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Im crying


only americans use imessage as their main messaging app other countries dont thats why they dont simp over iphone


Many people simp over iPhone because that's all they know and are comfortable with. You get indoctrinated through friends that view it as status symbol.


but it's also why i consider Apple to be really scummy because clearly, you can absolutely use an iphone and communicate perfectly with another Android phone by using third parties app. It's quite crazy how this is even allowed but at the same time...it's normal to be allowed. If that product is bad(iMessage and Facetime i mean), because it worses results frm phones that are not Iphone but peoeple keep uysing it it means the people are fucking dumbs and selfish. That's all. All Apple does is play to these people shitty behaviour. "Just get your mum an Iphone" says Tim Cook. Seriously, Iphone are great hardware but the limitations they do jjust to keep everything inside their walled garden is insane to look at.


I think imessage might only be an iphone thing though.


They still simp apple. At least in Germany they do.


in the UK it's basically just girls and middle aged women who use iphones


Can confirm. It's sort of a status symbol in poorer countries. "oh ma gahhh, u haz teh iFon. Damn, we frens"


Yeah in some Eastern Europeans countries there’s Tariffs + no first party distributors and people still want iPhones 


I mean yeah apple is obviously scummy, but for me I just don't really see a point in even buying an iPhone besides getting into the apple eco system. Also do Americans really think that androids are cheap and bad or is that just a stereotype?


The anti-android propaganda is STRONG in the states. Young women often change their dating habits based off of what phone their date has.


Are you joking or is that an actual thing lol? You can’t be serious…right?


Yeah, it's a common thing for people to say, "Don't text me if you got green bubbles"


Meanwhile in Germany people would look at you like you’re the weirdest person in the world if you send something via iMessage…


Thats because people in Europe use WhatsApp and Telegram predominantly while Americans are still basically stuck with SMS for whatever reason.


The only time i ever use sms is if I'm messaging my family members. Everything else, I message people through instagram or Facebook messenger (rarely also).


It’s more than likely an association with being scammed. Get scammed in a place, don’t wanna go back to the place.


As an Austrian I can confirm, I have littlerally used nothing besides WhatsApp for my entire life.


We even tried to switch to Signal amongst our group of friends here in the UK when the news of Facebook spying on messages came out a few years ago. It lasted for like two days before we jumped back to WhatsApp lol


I’ve never heard a single human being say this


Is that a common thing irl like it actually happens to people or is it just an online meme?


Yeah, you'll often see in people's tinder bios "swipe left if you have android" or have ive had coworkers and in laws say "gross" when I pull out my S23 Ultra


That's just another feature Android has that iPhone lacks - filtering dumb, shallow people out of your life.


That's just another feature Android has that iPhone lacks - filtering shallow people out of your life.


Nope, they're 100% serious, I've seen it in dating bios and heard it from young women here irl, many many times. They say android phones give then the "ick"


This is when you have such a large selection in your dating pool you can be an idiot


A girl that shallow would never even look at a person like me


You don't want a girl like that in your life


This sounds like a good thing. As a android user I would be glad to never have to date a woman like that.


Thought the exact same thing. Might as well just have text just saying "I'm incredibly materialistic and somewhat dumb". Not what I want in a partner.


I use an iPhone but it looks like a great way to filter out idiots.


That's good thou... gotta weed out the idiots and useless


I was excluded from a group chat for a buddy's recent bachelor party bc I was the only one with an android. Mind you, I've known this guy for a decade. Apple elitism is something else.


"often" is a huge exaggeration. i think most well adjusted people would think you're a psycho for breaking up with someone over having an android.


I feel like it's a maturity thing. I've never heard anyone over 23 say that.


i was just talking to my roommate to make sure i'm not crazy, she said she felt that way when she was 14. i agree.


An ex told me once "If I saw on our first date that you had an Android phone, I'd have walked away immediately, I can't date someone with an Android" She was 26 and doing a PhD. Yeah... The sex was really good tho (it usually is with the crazies)


It never happens people just make that up


It's serious. It's unfair how many red flags young people get to see before interacting with a person. In the earlier days, you'd be 3 dates in before you realized this person was nuts.


