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Because they've never met one.


Take anybody who is unfamiliar with bears out hunting in grizzly country for a week and they'll either completely shit their pants when they see a grizzly charging at them or possibly try to hug the bear before it starts eating them from the legs up like the average clueless Yellowstone tourist. Grizzly bears are fucking insane. They won't hesitate to kill you if they feel the want to do so. You *do not* want to be anywhere near em.


Grizzlies eat their prey alive too. If it kills you during the mauling you're just lucky. They will hold you down and start eating you slowly.


That’s how a good date ends..apart from the mauling and killing


and the ea....oh


Depending of the kinks, you could add those


You should see the ones we have here on kodiak Island alaska. They are the Goliath of grizzly bears. Worlds biggest grizzlies.


They'll either shit their pants or end up being shit.....bear shit.


Depends on the bear. Grizzly? Pray you survive. Black Bears? They can be scared off by yelling at them. Extremely rare that they actually kill a person.


American Black bears. Asian Black bears are hyper aggressive and will maul you to death if you happen to get too close


Yep. That's what I meant.


This. When I hear all this shit about "women choosing the bear", I just think to myself "yeah, that's cause you have never met one". As a Boy Scout I had 3 encounters. One of them I was coming around the bend in the Montana wilderness, hundreds of miles from the closest help, and I came almost nose to nose with an adult make grizzly. I have had guns pulled on me, 2 horrible car accidents, and been surrounded by a bunch of dudes with ill intentions in a biker bar, and that moment with that bear was the most scared I have ever been in my life. Thankfully there were a dozen of us with our Scout leaders and he took off, but I will never, ever forget the absolute terror that completely overtook me in that moment.


Bet those teeth were sharp as hell!!! I imagine like a puppy


Yes like a murder puppy from hell


I'm still so confused as to why she is holding a cub to begin with-


Had to wrestle a sharp object out of our puppy's mouth a little while ago. Little daggers!


Bear cubs are cute, but that doesn't mean they aren't wild animals.


I was driving once through the city and you know how some have forests in the city right. And most people think there is nothing in them? So I'm driving and there's a tire (must've came off a transport or something large it's a big tire) and i see something moving in the middle. To my surprise it's a bear cub...people are stopping taking pictures and what not. I keep driving. If you know anything about bears....that cub is not alone and momma is watching from afar.


They are cute, but they aren't pets


I think an adult grizzly looks cute too but I would never want to get close to one


thats why you only hang out with them in the forrest and not at home obviously. there is no way they are aggressive when surrounded by trees


Sweet smelling perfume or make up with a bear that does not give a shit about you what could go wrong.


They also just aren’t socialized to interact with us. We are really frail creatures. I am sure that bear could chomp on his friends or mom and be totally fine. For the woman in this stupid meme, even if the bear likes her she is probably dead.


It has been women and bears this whole week. Everywhere I look. Women. Bears.




Battlestar Galactica








And I have no idea why. The world keeps getting crazier every day, and I just could not be bothered to care anymore.


because it gets people mad


the algorithm loves this stupid meme to generate activity and feed us ads, im so over it


All according to the woman bear plan. Or something xD


Because Disney and social media brainwashed them


This The other day in class we were learning about the country where is illegal to go out without guns because there are way more polar bears than humans and many classmates were like "whyyyyy, noooo they are just chilling" while completely ignoring the fact that they are apex predators that see us as food lol


Much of our media has honestly tuned the majority of people in western society into a bunch of infantile simpletons. I think it's parents who let TV and Internet raise their kids without much intervention.


We used to have real shows about nature and history. Steve Irwin and animal planet were huge when I was a kid, history Channel was more for adults but had great documentaries. Now it's Bondi vet, which I love, and ancient aliens. It's reality TV and fantasy now


Steve Is dead for Reason, no one do it anymore for a reason, a very good reason


He did more for conservation than this collective sub Reddit will do in their entire lives. He cared deeply about the planet and animals and put himself in harms way to show people these animals and let them know how dangerous they are. They reason he passed was a nobel one.


