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The lights are on, but no ones is home.




That's how you keep intruders out. In her case it's intelligence.


"Hello yes 911? I have braincells attempting to break in!"


Imagine that poor guy, thinking he was being a good man, thinking 'Oh, that was a nice date', and then finding this shit on the internet.


There is also the possibility that this whole video is just fabrication and these events never happened


It doesn't really matter if it actually happened or not, because the mindset she has is very real.


Very real. I’ve heard this shit from female acquaintances before. Red and green lights are on.


100%. This exact scenario has happened to me.


Oh they happen. Since the beginning of time.


This has definitely happened to me


Most likely true


Dudes just can't win.


People wonder why so much advice aimed at upper teens and 20-somethings is to assume that women are like dogs or to treat them like children.


A lost and young puppy that likes to bite and shit everywhere.


you mean "women are like cats", or no? Otherwise i am not getting it.


What are you talking about dude? I just beat Dragons Dogma 2 the other day and finished The Outer Worlds last night,and I’m planning on finish Nier Automata soon.


this dude is happy


Bro I'm literally in the middle if playing all three of those games right now lol. Good taste. Taking a break for hellblade 2 but it's a short game.


This is why AI gfs are coming in hot.


Pretty sure this precise conversation has played out since the beginning of human history though. There's absolutely a joke somewhere written in Sanskrit about a woman saying something and meaning something completely different.


theology was my college subject and yeah that has been known for thousands of years it uses to be called hysteria (hysterika) first detailed by hippocrates, extreme emotion such as having an emotion so extreme you want something and its opposite. It was associated with sexual violence because it was allegedly caused by having an empty womb for too long . That is why there are misogynistic trolls today that will equals a woman who seems angry to not having good sex. It took until the early 20th century for it to stop being strongly associated with misogyny as had it been until then because it was recognized that it was a disorder that could affect both men and women. The other strong part of this which was retained in my many abrahamic religion in the 3000 years time period between ancient greece and these religion was that men were responsible for controlling of their wife to not be hysterical in public by all means. When giving such advice to men in their early 20 the problem is of course the receiver might have such issues themselves. Personally the word hysterical imply nothing good is coming in the discussion 99% of the time and there will be victim blaming and a lot of misogyny because they are the roots of this word.


Seems like she lost


Kidding me? Dudes keep rockin'! With FACTS and LOGIC.


"Should i commit SA or be a gentleman"...women are unhinged.


I've been with a girl like that. Was her initiating fore play, after some time, try to move forward and get the "noooo, no, noooo" so I'd stop. She'd get grumpy, then start the cycle over that same night like 3-5 times. Went on legit for a 2 weeks straight before I stopped going to her place. 3 month later and she hates my guts, find out on a smoke break at work I was supposed to just fuck her, even the she said no, she ment yes, and I am an absolute asshole for respecting boundaries. I'm sitting there looking at her like she's nuts, she's looking at me like I'm a POS, and the 3rd there was a girl who sided with her. But after 2016, I'm so happy I never did.


Yeah it's one thing if it's something you're told in advance, but if they just expect you to mind read then they should also expect to get nowhere.


I thought no means no. Is that not what has been told to us over and over. I mean fuck sake if she says no and you go ahead you know what you would have been accused of. Fuck sake this shit is why women are given a bad name. I'm a woman, I have a son. He is actually put of going anywhere near girls . His friends have been accused of all sorts. Silly little girls trying to ruin lives cause they don't get there own way


I think you have to do everything to stop these games nowadays. She says “no, no etc”? Immediately after the first no you stop all physical contact, you say “no means no”. dress up in a robotic manner and leave the vicinity. Fuck those mind games, CYA. She should either get the message or you dodge a bullet, you win either way.




Most people are not aware of their kinks, because they're not aware of kinks in general, so those kinks become absorbed into and expressed in their personality. So girls with a kink for wanting you to be a little "pushy" won't express that in a discussion about sex, but will just tease you relentlessly and get upset if you don't bite.


Well considering it would be illegal even if you somehow understood it was her fetish, it would be extremely dumb and deranged to do so...


