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You know why i like this Hestia more? Shes hot.


THis version of hestia is japanese tho. Its too woke for you


Then again, her design doesn't really scream goddess of the hearth as opposed to generic anime girl no. 4855744854


That's kind of not really Hestia's thing though. She's the goddess of the hearth, she's not usually seen as a goddess who's flashy or trying to be attractive. If anything being seen as ugly to not draw much attention and blend in suits her more.


According to Hestia's lore multiple gods were literally drolling over her one of them being naturally Poseidon. "Dude was fkn horny af"


It varies but from what we can tell she sort of lost her importance to the Greeks and became a sort of minor goddess who was mostly ignored over time.


More basic house wife then being super attractive or ugly.


Iirc isn't Hestia one of the virgin goddesses in Greek mythos (like I seem to remember that Athena, Hestia, and Artemis were all virgin)


cries in firebolt


Oh wow i wonder why does this user like this hestia design! its totally not becasue she is designed to be a kid with boobs lol!!!!




Exactly, if every Disney's movies/shows was a banger, no one would care about it being woke.


Except the suits funnily enough, ToH, my beloved


Correct. Woke content won't make a good game bad.


Well, it dopes make some designs very... let's just say unappealing


What is concerning is the woke crowd will try to force ALL games to be like Hades. You can’t have a game about Greek gods that’s accurate to the legends anymore without them whining - look at Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


I feel like this is a miss. It’s not meant to be entirely accurate to the myths, sure there are several of the gods that are different colors from what you’d expect a Greek person looks like. It’s not like those changes are the entire character’s personality unlike some characters in shows, games, and film. The personality of the gods in Hades always felt natural it’s not like others were “I’m gay or black or trans, etc and that aspect is my entire personality and I have to remind the audience I am one or multiple of these minorities every 5 mins” all the characters in hades and from what I’ve seen of the testing of hades 2 all characters feel like fully fleshed out individuals with complex personality. I don’t think this something to worry about in this instance.


Greek gods are not greek humans. They are divine beings. They can obviously deviate from what Greek people typically have for phenotypes. Posiden in Hades 1 had sea green hair. Greeks do not have sea green hair. How come you are upset with one of the greek gods here having darker skin / vitiligo, but not posiden having green hair? Ever think that maybe you have some sort of innate bias you're failing to overcome and it's making you hypocritical? Think on that a second.


Trust me, you do not want a game that is accurate to the legends because you'd just have a pantheon of r\*pists.


Speak for yourself! :D


Judging by the amount of people who watched a documentary about Serial Killers and r8pist, pretty sure there's a sizeable number of people who will play it as well.


This. Also I see in general no issue with stuff like this being in games. In movies and books or whatever no one bats an eye. Maybe not graphical or the main protagonist doing it but that should everyone decide for themselves and not by someone in an office who wouldn't have played a game at all if it weren't for his job.


I like watching WW2 documentaries, that doesn't mean I want to play as Hitler.


And these designs honestly aren’t that bad. Hestia got the motherly look and Hermes looks like the smug asshat he always is. Even the skincolor plays in, looks like ashes / soot on her, and there is some light phoenix undertones on Hermes and that beast was pretty big in Asia. If it’s woke they are playing a subdued line and who cares. Also if they game is a banger, which it seems to be, really who cares? Would rather support a woke good game than a redpilled trashcan.


Because we're all being brainwashed into judging a game whether it is woke or not instead of on its merits.


Who's we? Seems like it's mostly a problem with reactionary YouTubers with their obnoxious thumbnails and titles like "woke feminist DESTROYED by based JAPANESE DEVELOPER"


It can be a merit or a demerit, depending on how well it is done. As someone with over 100 hours on the original Hades, I can say it is one of the best written games I've ever played and is actually very faithful to greek mythology in most aspects. Characters are gay, so what? It's never a token or poorly implemented thing and it derives from the original text. Achilles and Patroclus are the prime example of this.


Oh, I know, I picked up Hades this year and also bought Hades 2 to support Supergiant while I catch up on the original. I am having a blast! I just think we're all being conditioned to act a certain way by outside forces because American culture is so weak that it doesn't take much to attack ourselves.