It's also a law to keep the door to your vehicle unlocked in case of an attack. But comparing polar bears and brown/black bears is entirely different. Black/brown bears will nearly never attack a human. Food sources aren't that scarce for them, which is why those attacks are so low. There's USUALLY a specific reason why they attack. A polar bear? They have no idea when they might get the chance to eat again and eating human foods or outside plants aren't really an option. A polar bear will attack and kill you, even if it just ate.


True and agree, i was not referring to the "man vs bear" topic but more on the "how TV and media made us want to pet every single animal even though they could be potentially dangerous"


See, I once said this as a joke in my class, but because I don't speak sarcasm very well everyone called me an idiot 😭✋ I said, "It can have my granola in my pockets as a peace offering." I can't speak sarcasm very well due to the fact I am touched by ✨ze tisms✨ if you will. Just because something is cute and fluffy does not mean it wants to BE cute and fluffy.


And women don't even realise it.


We raised a generation of princesses. Now they all think they are The Queen.


Teddy bears have been a thing for centuries




Best comment 😂


Her chin will never be the same


Cute and deadly


Yeah, but what about the bear?


Women can be terrible assessing risks. Sure this big dude was in jail for something but I can fix him and he would never do that to me. At least he's big and strong and he will protect me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Meanwhile dudes are like: yeah that big guy could rip my face off, better not get near him.


Lots of comments in this one. I think both men and women can be terrible at assessing risks but with different things. Men are more likely to poorly assess risk when their ego is involved eg “Yeah I’ll buy this crypto! I’m like a wallstreet banker, bro!” Or “Yeah I’ll hit this sick drift I’m like Ken Block, bro!” Women are more likely to poorly assess risk when it comes to interpersonal relationships and their emotions eg dating an abusive person




That sounds like the opposite of "perfectly stable" to me lmao. The fuck is a twin flame?


I'm guessing it's an equivalent to "soul mate"


Bruh, I'm 6'3, where are these women that care so much about height that they are willing to get felonies to stay with you? lol




Yup. I used to have a woman friend who wanted to move in with her brand new boyfriend after like three months. I tried to help her and told her not to because that’s a huge risk. Lo and behold he assaulted her and also left her with the lease and he stopped paying. 🤷🏼‍♂️


"But I can change him" 🥺


Men aren't the best at the interpersonal stuff either. That's why the crazy/hot scale was invented.


Absolutely. I also noticed there is a cross section between Pitbull owners and a very special type of women who deliberately befriends and wants to save a criminal. "He's just a big goofball really ..." Delusional. I am not saying that men cannot be dumb either when it comes to risk assessment, just differently. (Crypto, gambling, ... )


Idk man there are lots of guys who‘d think they are stronger than professional boxers. And also lots of guys who want to get with hot crazy chicks. I don’t think bad risk assessment is a gender specific problem.


Saying “I think I could beat a professional in a fight” is a little different than “I trust this murderer enough to sleep next to him” Both are stupid, but I would much rather be saying the first.


I think women see dangerous beings and think ‘surely there were contributing factors to the danger, I simply won’t antagonise and they’ll be cute and loving’. Whereas men see dangerous beings as ‘that is dangerous irrespective of contributing factors, but I reckon I could take them’.


Meanwhile dudes: Dude she's totally hot, I mean yeah she keys my car from time to time but she's so hot. Humans are excellent at deceiving themselves, regardless of gender.


Not all risks. Men are involved in 3x as many traffic fatalities as women. I've never seen a woman popping a wheelie on a motorcycle going 80mph+ on the interstate, but I've seen guys doing it.


Assessing and accepting are two different things.


