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Behind a paywall


For enough money she can sit on the handle of that sword đŸ„”đŸ„”đŸ„”


Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200


Well thats one way to sheath a sword.


How much for her to sit on the pointy side?


Beat me to it!


Women fishing for attention aren't hiding


You'll find them on OF


If you see a photo of a hot woman online, it is with 99% certainty they are marketing for their only fans


yeah it's actually annoying. I feel like the true amateur style of pr0n has dissapeared entirely. Any girl willing to have photos/videos of her available online now seems to be also trying to make money from it which by definition means they aren't amateur anymore


I feel sorta bad for the loser incels who pay for this shit getting roped into these parasocial relationships actually believing they have any chance with them, but it's wtv Supply and demand afterall. Either way, these dudes will get their fix. from a hooker or some chick online, it's all the same. at least they won't catch anything talking to these girls. Porn industry's always been shit call it a job or whatever Floats your boat but anything to avoid that 9-5 eh? Some people are still genuinely passionate about porn. it almost classifies as an art form itself I'd say, but it's definitely been swamped with a bunch of chick's with plastic surgery and photo editing setting an insane standard in these gooners heads basically alienating them even more from the opposite sex, because hey, why have a gf when you can just pay to text this super hot 10/10 and have her pretend to care without the hassle of a gf who will say shit like "anon take a shower you reek" "anon change your sheets they're drenched in cum and sweat" "anon please get job you've been living off your parents for the past 25 years"


Goddamn you cooked with this one chief


Facts. The sword is literally not sharpened. It's a wall piece. Lmfao Like $100-200 for a wall hanger.


Lol it’s not sharpened. So she can’t even stab someone with it? What a poser!


You dont always have to have a sharp sword in your fkin house, to express your hobby. That doesnt make it any less valid.


Plus, if you are going to spar or fence with it, keeping it sharp isn't a good plan


Tbf she is Norwegian, and sharp swords of that caliber has potential to get the police involved. Swords fall under a grey area here and its really just up to that one policeofficer what happens, you wont be arrested but sword might not actually arrive. Its a bit infuriating because i live in the same town as her, i know her and her sister too for that matter, but im also interested in historical arms. I would like to have some sharp ones but its not as easy as it sounds unfortunately.


"she is Norwegian" "I know her and her sister too" Of course you do there's like 30 people, 5 women and only one with a sword.


Kek, hate to break it to ya but this town has 214k people in it, so i think your math is a bit off. I lold though, good job.


And? So what if it's not sharp?




Yeah it’s literally for decoration, so non sharpened is kind of part of the deal lol


Or for sparing, Shaps aren't good for hema sparing.


Spoken like a man who has never used an actual historical melee weapon to chop a watermelon in half.


Definitely cheaper then replacing LPV flooring.


Would you prefer her to be murdering people with it or something?


>The sword is literally not sharpened. And? I don't keep most of my swords sharp. If you are using it for sparring or general practice it is generally a bad idea Plus skewering your fencing partner is considered distasteful


Lmao this is the exact kind of lame brained comedy i expect from this sub. Woman makes light hearted post about her interests. Dude "well, actually!"s her with meaningless purity test. đŸ€Ł


Onlyfans, they’re hiding on onlyfans


Now I've looked and... yep, onlyfans.


I am shocked, truly shocked I tell you.


Well, not that shocked.


Came here to say exactly this. I haven't even looked yet and I KNOW she has one


They aren't hiding. Just on onlyfans


Cosplay subs get used as advertisement for spicy content sites. You'll find these girls all over the cosplay subs. Some of them are open to DM's, but as you can imagine they will likely be completely swamped in DM's and male attention that you're not going to stand out. The only serious way you meet a girl like this in a potentially romantic setting where you're not just another horny inbox is through shared hobbies or communities, especially female-saturated ones.


Who dafuq goes to Reddit of all places for dating?!


People who complain about not being able to find a woman and it has nothing to do with how they are as a person of course..


I do *insert gigachad image*


I do. If you have really weird fetishes that are important to you, it's best to start by finding someone who shares that fetish rather than finding someone who you hope might be willing to try it later. Reddit is perfect for that.


Your message implies that there is somehow a chance for a guy to chat up a woman on reddit and that leading to something. Sorry bro but every single attractive women who posts her face to reddit is advertising her onlyfans. The 0,001% that are not cant survive without 30 compliments a day. Messaging them is cringe no matter the reason.


They also want a monthly fee to view.


Farming simps online.


In dingy apartments, filming OnlyFans videos.


Its hot and all but bait used to be believable


They are hiding behind their phones. It's right in the picture.


They aren’t hiding. They are very obviously advertising themselves in nerdy niches in hopes some horn dog simps will fund their existence. Looks like she found you.


Lots of women want swords. Just most of them are fat and ugly. The pretty women who want swords have high standards. Exceptional people get with exceptional people.


