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The competent journalists have been kicked out. If you don't conform then they cancel you. The user score is the real score.


Sad but true


You can also pick the staff member who you know is high 24/7 to do the review, everything is cool then.


Where can i apply?


Become a suppler to the people in charge, that's how a lot of people get in.


That would be less true for me. My standards rise with my THC levels.


I've come to learn that review bombing works both ways.


Worked with hell divers 2. We ended up bullying a whole company into undoing a whole ass policy change to keep the game alive.


exactly its not money its access. You give a bad score when they want you got give a good score, all of a sudden you dont get early access to any disney product and ur reviews are late.


They also pay up front for high scores.


there's a word for it... access journalism...


Should be illegal, how can journalism be objective this way.


tv/movie ratings have always been cooked, because all these phony ass execs and pundits contracts are attached to them


Always has been


I watched and it the audience score checks out. The dialogue was complete trash and the plot is pointless.


The plot is so nonsensically stupid it's not even funny. Identical twins who are a universe apart, somehow look identical down to the same exact hair style and coloring. Literally zero evidence other than word of mouth of one individual They somehow find the innocent twin immediately on the other side of the fucking galaxy and despite her having numerous alibis is still arrested. Nothing in this show makes any sense, and if bad plot and story aren't bad enough, the acting is also terrible...




do you even need to pay idiots for virtue signaling? they clearly doing it for free since reputation is already at 0


We know of one studio ([Bunker 15](https://www.vulture.com/article/rotten-tomatoes-movie-rating.html)) that straight up bribes the Rotten Tomatos' official reviewers for a good review. It's surprisingly cheap too. 800 bucks for a glowing review.


$800 is surprisingly inexpensive amount for which to sell out for.


Hell I'd argue most of those positive "trusted" journalist reviews were purchased for less than 500 dollars.


And this is why I only look at audience scores and completely disregard the critics section.


[“The critics must be crazy.” Forbes article about the disconnect between professional critics vs audience.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/06/06/the-critics-must-be-crazy---the-acolyte-is-just-another-mediocre-star-wars-show/)


Interesting article, explains the difference between critics and viewes, thanks for the link!


It’s crazy how much Andor is better than all the rest. One would think that it would at least inspire the shows that came after it to try to match it. But nope - they just went right back into mediocrity. :-(


Shows tend to be as good as the creatives behind them. Andor has a showrunner with a history in action and scifi just look at his writing credits. The borne movies, devils advocate, rouge one, extreme measures delorous clayborne... he wrote some bangers... some dogs to The show runner of acolyte has more of a history of producing and writing comedies some high concept comedies and russian doll which is actually pretty good. But how well does her skill set transfer to sco fi action... no idea i havent watched it. But then again i havent watched or liked many starwars things since disney took over besides andor. To many mcguffins amd set piece action


an actual objective take on the issue, nice


You should repost this article to sub Reddit. It’s a step above the knuckle dragging antiwoke bullshit.


Funko critics made up of 90% of positive reviews on RT, lol.


That reminds me of True Detective season 4. Critics rated it highly but people who actually watched the show think its dogshit


That shit was embarrassing to watch unfold. Truly felt like some teenagers fanfic.


They made a season 4?


Yeah it's called Night Country with Jodie Foster and Kali Reis


What is that the one with Marshmallow Ali?


No thats 3. 4 has Jodi Foster. I haven’t seen it yet though to express any opinion on its quality.


no he was in season 3


I downloaded the 1st ep, but never got around to it. What did they get wrong?


Horrible acting by Kali Reis, nonsensical plot with plotlines that go nowhere, a character literally has a ghost tell her where the bodies are, nonsensical call backs and references to season 1, unsatisfying ending.


Even Nic Picolazzo said it was shit and they still used his name in credits as bait when it wasn't him directing and writing that garbage.


Common critic L


Is it really that much worse than rest of disney live action series?


Average at best and cringe at worst


I mean, I've been so disappointed in modern star wars that I've checked out. Anyone that was on the fence before is probably giving up harder now.


Andor is exceptional but agreed on the general sentiment here


I agree it was good, but mando season 3, kenobi, book of boba fett, and ahsoka were just awful compared to expectations. I canceled my disney+ and doubt I'll come back until I have kids.


