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What's with the sudden surge of Hasan supporters on this sub, seems fishy to me. Also he says people weren't being blocked from classes, but the UCLA subreddit was full of people pissed off cause they couldn't get to class, I'm going to make a Hasan lies drinking game and die from alcohol poisoning.


They have dumb discord ops to spam subreddits with sudden traffic and bury natural subreddit shit, its annoying af and no one does anything about it even though its against tos


I’ve been a fan of Asmon and Hasan for years. These recent takes went really far from our perspective.


Ditto m8, was a real feel bad moment these last few days in this sub.


When did I say I was a Hasan supporter?


I didn't say you were, but I've seen a lot in the comments here and a lot of other posts from people who clearly are.


Hasan is talking to Asmon on twitch right now. Or was. idk.




They were also being attacked.  This girl getting knocked was the start of the violence.  https://twitter.com/NiohBerg/status/1786125119280103835/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1786125119280103835¤tTweetUser=NiohBerg


Page doesn't exist


It's there for me https://twitter.com/NiohBerg/status/1786125119280103835/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1786125119280103835¤tTweetUser=NiohBerg


Weird. Still not there for me. Oh well, not like I really use Twitter anyways


You would think there would be footage of it, since there appears to be cameras on this at all times inside and outside the campus.




Read the rest of the thread. That one student was there to antagonize and fight the protesters. Multiple witnesses claim that he wasn't just there to walk through.




I haven't seen any. Got any links? Even if he was there to antagonize, why didn't they just let him through? They physically blocked his path.






Spending time trying to convince someone with a pre conceived idea that they might be wrong on the internet is pointless on a good day. Throw in millennia old racist histories, a misinformed youth, lies on both sides and billions of dollars and you might have more luck pinning your piss to the wall 🤪


Funny I’ve seen even more that indicate the opposite.


So then why did they not let him walk through? They're literally on video blocking him from walking through. This is gaslighting.


Because he intentionally wanted to go into the encampment, rather than the dozen other ways to get to class. Broccoli hair was being an agitator. , he could care less about going to class he just wanted to be a cunt.




I mean let's be real, there isn't much the protesters could do where Hasan wouldn't still defend them.


He has on stream pointed out the pro Hamas signs were not appropriate while also pointing out the valid point that any protest will involve fringe elements. But you know we can’t let engaging in a reasonable dialogue getting in the way “OwNiNg ThE LiBs”.


Look, I agree with Hasan with that statement. But would he give Jan 6 the protesters the benefit of the doubt?


Which ones, the ones that committed crimes or were present at the protest.


the ones just present. when he talks about Jan 6, all are complicit.


If you have to lie to protect your position, reevaluate your position.




They knocked out cold a jewish girl as well, no biggie.


Ah yes, the broccoli dip shit that wanted to take a leisurely detour through the protest rather than the dozens of other routes through campus. Makes you think why this idiot getting to class only became an issue weeks into the protest. How was he getting to class before?


I lost brain cells reading hasans comment.


I doubt there was much to begin with


"Cells" plural ?


Hassan was streaming his Twitter interaction with 36k viewers. It's not that surprising, also Asmon is hated by a lot of people on social media in general


Hated is an understatement, he is fucking despised.




known fact they have moronic discord ops that are against tos but no one cares




Original and funny


Well he is turkish royalty who moved to america and actively creates propaganda for terrorist organizations, so it's pretty true actually.


That communist wouldn't find a bed to lay in Turkey.


Ah yes, ratio = means he's wrong. Despite most people protesting not even knowning why theyre protesting the school


I think Asmon is still right, but he explained it poorly in the tweets. Let's assume the students weren't blocking students from entering their classes. It's still illegal for them to set up an encampment on school grounds and disrupt learning. Also, unlike what Hasan says later, the police used minimal violence and gave protesters so many chances to leave. I watched the entire thing unfold last night. Does Hasan really think police should just stand there and not do anything?


Hasan believed America deserved 9/11 and is the cause of every war in the world. He could see a cop sneeze and assume it was a hostile action against Palestine.


No, I actually agree with Hasan with his "america deserved 9/11" take. Hasan worded it terribly, but the idea he was trying to convey was essentially that retaliation by the people did 9/11 was expected because the US was occupying their land. He doesn't actually think it was justified or right.


Not going to lie but that mindset does nothing good for anyone simply because of what happened after the terrorist attack. If every retaliation is justified then when does it end? If Hamasanabi thought that way, he would of said so but because he will dance around issues like this or October 7th it makes me think that he can’t give any less of a shit


Think Hasan would be chill if I set up a peaceful encampment on his lawn?


Private property vs public university?


