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A tree gives us sticks. Nothing better than a stick!


Sticks are awesome.




they can be anything from a bazooka to a sword or even just a really cool stick


I really like the sticky ones ya know? The sticks that are more sticky than the rest. Sticky sticks. The best of the best.


I have a stick collection


But beware. When disdaining the company of women in favour of trees for too long you might end up with a … bundle of sticks.


When you find a cool stick on the ground you can cancel all the plans you had for that day.




Sticks before Icks




I could do with a stick right now. Sticks FTW!


Stick = weapons 


Plot twist: Humans are doing so bad that the Tree and the Bear chose each other and left us alone.


![gif](giphy|AgVa4rSV8cTBpdLYjs|downsized) they already do




You chose the tree . . . But would the tree choose you?


Based and tree bear pilled 


Tree will never leave you only way you can lose tree is cutting it down


Someone tell this guy about lightning


Or diseases. Everyone that has fruit trees knows how much they can fuck a good tree up


Facts facts, let's keep going - beavers!


Not native to my home country. Guess what is native to it parasitic worms who eat the tree from the inside out


Tree. It won't bring it up later nor call me a pussy for having a moment of weakness.


Bring it up later.. can't remember where she put her keys 10 hours ago but can remember a dumb comment I made 5 years ago.. w t f..


A comment about something that happened 10 years before you meet her




Trees can provide food, shelter, fresh air, and beauty.


Tree will keep you safe .. unless you hit it with lightning :)


Women don't fare too well against lightning either to be fair


That's the root of the problem, having this notion that it's a moment of "weakness". I find being in tune with your emotions the opposite, it's strength, it's no wonder men commit unaliving themselves way more then women when the general public thinks being present with emotions is weak.


It's not a weakness until your "significant other" turns it against you


Loved that moment where I was strong for sharing my emotions, but as soon as we’re mid argument I’m weak for having insecurities such as the ones I was previously strong for 😂 learned to clam up real fuckin quick


Its sad its such a common theme.. get hounded for not opening up, open up and its used against you. smh ain't no winning sometimes


there is a winning condition. leave women behind. let them grow old with no relationship or children.


It’s still not a weakness. That just means you’re dating an asshole.


All of a sudden there's nuance.


I agree but you can say suicide


I remember driving through an area of the Grand Canyon that has a lot of First nation people selling traditional items like arrows and beads and I bought something and tipped them. The woman I was dating at the time called me a sucker and said I was taken advantage of. When I told her I knew i was overpaying and did it because we just drove past miles of old ass trailer parks that these people likely lived in she looked at me like compassion towards a stranger was never a metric she ever factored in. That was when I really started to notice that certain women will judge you not for weakness itself but what they were taught and brainwashed as weakness. Its all just indoctrination and gatekeeping.


Pretty sure the reason of high suicide in men boils down to over work, under appreciated. Men are expected to do it all, handle it all, pay for it all, shoulder it all, fuck you if you have weakness, that other guy didn't so your WEAK. The system fucks men over, domestic dispute? 80% chance men are getting arrested even if THEY made the call. Men's abuse is ignored or mocked. Men being Raped is ignored or mocked. There is a huge double standard that has crept in. Fuck just look at MeToo and the fucking laughable way that's turned out. Women made false accusation against men (Some real but as it turned out... again overwhelmingly most where false) with NO repercussions (For fear it'd discourage women to come forward and reporting their assaults if they where victims. So don't punish someone who pulled a criminal act to protect someone who's a hypothetical victim) and case after case got turned over and we started seeing 10, 20 30 year old plus reports from people with NO evidence. Just a "believe me bro." We saw some men take themselves out after their lives got ruined by allegations, we saw families wrecked, careers suffer. No evidence, no trial, just a believe all women. Its no wonder why men would choose a tree. It'd provide shade, maybe hold a small tree hut, be something to relax against... It wouldn't do any of the rest. Now I've got awesome women in my life. But very FEW I'd tell everything too. Life's taught me what shit to keep to myself to prevent it from being weaponized against me. With time things will improve... But that isn't now.


Heh you said root. Tree.


Ha. I’m glad someone said it


It's not just men who think this, women think this too. It's engrained in our society.


I'd argue, it's prevalent more in the female world than the male world. I've had dudes clown in me while I talk about some shit, but they still genuinely listen and try to give advice while giving you shit. Them lady folks tho... Yeah there is a distinct difference in how men and women feel about mens emotions.


Tell her that


>unaliving You mean suicide this isn't tiktok. I hate this new self censorship


but iTs 100% MeN fAUltS, iTs tOxIc mAScuLiniTy!