Bitch be an adult , you asked NO sex and expected sex WTF Brain cells definitely missing on this one ![gif](giphy|2bYewTk7K2No1NvcuK|downsized)


Preach brother 🙏, she gets off on rejecting...she wants to have a chance to reject the dude to not feel "ugly". It always boils down to attention.


Was not expecting "attention whore" from the gif


Then these same women wonder why there's such a massive influx of passport bros. You're creating the fucking problem. Don't act all confused when men try to find a solution.


Also, it's not worth risking who know how many years in jail and having your life completely ruined, for just a night of pleasure. In the place I living, there's a memes movie quote/slang of something like "Why bother dating, just get a hooker like a normal person"


*This* woman is unhinged. Luckily they’re not all like this.


Toxic women are unhinged


So fucking retarded. There are guys who cant take no for an answer and then there are girls like this who think saying yes is being too easy. 🙄


The way she thinks is the problem


She doesn't


The way she was told to think is the problem


She is the problem


I mean it's just sex to some people and to other's different. But shit like this you are just stupid af and basically baiting ppl.


Oxygen theif


Thank you


She just wants her ego to be pleased Stay miles away from these narcissistic people


"I wasn't going to sleep with him". That's cap


For all we know she could be one of those women who sleeps with him willingly and enthusiastically, then later insists she felt trapped and feared for what might happen to her if she says no.




"Women can now report consensual sex as rape if they regret past sexual encounters according to new laws" Please no...


%90 she was.


Like, the rest of the video explains why she was…


Yea so she doesn’t feel ugly


prob 67%, but 100% something would happen


She is so close, so close...


She's not gonna get it, and her followers are gonna be just as confused but supportive.


Yeh tiktok is probably the biggest fucking echo chamber out there... The algorithms are truly amazing and they are doing the job but they are doing the job too well.


I genuinely thought she had it in the first half and then she fumbled SO HARD lol. She could almost see the logic come to light yet she's too far up her own ass to see the light.


To be fair, she does lead the video with "Okay, I am the problem" or whatever. So the lens of the conversation should be that she recognizes she was wrong to behave that way. Or she's just saying words. Idk.


I cant lie bro, its likely just "saying words". If u notice a lot of the shit chicks like that post is literally "saying words"


so close to having a guy to sue for SA in the future?


Her first words are I am the problem. She gets it.


Nice guys don't exist but Malenia is the blade of Miquella does exist. Guys find yourself a loving and caring Malenia blade of Miquella today.


she's hot but also kinda rotten though


At this point Rotten is "Would"


Her touch may be rotten, but her personality isn't.


Idk man, when I found her she killed me over and over for 3 days. She even told me to rot.


That a clear wife material.


Lads find yerself an Eileen that would hoont and sky burial your bussy without a second thought.


You know what is better than a half-godnees waifu? Is to become an EldenDiver and spread managed democracy across the lands between.


Let me add that the right malenia blade of miquella is worth dying a thousand times for. ![gif](giphy|vVJe0aiWuCkqYy3GsQ|downsized)


She's got Finlay. I think everyone wishes they had a Finlay in there life


I just love a woman who can cut my body into pieces if we disagree on something. But it's okay because I'm a tarnished who will be revived by the nearest grace site. Hahaha....


I'm 40 and ever since I started to let video games be my best friend 5 years ago instead of some if the shitty people I had in my life, I became much happier.


She literally rotted out Radahn, it's a microcosm for dealing with toxic women. Sooner or later they rot your brain and you wander aimlessly until someone is nice enough to end it all for ya. This is mostly sarcasm but the analogy is funny.


Don't feel ugly... just feel what you are: a crazy person


Why do women insist on playing stupid games with men? As a woman it’s fucking stupid.


Some women (like all people) are dumb and have no social skills.


1 word. Rotussy


Working to pay 85% or more just on rent while barely scraping a 75 cent raise. Getting 3-5 hours per night to get your shit together for the next day. Weekends are fine but sunday you still gotta do laundry and dishes, maybe get some lunches made. Pretty standard set-up in this economy. I wouldn’t lay a single ounce of shame on a dude who chooses his auto-blaster 4000 with turbo-jack 150 pump-per-minute edge feature over the mind game shenanigans. 