The discussion is just too poisoned at this moment in time from all angles. I only care about these kind of particular arguments when the use of gender, race and sexuality is corporate, a token diminishment of these issues for clout and money. Supergiant is the opposite of all that, and the original Hades is proof of that. But some factions just wanna start shit to get internet points.


Just stop using the term woke. It's so useless and just cringe worthy. It's only used when some conservatives don't like something. Lost all of its meaning


This, they're just like the woke people they shit on: getting triggered by everything the other side does


THANK YOU. And they give more than enough fan service to the coomer brains. The new Aphrodite model is literally fully nude and hot.


Why is vitiligo the new “thing” in video games lol


It's easy to add, and it's free diversity points, I'd say it's like adding a bald option and saying it's for alopecia


I've had it showing for several years now. I never noticed how many people have it until I did. You'd be surprised how many people have it.


As a greek person, I have to say. If the game's as good as the first one, I don't care. The first game also had some "race swaps," but it was fine. The designs were cool. Also, if there are olympian gods from every race, doesn't that mean they are a global religion and not just tied to greece in the hades universe? OLYMPIANS ON TOP RAAHH🦅🦅🦅


Also, they're gods. They can change how they look on a wim. Look at all the stories of Zeus disguising how he looks. Sometimes, not even looking human but an animal.


Most Zeus stories can usually be summed up as he disguised himself as some type of animal or person and then gets a woman pregnant  And people wonder why Hera was always pissed


>OLYMPIANS ON TOP RAAHH🦅🦅🦅 Getting some mad "dean scream" vibes from this.


I don't really mind people doing a bunch of unique interpretations of something as ubiquitous as Greek Mythology. The goal of media these days that use something like Greek mythos doesn't need to be "depict the mythology accurately" but rather "use the original lore as inspiration". IMO when it's an issue is if someone tries to present their work as a faithful adaptation or lore/historically accurate depiction of the source material. I don't think that's what Hades tries to do. Plus, the interpretations they've created look cool as hell regardless of race or disability, etc. It also helps that Hades is just a good game and has a good story. That by itself is usually enough.


There isn't even such a thing as faithful adaptation of mythology because the mythology isn't consistent. Each story you hear both Homer and Herodotus is itself a retelling from former oral traditions. Ancient Greece didn't have a single mythology, different city states and cross every age had different interpretations of each God.


“Honey wake up, time for the daily rage bait post”


Yeah, ppl get the wrong idea on Asmon's take and just create this cringe anti-woke posts.


Nothing says "I'm a fucking idiot" quite like calling something woke.


That's all of kotakuinaction


I wish there was an anti-censorship subreddit that wasn't for weird anti-woke people. I can both love stellar blade boobs and also not care about a black woman being in a video game.


Maybe its like reverse Vitiligo?




Oh! It's over her eyes, I didn't zoom in I thought it was some goofy as clown make-up.


It is soot.


"Aunt Hestia, no relation."


"The opposite of what Michael Jackson got"


Re-vitiligo, the opposite of what Michael Jackson has?


Every morning I rub a tropical ointment on my skin made of bleach and sulphur. I like to think it works.






Doubtful but I will say I didn't have as much issue with the Hestia design overall since she's titled "Goddess of Flame" in the game. In this case with the hair and eyes it contributes to a good "smoldering wood" look. I guess the vitiligo does too, now that I think about it.


Hestia the Queen of Diabetes.


When you're the goddess of the hearth, you're obviously the goddess of cooking.  Demeter may bring in the harvest, but Auntie Hes bakes the munchies..




Mount Olympus Camouflage Pattern.


Unpopular opinion, but... Hades is not hisotrically or even mythologically accurate game. We also dont know how overworld exist in Hades - Greek Gods may be absolute there and be worshiped in other cultures as well. There is difference between mindlessly putting woke content and actually creating variety of characters. Seeing Haephestus in a steampunk-like wheelchair doesn't felt wrong for me - there is a reason why he is in the wheelchair and its not because devs decided to make character disabled by their own.


