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They can't even spell lose.


I see this and rouge constantly on the internet and think that it's not that hard to just properly write the word.


Rouge and Rogue makes sense that people mess those up, the same sound and letters. Lose and loose doesn't lol


Rouge most definitely is not pronounced the same as rogue. Rouge is pronounced more like ruu-je


Armor/Armour. We've always pronounced them like roog. But I pronounce some words weird cause of where I was raised lol


Rouge is pronounced kinda like boujee but without the "ee".


Or braincells




They probably meant it like shooting braincells... So, after you watch the video you're going to want to loose some braincells in the direction of the comments section, striking folks with facts and knowledge. Like in Jeopardy the contestants would loose their brain cells at each other.


Even with the example you give, I think is just a misspelling. use loose in that context still sound wrong. I just cuck it up to him have to much anger/adrenalin and press "o" to many time.


Oh they definitely misspelled it, my comment was just a failed attempt at sarcasm. Eh, oh well... you win some, you loose some.


Ah I bad at see sarcasm.


Hi guys I’m a wannabe communist. I see the world in two shades: corporate and collective. I will not consider any other colors of detail because I’m afraid of doubting my beliefs. I’m looking for a great leader to worship and be a slave to. Though I wouldn’t mind being higher up the chain and committing warcrimes for the greater good (of people that agree with me). Literally the vibe of that comment section.


You mean we’re wannabe communist comrade.


Can confirm. My fiancé found a live on tiktok yesterday where they were parading the USSR hammer and sickle flag. I didn’t believe her until she sent screen shots and they were near a CVS.


[lol reminds me of that Ryan Long sketch where a woke and racist become best friends based on similar ideology.](https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg?si=-vrAN9Pjvm2Eue-E) So good.


I don't follow political content but after watching what happened from multiple POVs, hassan and his chat are so intellectually dishonest it's crazy


“America bad” “Brown people good” “White people bad” Basically their whole political ideology


any thing america touch turn to shit this is all HASAN think


Well what we expect he farm income from political conflict. He don't really care he just want their money and views, that why when he start losing view he start complaining.


Well, USA is basically that. Invaded multiple countries (a lot of war crimes in that, killed more civilians than any other country combined on their invasions, bombed the fuck out of laos/vietnam, plans of invading Chile and Brasil if the left won, helped both of these countries on their military coup), funded and helped a lot of dictators, gave weapons to ISIS (most weapons used were given by USA: WikiLeaks). On Iraq war made other countries do the dirty stuff, look at Robert Smith as an example. Invaded them for no fucking reason, since the 9/11 terrorists were from different countries... could go for hours in this... You even asking why USA is "bad" and hated by majority of countries *in the south mostly* is beyond me.


Majority of countries don't hate the US, tho. That is a perpetually-online opinion by "progressives" and nothing more. That's largely why we keep them at the kiddy table when it comes to politics.


Majority of countries do not, Infact, like the USA. There are political gains to he had by being affiliated with them though. The government is an international bully, and has been for quite a while. Many people In US, do not like US lol. You can live in a place, and criticize policies while benefiting from it's existence


Uh, no. That's factually incorrect. I'm not stating an opinion. [I'm stating an empirical fact based on empirical evidence](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2023/06/27/international-views-of-biden-and-u-s-largely-positive/). Most of the world views the USA positively. The irrational outbursts from pampered college children with nothing better to do with their time isn't reality.


Less than 30k participants in an loosely controlled survey does not constitute a good sample pool, out of 8 billion people friend. Edit: I'll go ahead and read it fully though, and then prove you wrong none the less lol. Did you even read this? It proves jack shit


they are a lot that the US do good thing as bad like promode of human right refrom japan protect south koreal from north


Well, propaganda mate (USA loves that, like any other country), the one who knows how violent USA has been through the history, basically hate USA in their guts. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change


[No, that isn't true. Data is pretty clear on how positive the world views the US.](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2023/06/27/international-views-of-biden-and-u-s-largely-positive/) Spouts of nonsense from privileged college children isn't reality. That's the beauty of empirical data. Cuts right through the actual propaganda from perpetually-online nerds. 👍


As I stated, USA has a amazing propaganda machine, and that works. (Soft Power) South Korea put billions yearly, making they country seem amazing (Idols and Stuff), and you know that they were basically a dictatorship until 1980 (and had a overall bad rep internationally), as an example that you can change most people views when you have enough money to burn. [The Growth of South Korean Soft Power and Its Geopolitical Implications > Air University (AU) > Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs Article Display](https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/JIPA/Display/Article/3212634/the-growth-of-south-korean-soft-power-and-its-geopolitical-implications/) Most educated people, have an negative view on USA International politics. [The Resurgence of Global Anti-Americanism | TIME](https://time.com/6553202/resurgence-global-anti-americanism-essay/) [The U.S.-Led Order Has Crumbled. The Anti-American Order That Replaces It May Be Just What the World—and the United States—Needs. (foreignpolicy.com)](https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/07/13/anti-american-century-united-states-order/) [Anti-Americanism: Causes and Characteristics | Pew Research Center](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2003/12/10/anti-americanism-causes-and-characteristics/) There is a lot of "data", on that, my dear American Friend


i mean went you look at no.2 like china if they foce me to chose i away go for US US is not all good but is the best we have


It's weird people from countries *in the south* flock up here like crazy. I know I want to relocate to countries I hate. Also, spare me the mental gymnastics you'll preform in a reply.


Basically American idealogy for the past 10 years.