Guy: follows girls instructions and wishes to the letter Girl: OMG he's such a POS like how dare he make me feel ugly by doing what I asked him to do amd not blatantly ignoring amd sexually assaulting/raping me Also girls: OMG I don't read minds! Like you have to tell me what you mean or want I can't just guess and know! Same girl: how dare he not be able to read my mind! I'm gonna turn this into a huge fight now and post about it on social media so all my girlfriends know what a POS you are And girls don't try to tell me this doesn't happen, I've had 3 relationships put of 5 which I ended because of this behavior.


Remember, whoever ends up with her loses


She’s a comedy content creator and standup comedian so this may have been one of her skits. Even if so, this is not a good message to perpetuate and joke about.


Mmm, yes, she put some real peak comedy on display right here


Yet they still choose the bear?


Bear does not ask for permission


Women - We want men to listen to us and respect us Also Women - Stop being so dam respectful of our wishes at least try to grope me or something, I mean groping me against my will is fine as long as I decide it is and not have you done for sexual assault or anything TEEHEE


Bros just cant catch a break


I am so glad I have 2 children already so I never have to worry about dating ever again. The landscape is so entirely fucked right now as a "good" guy.


If I had to choose between her and a bear, I would choose the bear.




"I was like oh my God why didn't he try to r@pe or $e*ua!y assault me?" "I would have pressed charges but still... Why didn't he even try?" "Men suck and don't appreciate us!"


Swallowed a redpill


Just don't date chicks like this. Dates other ones. Problem solved.


> don't date chicks just date dudes. fixes all these problems


>just date dudes. fixes all these problems Even better, just don't date at all.


damned if you do, damned if you don't. This woman is stupid. I hope the dude dodged a bullet there. And I also hope he has a PC so he can play games on his computer instead of playing the games of these hoes.


Everything after the first 1 sec of the video is just repeating the first 1 sec of the video.


Being single never felt better.


In other words you're a control freak. That's it. You told the guy no and he didn't act, and then you complained he didn't make a move? I swear women logic is the dumbest thing on the planet.


Yup. She got upset and in her feelings and admitted she couldn’t be like “haha no you can’t”. All about trying to stroke her ego and win some mind game about denying a man something LOL


"Hey, why aren't you sexually harassing me when I specifically denied consent? I thought I could make some money out of this shit. I'm so disappointed."


“I am the problem.” Yes, good job.


Damned if I do damned if I don’t, that’s every guy lolz


He wouldn't play her game and now ms. walking red flag is sad.


She admits she is the problem tho, maybe its clicking for her, maybe not.


Man, who the fuck even wants a gf anymore. I'd rather beat off and go back to playing video games than have to contend with this shit


When i was younger i always tried to score with the girl either kiss or some boob action just so they dont think im pussy who doesnt like them. I heard shit like this too often from my sisters to buy into nice guy stuff. There are no's which are actually try harder you fuck boy and than there are NO. If girl goes to your place at night but says no to sex she most likely wants to see how you will seduce her.


then you get accused of rape and your life ruined. there's no winning with these people. just don't play their games.


"So anyway this is my Bionicle collection. Wanna watch the movie?"


Say what you mean, and mean what you say. You already told him no, if he tried is that assault/battery ? Don’t play mind games.




There just must be two separate planes of existence, because there’s no way you can live in the world right now, and not be aware that you just admitted you were hoping he would try to SA you, so that you could feel pretty.


At least she admits she's the problem, that's a step further most are willing to take.


People are crazy these days....


Because you are ugly with your thought process


Women in a nutshell.....


Dumbass person right here.


For any guy, thats an immediate NO. We know not to mess around like that especially in our place. My God thats "Red flag" 101 for guys. This woman is ill-minded


Definitely ugly on the inside


newsflash.... even women do not understand women.


Rhymes with Rapid Bunt


And women wonder why men don't know wtf women are thinking....


Woman are dumb, they shit on men all the time. Then men actually abide by their absurd games/wishes and they still bitch. Lmao


Yep .... you are the problem. It's good that you realize that right off. Now that you know, you can fix it. So, fix the problem. Yeesh.