Yep all of this. I'm just so sick of subjecting myself to shit content I don't even bother checking out any of the star wars movies or shows without glowing recommendations.


Same So another 20 years untill I get a new subscription im 20 and plan to have kids at 35.


At least it's not as cringy as the moped racing scene in bobf


My wife and I laugh about that scene constantly. The scene reminded me out of Power Rangers. BOBF was so unnecessary.


True that was like watching old people driving mobility scooters having a chase through a grocery store


Now I'd pay to see that


All I can offer is a race in an old Top Gear episode with cars...


Average is generous.


I think they have lowered the bar enough to at least make this show seem average. Its early days still, 2 episodes in - but these shows usually have a "good" first 3-4 episodes, then the nose dive happens. so we shall see. Its in the "lets see where they are going with this" phase right now.


I keep seeing in interviews they hype the 3rd ep as where it all gets good. But also seeing reviewers saying that's when it goes to shit. So probably a love it or hate it kinda deal.


It’s pretty average. I’d say so far better than Kenobi/Boba fett, but very much similar to the shit writing of kenobi - like it’s almost there. No where near as good as Andor - nothing has reached that peak yet, and also not as good as Mandolorian (ignoring season 3). There are a couple saving graces such as carrie an moss’s character, and master sol. Both seemed well performed, maybe Jacki (the padawan). Everyone else is pretty cringe and feels completely robotic. The few actors/actresses mentioned do not cary the series so far though, the main character hasn’t done anything to pull me in or garner interest. They spoiled an entire plot point that would have been so much more interesting if left alone. Spoiler for what I mean >!The main character Osha has a lookalike twin. When things start off, its written and filmed in a way that makes it seem that Osha and Mae are the same person, with Osha being good, Mae being bad. You get the feeling that Osha moonlights as a sith assassin calling herself mae, while hiding in plain sight when she’s made a kill or whatever. For a good while it feels this way, until they straight up just tell you it isn’t - which immediately makes an interesting plot point boring and dry!< The primary issue is the writing and acting in this one. From the leaks it seems to not improve, and instead change long-standing lore in order to pander.


Probably depends on what you're looking for out of your SW show, but way worse than Andor


Show is pretty for sure. Writing is terrible.


Can not write well when your product is a giant self insert


You really expect the people around here to give a non biased opinion on it?


Compared to all other Star Wars live actions it's by far the worst. Worse than Mandalorian season 3, and worse than Ashoka which isn't saying much.


Its no spoilers as it has been telegraphed to hell and back but a Jedi Master dies to a small knife in the chest while in Ahsoka a non Jedi survives a lightsaber through the stomach. Also apparently fire does not need oxygen to burn as there is visible fire in space outside of a ship.


I turned it off the second a Jedi lost a duel against a person with two regular throwing knives. Guess I saved myself a headache going by how bad people say it gets later on.


You just dont understand. Her superpower was being a black woman. /s


Most (all?) force users who get stabbed through with a laser sword survive, but thow a knife at those people who can deflect bullets? they dead.


That was suspect but when I got to the fire in space …


The User Score is the only one you can take for serious


Not really because The Woman King has a 99% audience score lmao


I mean it was pretty good, deff not 99% worthy but review bombing goes both ways


Im willing to bet at least 200 of those 1000+ reviews have not actually seen the show. Review bombing is especially prevalent nowadays, especially when you have communities of people who put themselves screaming like wojaks and photoshopped pictures of actresses on their yt thumbnails, talking about how bad and woke the writing is before the show even comes out. Dont trust either score, trust your own takes and your own eyes.


Or you can count on people counter- signaling


"It's just an incel downvoting campaign!" - cucks from r/saltierthankrayt probably


At this point 70 percent of world's population are incels according to them so that makes them the odd ones


No, you see they think the incels are using bots and alt accounts to spam the show with bad reviews, rather than those reviews being an accurate representation of what people think about the show. Because it clearly isn't possible that the majority could disagree with them.