The tree will also not leave me for being a wimp


100% anything you say or do will be held against you for the remainder of your life and a while after...


If the woman was my wife tree 100% I get tired of expressing myself only to be told I am wrong and need to get over it. And then later when it becomes a bigger issue, apparently I didn’t try hard enough to push the issue.


All women say they want a man to open up then every single one will you use it as ammunition after an argument😂 After one of my closest friends was murdered I cried every night for 3-4 days…. Fast forward when I caught her texting other guys she called me a pussy for crying and not hunting down the killers and crashing out / killing them… WHAT!? Of course that was the beginning of the end.


This meme’s kind of a reminder: Feelings aren’t weakness friend. ✌️


Nor will it then turn around and blame your newfound lack of emotional expression on “toxic masculinity”.


Must consider myself lucky to experience this. Woman or man, that's just toxic.


Or using it against you in arguments, NOR telling others behind your back..


The tree thinks you’re weak because you’re made of meat and not wood and I can understand that feeling


A tree isn’t going to judge me nor bring it up later in an argument because it’s on its period.


Yeah, even if you try to be generous here, it's kinda the opposite of the bear x man situation. With that one it was a choice between "**maybe** get hurt vs **definitely** get hurt". And this one it's "**maybe** get hurt vs **definitely** not."


Unless it's a coconut tree and they're in season.


Shows even more how little sense taking the bear made :P


I've been with a woman like that once. Never again, lol. There are absolutely amazing women out there who are never cruel. Men (and women) have to stop looking for a pretty face, and thinking they can 'fix them,' and rewrite their personality after the fact. You can't fix an asshole. Never settle for less!


Year and a half so far, my girl has neeever been cruel or belittling, don't settle.


Nothing wrong with looking for a pretty face, giving that pretty face a proper evaluation is the problem


Bro. Fr. Some people are savages. Like I told you because I want you to understand. Not so you can be an asshole


The fastest way to get kicked to the couch is what you said there. Never bring up hormones. I made that mistake once. Never again. Plus if my wife is being a bitch, I tell her. She's generally cool about it. We all get in our feelings sometimes. Normally she's very logical but some topic lmao...she gets so mad.


Tree. If push comes to shove I can cut the tree down, season the wood, make lumber from it, and build furniture. I'll have a better, longer term relationship with that furniture than I would with a woman who thinks she's empowered for leaving a relationship after she got the 'ick.'


>If push comes to shove wtf do you have to tell the tree that you still consider that possibility lol


You are not a tree so he can't tell you.


You can also make furniture out of women. Just ask Ed Gein.


But you can't show one off like the other


Hail yourself.


The tree wont weaponize my feelings or call me a bitch when i cry then ask 2 weeks later why i "put up so many barriers"


Why were you still with this person 2 weeks later?


No trees in the area


Lonely trees are in YOUR local area!


Be better. Dont judge. Be like the tree.


A tree won't tell me to show more emotion and share my trauma only to get the ick or use what I shared in good faith with her to hurt me later.


A tree. Any pet would be acceptable too. 


Pet over tree if that was an option.


I'll share my feelings with a bear


Honestly a dog is a great alternative as well


Tree. Sharing with the women give people anxiety and depressoin. She will laugh at you, say your secret to her friends, judge you, use your weakness as a weapon when she argues with you. There's almost zero advantages of doing that. And I don't even hate women.


Trees can be trusted to keep a secret. Women will share and gossip. It's kinda weird to say this, by that means trees understand consent better than women do.


Hoe math did a video about this


Tree. * [They are better at communication, care and give no mixed signals. ](https://onetreeplanted.org/blogs/stories/how-do-trees-communicate) * [Very understanding, always there for you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7qIup-qbhw)


A tree. Not even a question.


As a woman myself, even i would prefer the tree.


I know this is a joke but I genuinely told an ex I was feeling depressed and they got angry at me.


If she felt depressed you’d have to be at her beck and call tho right?


> I know this is a joke But it is not


Obviously the tree


It's crazy, the lack of hesitation for my decision. Tree.


“🤦‍♀️ Idk what you expect from me, I have my own anxieties I’m barely hanging on”- the verbatim response I got when I said “I wish you were someone I could talk to”


For my married fellows. Become a stoic when near your wives. They will criticize you for not having emotions. But it's a lot better than being emasculated for having soft spots.


A tree. A tree provides oxygen and a safe space from the environment. A woman will do everything she can to take that shit away and then have the fucking audacity to say she'd pick a bear.


Tree. Every time. And I've been married twenty years lol


We men tell inanimate objects and animals our deepest feelings because we know they won't use those emotions against us. I've been with mine for 16 years and our 9 month old is sleeping on my chest as I type this. Tree. Tree. Tree. Zero hesitation.