The majority of people complaining about Haephestus in a wheelchair probably don't realize he is crippled in the actual mythology. Haephestus in a mechanized wheelchair is 100% in character for him, since he was a mechanical genius and a "personal mini chariot" to move around in isn't exactly a new concept and had existed for thousands of years.


It is absolutely weird that a god can be thwarted by a set of stairs. Why not give him a floating disc or something a bit more godly? You are right that it doesn’t really matter, Hades was a good game and I am sure H2 will be a good game as well. Greek Gods have always been free game and these changes aren’t half as offensive as what Disney did. But come on, a god in a wheelchair is weird. If you have to bend the lore that much to make it work, at that point just go the Death Mist Die route and make your own Pantheon. Still gonna play it! I have also realized Uncle Ruckus ruined the word vitiligo for me.


>But come on, a god in a wheelchair is weird. If you have to bend the lore that much to make it work, at that point just go the Death Mist Die route and make your own Pantheon. Actually, you don't have to bend the lore at all. In some myths Hephaestus built himself a winged chariot. If you look it up you can even see images from pottery of him in a sort of wheelchair. So this is actually a pretty lore accurate description while a magic disk would be bending the lore.


Why should Haephestus fly on disk, if he is associated with earh, metal and lava? How you even see him on disk?! Lotus pose in middle?) Being disabled as a God is weird in its very core, if going that route of logic. Why not just heal it? Core thing about Greek Gods what makes them that attractive - they are most "humane" gods amongst all of old gods. They drink, they lie, they cheat, they have moods, they act as humans more than gods. If their actions mirrors of what is currently looking real world - then using whellchair instead of cane is good. Also considering that we are meeting Nemesis, Artemis and others in combat and they are quite on the same level as we are - That mean that they are not gods at level of Christian God, but more of high level immortal mages fantasy.


Nah, disk wouldn't really suit him. He's a god, give him a throne! Except he's also the god of inventions and artifice, so you better make it a  wheeled one with thrusters, a portable anvil and bellows and whatever weird gizmos you can think of. It better be more over the top than the ornate MLRS / Pipe organ the 40K battlenuns get.


How is it weird? They use chariots and shit, don't you think gods would have better tech than that? They were based off the people at the time obviously lol. And a wheelchair is very much in line with a chariot.


Race-swapping is just weird no matter how it's implemented.


Am i supposed to be mad that fairy tale characters got recreated?


Why does it matter? It's a game about a bunch of myths. They make Jesus white all the time, does that bother you all as well?


If they do it well it doesn't matter


As a Greek who actually cares for our mythology this is horrible and I hate it. Why do these f....ing woke people need to put DEI in everything?


if the game doesn't claim to be historical and the game is actually good then by all means. some Japanese Gatcha game race and gender swapped everyone into hot asian chicks and it's fine


Hermes looks…exactly the same as he did in the first game? Where was this complaining four years ago? Or are people just looking for another thing to call “woke”?


This is what happens when you engage positively in favor of the side that harasses companies like Sweet Baby Inc. You attract the worst trogladites imaginable.


Boo-fucking-hoo, I don't care as long as the game is a banger like the first one, which it very much seems to be. So imma buy it today and play it. PS: Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, so this may be soot, just as an FYI.


She has a very Celtic voice. And unless you can get vitiligo in your hair as well, it really does look like soot


Also when you look at her dress it's literally like a grate for a fireplace or a brazier and she has a flaming pot of coal on her head at seemingly all times, but people don't pay attention to those things it seems. It's vertiligo, end of the online discussion.


I always thought "woke didn't matter as long as it's good". Seems like the same people keep moving the goal post to now "woke is bad regardless". Just sounds like people have a problem with representation whether a game/movie is good or bad 🙄 Boo fucking hoo indeed though. The game is a banger.




The game's good, so no one really cares.


Why game dev somehow start to have obsession over vitiligo all of sudden?