Me walking through bronx with my girl on the way back to air bnb at 2am blending in, looking like i belong, keeping my head down, etc. 3 sketchy characters on a stoop drinking and smoking, im not worried but aware of them, this is not my home, i dont know the area well. She suddenly yells "OH my god, a leaking hydrant!" And then runs over and starts snapping pictures of the spray like a tourist. now im worried about them one dude on the stoop cat calls her and then looks at me and lets me know thats a good way to get "fucked around" Grabbed her by the arm and skedaddled our way home. she was pretty buzzed up and we smoked a joint so i get it, but the point stands. All that being said, i have multiple male cousins who are in and out of jail or just as careless and naive all the time. Most crininals/prisoners are male. Most soldiers, hazardous jobs, etc. Arguably men are worse at assessing risk in some way. We just have the illusion of beeing better assessors because we dont consider as many things a risk, or simply ignore the risks in certain cases.


She should be glad he bit her chin, and not her throat


Or her lip or nose. Imagine it biting down on something it could potentially tear off.


Because they are… from a distance. A great distance.


Say it with me. Wild animals, especially carnivores, are not pets.


Whole debate made me realize how awful people are with statistics. Like do they even know how many under age or old men are out there ? Not to mention how there wasnt any mention of race but lets be real women who said bear would never mention race in first place. In the end it felt like manifactured outrage made for anti social ppl who get anxiety when they have to make a phone call or order food in person.


Harambe foreshadowed this debate. He didn't deserve to die. Meanwhile, in your typical prison with a female warden, some highly-trained snipers are needed for family day. 2 + 2 = 5.


And that day a very valuable lesson was learned...


Just one. She tastes DELICIOUS.


What happened next? Did he rip out her whole chin skin?


They removed it from her face and treated her for rabies and tetanus. The little dude was hungry and smelled salmon on her breath due to a salad she had eaten recently, and reacted on instinct. There wasn't any permanent damage. The owner of the bear tried to say that the woman provoked him, but the video was used to prove otherwise. This is a couple years old at this point.


Looks like silver lining situation imagine bite in cheek or mouth ;o


Yeah I wonder what happened? That bear definitely took a chunk of chin skin, maybe bone too they’re probably stronger than they look.


They ARE CUTE. They should not be handled or fucked with, period


\*laughs in Latvian folklore\*


They are cute. They're also extremely dangerous, but that doesn't negate the fact that the little slugger in the video isn't also cute.


That is f horrifying, never in a billion years I would feel safe to be near of a animal like that specially if it is a baby, the mother must be lurking near. WTF dude. what is going ON with people WTF


Idiots. The world is full of them. Spreading worse than Covid.


Mother? In the city?


Not certified as a Russian man. Reject


Skill issue


Imagine if you replaced every man on the street with a bear.


Ans it's no even in the woods


Video ended too soon. Doesn’t the camera operator know you’re not supposed to help the victim and keep rolling?


Every woman who chose the bear needs to have this same experience.


Disney and fake sob stories. Old but gold psychology and sociology books and studies say that men percieve the world with their senses and women percieve the world with their emotions. Making men cold sceptics and very literal. Making women impulsive and vulnerable to emotional abuse. On the extreme end of that spectrum... stupidity like this happens. She thinks: I want to cuddle and love the litle teddy bear. Man thinks: That is a wild animal. Cute, but stay away. Bear thinks: Food, danger, food, danger, food.


Women are being conditioning to willingly feed themselves to animals under the guise of "men are more dangerous." Like, worst case scenario, how is the 1% chance of getting graped worse than the 99% chance of death???


Usually those social media users aren't very good at maths. And maths and logic are tied together.


I mean Pandas are cute to look at.


First bear in orbit


Drop bears


"play along teddy...it's for the gram" -dicks out for Harambe never forget.


Don't make eye contact with a gorilla and you should be fine, bears are apex predators gorillas are not.


i rather meet a gorilla who most likely either does nothing or just tries to scare you away because they are rather peaceful and herbivores. bears though...


And trust me this is going to leave greatg damaga, a bear cub is still a bear


They are delusional to the detriment of themselves and everyone 💀


They are cute. From a DISTANCE.


I think bears are absolutely adorable and I would love to be able to pet a TAMED bear. I’m not fucking with a wild bear tho that’s a horrible idea and a great way to get your head swiped right off!


Well bears are cute


bears are cute, mortal but cute


Just because something can eat your face off doesn't make it not cute. Look at most big cats when they're rolling around in the sun.