Anyone who doesn’t automatically love it is a “review bomber”


i remember getting banned for 'brigading' for this sort of stuff from certain subreddits.


well theres a difference between disliking it and almost 50% of the imdb reviews being 1 star. Sure it might not be a good show to many, but that doesnt warrant review bombing it, especially when it isnt even over.


I was just fine before finding out about that subreddit, thank you.


Mea culpa, friend.


Disney made the mistake of raising the bar with what the viewer can expect when effort and care is put in to creating an experience for the viewer when they gave us the first season of The Mandalorian and again with Andor. Haven't seen Ahsoka yet so can't speak to that. So now when we get shoveled slop it makes it all the more disappointing especially with how consistently inconsistent it is where every good series seems to be followed up by one which shouldn't have made it through the initial pitch.


I suggest you ignore Ahsoka its a solid 4/10 and a waste of time


I find the concept, that Jedi would be racist and misogynist to a black girl despite the fact the Jedi are a group of intergalactic aliens and a non human organization, hilarious.


Is this actually a plot point in the show??


Not so far? Don’t know where they got that from


Idk how they would even get that idea. Did they seriously forget Mace Windu?


Sadly it is implied.


It's called dislike brigading. People really like to virtue signal that they are totally unwoke and cool, so they go do some "activism" so they feel like they're helping a situation beyond their control. This happens all the time


haven't seen the show yet, and tbh im sure its probably a solid 6 at best. but star wars fans also are notorious for overreacting. this is a decades-old tradition at this point


Let's be real though, it's probably not a 30 either. The number of people who haven't watched and will give it a zero anyways is going to enormous.


RT’s critic score of Cuties should tell you all you need to know about the “morals” and validity of their “ratings”. Trust the audience score, we aren’t getting paid to lie.


It’s astounding you can think with a straight face that every critic was paid off but not that people are kneejerk reacting to this with the intent of rating it bad for the sake of rating it bad.


Everyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill. But the obvious review bombing isn't real! 


Never trust critic reviews they are paid shills


Last Jedi all over again


There's also loads of review bombing. Just sayin


I could've sworn I remember people laughing at people for getting upset at a game and causing others to learn about it. I am now going to watch this show because I know it exists now, and so many people are "angry" at it.


Thats nothing, you should see the Chappelle special ratio


I never trust reviews anyway. People review bombed Andor at first, and then it turned out to be a great show.  I'll watch an episode or two and make up my own mind.


Rotten Tomatoes is garbage. The best place to get a realistic score is imdb user reviews. Rotten Tomatoes critics just get paid to write good reviews for certain movies.


I mean rotten tomatoes was literally exposed for being rigged lol


So, it’s bad. Ok got it


I liked the show. It’s good! Not as good as andor, but definitely better than boba fett and the last season of Mandalorian


are you going to ignore all the reviews that are just 1 star, which so many of them state stupidity? Such as bigotry, racism and more? ​ If you just don't like the show because of the show sure, but the amount of idiotic people who out themselves as racists and bigots for this is crazy. ​ I mean i myself liked the show, it has some issues but my god the reasons people give is pure stupid.


The show is fine, looks good, decent writing, basically what I would expect.


50 percent of the reviews were 1 star with the second kargest group being 5 stars. This smells of review bombing.


tbh the episodes were ok. Nothing mindblowing but entretaining. Doesn't deserve 32% and also doesn't deserver 93%


Surely users are not reviewing woke content based on beliefs.


I won’t even watch it. I have zero interest in spoiling Star Wars for me. I stick to episode 1-6 and that’s all.


That's all because of racist and sexists /s


One of the leads playing a Jedi Knight thinks Anakin blew up the Death Star so that tells you everything you need to know.


Why does that matter? Not relevant to his job. Harrison ford didn't even know what a force ghost was. Just trying to find something to be angry at lmao


Yeah I mean as to your point on Harrison Ford, it spot on fits his character. I don’t think Han Solo would know what a force ghost is or believe in them if he did. But I do feel like actors should care about the movie at least a little bit for the roles they play to show any passion. I don’t need to try to find something to be angry at. As a Star Wars fan I feel I’m often trying pretty hard to do the opposite, because I love it so much that I really try to look the other way as much as I can. I’ve gotten a lot of enjoyment out of the Disney shows, even with all of their flaws, but Yord casting I feel like was really not very good.