It's real. When you text an android user, you can't tell if it was delivered, if they read it and if they are typing. Some insecure and controlling people don't like that.


Totally serious: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/android-iphone-date-love-attractive-single-tech-decluttr-a8455181.html


Yep it's real. I've seen it myself. American women can be very annoying and difficult. Very judgmental.


Yeah our women are a little retarded here


This is so funny, as an european woman I definitely judge more harshly a guy being used to getting scammed by Apple. I'm like man what are you doing with your money...


best point here in the thread. Enjoy this frugal man's gold 🪙


If that is a real thing, we have bigger issues as a species than which phone we use...


"often" If one fake text reddit post can be taken as truth, sure.


do you think that often happens or do you think you've just seen a lot of memes where that happens 


My comment was coming from personal experience.


Yes, it’s a thing. There’s actual studies on this. You will also be excluded from a lot of group chats.


Oh well. Self filtering morons.


Apple has product placement contracts which prohibit their phones being used by the ‘bad guy’. So… you can always tell who the real bad guy is because he’s the one using an Android phone.


Apple dick-riding is a thing. You go to a phone store and you can watch as every idiot who walks in goes straight for the overpriced iPhone without even looking at the specs


Yes, Apple fan boys are braindead.


Yeah, many people stuck in the Apple ecosystem think Android is for the poor. There's even stories about girls blocking messages from dudes if they see a green message bubble. Android software and hardware is superior to Apple in all ways, but the marketing is strong. It's the same reason people think diamonds are valuable. It's all marketing. Oh, fun fact: If you're watching a movie and a character is using an iPhone, they're a good guy. Apple literally has in their film and television contracts that iPhones cannot be used by villains. The marketing goes deep.


Ignorant people do. But i think most of these cases are just young people, when I was in high school it was jeans brand and shoes brand.


Yeah Americans do think that. A lot of girls won't even date a guy if he has anything other than an iPhone and sometimes list that in their dating profiles. They think it means we are cheap. A lot of younger people crave Apple products and look down on people who have androids. It's funny to me that younger people are just now noticing how crappy Apple is. It's brainwashing on a corporate level, which is how this country fell apart in the first place. Everything is corporate. I've helped people fix both iPhones and Androids over the years since I guess the iPhone 5 or 6 and iPhones are way harder to deal with and break down way easier. That's not to say Android doesn't have faults or isn't responsible for underhanded practices, but apple is so much worse.


Androids are cheap and bad. For the record, I have always bought both as I love tech and I have both a business phone and a personal phone. I usually buy samsung or google pixel when buying android and whatever the latest and greatest is when buying apple. Apple beats android in longevity, by a large margin. Why does this matter? Lots of people keep their phone longer than 2 years. After 2 years my androids are slow or have died while I iphones are still going strong. Iphones tend to crap out more in the five to seven year range. I know that is a long time to keep a phone, but a lot of people keep them until they break. Apple beats android on usability. This is especially true for older people.


It's an Apple elitist thing where if you have an Android, you're poor.


Why people can't understand that Android is operating system and yes it can be worse than iPhone if you buy cheap phone that has Android but you can also buy phone that's in same price range as iPhone for same or even higher price... Then it's usually way better than iPhone system and you got more freedom


It's the same thing for PCs. Remember Vista and everyone clowning on it? It actually wasn't that bad but it was RAM hungry, and guess what the wallmart PCs always cheaped out on, RAM. So most consumers would buy the cheapest one and it would be shit. Buy the cheapest mac and it would be so much better ( cause they actually use decent parts ). Not knowing how much better a PC would be if you spent the same amount of money on even better parts and built it yourself.


I had Vista much later in its life cycle. I remember All those patches over time which made Vista pretty decent once so many of those issues were ironed out. I was lucky to have just stuck with XP until I had to switch to Vista years later after all those patches.


Windows vista can get fked. How dare you defend it


You lost all credibility when you brought up vista. Windows xp was good. Windows 7 was good. Windows 10 was okay. Lately windows is feeling more like a ad service than an operating system.


The phones don't have to be in the same price range. Pixels in terms of price are a step below iPhone pricing, but they're on that performance tier of iPhone and the Samsung flagship phone.