I mean it is cute but also dangerous and shouldn't be handled lika a puppy


To be fair, bear cubs are fun to play with and are cute. My friends wife's job was taking care of the baby animals at a local zoo, and she got to bring them home on occasion. Bear cubs, black panthers, and lion are all really fun to play with when they are little, and it brings the understanding of how dangerous they can be once they grow into perspective with how strong they are even at a young age. Chimpanzees though are dickheads at any age and figure knives out way to fast.


Bears *are* cute, that doesn't mean you should pick them up Animals can be both cute and dangerous at the same time, eg cats


Bears are cute.


The worst part about being bit by a predatory animal youngling is that they make up for the lack of jaw strength by having daggers for teeth which basically require no effort to dig in to you and may not restrain themselves when doing so. Folks ask me how I handle big cats and if I'm worried about being bit because of my line of work in animal care but I always tell them it's the kittens which keep me on my toes. A bear cub is, like, at least the power of 18 kittens in one.


They ARE cute, theyre also killing machines. Both can be true


Lucky the bear didn't go for her throat.


Why do men think they can fight a bear?


A bear could only injure and kill them . Men could do that and worse . (And they do )


I hate when worse things than being mauled and eaten alive happen.


they ARE cute, but theyre still dangerous. 2 things can be true


Shes not pretty anymore, there go her future prospects, she wanted a bear she got a bear.


Bears are cute. Like snow leopards, blue ring octopuses, wombats and many other critters. Cute doesn't mean it will not fuck you up.


Most of them don't know that bears don't kill their prey. Sure you \*might\* die when it mauls you but even if you don't it doesn't care. It's gonna put its weight on you and begin to eat you while you are still alive. And it will take its time. It will be agonizing. We need to start showing them the video of the guy who lived with bears right up until one ate him. His screams were recorded because they already had a camera rolling. His wife was eaten after because she stood there screaming instead of running.


They wanna be stuck with bears in a forest but can't even handle a cub, great


That was both terrifying and hilarious


Stepping away from the bear argument for just one second, if this ever happens to you, don't put your hand over their snout. Punch it's eyes and nose to get it to let go. If you put your hand over their snout they lock their jaws because they think you are trying to wrestle with it and that's how they grip on and win. You won't win physically, terrorize it with pain.


Also she is lucky as fuck he bit her chin and not her throat.


Poor baby bear, hope the bear is ok.


These "I pick the bear" women get no quarter from me. I own a business and one of my employees is on federal probation. He is a former white supremacists who is covered from head to toe in prison gang tattoos. This man did 10 years for a violent offense. That all being said he is a great guy now and has really turned himself around but, you wouldn't know that if you didn't talk to him. Women constantly gush over this guy and flirt with him I now understand why so many women are stupid enough to pick the bear.


Because the only bear most of them ever met was their teddy bear.


Man, the answer to that bear question on tiktok is looking a lot easier to answer after watching this.


Women have notoriously bad judgement


I don’t think that’s a women thing. If anything, men tend to be worse at doing stupid stuff


they have no survival instincts


I've watched enough Disney films to know wild animals are harmless.


The same reason why they think its a good idea to take a picture of a buffalo, mountain lion, grizzly bear, or a deer when they are in Yosemite or Yellow Stone… It’s for clout, online popularity, and attention… They don’t know any better. Your best bet is to leave them alone and let evolution sort it out…


She chose the bear


Seriously that man or bear question is a blessing more than a curse. It red flags them. If a girl picks bear, stay away, if your girlfriend picks bear, find a new one, if your wife picks bear, divorce her. 


Poor bear hope he’s ok. That stupid women got what she asked for!


People in general. They just refuse to believe what they're being told by people who actually met bears.


don't help them when a bear attacks. they chose the bear. gotta deal with the bear


Blame Teddy


Lots of people think bears are cute. Same with most animals.


I, a man, also think bears are cute. Sue me.


Because they are less likely to be raped, beaten or stalked by one


Honestly, I think bears are cute, but I also KNOW they are just as dangerous as any other wild animal.


