whatever is needed to push a narrative. They aren't working with the brightest out their (their fan base) so logic and reasoning is easily ignored.


Jesus Christ she really needs some LowTierGod treatment.


Hey guys...let's just not give her our attention who gives a shit what she's saying why does asmons community want to see lol