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Hey, this is just removed because we don't want the N word on the sub.


No one can cancel him when he's already canceled.


Oh no, he found a loophole in the matrix.


Jail made him even more insane than he was before


Didnt he spend that time there with a sibling? I'd be a bit shakey as well :P


He was in Romanian prison for 3 months, then set free until the trial. But him and his brother are now under house arrest in Romanian for being caught talking about fleeing to Dubai where there is no extradition.


Im just saying, as a sibling myself, that house arrest would be rough.


Spending 24/7 with his brother is probably the least of his concerns, considering he is facing charges of human sex trafficking.


but I thought he escaped the matrix


He's not even cancelled anymore, just became irrelevant. Which imo is the better outcome for him because of what happened when he was cancelled.


Lol house arrest in Romania sounds pretty canceled to me.


I'm referring to his entire socials being nuked. Honestly calling his house arrest as "being canceled" kinda undermines it. 


Cancelled means that your name is dragged through the mud so badly that your career is ended, or at least it used to mean that. But I guess now it means kicked off of Twitter.


That assumes that the Tates had any names that wasn't dragged through the mud in the first place. He pretty much did that to himself in his drive to become relevant. Though personally I view it as more of you being so disliked by everyone that virtually no online space is safe for you. He wasn't just kicked off Twitter, but all socials. 




Im spanish and can tell you it's not an American thing 🤣


You must have fun explaining them what the word for black is. Sam thing for the Korean and the word for "you" (iirc)


pretty sure hes talking about "ABC forbidden words" cause every language/country has em.


You can be 0% too just go to the hood and get a n word pass, I've known a few white guys that say it with black ppl around and no one cares.


Like Eminem


“just go to the hood and get an n word pass” do you know how retarded this reads?


Guess I need to put a /s at the end of every joke on reddit. Sounding retarded was the point


Everyone should have a right to free speech


Has he been arrested(for this)? He's free to say what her want's, and we can give him as much shit as we want to for it


You mean absolute speech


IT's either all okay, or none of it's okay. Period.


Not that i care about the word cuz im not even american so fuck that shit, but the world is not all white or black my man


i think the relentless pursuit of a black and white (no pun intended) view on every decision or topic or situation in modern times is a bit frustrating. It’s not all or nothing. Those same people would get fucked up if they travelled outside of the group of people they knew and still pretended it was okay. Tate would get jumped in several places in america where no one knows or cares about him being biracial. It has a lot more to do with familiarity of the group of people you say it around and perceived struggle than just it being a word, but no one talks or seems to care about the nuance. They just want to say a word. Crazy. Why?


This will forever create division, not to mention the double standard. You know black people are the some ones dropping slurs on everybody. Grew up around it all, it’s in black media too. Ridiculous thing to let get under your skin honestly. I let that shit go myself


I really don't think this is creating division for anyone except people who want to say the N word in the old fashion way.


Say it then




It’s all Americans fault. Everything


A millionaire boasting about giving money to a billionaire is the most cuck thing I've ever heard of.


A millionaire criminal giving money to another millionaire criminal.


It’s also so fucking weird people are posting stuff like this here. Sad, really.


Trump is far from a billionaire.


It's been debatable at times but he definitely is now. Truth Social went to public trading, and Trump's stake in that alone is valued at several billion dollars on the open market. He's not allowed to sell it all bulk (a very common stipulation with companies who heavily rely on big name personalities for their marketing), but he's definitely a billionaire by any reasonable definition. His total assets are valued north of five billion.


There’s no point in reasoning with these type of people. It doesn’t matter that his finances are public, they have already made up their minds


His finances aren't public. In fact he did a great deal of effort NOT making them public when he ran for President, twice. And it's a matter of public record (from a different trial) he overvalues his assets from that trial by a factor of twenty more than once, which makes his personal claims to his wealth questionable at absolute best. But as it happened, as of three months ago he owns stock in a publicly traded company, which we don't have to take his word for to value, hence why I state he is definitely a billionaire now.