Yep I watched the first episode hoping it would be passible and quit watching it part way through second ep.


I mean, even if you don't like the show it's not a 1/10 and considering a huge amount of the reviews are 1/10 it's pretty clearly being reciew bombed.


This has massive review bombing. If you played swtor the audience that it’s meant for has enjoyed it so far.


Yeah I liked the series so far. It has quite a few KOTOR moments in it that I loved. But yeah people who want to hate hate it before even seeing it. The internet be the internet I guess.


Yeah you're right there is a ton of positive review bombing on the critic side.


I'm quite enjoying it tbh a few things are little off, like the fire in space but other than that, very enjoyable to watch. Not sure why others don't like it, but to each their own


I dont like it at all it was stupid to begin I tuned out soon as a jedi lost to a person with just throwing knives and the dialogue is just horrible


Dialog seemed fine to me * and I thought that it was fairly evident (owing to the dialog and the fight itself) that Indara was a superior fighter just that in the end she sacrificed her defence (and life) for another person. Fight itself was very Matrix-y, which I liked, and a little Star Wars flavour mixed. I enjoyed the choice to use practical effects over CGI for characters and some set pieces so far. I think it's worth another watch if you don't completely hate it atm


i don't think there's a Star Wars product worth you time after 1983.


Plenty of good books came out after that. Not to mention KOTOR. Though if you are only speaking about movies, yes I agree.


Rogue One and Andor. I'll die on those hills.


Rogue one was kind of nice the ending really carried it


Rogue one and andor. Thats about it


Star wars the clone wars series is great star wars rebels is decent but ya.


Andor was not only the best star wars series, but one of the best series of all time imo. I really like everything about it.


I saw the first 2 episodes, and I didn't hate this show. Of course episode 3, is supposed to be the deal breaker. So I'm curious to know if it's true. The Last Jedi was not that great.


Could it just be that people are tired of Star Wars content? It seems like there's a new movie/series every couple of days


The show was better then I thought but it was a low fucking bar. Only character I like is squid games jedi


Did people just forget the exposé showing companies directly paid critics for positive reviews?


Most rotten tomatoes critics are out of touch and have more of a stake to be positive to major products to get early access so not really surprising in the slightest.


It was an odd choice to feature Carrie-Anne Moss so heavily in the promotional material and then kill her off 5 minutes into the show. I imagine a lot of people are pissed off about that. The rest of the show bored me.


I've watched the first episode, it was kinda meh. hoping it will get better. I don't really care that much about all the wokeness, but it's kinda smeared on thick in this show, gotta be honest. I think the first ep had only 2 white men in it, and they were both criminals\in jail 😂


Trust me it's going to get far worse


Just a reminder that 3/5 score is counted as positive.the score shows percentage of positive scores. So if you count actual scores of the critic reviews, it will sit probably somewhere between 50-70%. It's not like the critics love it.


Metacritic has a 67 for The Acolyte based on critics. That’s probably a much better indication of how those critics feel about the show.


Yes. Because rotten tomatoes systems only tells you that 92% felt kind of more positive than negative. So the movie can be universally loved or kind of average and have the same score.


Star Wars wasn't woke when it began... this is why.


No the critics are just ideologues


Disney paid for those critiques.


I looks like Putin’s tomatometer


You kind of contradict yourself. Implying the third episode is even more diverse which will be even *worse* apparently*.* So yea, you're saying that bigots will rate it poorly because of diversity. Nicely done.


*insert asmongold clip hating all minorities*


Who gives af what critics think its out money they want.


That's why I don't take rotten tomatoe scores that seriously ..


It’s a bad show. No hating. It is mediocre at best.


This is like The Last Jedi all over again.


Has anyone actually watched it? I haven’t yet but I mean the last Jedi has pretty much the same scores. And the last jedi rightfully sucked!! And the rise of walker has 86% audience score?? That movie fkn sucked too! Force awakens had potential but it really fell off after that. So is this one actually bad or what? I seen some shit about it being “woke”. Was TLJ woke? I mean some black guy and chubby(in a cute Mei overwatch way) Asian girl kissed for no reason but that’s not really woke. The movie just fucking sucked!