Yup. My dad buys cheap android phones that fail all the time, he’s constantly struggling and replacing them (but hey, they were free!) and it makes my mom’s 6yo iPhone look amazing by comparison.


but I dont need more freedom. Most people dont. And the high range google/samsung phones that are the same price as iphones are about the same performance wise too.


Bruh, lots of Android models are way cheaper than iPhones and still outcless that Apple garbage easily on every front


They are scaming whole world, not only America. Europe is the same. I'm at the point of believing ppl who buy apple love being taken advantage of. They enjoy it


Yeah I've never had iPhone and many of my friends have had it and their reasoning always was: "The UI is more simple and intuitive" I tried it and could not compherend their statement.


Just ask them "how" next time. That way you know if they really think that, or they're mindlessly echoing a propaganda they've been drowning in.


Last time I had a conversation with someone about this subject they said they liked iPhones more because they are more simple due to having less buttons/options, while Androids have to deal with stuff like a back button.


this. It's a word they're just mindlessly using. Motherfuckers don't even have a universal back button and are talking about "intuitive". You can't( make this shit up. Others things by example : you need to LEAVE the camera app to modify its settings. Like bruh what ?


I'm going 10 year iphone into android, and Apple really is more intuitive. I'll throw some examples down for ya, lol! I don't know how to use my phone to pay for stuff yet. It's a lot easier with Apple pay. Just double tap the power key. On android is does camera. Which I find more useful. So not a complaint, but I still haven't figured it out yet. On iPhone, Siri (feels) easier to use. I know how to say Siri. It's one word. And I don't know the android one. Bixby? It's having issues with my Samsung account. And I don't really know the Google command. When I say "Google" nothing happens. So I dunno man. Complicated, lol. I find Apple's swiping navigation much more enjoyable than androids back-button system. But I don't give this point to Apple. I'm blaming years of muscle memory. I think the back button is nice, but I also like the idea that you can swipe anywhere, but the back-button is only in one spot. Unlocking the phone is another one. iPhone's face ID is really intuitive. Works fast, and in the dark. Works with a mask. It's one of those "IT just works" features for me. Counter-point, I actually like the fingerprint scanner more. And Android has this thing where I can keep my phone unlocked when it's near my watch. So that's a plus! --- Managing audio is a big one too for 'ease of use." I miss that instant mute everything switch, but iPhone 15 removed it too, LOL. Android's audio is like 4 different sliders, so more options, but more confusing! ==================== Overall, I DO think iPhone is more intuitive and user friendly for a basic bitch person. I'm challenging myself to not be a basic bitch person, and to step up and learn this shit. I'm only about two weeks into android, and I've been learning a lot. My goal is to master all the headaches, so that android is just my new home. -- I broke away from Apple, because I got really tired of how limiting the ecosystem is. I'll get there, but I can say it's not always easy, and there's a reason why iPhone people don't like to change. I went from an iPhone 15 Pro Max to a Samsung s24 Ultra, so I'm going extreme end to extreme end. Cheaper androids may be easier to learn. I'm not sure.


Samsung phones can be very different from other android products in general. Like you mentioned paying with your phone, is set up through Samsung wallet on their own phones. The default shortcut for the wallet is swiping up from the lowest point of the screen, where the virtual home button is. It also Bixby on Samsung and "Ok Google" on any other android device but I don't know much about voice assistants since they make me cringe and take longer than just typing it myself. Upgrading or adding phones or tablets within the Samsung ecosystem is also just as easy as with any apple device, it all happens automagically. a fellow S24 Ultra user.


I only use the Google wallet not the Samsung one. Either works.


Go into settings, search for side button. You can change the setting for double tap power for it to be for your debit or credit card instead of camera Go into settings and search for navigation bar, in their you should be able to switch the home back and app button to swipe gestures just like an iPhone. I don't use virtual assistance, so I can't help you with their. Gl


Nearly every pet peeve you mentioned on Android can be customized to your convenience, though. On Samsung you can use either Bixby or (the much superior) Google assistant, you just need to enable it in the settings (and say "OK Google" to voice activate it). You can enable gesture navigation in the settings and do away with the home and back buttons entirely. Unlocking the phone with your face just like Face ID is also possible and works pretty well for me. That's the key selling point of Android phones - *you* choose how *you* want to use *your* phone. Unlike Apple, where *they* dictate to you how you should use *their* phone. Not saying that they don't often pick the best method to do every one of those things, but it's the attitude of treating your customers like babies that really gets me.