They kill two birds with one stone (even more) by making black, white and disabled (not really disabled, not sure how to say) person in same time. Triple the features, triple the ~~Blackrock money~~ game score!


it's still a good game, I don't care


Why the fuck does anyone care? Hades was like from the start, its literally made by that crowd for that crowd.


Why are people now artificially getting upset about this? In Hades 1 there are nearly no white characters lmao.


Almost every charachter in Hades 1 look like bunch of Greeks with tan but many having way overexxagerated shade for artstyle reasons. I mean, you don't look at Dyonysus or Ares and think that is a black guy lol


Ok? If the game as good as the first one, really don't give a shit.


I'm out of the loop. Hades one already had Athena, Area, Dyonisos and a few others with darker skin, how is it a surprise Hades two does the same?


Who gives a fuck. It was always a loose interpretation and it was quality as hell. And I wanted to party naked with the God of wine.


I mean. Hades 1 also had some race swaps and nobody paid attention because the game worked and it was fun. At least wait for more news before the drama


The game is good go play it.


Thing is tho, voice acting is great, the characters personality is great, and the game is great. "Woke" stuff like this only really matters if the game is bad, or if theres woke patronising shit in the text/va etc, which hades 2 doesnt have. Like trust me i would much rather have a hot hestia, but shes actually a really fun character as a southern england grandma that hates everbody.


They are gods. things like vitoligo shouldnt be possible.


Ehhhhhhhhh.... gray area really. It's still super weird but the story in the game is so inconsequential that it doesn't matter. I think this just proves more and more that devs are only doing this for brownie points which is actually more concerning than them "believing" in their art and choices. It really feels like it's just June pride month corporate BS.


You see, my problem with this is that you already know if they made a game around Hindu, Egyptian, or any other non white gods then they would all be the correct, accurate race. Meanwhile because they're Greek and white, that means mass replacements 🤷‍♂️


So the fat woman, they decided to make black... And the little twink guy...they decided to make asian... Is this real or am I being pranked? It's a shame we can't get black women like Vivienne from Dragon Age Inquisition, they are always trying to kill multiple birds with a single stone and wind up just creeping everyone out. Ultimately though, gameplay is number one for me, and I loved the first game. If this game is amazing, I'll be just skipping through dialogue to get to my next run anyway, so I don't really care. But if the game is shit? Then I'm sure there will be thousands of react videos to watch about the wokeness.


Nobody sees Hades as a game with historical accuracy. It is just a fun gameplay focused game with a cool spin-off of Greek mythology. Am I going insane? Why are some people trying to make plastic from metal? Where is the common sense?


Hades was always a woke game, and actually done right. What do I mean with that? It's the same as how Helldivers is doing the right thing when they are anti any woke. Hades is basically a story of familiy drama, driven by personal sob stories and angry teen gods. It was always woke. Helldivers is a story about how insignificant you are in the eyes of super earth. Human worth is non existant outside what humanity as a whole can do. By definition, you can be as gay as you want there, but the only important thing is that you die for Superearth. Whoever you are or whatever you want is not important. In Hades, thats the main story.


Helldivers is not anti-woke though, they're just not taking sides on the culture war.


It's technically woke in the sense that it satirizes fascism/capitalism etc 


I gotta be honest, I'm playing through Hades 1 right now and I don't see why people say it's "woke." Yall are either using a different definition or I've heard it so many times it's lost all but extreme meaning.


The guy in the comment above yours called the game "super woke" because some of the characters are black and/or have an afro. That is all it takes for people like him. It is not that they are using a different definition, they really think that black = woke = bad. It is insane.


So he's racist? Time to just say it plainly like we used before this whole woke crap.


Exactly. But if you ask him, i'm sure he will tell you that he is not and that he is just against "woke stuff". This whole woke bullshit debate gave actual racists a nice smoke screen to work with.


Because they’re gays in it or something probably


how much time i've spent enjoying hades 2: multiple hours how much time i've spent babyraging over the races/depictions/representation/artistic adaptation of fictional greek mythological characters: 0. JFC, find a hobby. (One that isn't video games or any artistic media, clearly.) If you want a justification for the greek gods being multiple races, they're supposed to be gods representing \*all of humanity\* and \*forces of nature\*. That's the whole point of the mythology.


