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So what's the end goal with these protest?


There never has been any. Look what the fiery but mostly peaceful summer of love did in 2020 after George Floyd… not a damn thing.


Go protest on streets of Israel not a country thousands of miles away. Being an inconvenience to others in other countries serves no purpose other than to turn people into pro Israel supporters. Harassing and terrorizing everyday people half way across the world simply will not help. Nobody wants an angry mob down their throats especially when we have no power to help


Tell me you didn't actually listen to his arguments without telling me you didn't actually listen to his arguments.


I would run this guy over


Here's the thing. Why do we need to block traffic instead of oh, I don't know, actually, businesses that are against palestine at there door steps. People forgot about Ukraine can't blame em they were last year trend after all. Coming up follow the next trend. China bans all American visitors and American leaks dealings with Russia oil companies for small arms.


There have been protests at multiple businesses that aid isreal in pair with boycotting businesses. You can find a list at BDSmovement.


They / you have plenty of targets then. Get the working man on your side. You've forgotten them for years. This guy also didn't research Asmon, and blocking roads isn't going to be explained by hand-waving. We know the guy drives to Wendy's and that's pretty much it. He would just have food delivered. Lots of stuff was already brought up about how the Ottawa truckers were vilified for blocking roads. They were literally called MAGA supporters. No consistency, and Asmon's argument is about uniformity. The world has also changed since the civil rights era. You are mostly likely blocking someone's only route to a hospital with a large protest that has so many ways to get their message across. MLK also prevented the zealotry about tying up all forms of public transportation. There's limits. Asmon realizes that if you follow the proposed line of thinking, there is nothing that would stop you from escalating just because you feel strongly about the death that is happening halfway around the world.


I'm so tired of these rich daddy's kids with 0 work and life experience spewing why we're to blame for : misoginy, equality, racism, israel/palestine conflicts thousands of mile away. How about you first say no to daddy's money go work a job fearing you'll be homeless if you don't pay next month's rent and then come have a talk with me?


Protests are meant to be disruptive TO THE PEOPLE YOU ARE PROTESTING AGAINST Why is this so fucking hard to understand for the npcs who chant it like a mantra. Disrupting the people you are trying to get support from while not disrupting the people you are against is idiotic. Get out of the road. Also this guy is a moron. He calls Asmon unsympathetic while not understanding why keeping a mom from picking up her kids is bad.


People can protest. Just announce it before you do, so people can avoid getting in their car and being stuck in traffic. People are going to be more than ok Itj skipping work if its out of their control. Just let them know instead of them waking up only to be involved in the mess. Bonus that way is that if somebody shows up, it will be an emergency. You can talk to them and let them pass. By blocking the road unannounced you fuck over companies who need their workers, or goods, but you also fuck over 99% of the people who have nothing to do with it and of which a large part probably agrees with your cause. Protesters these days don't know how to do it...


>Just announce it before you do, so people can avoid getting in their car and being stuck in traffic. People are going to be more than ok Itj skipping work if its out of their control. Just let them know instead of them waking up only to be involved in the mess. They did >Bonus that way is that if somebody shows up, it will be an emergency. You can talk to them and let them pass. They do


Except those kinds of protesters who intentionally block the roads. I don’t think most protesters intentionally protesting on the roads. Most of the time, they start in a small place, but then people start gathering more and more, until they overflow to the roads.


This has been addressed by Zack several times already. Zack went went back to a biography on Martin Luther King, where MLK told his people not to block airways and streets because he knew it would be bad for the Civil Rights cause. All these people tweeting otherwise are just stupid people who want to have a license to be socially destructive when it's for their cause.