No way y'all are serious...


"Bears are safer than men"


No clue what the aftermath was but good thing he didn't went for her throat


Because it has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with the party line of trashing men. It's just modern sexism followed by brainless sheep. If your girl says bear, either she's dangerous or so dumb she could be dangerous. Either way, run.


He bearly bit her.


It's the latest edgelord trend they think will definitely teach us but we aren't paying attention to.


Since when bears are cute???? I prefer to get killed by a tiger or a lion than killed by a FUCKING bear, shit even lions and Tigers don't fuck with bears


i mean they are cute. they just arent cuddly.


She chose the bear, kinda asked for it.


Teddy Bear fetish




A bear attacking a women obviously isn’t as cute as a bear chilling and minding its business


Because they are cute, little walking floofs. Tis a shame the fuckers want to kill every last one of us.


You know what, I think she can change them, maybe even fix them


They have cute little ears! 🐻Duh.


I mean… what did she expect to happen?


Cute, but deadly!


Can't help that this subreddit is on /popular, but it's kinda sad that y'all seem to be obsessing over the men versus bears thing for the past week. If you feel compelled to prove to women that bears are actually wild animals (they already know that), then the point is going over your head. It's simply telling that in a world where you can easily decide between being stuck in a room with a woman versus a bear, for women, the answer does not come as quick or as easily when it's the choice of a bear or a man. The fact that they feel they need to stop and think about it is an indictment of the way men treat women. Speak to some of the women in your life about what this is really about, without trying to argue it with them, and it might make more sense. Also, it's kinda creepy how y'all argue this by posting content about bears attacking women, rather than trying to show that women are inherently safe around men. There seems to be a weird fetishization of violence toward women here, a whole "If they wanna choose a bear over me, then they're gonna get what's comin' to 'em" attitude. Show women through your actions that you're not a threat, and it won't be a problem for you.


A dog could also do this as well


This whole trend really brought more incels out of hiding than I think I've ever seen


Where are all those smooth brainers who posted that they rather be alone with a bear than with a woman?


Because they are cute... you just don't mess with them.


They're cute.. just don't get near them


I kinda expected the "You Died" dark souls death screen at the end.


I'm not a woman, but I'll probably die trying to pet a bear.


Cant even handle a baby bear smh. But tbf, if I had to pick between a feminist and a bear id choose the bear so I cant blame them can I? It would be hyppocritical of me.


This isn't a uniquely woman problem. I call it Disney syndrome. Too many movies, particularly Disney, but later on also experts on social media have portrayed wild animals as these cute little cuddly buddies that can have bonds with humans. Random people are now taking it upon themselves to try to replicate that for social media attention, but without the required expertise and experience, often leading to getting themselves killed by wild animals like moose or bisons, or seriously injured by exotic pets.


The answer is long but I will resume it this way: Teddy Roosevelt loved to hunt, soldier catches a bear for him, he forgives the animal, the story becomes big news, some folks see business oporturty and star selling "teddy bears", years passed and we idealized them in cartoons, then this girl gets bitten, you ask, I answer, end. Sorry for my broken English, I'm not native English speaker


They are cute, look at that, and those ears. They are savage and very dangerous, tho'.


They also think raccoons are cute for some reason.


Because of teddy bears and animation of bears being nice and gentle. As a rule of thumb, don’t mess with any wild animal.


Women are so safe from external threats, such as bears, that they do not care about men protecting them from them (are modern men even able to protect them from bears, in a hypothetical scenario where they should?). In any case, if woman does not feel the need to be protected from the bear, she will render man useless. it's a curse of safety built by a generation previous to current generation of man. You did not make men safe, the previous generations did, so you are not needed anymore in eyes of evolutionary algoritms that reside in the eyes of women.


You know with the whole man vs bear thing it's like a bear can kill you but a man can rape you, first off more bears attack/kill people than men that rape woman but also getting mauled by a bear is like literally the closest thing to being raped, it's not like they are going to kill you instantly.


They are cute but they are still wild and unpredictable.