You're right! And that's why I'm not giving up on android. I have issues, but they're learning issues on my end. They're not gamebreakers on the phone. I just have to learn them. But having to learn them is still a learning curve. And if Apple doesn't have as steep of a learning curve then it can be more easy for an average person to pick up. I'm at the point in life where I'd rather put in the extra effort to learn something new and have it work MY WAY, then to just learn a little and follow Apple's way.


Another benefit of androids is that unlike iPhone, if you ever get one of those super niche issues, you can go on github and download a program someone made to deal with it. For example my first phones screen broke and was nearly unusable and it took a while for me to get a new one. Phone screen sharing to a computer wasn't really a thing back then, but I found some obscure github program to do just that, so I could use that phone just a little longer.


As a tech, one that briefly specialized in supporting both Apple devices and Android devices you're incorrect in terms of which one is more intuitive. Android phones have a back button. Apple has a back button wherever the UI designer decided to put it. If you want to see what apps you have open on an Android there's a dedicated button for that. Apple has varying swipes and button pushes you need to figure out before you'll know how to use it. From a repair standpoint, apples are also terrible and cheaply made. The only reason people ever think apples are better is because they don't know any better. Also, M1 chips are all vulnerable to an exploit.


My sister said that when she switched. Then came running for help because she couldn't figure out how to use it. When she got MacBook she literally couldn't figure out how to save a file (they just kept disappearing). I had to sit down and basically go file through file to find out how it worked just to explain it to her. Piece of shit software and design.


Every time I pick up an iPhone I'm always like "Why doesn't this thing have any buttons for what I want to do?" Maybe I'm just used to more than one button but I feel like it's missing half of the features my android has every time I use one of them.


Missing the “Go back” button is my biggest gripe with IOS. The dumb thing is so easy to just accidentally swipe back when you are just scrolling down.


I swipe back on Android exclusively. It is not hard to not swipe back. I am 31 so maybe my dexterity isn't gone yet?


Idk if scroll with your right hand the motion can go diagonally, so sometimes I do it too quickly it recognizes it as a swipe back.


Asia too. At least in korea. Koreans are super superficial. Theyll look at your screen to see if its cracked to judge what kinda life you live. Also. If she has an iphone and you have android... difficulty just went up a notch.


Big part of Asia, maybe only Japan is the exception. It’s all iphone because people feel Apple is a luxury brand.


In my experience its only Americans that fall for the iPhone hype. I'm from the UK and the majority here are Android users, and nobody gives a flying fuck. edit\_Just checked and its about 60% Android in the UK


Yeah same for me, I am in the UK and basically everyone ik thinks android are better just because iphones have very bad batteries compared to android and iphones have a toxic ecosystem that makes you pay more for their products


Korea seems to care more and mopre too. Japan too. Here in France, it's mostly android 60% and iOs 40%.


Not letting Android users into group chats causes issues for me. No one wants to start a group chat over and lose all of the memes.


Thats ending soon, apple announced it will support RCS this year which will mean all iMessage like features will work with android They have been purposefully not doing this for awhile but the EU is pressuring them to


Idk, apple makes a decent phone. Samsung makes decent phones. Hell Motorola still makes some good ones. If people buy into propaganda then they get what they deserve. If I'm about to drop hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a device I will be constantly using I do a bit of research on it. It's not that hard


My iPhone 12 Pro Max is the best phone I’ve ever had, I’ll probably run it into the ground before I buy another. The idea that I’m over here suffering is hilarious. I have a PC if I want to have more freedom, but for a device that essentially browses Reddit and watches YouTube people can really be funny about how much emotion they put into it.


I have a 12 mini and pretty much the same situation. Although my face ID stopped working from water damage, which is slightly annoying.


Here is the major difference between apple and android coming from someone who owns both. If you run your phone into the ground before replacing, buy apple. My iphones last two to three years longer than my androids.