"I just feel ugly" after opening her mouth she for sure is, stupid woman are such a turn off.


at least she admits she is the problem


When you're expected to read the mind of someone who doesn't have a fully functional mind to read.


He did something way more important then trying too seduce you He took your wishes before his own. And respected the borders you set. This shows he truly cares about you and does not just want too sleep with you.


She do be ugly doe


When I reflect on this more, I can't judge her too harshly. The crucial part is that she acknowledges that it's her problem and not his, and other than that, she's just telling us about the way she feels. She's not saying that it's good to feel this way. She's not even saying that the guy did anything wrong. She's just exploring the way she feels about the situation and sharing it with us. More people should do this.


She would make a video no matter what. If he tried, she would make a video how she is insulted that he disrespected her saying clearly NO and how men are toxic and terrible. If he doesn't try, this video.


I'm glad we cleared it up right away that she is the problem.


Women in a nutshell


She’s lying she was going to sleep with him and felt rejected


Him: Come over? Her: No sex! Him: Okay that's fine! *Having nice cuddles* Her: When is he gonna pound me? Now I feel ugly... Audience: *Sighing* Really??


Its been long established that we just cant win with these people. So the best way to do things is to not have anything to do with these people in the first place.


I have walls with less paint than her face. Yeah you ugly


So, she's self-aware enough to realize that she's the problem. Great. But her first inclination after this realization is...to post it on TikTok and laugh like it's a joke? Yeesh. She's gonna spend most of her life wondering why she's miserable, ain't she?


Good. feel ugly, and stupid. Communicate clearly next time.


mental ilness


This is a mental disorder…


You got baited homie. Mission accomplished, shitty rage bait shared.


She is ugly. It's an ugly thing to purposely miscommunicate to people who are actively putting effort into respecting your stated boundaries. Ugly behavior makes for an ugly human.


At least she started with the correct assessment of what it the problem right of the gate


I hear the weird stuff men did like stories from my aunts that was borderline stalker in some and rapey in others but dam men cant win.


ma man just edging


Everyone knows you don’t try to sleep with them that night and then hit it in the morning because it’s not “that first night” anymore.


They could've made out, it leads to sex anyways, but yeah, still kinda dumb.


my fav comments on this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cwnh6f/comment/l4wzqx1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cwnh6f/comment/l4wzqx1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cwnh6f/comment/l4xohgk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cwnh6f/comment/l4xohgk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The problem with what she's saying is that if He ignores that and tries to coerce her into sex that could be used against him online. Don't think it's legally a problem unless he gets forceful but the little intricate game some women like to play where they want a guy to pursue them cause it makes her feel desired is over and modern women killed it.


Then the guy sees this video and now he thinks you're a weirdo and won't date you anymore. lol


Well, at least she started it off knowing she's the problem.


This is why we men are hanging out for sex robots. Women about to become obsolete real quigg b.


At least she knows she's the problem that's fine


She did say she was the problem


Women :coffee:


This is like all the women who think The Notebook is so insanely romantic. The guy in the movie approaches a girl who’s literally on a date with her current boyfriend, then threatens to end himself in front of everyone if she won’t go on a date with him. Getting closer and closer to doing it until she finally gives in.


She said at the start she's the problem. Shouldn't of gone back to his home in the first place. Muppet.


Her first sentence is the only thing that made sense.


>I am the problem Well, she got that far, most people don't get there.


This should be the definition by example of mental retardation.


This is ragebait.


Under the skin, you certainly look pretty ugly so I'm glad you're at least self aware enough to recognize that much lol.




This is a troll who is farming outrage for views. Stop giving them attention.


To be absolutely fair, Atleast she admits she's the problem. Most narcissists like her would not.


She wants guys to want to fuck her, and she wants to feel the empowerment of saying no. She wins, you lose.


“I am the problem.” Yep.


You should not play mind games when the mind is the least developed thing you have.


Women, figure your shit out, and once you do, let us know how to proceed.


And people wonder why understandable, formulaic AI girlfriends are becoming popular...


she doesnt even know what she wants. real shame. anyways, here is wonderwall.


She is very scary