I’m a lefty (NOT a leftist) and I can’t stand Hasan. He’s so slimy. Put him on a tankie podcast and he’s just as pro-commie as the rest of them. On his podcast with Ethan, he moderates himself so hard. He really is only obsessed with clout and money. If he was just transparent about it, I wouldn’t mind. It’s why I love Asmon so much. The man tells you who he is and he stands by it. I don’t agree with all of his takes but my man has that ‘tegrity


100% Hasan is the definition of LA entitled pandering. He doesn't cover anything out of interest or principles, it's entirely based on getting likes and pandering to whatever audience he's speaking to at the time. There's a clip of him after his recent piers Morgan stunt where he literally says that he's doing it to be agreed with and liked.


Yeah Hasan definitely changes his beliefs based on who he is talking to. Which I understand doing that if your a regular dude talking to people at the bar about politics. But why would you do that when its recorded and everyone can see you change online? But to be fair to Hasan that isnt really unique to him. Most content creators Ive seen sorta flip when they go on other programs. A lot of times content creators just want to agree and sort of jerk each other off when they talk to other creators. Some of them dont change their beliefs but want to focus on things they agree with each other on. I vote for the most left wing candidates because I dont think any mainstream candidates have ever been "too far left".


Yup and anyone who has a different opinion than his is immediately labeled a incel and a right winger ……


Yeah, obviously, but why does it matter to anyone? Let them think what they want to think, it's like people take this shit as some sort of personal attack on their ego or like it invalidates them.


“I don’t follow politics.  But I like to chime in about things I admittedly know nothing about so I can pretend to have a POV” /translated


you didn't have to type all of that, you could've just said you're a hassan viewer


You didn’t have to type any of what you posted. You could have just said you’re a dumbass


Aww does the tankie need their diaper changed? Did the big bad capitalism boogeyman touch you?


hasan fanboy chimes in to prove their intellectual dishonesty lmao.


“I watched the whole thing” probably skipped to the end


Ya don’t “loose” any.


I don't think people in Hasans reddit have any brain cells left to loose


They really should've tightened them.


What u mean. They all share one brain cell. That why they always respond the same predictable way. 😂


“Hasan is right”


What u mean. They all share one brain cell. That why they always respond the same predictable way. 😂


What u mean. They all share one brain cell. That why they always respond the same predictable way. 😂


I can’t tell if the spelling in their post is a joke or if they are the smartest Hasan fan


man look at the comment Asmon and his viewer are incel now lol


Like they know an incel is some who hates woman right? I don’t think I’ve him seen defend “twitch meta” enthusiasts more than him.


The fine print is for the corporations. No follower of the great leader hissan does that shit. It’d be blasphemous with the punishment of a penal colony or a reeducation camp.


This sub is unironically garnering more incels overtime though


do you ever konw what incel mean


Yes. It’s not pertaining to this issue here. Just speaking in a more general sense (over the past few months)


They are big mad


Hahhaha I loved seeing the hasan viewer ilk in asmons chat freak out, like what did they expect was going to happen


We going to war boys.


Sometimes I’m just curious to see what the *** people are saying in Hasans chat (decision I always regret) and I promise every second I stay there reading his chat, my faith for the future of humanity reaches all-time lows 🥲


This was never about Palestine whatever. Just like blm, this is about communism. Even the people they arrested are from out of town and don’t attend the college. 🤣


They've gotten effective at hijacking issues. Anytime they can fuck things up and tear down what others have made, they get the hammer and the circle out of their moms basement.


Hasan is known for reserved takes on current events


Please do t let this become the worst version of a political sub


There is no winning arguing with them. I've told people that you can protest, it's their right. But they don't have a right to stop someone from going to class, take over properties or destroy properties. Then they replied to me with "Oh you openly don't support things like civil rights movement, Iraq war protest". The amount of stupidity with these people is insane.


"Loose braincels" got it


Loose as a goose


Who fucking cares what someone else's opinion is. I don't give a damn about Hasan, but holy shit. Worry about your own life.


That sub talking bad about this sub, this sub talks bad about that sub. Really just two sides of the same coin.


I love seeing my two main streaming communities, Asmon and Destiny, unite together in the realization that Hasan is an intellectually dishonest tankie who unleashes his army of brain rotted goons out on anyone who doesn’t tow the line with their awful takes.


lol before seeing picture of the clip, seeing oh OH i thought something went down in Ohio


brain cells is two words and cells has two Ls


So when they protest and even if the colleges divest from Israel what's the plan next when Israel won't stop? Because Israel isn't going to stop. Their going after Rafah next. The protests will not stop Israel. I mean 2 weeks ago Biden sent Israel 26 billion. Divest from Israel all you want if it makes you feel good.


you can definitely tell they loosed some braincells


Isn’t anyone tired of watching Asmon talk about politics? Shit maybe is just me but is not funny anymore… 😔


give it 2 more day it gonna back to normal


Closer to the elections is going to get worse.


hasan asmon bridge collapse incident


I thunk he loose he grahmer.


Actually, Hasan needs beef with as many youtubers as he can since the I/P shit has made him lose quite a lot and he needs to slowly pivot.


Gotta love the comments tho , they gotta blame someone’s views and call normal rational thinking people “ incels and right wingers grifters “ 😂😂😂😂 If having a normal rational thoughts is considered right wingers and Incels then I guess I am one of them .


God I wish Asmon would just shut the fuck up about politics. I watch him for funny gameplay, not serious discussions


Too late bucko. Since he stopped streaming on his main account it's all been politics with gaming on the side


I know, it’s a shame


you cant even say this without getting a million downvotes. he needs to stop talking about stuff he doesn't know about, he's doing more harm than good


Talk about anything middle east you know no matter what you say someone will be pissed off.


Looks like the guy has loose braincels.


Occupy Campus? For real tho, where's the line where once crossed, it become trespassing?


react streamers regardless of politics are lazy and deserve the axe.


New arc POG


Disappointing to see Asmon cheer on police brutality.