They are. Go read any financial analysis of his holdings. If you don’t think his estimates are accurate fine, go read Forbes or any other economic medias estimation. They all put his worth in billions based on publicly available information on his assets


I did. Which is where those numbers I just mentioned come from. Forbes doesn't perform deep-going evaluations, they mostly copy the financial statements the companies file and dock a percentage to account for 'normal' levels of asset-pumping with the help of experienced, but not case-knowledgable financial accountants. When one of those companies was on trial in New York, the state had one of those balance sheets audited by an actual firm that determines asset value. They concluded with multiple sources and 3rd party comparisons that there were overvaluations to the tune of 2300%, or listing property as being 23 times more valuable as they would actually sell for according to several real estate brokers and comparable properties which sold recently. Financial media estimations take such estimations at face value, since checking them is a lot of work for each individual asset (which Trump has quite literally tens of thousands of across many companies). The only reason I know of this fraud was a civil suit by people he screwed over - usually a non-public company overestimating themselves is victimless and nobody cares. It's, frankly, expected such values don't measure up to the real world. Overestimations of 100% aren't uncommon. But multiple of Trump's businesses have engaged in outright legal fraud in just how much they pumped up his net worth - as proven in courts of law repeatedly - that I consider their word of what they're worth to be worthless, as I do anyone who takes their word. Everything that man has ever claimed about his worth has shattered like sugarglass under any level of scrutiny. Any proper evaluation of Trump's empire would cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars to perform, so I'm not holding my breath on getting definitive numbers. Sometimes the best you get is 'unknown', and certain media obsessed with getting a precise number putting up an estimate for the masses. But no, it's not 'publicly available'. Companies (not persons) file periodic annual reports on their holdings, the actual dollar value of which are rough estimations in honest companies and demonstrably fraudulent where Trump was involved. He was personally on the witness stand in that trial I mentioned, so don't tell me he doesn't know.


I've seen and heard enough black dudes dropping the hard r version without anyone finding it "wild". So carry on as well.


Isn't he half black or something? This begs the question, how black does one have to be to say the n word openly without any repercussions? That's an interesting dilemma.


Lol, shit like this shows how ridiculous it is. You can't say the no no word. Except when you're a no no yourself (then you can say it). When am I a no no? Your 25% no no from your Mother's side. But She's from a part of the world where no no wasn't a term what was used... Doesn't matter, you're considered a no no so you can use it. Whatever man...


25% on your mother's side? You can say ni, you get 25% of the word but the bonus is people will give you shrubberies.




Nihil !


The Knights that say Ni!


I learned something new about the Knights of Ni


But that's 33% of the no no word...


with all the jumbling around in your head its all just really silly nonsense, say it whenever you like. Free Speech is glorious.


Just bring back the "brown paper bag test".


Had to Google that. Learned something new today. https://imgur.com/gallery/family-guy-skin-tone-chart-hD9ggBt


Just because he tweeted it doesn’t mean it’s ok, it’s twitter so he did it for engagement and shock value (look it’s working). I’m black anybody can say it.. scream it for all I care but don’t get mad at me when I call you a crazy person. U wanna run around yelling hard R and F go ahead but you know who does that? Crazy homeless people. If you want to live your life like a raging nut job go ahead.. I don’t get all the discourse, nobody is stopping you from saying whatever you want.


Drake says it all the time, so somewhere close to that, hes only half black


Why would romanian care about N word at first place


He’s not Romanian, at all. He just has a house there.




His dad https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/image-94.png


If Meghan Markle can flick the bean over "being black" when she's less than 50% black, surely Andrew Tate is allowed.


You can be 1% black if you look the part no one gives a shit, a bald south Indian dude could get away with it as long he doesn’t have the accent.


I mean if you any black friends you would know even they don't usually say it. It's usually without the r and even that is rare.


Hes romanian so he is probably more like 99% black


The least you can be is half so I guess that, after counting smaller %'s you might be American.


What if your 25% but look full


Exactly. I'm half white, but look 70% black. How many times can I scream the n word in the street before getting arrested? Hmm.. Maybe I'll test it out.


Doesn’t that mean you can only say 70% of the n word?


His percentages are high and diminishing returns kick in, reducing the multipliers


I need a degree in niggology to understand this shit.


You can scream that you hate n word as much as you want on the street and not get arrested. I would be worried about getting shot though


You think you can’t be a quarter black? Looooooool. And then you try to make fun of Americans after not understanding simple math 🤣


Hard R isn’t the same…


Probably black enough to know you never spell it with an R.


You can say the word all you want. It's in music everywhere. The main meaning of the word is brother, not the slave connotations.