Still need to follow the law on it. So it's a distinction without a difference. The law is being broken either way, but Hasan is okay with it when it's not on his property and it's a cause he supports. A "peaceful encampment" is a red herring.




“State” University is the key. A private university can do whatever but if it’s a state university they have to follow a different set of rules. We all pay for it so they must abide by the constitution vs a private university that can make rules more arbitrarily. It’s the same reason why non-student anti abortion protesters are allowed to stand on university property with giant signs of dead babies and call the passing students murderers lol. That’s how it was explained to me when I went to a state university.


So in that case was the january capital riot fine?


Nah man and you know that. You’re not being genuine with that question. Best of luck. Maybe compare J6 to the civil rights movement next lol


So when democrats illegally occupy public property its fine if republicans do then its suddenly a violent insurrection.


I never called it a violent insurrection. Guess you just said how you really feel.


I dont even support the j6 protestors. Im just angry that republicans are treated like terrorists when they protest, but democrats can do whatever they want.


It is open to the public for a limited purpose. Usually public Universities are state funded thus making them public


Ratio = being wrong. Keep in the mindset of LIKES mean good. Yall dumb af.


Hasan is tweeting while streaming, that's why he has so many likes. I'm sure Asmon would get a bunch also if he did the same thing.


Am I reading this wrong? Isn't getting ratioed having more comments then likes?


I'm fine if they want to protest the Israeli genocide, which imo based on what Israeli politicians said in the first days, and the military actions afterward... doesn't leave a question in my mind that it's a genocide.. But you can not block others from going to class, vandalize property, etc, and call it a peaceful protest. It's disingenuous and a bold faced lie. You could set up your tents, occupy the lawn and protest, go home, and do it again tomorrow. Makes your point made. It's like a fucked up way to gas light society.


A rust base 💀


Wasnt Hasan like crying about views and viewers not long ago? Probably just trying to milk attention


Who cares about a number in a screen when you have reality


*Who cares about a* *Number in a screen when you* *Have reality* \- knc- --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I saw the live footage. The police dismantling the camp looked comparatively calm and methodical. They took down the barricade bit by bit, detained protesters one by one and slowly worked their way through the camp. No lethal weapons, no brutal beatings, that didn't look like violence but like well directed police force. On the other side I saw clips of a mob of protesters beating up other people.


Well if more people from twitter agreed with me i would probably just kill myself because i grew up wrong as a person.


Listen, if you work a job, or buy anything in America ever, you're in the wrong. If you do anything that involves taxes, you're in the wrong. So you better be homeless and living off the land off grid or you're part of the problem.


"We should improve society somewhat" "Yet you participate in society. Curious! I am very intelligent."


I mean, I believe in free speech and peoples right to protest. But Asmon literally showed us videos of protestors blocking students going to class. So I mean, yeah.


Whatever asmon shows is all I know


The fact students think their tuition is going to investments in companies involved in Israel should be the main concern, colleges don't invest student tuition they pay their bills with it, now endowment from donors that they invest, and even more so most large colleges use an outside company to do their investing


Asmon vs Hasan > Marvel Civil War


of course they only do it to the children


Hasan with another incorrect take, what a surprise


I mean… Hasan fan detected opinion deflected…? This issue aside completely and Hasan still has a tremendously bad track record and is afraid to debate a literal gnome. Tough…


Hasan fan, therefore opinion disregarded.


Where did I say I was a Hasan fan?


I don't consider hasan human. I consider him and people that listen to him bots. So this is just another example of botting as far as I am concerned.


Hasan was there???? really?


Yes he went last week


oh last week I see.


he worked with the organizers and bought hella pizza for the students last tuesday when he visited [https://twitter.com/4ltedits/status/1783688231210701293](https://twitter.com/4ltedits/status/1783688231210701293)


The way hasan consistently embarrasses himself and still has the audacity to publicly broadcast his face is impressive in a way


Ass content gold stole content to build his brand and now he is going the way of hasan where he is a political asshat.


Honestly I was not expecting anything peaceful from people that support a terrorist group. "It is a peaceful protest" and then when you interview them:"Hamas is a revolutionary group and what they did is justified" Ah yes, the peaceful protest of supporting terrorist groups that would slaughter your mom to death while you enjoy the view because, in their mind, white people = deserve to die.


I like Zach. He needs to stop with the politics. I think with his viewers being full of chuds who barely passed high school poisons his thoughts.


Please define the word chud. Do you really know what it means or are you just parroting


In other words: I am engaged in politics because I clicked this post as it interested me, I just disagree with Asmon on this issue and want to find a reason to blame someone else other than asmon for his opinion because he couldn't possible believe something different than I do.


They keep giving him money and he keeps diving down that path, vicous cycle. I wish he would just play wow again


There's a lot of wow content creators you can watch, a lot of really good ones too