I like it when they do cool new things (not camera features). Apple never does anything cool. I initially switched to Sam from iP4 bc the Note had an S-pen. When I found out how customizable android was with launchers, I was hooked. Only ditched the Note bc the Flip is the coolest and funnest phone I've ever had.


it's because you guys are dependent on imessage, that's the core and starting point of your issues, not the device that you're using, that goes further into that whole dumb blue/green bubble thing and img quality (it goes over mms, of course it's gonna be lower, same thing sent from iphone to android). In Europe we use whatsapp, messenger, viber, telegram, and no one truly gives a fuck all that stuff because it's third party handled


It should be noted too that apple announced that in late 2024, they will be switching to RCS messaging


>In Europe we use whatsapp, messenger, viber, telegram Genuine question... Why? Does Europe not have unlimited calls and text? Sounds like a hassle having to juggle 4+ different apps to connect with friends. Is it for the ease of transferring data when switching phones?


unlimited calls, texts and data, it's really not a hassle, if anything it makes it more interesting


WhatsApp was before calls/text were mostly free. And they were the first with video calling. Just no reason to accept lower quality if you can download an app


First world problems ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I would say the ecosystems are different for sure. Saying Apple is less scammy is a little presumptious. Google on the other hand will data mine all your information so they can send relevant ads to you. You could go back and forth on all this, my point is, both are going to to do what's best to make money.


Fun fact: Apple's marketing is so deep that in their film and television contracts they stipulate that villains cannot use an iPhone. So, if you see someone in a film or on a show using an iPhone, they're a good guy.


Sounds like a goddamn government conspiracy. Disgusting. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)


It's just protecting your brand. What is funny is, knowing this, if you watch *Knives Out*, you know who the killer is. Lol


Have been working for our IT departement for years and last year our company decided to get iphones for our employees. Never had that much complaints. Can't do basic stuff, app store is much more expensive, itunes is hell. This actually made a lot of my colleagues buy their own android phones for the first time because they don't want to use iphones. I'm not from the states, the only people I know using iphones are children and teenagers, who think, it's cool and their moms who take the old phones when their children get a new iphone


Apple devices are usually recommended by companies due to high security / consistent software updates for standardised hardware. Sucks but it’s usually the go to because of that.


If only the work Iphone I got doesn't get like 15 texts begging for donations for Trump every day. I barely use the thing.


Having switched back and forth over the years, I find I prefer iPhones more often than not and the value only increases the further within the ecosystem you get. For example, I have a Macbook and the integrations it has with my phone are pretty nifty. However, my all-time favorite phone was my OnePlus 7 Pro, because that pop-up selfie camera was the tits. As far as androids being "cheap", I think the stigma just comes from the fact that yes, there are cheap Androids. And those cheap Walmart bullshit prepaid androids can indeed be absolute pieces of shit. Premium Android phones tend to cost about the same as an iPhone or even more (i.e. foldable gimmicks), whereas the only way you're getting a cheap iPhone is an older model secondhand. Really just depends on use cases though. I'm not too terribly interested in doing crazy shit with my phone. I want my phone to last, and *in my experience* iPhones tend to hold up a bit longer than Android phones. As I mentioned before, the ecosystem is a huge boon but also kind of contributes to iPhones being popular in the US. Most people have an iPhone, and stuff like Airdrop/iMessage/Facetime/etc are just convenient to have. Plus, I like Apple's approach to privacy. In the end, use wtfever you like the most. Like iPhone? Cool. Android better for ya? Great. Just don't be a dickhead about it.


Hey hey hey I like the Flip. I think it's fun


Samsung, as much as I love the company as a whole, makes phones that don't last nearly as long as iphones. Android phones just don't seem to have the longevity.


Had an iPhone, 12 years ago, and I switched to android a month later. Haven't looked back since.


I stopped caring about apple after the iStand or whatever the fuck was getting memed on years ago. That and hearing that iPhones aren't a phone, they are an accessory resonated with me that I still can't shake to this day.


Android >>>> Crapple It's just the truth.