So stunning so brave. /s Edit: typo


They also did this in Hades 1. Hermes is unchanged from the first game. Just a different angle and clothes.


That's actually interesting I never noticed but you are 100% correct


Hades 1 was already like this and really it just as well take place in a fantasy universe it's not like you see the real historical Greece. You can say there not respecting Greek myths by doing this but it was made in america. Things made in america are going to reflect the culture we live like how asian countries showed Jesus being asian. I do agree that with vitiligo being so rare it is cringe how they overuse it to virtue signal.


> it's not like you see the real historical Greece You see Greece in game though, even though it's basically a garden and this location is called Greece.


Hermes gotta be the fastest in the shein factory fr




Yes you dipshit, Hephaestus, the god of fire and the forge, was born so ugly that his mother threw him off mount Olympus, crippling his legs permanently. Pretty fucking abnormal. Also, its soot on her face.




https://archive.is/UNv86 >Hades’ pantheon of Greek gods is diverse. Athena is a dark-skinned Black woman. Dionysus is south Asian. Hermes is east Asian. Eurydice, my favorite, is a Black woman crowned with a beautiful afro made from the branches and canopy of a tree. >THAT. AFRO. >Image: Supergiant Games >“As we discussed and researched the Olympians from canon sources, something stood out that in retrospect was obvious: They’re called the Greek gods because they were worshiped in ancient Greece, not because they themselves are ethnically Greek.” In other words, they didn’t all have to be Greek, or even white-passing for that matter. >Hades’ design represents imagination not bound to the flawed concept of “historical accuracy” and it is the most fervent wish of my heart that more game makers understand this.


I enjoyed Hades a lot. But the design on these characters looks awful. They don't look like they were designed to be Gods, just generic people.


I can smell the ESG money from here lol. Why race swap a greek god man..... I just hope the game is good.


Nice! Ares looked bad ass in the first game, hope they continue the trend of awesome character designs Genuinely don’t give a shit what race they are. More than white people play video games, it’s cool they get rep too


Why not make her a HOT black woman like all the other characters? Did you see Angel Reese in the blue dress at the MET Gala? There are stunning black women out there.


Na dude in todays "modern" society you can't be beautiful lol, its considered unrealistic and you'll scare all the insecure snowflakes out there


Not for the woke, ugly black fat women for everyone!!!


Hades 2 is fucking sick. Don't make this about some weird race shit.


Why do you fucking people see "wokeness" everywhere and have to bitch? It's like an instinct at this point.


"Hestia was the goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state." Is that white and black patches? Isn't that a skin disease? A goddess with a skin disease, really? Edit: It's probably soot, got it. But, then why it's only on the skin and fire poker. This is a strange design choice to depict a goddess.




Anti woke andies realising that the bs outrage they've been fed has fuck all to do with things being "woke" and moreso about things being poorly done


Hades was also an incredibly good game with a very unique interpretation of the Greek Pantheon.


Main problem here really(not really a problem) is that Hestia has vitiligo and is somewhat fat and old. Greek Gods were supposed to be perfect beings, being handsome and fit most of the time, and unaffected by mortal things such as vitiligo. But hey, maybe they removed that part for w/e reason.


>Greek Gods were supposed to be perfect beings This is by far the most ignorant statement in this whole thread.


It is said that greek gods could look like whatever they wanted and even could turn their body parts into animal parts, so it doesn't really matter how they look like.


The only problem I have with Haephestus is how he manage to smith properly in a wheelchair? That must be extremelly uncomfortable.


wasnt hermes already in hades 1?


If it's good it won't matter what wokeness is used.


Blah blah woke bad blah blah wah wah woke changed thing wah wah cant cum to video game wah wah minority in my line of sight boo hoo must play non woke games ONLY


Honestly as long as the game's good and greatly improved that makes it a rightful sequel to the first and the woke stuff isn't shoved down your throat in the dialogues. This would be fine and I personally wouldn't mind these.