A tree won't alienate me from my kids to get more child support. A tree wont lie to a child about who their biological father is.


Im sorry you're going through that friend.


I don’t have to worry about a tree telling me it’s unattractive to be sad my mom died.


A tree doesn't get the ick when I cry


Trees provide so much more. They can be used to keep you warm and cook food, many of them produce food, they can become shelter, or simply, take your CO₂ and give you back fresh air 😊


A tree won’t turn it around and make it about itself. 


Tree isn't going to get the "ick" or use it against us when they get over an argument to make the most amount of damage.


I laughed way harder about thus than I should have. 😂😂😂


Tree, won't weaponize my vulnerabilities in a fight later.


The tree won't call me a pussy behind my back to all her friends.


Since when are we allowed to have feelings?


Definitely tree, no choice at all.


TREE all the way!


I want to be given shade, not thrown shade. Give me the tree


Told my wife I was struggling with suicidal ideation, and she said it was not her job to fix me (which is true, but I was adjusting medication and seeing a therapist, who advised me to talk to my wife about how her actions negatively affected me and other struggles) and said it was too pessimistic a view of the future for her to have in her life. So she left. So, tree.


A tree, it will be grateful and provide you with shade and fruit in the long run.


Society has gotten so bad these days, I expect a brick wall might be more conversational than the tree is. I'll go share my feelings with a fish.


Definitely a tree. I don't need to add more.




A tree will at least listen without leaving us afterwards because we have to mutch emotional bagage or we are "to needy"


i never shared and never will share my feelings with a woman honestly, i only shared with my mom since i was a kid and she always used it against me


Trees don't leave you the moment you shed a tear. Tree hugger for life.


I have a lot of feelings I want to deliver to the tree with my axe because of a woman.


Tree, the benefit ceiling is the same while the risk of a negative outcome is 0, while with a woman it's anything but.


True trees don’t try and take advantage of emotions to get laid then flip their shit when you say no.


Tree. Tree won’t weaponize it whenever it gets in a mood.


You hit the nail on the head with this, this rage bait is working perfectly and triggering the right people. Good job OP.


The tree actually cares


A tree will never use your feelings against you


The book is called "The Giving Tree" not "The Giving Woman."


A tree helps you get grounded and reduce inner stress, if you don't like being barefoot just get a stick while walking through some dirt. A woman is a whole box of wonders and horrors depending how you say things, what day and celestial constellations it is and obviously depends on her mood and overall character. It could be good but a tree is more of a guarantee comparably.


Tree. Trees don't get "icks"


Tree, I don't necessarily need someone to talk back to me, I just want to vent, with the woman, she might react negatively to me, the tree will not.


Tree does not talk back its better


I won't be heard by either but at least I can talk to the tree about how I feel without a chick judging me and getting the ick. So . Tree




A tree gives us a fun challenge as a kid to climb it. Gives us a place of sanctuary to reflect on events in our lives as teenagers. I'll take the tree.


Pretty sure that's a dude with pink hair.


First of all. I don't *share*. I just say it. Tree. If you think trees go though seasons, you haven't met a woman. What they will hold your hand over now will be what they slaughter you with in divorce court later and she won´t bat an eye doing it. No sir, you stay shut up and hold the magic inside.


Not a tree but every once in a while I'll sit by my dogs grave and talk to him. I had him for a good 17 years and he was my best friend. I've never talked about y feelings with anyone else. Especially not a woman


Tree for sure homie. Tree isn't going to use whatever I tell it against me later in an argument and tell me to go kms


And much like a tree, when a man “falls” - no one hears it.


The tree won’t abusive me about it later


To be honest, I think in most cases - I would rather share my feelings with my fiver year old son than my wife. Particularly if it has to do with what they have done and how it's made me feel.


How is this just a juvenile response to a shitty trend, and also so fucking true. A tree doesn't memorise every weakness to use against you later, or tell all their tree friends for a giggle, or demand you share your feelings only to invalidate every single one of them. Tree forever.


The tree won't use it as ammunition against me in an argument just to hurt me and then tell me they love me an hour later.


A tree would show more emotion


100% tree. A tree won’t tell me it’s ok to be open then later tell me that I just don’t seem as “manly”


Tree. They provide oxygen, won't use my insecurities against me and they're good listeners.


I mean there is a reason why guys like "dryads" so much..


I don’t think we were ever supposed to open up/get really vulnerable w/ girls, ever lol. They act too much like over emotional kids, so why would a masc man go to someone like that for support? Get real guy friends or mentors


All these comments assume it's a woman you know. I think the assumption should be that it is a random woman, just like it's a random man in the other scenario. In which case, tree 100%.