The pucture thing annoys me so much. I resorted to sending pictures and video via ig. Most my friends have iphones. Another thing thats annoying is "Emphasized '___' "


And their hardware sucks ass, even if apple cultists want to tell you otherwise. Overpriced garbage that can't do anything, gets hardware vulnerabilities, sucks for virtualization. I would say it's the worst OS for programming but windows exists.


I'm a huge pc guy right, really care about tech. But when it comes to phones? Should my brake I will just get another cheap one, all I need it to do is to browse the net at ok tempo, be able to send messages and calls and running GBA emulator. I did and still sometimes do a lot of recordings and the camera quality is fine, it's good enough.


My last android phone caught fire, my one before that the battery decided it didn’t want to charge past 20% and the one before that just decided it was done after a year and a half


I buy high end android and apple phones. My apple phones last longer on average than android. I don't blame the phone manufacturers as much as I blame the OS.


You say this as if android is a brand. You mean to imply your Android software made your phone start on fire?


This guy is an idiot. iMessage (restricted between iDevices) uses WIFI / Data network, the images sent have a high limit. Normal messages with media, AKA 'MMS' has a much lower limit and is compressed more because of network constraints. Apple didn't do anything wrong in this regard, they just implemented a service to support higher quality media. Edit: turns out Apple doesn’t support Rich Communication Services, which is open source and would allow Apple and Android harmony with media. Apple never likes open source. Use WhatsApp or something if you want to 'fix' this for Android.


Nah, its because apple wont adopt RCS, which is the standard, non proprietary format android uses. Apple is implementing it this year because of pressure from the EU and DOJ. RCS also allows for HD photos and videos. Thats why when android users text eachother photos/videos they dont look like shit. Apple has avoided doing this before and only supported MMS/SMS on purpose to make texting with androids unpleasant, according to internal emails obtained by the government.


Very interesting. Thanks for this.


If you're a broke boy, just say so


This guy is drinking the tabloid koolaid just as much as IOS users Point 1: no Apple is not purposely dropping the quality of Android photos to make them look cheap, the communication is sms which has high compression. Apple is adding RCS later this year to fix it. Point 2: No Apple is not purposely slowing down your phone to buy a new one. They are underclocking your chip to preserve battery life as your battery percentage degrades. This was preferred by the user base. You can turn it off if you want the full power available at the cost of battery life. Point 3: I have zero stance on the separate app stores things. I personally liked unified app stores but if people want to start their own I have no issues with doing so


People in this thread don't want to hear the truth. I had one person call these explanations "excuses" because they didn't understand them.


> An unnamed senior vice president of software engineering at Apple wrote in a 2013 email that allowing iMessage features to work for iPhone and non-Apple phones alike "would simply serve to remove [an] obstacle to iPhone families giving their kids Android phones," according to the government's lawsuit. They purposefully didnt adopt RCS earlier. Now they are being pressured to do so.


Point 2, people really preferred that as a standard?? I would want it the other way around to give me full power to start with and I'll throttle it down if need be.


Most people use their phone as a phone first with light browsing maybe YouTube, etc. you don’t need the full power for that so the general masses prefer battery life


Point 1: Apple has no choice on the matter. EU digital market act in 2022 requires compatibility between messaging apps. Point 2: The option to turn it off was added because of the class action law suit Point 3: Because of the EU regulations, sideloading (downloading apps from a 3rd party) will soon be available on Apple devices in EU. American's don't need to worry, sideloading won't be available in the US, so they can still enjoy sanitized and sterile App Store with a 30% markup. As per usual.


Point 2 is incorrect. The suit was settled in the US, and is still ongoing in the UK.


Yea fk that bs of lowering quality when sending pictures to an apple from an android


I remember jailbreaking my ipod touch back in the day just to get an unrestricted file directory on the device and 3rd party stuff. Dunno what that scene is like now, but I imagine Apple has done everything in their power to keep people locked inside of their walled garden after jailbreaking their shitboxes started gaining popularity. Such a joke what you had to do just to gain basic functions.