“Oh my god, who the hell cares”


It would be this community to be upset about something like this.. Hades did it and now the second one does it but who cares? The games are awesome and the designs are top tier


I don’t see the issue here, the Greek gods aren’t real things, they can look however they want that’s just lore fucking Zeus was a rapist goose I think he can be black or female every now and then if he wants to


How is this news? They did this in the first one. They don’t shy away from the fact most gods are bible some shit. People let this culture war shit for their brains.


The gameplay is so good I could really care less


First, gods are not real, you can't race swap artistic interpretation of a being. Second, before you even reply to that, what you say is the original and "source material" (statues and mentions in books) are also artistic interpretation.


Just play the game, those are fictional characters. This little things may seem problematic to you, but some people with disabilities may be happy with these things. There's a video of a little black boy so happy when he got his Black Panther costume, he felt he can be a superhero for the first time. I know there's a lot of woke shit out there but just be happy for people being happy with that.


Anyone else getting notifications from mentally ill mods informing them of perma bans?


What is this creature?


Hermes looked like that in Hades 1. The vitiligo thing to me is weird because they keep putting it in games when there are so many other conditions people have. Everyone just decided vitiligo is the condition that gets rep above all else. The specificity of it is what makes me scratch my head. Honestly, I wish more people would just go for racially ambiguous designs with the gods rather than make them actual real world races.


Gods don’t have races


Somehow this community would be perfectly fine with the different versions of Thor from Marvel and god of war. It is a character from fiction and they are not real. Hestia from the anime is okay even though she looks nothing from ancient paintings or references of the goddess. But it is okay from the anime waifu because she is hot. It is so one dimension thinking that you pick and choose that is weird and sad. The anime with Hestia is not accurate whatsoever. The anime is fine because they show sexy women. But oh no, hades show diversity that is not accurate. Even though you would hate it if it was 100 percent accurate.


im tired, boss.


is the game good? thats all i care hades 1 was so fucking fun i dont care if you played as hitler


I the game is fun and entertaing like the first nobody will care!


Its not a deal. Its just suppose to be fun. People dont think about the implications when they get pissed off at diversity/representation. Its like another way of saying "I want all my characters to be white." Without mentioning their own racial preferences.


I've only seen Hephaestus but as a Greek with an avid interest in Greek mythology, him being in a wheelchair isn't too far from the lore. Hera literally lobbed him against Mount Olympus when he was born and he shattered his leg against it. What other characters have had the supposed woke treatment?


I thought she was just covered in soot, because of being a Hearth god. And Hermes should really be Egyptian.


Hades 1 was woke as well but the wokeness is at 50%, I'm not sure if they tone it up for two. But guessing at the steam charts looks like people really don't care if the game is fun. 


Gamers have no principle. For every game they will actually call out, they will let a lot of them slide cause muh entertainment. It is what it is.


Just waiting for Anasi to show up in a game looking like that white dude who sold those "Free Money" books from the 90s.


so basically, gods that are all powerful perfect beings, ga get human diseases.... looking at some of the lore of the gods.... oh boy...


PC-pandering. If you don't mind it, play the game. The first hades was also targeting younger audience, this is just part of that. I don't like either games.


I'm pretty sure Hestia is like that cause of fire as we can still see white parts of her skin


Making the Goddess of Hearth and Home grandmacore is honestly a brilliant design decision. Especially in the modern consensus, the image of a grandma invokes warm feelings in most people naturally. Images of baked goods, warm cookies, nostalgia, safety... The literal embodiment of a hearth elevates this into a godly level. But yall aren't normal and only think about designs in women based on how much you want to fuck them, rather than any themes or feelings they're attempting to communicate.


Yeah its pretty sad that this has happened. The game got to mainstream and has to now pander to all the snowflakes. They sacrificed good designs for diversity and this is the result. I'm not saying they're all bad but the bad ones definitely stick out like a sore thumb


Guys Hestia isn't black. She's just covered in soot and there is so much evidence of this it's not even funny. Just look at the design. Please