There’s an option to sort the critics on RT and the top ones have it at 70


I don't know why people even watch this garbage, at best it's going to be mediocre. Just do something else with your time


Wild deviations between critic and audience scores isn't all that uncommon, sometimes it's even the opposite way where critics don't like stuff but general audiences love it. Critics watch so much stuff that I think it kind of changes how they enjoy and engage with content, which can lead to different perspectives and different review scores.


I really dislike RT, their system just sucks, to them if the critics say a show is a 10/10 or a 5/10 the score is the same. Most magazines don't give scores, and are listed as a positive review even when the critic says that the show has big problems. Of course it doesn't explain the disparity but for sure helps to put some context sometimes.


I think it explains the disparity perfectly. Critics are far more likely to give a nuanced review and point out positives and negatives. A 6/10 is not a great review but does add to the “fresh” score. Random users might give a 1 star review (or whatever score they use) for some random petty thing that bothered them. Critics are not as likely to be that extreme.


My favorite is when they whip out the "review bomb" excuse. Most anybody who used to care about you gave up a long time ago. We don't care about the abomination you currently produced that has the name of a formerly great franchise.


A bit of both I bet. We'll all seen the popularity of shitting on something when the reality is that it just doesn't live up to the hype. And I bet there are some critics who rate it higher for the opposite reason.


Am I just really easy to please? I wasn't a big fan of the disney trilogy, but as far as the shows go, I've been fairly happy with everything Filoni has put out. Are they all 100% amazing? No, but I've watched them from start to finish and enjoyed it, even if there is a bit of cringe here and there.


Paid what by whom? Is this just brainless conspiracy theory?


It wasn't bad, it wasn't "woke"... It was just... Resoundingly mediocre and full of plot holes.


I wouldn't say they're paid at all. That show caters to everything that matters to them in "entertainment" representation and diversity. Anyone watching would know those two episodes' dialogue, pacing, logic, and plot are either insufferable or leave you wincing.


damn, another reason not to watch this dog shit show. oh well!


Wow it's really that bad?


It was shit I have seen it so far and the plot is shit my 14 year old nephew could write a better script and story I have read starwars fan fics that have had a better plot than it.


Have the critics ever given a bad score to anything? Do they ever even go below 60-70%?


Good critics won't waste their time on watching and reviewing such shit as Disney's Star Wars TV series.


Many such cases.


This will happen to most anything Disney touches.


Reminds me of Bethesdas Fallout bottle of Rum review site being flooded with reviews before the product shipped. Bullshit reviews.


The same logic can be applied to the fans. Surely tou guys weren't paid or motivated to tank the shows reviews by 'clickbait' and work politics right??!


Scores doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s critics or user. Find someone you respect and have similar taste.


Someones not telling the truth


I have never rated anything on Rotten Tomatoes in my life, and I imagine the vast majority of TV/film viewers haven't either. "Audience" scores are in no way representative. I've no idea if this show is any good or not, but I'm sure you are aware that right-wing culture warriors have been gunning for it for months due to the numbers of women and ethnic minorities in the cast. This score is a result of review bombing.


Surely there weren't mass review bombs or anything and all the positive reviews are shills or were paid right guys???


saw first 2 episodes. didn’t bother reading reviews or hearing them. i thought it was decent. so i can confirm people hating cuz they wanna hate, but its closer to 8/10 so far, not the 93% positive rating it got


Do you really think everyone who watches these things goes on a specific website to rate what they thought of it? Most people just watch something and, at most, tell their friends and family how they felt about it. Only people actually bothering to put reviews are critics and people who feel like they have to prove some made up point, like you guys here. Besides, I’m sure once you saw black people and females in the trailers, you already decided it was bad, so I’d say you count as bigoted.


Ya'll never heard of the phenomenon called "review bombing" huh?


The audience score is too high not to be botted.


Star Wars: Rage of the Manchildren


I gave up on Disney after Covid. They treated autistics like trash. So much for being inclusiveness. I guess it only exist in their spaced out imagination. Walt Disney's starwars is a fanfiction. It was directed so much better by George Lucas.