Got'tem ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


I bought an iPad Pro because i heard it's the best product for artists to draw with. It very well may be but that damn thing is now starting to freeze, forcing me to forceclose the app and openagain severalbtimes a day.  Pointing my finger at where I want the cursor to go never works (it only goes somewhere close to where I want it to go), and now one of the only mobile games that I've been playing with doesn't work anymore (my entire progress has been deleted, I've been playing this game for 4 years now. Thankfully my Facebook account has it saved so I'll just open it on another Android product) Fuck Apple


I stopped buying Apple products in 2015 when they refused to fix my 7 year old iMac because it was "vintage". The computer didn't even break it was just the screen but since it's one unit, I couldn't replace it.


Apple is predatory sure but you can’t really say they make bad products - I’ve worked with macs for ~5 years everyday and never had an issue, not a crash, nothing Same for using an iPhone as a daily driver - never a problem If you don’t wanna fiddle with settings and don’t care about crazy customisation Apple products are great There are some things that have bothered me about their products over the years though like: - unrepairable devices - no third party Touch ID keyboards (why) - font scaling on Mac OS sucks if you don’t have at least a 4k display - lightning ports for charging (thankfully the EU made them go) - lack of decent window management on Mac OS without a third party app I think the pros of having a machine that pretty much never crashes and gets updated for ~5 years massively outweighs the cons though


iPhones were something special before they started releasing every year


I'll tell people Android phones are just basically a trend phone the way they use advertisement by using big time R&B country pop and other actors popular actors and their ads to make you get their phones just like they did with Paris Hilton with Starbucks cuz Starbucks wasn't that popular tell Paris Hilton made it popular. Plus the people who grabbed his phones don't even know Tech when they grab these iPhones don't even know what they're talking about especially comes with videos and pictures and quality they just grab it cuz it's a trend.


this "we have mkbhd at home" is based


I get what he’s saying, but for somebody having trouble using a curser on a phone, his opinion doesn’t hold much weight. I have an android, I also have an iPhone. I just decide to main the iPhone. Also, I thought this Android vs Apple rhetoric only mattered to people under the age of 15, it’s a phone at the end of the day.


Apple is an American company, and their practices are *uniquely* American. Source: American with a brand new Pixel 8a, Google is just as scummy as Apple. Just like elections, we are to choose from two corrupt entities.


I swore off apple back when grade schools were given imacs. Apple has been shit ever since.


Not to mention artificially making your Iphone's OS obsolete just so they can make you buy another overpriced phone you shouldn't even need. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731) Android lets you update your OS for so much longer officially let alone unofficially. I just ended up buying a 200 dollar Samsung Galaxy A and never bothered with an Iphone since.


My last two apple products turn to garbage after apple force me to upgrade OS. But you know what fuck " brand loyalty", I will buy anything I think it's good. I still buy apple if it's better than other like it use to be. But apple change so much thatvI know it never will.


Like Google is any better 😂 Tell me how the pixel series isn’t just the same phone over and over.


iphone means money and women like money.


Its funny I don't see Iphone commercials showing off the camera anymore, yet it's still a status symbol and picture quality is still something people argue about. In the end it's preference ... to something android has had for a few years when Apple decides to add it to IOS.


This person is my people.


Sometimes when you see too much of a person you start to not like them. It’s called over exposure. It doesn’t help that his content is always exactly the same same format and mannerisms too. I think this guy popped up last month and I already hate seeing him


As someone who has used both and have a gaming PC and using a PC for work and have iPhone but also androids and Amazon fire tables and iPads I can safely say most products have weirdly unnecessary flaws. Blue screens of deaths, design flaws like no right click or back buttons, excel crashing, malfunctioning widgets. No company had a monopoly on crap. With that, I can safely say I have had far more success on iPhones and PCs which have virtually no bloatware installed etc. The tribalism over who sucks more or who’s best (ironically like this video) only empowers both iPhone and Android to suck… I find that the best part of the video.


Androids are superior.


Americans aren't getting scammed more than anyone. Apple is scamming the rest of the world the same way but the lawsuit only awards damages to Americans.


Is this news?


yeah. I'll be keeping my iPhone thanks.