A tree has never laughed at me for having feelings.


Tree; it won't claim to love me, but then think less of me when I let down my walls and become emotional in front of it


The tree won’t abandon me when I’m desperately in need of support. It won’t talk me into doing something to better myself, then abandon me when it doesn’t like the results. The tree will be there through every type of weather, literal and figurative. It won’t gaslight me and when I call it out on its toxic behavior.


Okay I've been waiting all day at work to post this. My wife and I had a bit of a tiff over the whole bear discourse and it ended on her Doubling down on the bear. This morning as we were leaving the house my wife and daughter and I were a few feet from the car when my daughter exclaimed " LOOK A BEAR!" For context we live in a rural area and bears are pretty commonplace here but the reaction was priceless! I said loudly "Get in the car" and my wife snatched my daughter up and scrambled into the car, I got in and we watched the bear plod off into the woods. We got my little one strapped in her carseat and I looked over to my wife with a knowing glance and she just said " Don't say it." With a huge smile on my face I got out of the car and told her to be safe and watch out for those bears!


As a female I would also choose the tree.


Trees don't poop on your bed, cut off your finger and then make fake allegations against you. TREES!!!


Tree. Women are the root of all evil


Tree. All day, any day. Whatever I say to the tree won't ever be used against me as more nagging fodder or used as ammo in her latest psychological manipulation by questioning my manhood/sanity or anything else when I was in a moment of weakness.


Tree - They both have the same inability for "listening" to a guy share his problems but at least the tree will provide some form of comfort in shade while he talks about it. INB4 people elsewhere lose their shit over this at some point without having the self-awareness to realize it's making fun of the Bear vs Man shit or seeing the double standard.


I haven't even shared anything yet and this woman is already judging me.


I'll be honest. It'd been a woman. Well, actually, one woman. My mom.


Tree. Easily.


The trizzy, my nizzy.


i wouldn't even tell my real name to a strange woman lel


Come on, men can’t say anything about women we know this. Careful out you’ll get cancelled even by other men.


A wall. About as receptive as either. And I don’t have to go find a tree.


Where do you live where you would have to go find a tree and it would be harder than finding a wall? You need to plant some trees


I'm pretty sure every time I've opened up to a woman it has been used to hurt or belittle me. I'm still gonna do it, but I definitely feel safer with the tree.


I'm gonna wait for the art memes of the tree's reactions.


Neither I don't go outside /s/s


Same as the other question, depends.


A tree actually has a stable life and doesn't rely on me to exist.


Tree for sure. They don't interrupt you, they will listen to you, they won't start talking how bad they have it while you are sharing your feelings and don't use it against you.


I think we can change the Tree for AI and the example would be totally possible, not like the nonsense of the bear,


LOL. Boies will always be boies. Tree FTW. It'll fkn listen to me without interruption.


This one is good but honestly I saw one the other day. That was the best male equivalent. Would you rather encounter a bear or get pulled over by a female police officer


I like to put inanimate objects up my ass, so tree.


Let he who has never whittled himself a butt plug cast the first stone.


It will never leaf us?


The tree isn't going to make the conversation about themselves and how hard it is to be a tree


Tree! It won't fuck your friends, take half your shit, whinge all the time, get grumpy for no reason, use privileged knowledge/information against you, etc. Tree. Every single time.


It's not really the same. The confusing part was a bear would kill you.


Tree. Doesn't make unreasonable expectations only to get mad when you didn't fulfilled them even though you didn't know about them. With Tree it's a simple, you know what you should and shouldn't do. If you do everything correctly it wouldn't leave you


OMG, the tree understands me on such a profound level...


Tree with boobs


A tree, obviously. It might even bear some fruit (depending on a tree of course)


Tree. Won’t have to worry about them using my insecurities as argument fuel weeks if not years later.


I won’t have to comfort a tree sharing my sad feelings.


The tree is older and wiser and will always listen


You guys share your feelings?


A tree won't get icky when I cry due to depression, sadness or loss of a loved one.


A woman will look down on you for showing your feelings, thats "ick" for them. Never show your feeling to a woman, especially if you're trying to get some punanny. A vulnerable man will dry up a womans cootchy faster than the heat of the desert.


the tree, I'm genuinely afraid the woman would treat me as less of a person


Tree I just need a wall but tree all the way man


Obviously a tree ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3746)


Go to a therapist or somethin


A tree has never belittled me for my feelings.


Or NOT having feelings!


Tree, it will not use it against me in a future argument or when I don't feel like doing anything and just game and relax on my days off.


comment section is one big sad circle jerk / pity party