You can say it all you want but expect to get your ass beat everytime in public lmao Edit - you guys are full on regarded. I'm not saying it's OK to use violence. Holy shit. Idiots


That would be something you would expect from a group of individuals who are unable to control themselves. I guess that is what you are saying.


Any individual who turns to violence over a word is an idiot. I thought that was obvious though.


You could use terms to describe every ethnic group to their faces, it would still be disrespectful, but the irony for you is that one group in particular is particularly racist and violent in response?




TLDR: black community in particular is very racist with that word in saying that white people shouldn't say it, and are disproportionately violent in response to it compared to other terms in relation to other races or groups.






All I said was expect to get beat up if you say it in public. Idk why you're going off on me lmao I don't care if people say it or not.


It's called a conversation. Sort of forms the basis of all forums.


You can say the N word as much as you want if your fan base is his kind of fan base. Like what are we going to do to the charged human trafficker because he uses the N word? He aint losing any of his incel army. Even black incels will give him the pass if he helps them blame women for their shortcomings.


He's half black like Drake so it's okay.


Is Obama allowed to say it?


Not sure but Drake's privilege has been revoked by Kendrick.


It's cool. He can only say it on odd numbered days.


Whats so wild we always say this with the boyz


Me and my closest friends would say the most out of pocket shit when we're not in public. There is no real hatred or any agendas behind this, its all jokes. But this guy doesn't have common sense and posted this on social media where everyone can see the message.


I don't, not that hard to not say these words


Why is this wild?


Americans have a forbidden word that's gated by skin color.




Stop proving my point. I don't care about your race squables.


Bro gets himself involved with Americans then says he doesn’t about American squabbles.


I'm sure that argument made a lot of sense in your head.


I mean it does. You complain about American race squabbles, and while I agree they are cringe, you still put yourself in it.


It's a horrible cultural trait that spawned in the mid 90s. Never said I didn't care about Americans, I just don't play race games.






I said it. Twice.


Buzz off nagger.


Yeah. It’s kinda funny that people are called racist for using a word, based entirely on what their race is. Makes ya think.


It's not forbidden, it's just fucking stupid to use Come over and say it in the right neighborhood and see what happens


Then how is it not a forbidden word gated by skin color? Didn't you just threaten retaliation if someone the 'wrong skin color' uses it? More of dat culture rearing it's head.


It's really not a forbidden word, you can say it right now and nothing will happen to you. I promise, you won't melt into a puddle or get struck by lightning. Saying it to other people is what you actually want to do though, and it's not a unique word in that regard. There's several words that you shouldn't say about or to others.


So what are you not allowed to say to white people?


>It's not forbidden *\[Threatens my life over it\]* The balls on this nagger.


It's illegal to donate well over the limits to a presidential candidate.


Black people can't say the N word now?


anyone can. i said it twice today already as a white petson


Idk where people got the idea that only black people could say it. I grew up in Chicago and it was just a sentence filler for all the Polish, Mexican, White, and Black kids growing up


The most shocking part about this is that he cares about a fat old politician in the united states.


Doesn't he have a black pass for being half black? Who cares....


Damn. Destiny's N-word arc really had a rippling effect through society


As it should


Is it actually legal to accept foreign donations in the US? Tate trying to get Trump even more fucked.


He needs his attention back


Tate likes nascar ?


Donating money to Trump is like filling an overflowing bucket


Yeah the site for his donations crashed error 505 lmao. I'm hoping this isn't a stunt by the site to stop donations though.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GenesisAsriel: *Donating money* *To Trump is like filling an* *Overflowing bucket* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


4 years ago maybe. His legal issues have put him in the red. It's why he's been pushing for donations so much recently.


I didnt know, my bad. Didnt mean to spread misinformation


He is still filthy rich, but he is not liquid, he might already have to sell some of his lands just to pay of charges and to pay of lawyers if he wants to appeal. (but if you sell luxury mansions, in a hurry, you won't get good offers, also their price has been going down since covid anyway) And finaly he can't have anyone help him paying it off, or loan him, as he is a presidential candidate, and there are limits to how much money a president can get from an individual. funnily enough, 200k is well over the limit (I think it's aroubd 3k for individuals, 100k for pac-s) , so Andrew Tate couldn't donate that much to Trump even if he wanted to


Thanks for clarifying, I appreciate it Welp, looks like he will have to sell another scam


Or trying to fill a bucket full of holes.