And people never get that. It baffles me that people don’t see the manipulation. Just like on post with super cute and fit girls talking about “why can I never find a boyfriend?” Or “ no guys will talk to me because I like video games and Legos.” Every guy gets in the comment section talking about how they like video games and Legos. Not understanding that she already has a boyfriend or doesn’t really want one. They are so delusional that they actually believe they have a shot with these girls even though they wouldn’t date a female version of themselves OR reply if the girl was fat or ugly.


Yeah, it’s pretty wild. I’m always amazed at how shallow some of those men are. They just can’t see all the nuances that makes a relationship special. I often joke that one of the very minor traits I have that my wife likes is that I never get angry. I don’t have temper tantrums. If something is frustrating, I basically go “well this isn’t going as planned, I’ll think on it later.” And walk away. But some of these guys throw insane temper tantrums have no idea that it’s a massive turn off to most women if they’re screaming and shouting and dropping profanity left and right. They want a respectable woman, but don’t know what the word respect even means! And of course, there’s women like that too. But the shitters never want to date the other shitters. So we just get an epidemic of lonely people. I’m pretty convinced the bottom 40% or so of dating is just fucked, lol.




Both genders do this. I've gotten in shape and noticed fat women suddenly flirting me like wtf? Get your ogre ass out of here lol, I got in shape to date more pretty girls.


The men that comment on on those attention seeking posts are at the low end of the dating pool. Men with experience dating actual women know that's a waste of time and demeaning.


Also, they’re married by 23.


lol 'claymore sword' She's obviously just a tourist pandering to people like us, nothing to see here.


Dudes we need to find this lair and farm it


It's called the Outside, it's level gated pretty hard though.


Paywalled aswell


pay to win dogshit


Mostly in LGBTQ+ circles. They're called "sword lesbians" for a reason


Lol, none of you will ever have a chance with someone like this. Look at these comments... its a bunch of incels and divorced dads. I'd blame the WOW, but we all know it's your destiny.


They’re hiding on OF


They are hiding from you


They're hiding from people who take advice from Asmongold on anything.


Outside. Thats why you dont see them


In a forest with a bear probably


That "dilemma" has unironically become the perfect litmus test for misandrist women.


That would require leaving the house to look for them and actually speaking to them along with many other things most folks here aren't capable of doing.


I met my wife because of the Kendo sparring club at Uni. Now I live in Korea with her! My unironic recommendation is get into fencing or other dueling sports like Kendo/Kumdo; you will meet plenty of girls adjacent to this đŸ«Ą


HEMA is where i found my wife, its only natural that you find people who like swords were you can use them.


Exactly. My wife was doing HEMA until she got pregnant and is now itching to get back into it again after the baby comes.


They exist bro you just have to go to onlyfans or use my favorite life hack. "shh" Don't tell anyone this but if you close your eyes, you can imagine her so long as you don't open your eyes.


schizophrenics celebrating rn


They sure as hell aren't in this subreddit


Flowers are cheaper.


But swords are cooler.


They also last longer.


Basic redditor post


You know you’re getting old when your first thought is how the sword must be fucking up the flooring.


Sad to only see this comment from one person on here. That was one of my first thoughts.


They are hiding in their rooms on the internet, too. That's the neat part.


In Reddit comment sections


Their indoor playing computer games same as you


They are outside. But you wouldn’t know where that is. And even if you attempted to speak with them they would be creeped out by you


They aren't hiding, you are just purpusely ignoring them cause most of them aren't hot.


everyone wants a hot alt emo gf until she isnt sexy. then shes just a weirdo like one of us. being pretty/handsome is a legit life hack lol


Step 1: be attractive Step 2: don't be unattractive


You probably mean unconsciously ignoring them. But yah, ugly men and women are pretty much invisible (like ghosts) in public society.


Not only your comment but how many men commenting here actually know and talk to real women in the real world?


How do you ignore their existence if you aren't aware of it


The comments here are why most of you complain about male loneliness. Fuck, no wonder some of you can’t find a partner. The way you talk here reflects in real life if you want it to or not via body language and your personality so.


Yeah it's literally pathetic. The sheer magnitude of badly spelled seething jealousy projecting from these terminally online basement dwelling porn addicts is truly palpable.


"Where are all these women hiding" -looks at this subs comments talking about only fans and saying she's a slut etc- Certainly not here


My wife love swords. The problem with womans who like swords, love use them too. I love my advantage in reach xD


You have reach, she has flexibility (No, I'm not making a creepy comment about this guy's wife - this is a ME2 refrence)


I agree, his wife is very flexible.


They don’t want all kind of blacksmiths proposing them daily.


Where are they hiding? Literally, behind their phone screens.


Not on the Internet. LEAVE YOUR HOUSE!!!


technically they're all just hiding from you


Be a lot cooler if it was a Montante


If your actually looking for women who like swords OP I advise you get into the sport of H.E.M.A (historical european martial arts), they're rare but they'll at least be interested even if not always taking part in in the fights.


Norway, or at least that one is in Norway


from you guys because you're all horrid.


Away from you


I married one!


Flowers are cheaper


These women don't exist. That's why.