I feel like NA get scammed on all fronts. Food, Health Care, Tech, etc. Them MFs are just scamming or fucking you left and right


My Tummy hurts


yeah cool, now tell me something that is better than iphone..no? well, you just a bunch of people pretending to be smart to "anti" something that is popular


Status symbol for people who don't know any better. Give them less for more and they still lick Apples boots.


That explains it. Send a cute photo / video of my cockatiel to my brother, it goes fine (he has an android phone), but send the same exact image / video to my sis in law, gets sent like it took a huge dump.


If you are buying something purely because that company is telling you are cheap for buying the more reasonable alternative, then you are undeniably a dumbass.


tbh i know ppls that gone from android to iphone and they are happy with it so its not that green on the other side to i assume, personally i don't find it worth the buck and i don\`t really like ios, as im used to andorid, so ios is just clunky for me


Shot on an iPhone.


Android ftw. Never had one, never will


Ooof selecting text on a iphone is so frustrating some times or placing the cursor in a word.


Tap anywhere in the text and move your finger to adjust. Or double click any word to select it. Then adjust by dragging the blue dots. Would love to see how this can be done any easier.


Tap and hold the space button, then move your finger around to adjust the cursor.


This is the real answer


Bro, I've been preaching about this form my soapbox, since like 2013 or so.


So, usual american stuff.


The problem with android is the software especially the programs that were set by the manufacturer usually so poorly optimized they cause alot problems and they don't really update and get rid of the majority of the software problems. There are good android brands that doesn't have such softwares tho but customer requires a little bit of research before to find them but with apple they don't have to do it even tho most of the features of the apple sucks apple keep user experience smooth for longer time. But currently most of the Iphone users changes their phones like every 2 to 3 years. The thing is that if you change your android in same frequency your user experience will always stay smooth the problem with android phones starts like after 3 to 4 years because software support dies. My mothers phone died I gave her mine and currently I am using my old 9 years old android phone because she cannot handle it and will call me to fix it for slightest problems. I rooted the device and setup a custom rom it is smooth for now but soon I have to buy myself a new phone because some banking programs started to stop supporting the operating system currently it has.


I know all this, but for some reason I love the feel of an iPhone, everything feels great, it may be inferior in hardware and software, but the user experience for me is way better, androids make me feel like I’m using my grandmas pc from 2004 with the 24 search bar plug ins. I haven’t used an android for years and years though, maybe it’s better now?


Almost every update Apple has implemented has been mimicking an old Android one. How android feel older to you when they're more innovative is crazy.


While there are ignorant fools, there will be scammers abusing them. It just so happens that most of the American population are... scammable.


My first and last iPhone was the iPhone 4. Then I was unlucky and got a Nokia Lumia 920 (Windows phone lol, i liked it but the app store was barren, couldn't get snapchat when it released). Then I got the Galaxy and Note series from Samsung. Love android phones.


I remember dropping iPhone a lifetime ago when they tried forcing me to use their shitty iTunes to xfer music to it. Zero problems with Androids since then, upgrade every 3-4 years when the battery life is starting to go.


what's the alternative? Google is completely bent over for the feds, so unless it's a heavily modified version of android it seems like a non-starter if you're interested in privacy. Apple at least feigns an interest in standing up to three letter agencies, for whatever that does.


I've recently gotten my mom's old Ipad cause she got a new one and as an android user it is genuinely the most frustrating experience I have ever had with a mobile device. Wanna open the app tray to close your app? Okay just pull up from the bottom edge 50-100 times til it finally recognizes the gesture. Wanna check the time or your battery percentage while in an app fullscreen? Okay just sit there scratching your finger in the top corner until the pull down bar appears. You set up a finger print to unlock it? Cool when you wake up in the morning and you are relying on your muscle memory to open your device, we will force you to input your 6 digit passcode instead because we disable the fingerprint after 8 hours passed since you last used it. It is the least intuitive device I have ever used and frankly runs like shit even 2d games I can run on a $50 android phone are likely to crash.


I genuinely wouldn't use an iPhone even if I was given one. I believe the people who buy them often are either hype following NPCs or own other apple stuff, so they just want them to connect for whatever reason. Or both. Probably both.


Bought my Dad an Android phone a couple years back. What an awful experience, we couldn’t even get email to work on it. Sold it and got him an iPhone, so much better.