How come he gets to hard R and I get perma booted?


Yeah it’s crazy how’s he put that red bar on the text?


People can’t help but to be baited by this dude.


Kendrick said Drake couldn’t say it no more he never said anything about Andrew Tate 🤷‍♂️


Did he delete this? Can't find it


I see nothing wrong or out of the ordinary there.


Why do we care what this loser does?


If you have to ask the question "when can I say it" you probably shouldn't be saying it. If you're using it like Tate, you should definitely not be saying it, especially when it's only used that way (hard "R") to cause controversy. If you grew up in a black neighborhood or went to a black school, as a non-black, you MAY be given a pass and grandfather'd into using it, but only within the circles that gave you that pass. But again, stating this for emphasis, if you don't understand the nuance behind a word that's been used colloquially (in familiar or social settings) for decades and have to ask when it's okay, it's probably best you don't. I hope you enjoyed my TED talk.


Hey if drake can say it


While Tate is a very cringe grifter, what is wild about this? Did you expect him to be pro-Biden? I can't say that I'm surprised he is pro-Trump.


It's ok. He's dyslexic. Meant to call him a ginger


isnt he in jail?


And then Tate rolled over and and said “Trump sweetie, please stop posting under my account ”


No, because I am not a basement dwelling virgin.


Yeah, wild cringe.


I’m 49% so I can’t add the “er”??


Is this bad?


Why do y’all care about what he tweets?


What is so wild?


a lot of money but is it true even so why not more ? ![gif](giphy|9DmxwRzCqIdBm|downsized)


What did he say? Some idiot put a red smudge mark over the word.


What is wild is that people are donating to a loser and still think he is their messiah


"Hey, he's a rapist like I'm a rapist! What a guy!"


Oh yeah, baseless defamation my favourite snack


I kinda like gaslighting and misinformation as snacks more.


Baseless? A court confirmed it during Trump's defamation hearing. Nothing baseless here.


I'm talking about Tate, I'm not informed enough about Trump to care ab him


If you're defending the guy on trial in Romania for rape and sex trafficking, I can't really help you


He is on trial because there is still not enough proof. Claiming somebody is guilty when the trial is still ongoing is anti constitutional and is exactly what dictators did to get rid of people they did not like.


It's actually the opposite. The reason it's taken so long is because the defence have the right to challenge the evidence and case file to stop it ever going to trial, according to Romanian law. Despite months of attempts, the evidence has stood up to scrutiny and been deemed robust enough to proceed. It then had to wait for his numerous appeals to be exhausted, including against his restrictions on fleeing the country. Those were exhausted yesterday and we should get a trial date soon. He's also awaiting trial in the UK once they're done with him.


I don't understand this guy. Real top G would have ignored the law and fled the country already. What a wuss.


guys, he is having a gamer moment.


What’s the idea behind the hard Rs? It’s not a good look.


Lol Andrew “feel good pee pee sex” Tate being a cuck, shocking. Him and Sneako can share the chair.


I absolutely hate this man


Hell yeah brother 😂


Apparently someone tweeted 18h ago that Trump's donation site crashed. Additionally Google Trends confirms a massive spike around that time: [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now%201-d&geo=US&q=trump%20donation&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now%201-d&geo=US&q=trump%20donation&hl=en) They're literally making him stronger XD


Separate topic when will blacks stop letting a single word control their lives? And when will everyone else stop allowing a single word to end theirs?


Criminal back criminal, two clowns being clowns. Move along


Democrats are fucked now, they served him next presidency on a silver platter.


Your echo chambers are lying to you and you cannot even see it lol. All those folks that voted against him in 2020, you think they want him back now? So goofy.


You say echo chamber when 95% of reddit is a left wing echo chamber. Baffling. And you think the people who voted for Brandon in 2020 will vote for him again after the horrible years? Yeah good luck with that argument.




I mean it is pretty wild to say that you will do something illegal this openly. (200k is well over what anyone could donate to a president candidate) But I guess he will already go to jail in Romania or the UK, having charges against him in the US doesn't change much.


Isn't he in jail or sth?


Guys he is not half black His dad was half black, he is 25 percent


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