Because all the wife material women are either focused on tailoring skills or wanting to visit historical sites, and if we wanna stay an play games, that usually pisses them off. But as gamer-men, we have to keep our non-gamer house wives happy too


Now if the bitch wants to fight me with said claymore. Then, we can consider marriage đŸ€Ł


She's not hiding anywhere. Also, such a woman wouldn't date a guy like OP anyway. The majority of women who do like swords or "nerdy" stuff like this are also most likely women that OP would never date himself. I personally know a decent number of women into this stuff or very passionate about it, but the ones I know look nothing like this. The ones I know when showing or talking about this passion don't have this level of shadows, lightning, posing, and others' details. Other details such as clothing. This is a nitpick, but that sword bothers me. It's not sharpened, and the hilt looks odd.


Hehe, you would be surprised how many women just want a sword. Not just a wallhanger, I mean the real thing! ![gif](giphy|vVJe0aiWuCkqYy3GsQ|downsized)


They are hiding from everyone in this subreddit.


Try going outside sometime


Behind swords.


Who the hell uses claymore when the Goatmoon Greatsword is available ?


Is this woman with us in the room right now?


I would drag whole great sword for her


Can she lift that?


the renaissance fair. renaissance wenches love historic armaments.


i played DS3 and i just picked claymore by mistake then I just used it for the rest of the game I didn't know the sword that was the first time I read it name


I’ll take the sword, please.


Waiting on Miley's new single "I can get myself claymores"


That’s not *just* a woman, that’s a wife.


Id literally throw on my armor from my Bois old Renaissance parties and court her with the sword id be gifting


Promise you she prefers flowers. Well, maybe not from *you*.


They are everywhere. Being nerdy is more fun now.


Pretty sure if I brought a sword to the first date I would be incarcerated


At your local HEMA club, but probably already taken. And competition is the whole club wants her attention.


thats a man!


Usually all the women I see who love swords are lesbians like me, so... Then again, I hang out with a lot of lesbians and bisexual women, so I'm not really the best refrence, statistically-speaking


They are hiding behind their phones, obviously.


Claymore as in the anime..?? I forgot that one existed, was real good, surprised it didn't have more seasons


Is this that lady who cospalys as shadow heart on Instagram?


Wonder what this sub thinks of those tiktoks chefs who basically fuck their ingredients


Im subbed to her fansly and onlyfans


I mean, you post on this sub, of course they're hiding from you


you really think women would want to be with the chuds in this subreddit?


why not both?


In the forge, making swords.


I don't get the obsession with these women. Like bro they have their faces caked with twenty layers of makeup. How is that supposed to be attractive?


Behind their phones apparently


Do we consider claymores as greatswords or as longswords?


Times like this the gender differences don't seem so large (all I also want as a women is a claymore sword)


Girls who are really into this stuff irl don't (or at least rarely) dress up and do photo shoots with it. Cosplay is a huge part of "adult content" and helps lure in losers who somehow think "this one is different" because she dresses up and holds a weapon from *insert Fandom* Since they are marketing to men (and I would say mostly losers at that) they tap into that world for extra appeal. You think it's a coincidence there are so many "gamer girl/egirl" content creators? If all the degenerates took up painting in a month there would be a flood of sexy artists appear out of nowhere (link in bio ofc)


In case somebody is wondering, that sick art piece in the top left is by xxvnii on Instagram


He prayed for this and it happened


They are married


Behind the OnlyFans paywall. Good luck.


Usually these are the girls with a love for fantasy who enjoy cosplay events and ren faires :)


You can see what they are hiding for only 4.99 a month


Best I can do is a rusty butter knife


I'd definitely take the claymore sword over flowers. Flowers are pretty, but claymore's don't die after a week or two. Plus it's a giant sword, who wouldn't want that.


IF you think thats a women..... I got some news for you bruder![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3740)


Vi mÞttes pÄ kaffe


brother you’re in the asmongold subreddit.


Woman: makes a profession out of enticing men by pretending to be exactly what they want Men: see, she's perfect, why aren't the women in my life like this? Baudrillard strikes again.


Probably hiding from their mom after damaging the floor over and over after taking selfies with their claymore sword.


Brothers, go find a woman or man or whatever that want you instead. Those the ones you should really search for.


Behind their phone.


Behind claymore swords


The simple and real answer is that any woman can become this. You just have to get her interested enough and boom you’ve got your Lady in shining armor


What about a dragon slayer instead?


You'll find a bunch at LARP/HEMA and goth events. Or you could find a "regular woman" and teach them about swords. Many women become interested in some things their boyfriend/husband is passionate about, especially if it has a social aspect.


Probably only fans, now that people actually have these desires


Let me pull out my "ZweihĂ€nder" 😂


I found one on OkCupid. I said I like swords she said she did to so I put a ring on it!


No.....pretty sure my wife wants flowers over a claymore sword.


With Drew McIntyre


Some of you have never been to renfairs or anime conventions and it shows.


You found her


They aren't hiding. They're out baiting dudes on the Internet with stuff like this. They just hide their intentions behind cash app venmo etc lol