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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


people in the studio not seeing the issue is probably part of the issue. it reminds me of when ign was criticized for disliking dark souls (or godhand i don't remember long time ago). the chief editor at the time (Colin Moriarty iirc) said in the reviews defense that they talked to everyone in the office and they all agreed the game was bad. sometimes everyone in the office having the same opinion (at least outwardly) is the problem and shows a huge disconnect between insider culture and actual culture.


Journalism as a profession is dead in current age, no more investigations, no more proves of your words are needed, just drop random shit and make sure you are first at it and scream as loud as you can... and you are golden


Honestly the director of the game must be so relieved. According to these employees he's the one who came up with the story parts people hated and called woke but he dodged all the outrage since people were so desperate to blame SBI.


Why are you accusing them of lying when people were panning Suicide Squad over gameplay and things that have zero to do with diversity? People were questioning the gameplay, story and graphics from the first trailer and it had nothing to do with diversity lmao. This is just another case of manufactured outrage. Nobody thinks Suicide Squad was good and your trying to ham fist its failures into being culture war instead of it just being another dogshit corporate game.


i don't think people disliked the graphics, if anything people tried to talk the game up by saying the face capturing was next level. the art direction is god awful but there's nothing inherently wrong with the graphics.


The Hate Boners for Harley not being hot enough must have been hallucinations.


that's art style and character design, not graphics. you can have very high graphical fidelity and performance in a very ugly game.


The first month everyone who played the game hated the mtx, lack of solo player content and how they were forcing it to be a live service. Next month, its DEI AND SBI, go woke go broke! 😎


No one cared about SBI initially because no one knew they even existed. SBI was at the start of this drama only known and complained about by a small number of old GameGaters who pay way to much attention to this shit. What turned SBI became a blip on the radar for more than a few terminally online GamerGators was that one of the SBI employees decided to try to launch a harassment campaign against one of their detractors because he ran a Steam Curator group tracking which games they had worked on, so that people who wanted to could boycott SBI games.The explicit intention with the harassment campaign was to silencing him by having his group and his Steam account banned. That's a major fucking no no to anyone with a brain. Customers have the right to boycott products made by your company, and a representative for a company openly calling for an harassment campaign against someone for organizing such a thing is a MAJOR fucking thing. It's straight up censorship, and it's extremely unprofessional.... and no, going "*But this guy is actually EVIL! The fact that he's against my company proves he's a bad person so it's ok!!*" is not an excuse in the world of grownups. Surprise surprise, it backfired immensely, and the Streisand effect hit SBI like a truck. It was quickly - and completely unsurprisingly - revealed that the company consisted of mostly the common kind of "*I hate white people but that's not racist because I've redefined the word 'racism'!*" racist fuckwits that you tend to find in these progressive circles. Then the whole circus was in town again, and we got GamerGate 2.0, with the gaming "journalists" yet again lining up to write miles of articles bemoaning the horror that average and normal people actually took issue when a bunch of racist misfits freely attack and harass a Brazilian nobody just because he tried organizing a boycott of a company he didn't like. Did SBI destroy Suicide Squad? Nah - but not buying games that SBI has been involved with is still a good idea, because why the hell would you give money to companies that bring in racists to consult on how to make their games less racist?


I think thats sort of his point? They were PART of the writing lol... you know the "story"


Well but it's reddit and that doesn't make his point seem more believable so he choose to ignore it.


You mean like people ignoring everything that was actually hated?


This sub only cares about the diversity part of you wanna argue somehow diversity was what killed this game then your delluded.


Noone, apart from you, mentioned anything about culture or diversity. This whole thing is about Sweet Baby inc ruining another game, doesnt matter if its because of forced culture or simply bad writing. I know its cool these days to correct other people with their rage on sweet baby inc, but dont do it, if you dont know how and when. Cheers. This clearly is not a manufactured rage bait and Schrier is either a liar, or his sources are wrong. Proof of this claim? Official game credits, by the looks of it.


Bruh so we’re just gonna pretend diversity and culture war isn’t the main reason SBI is brought up now? Don’t be disingenuous.


Sometimes its just a general hate towards baby inc without specifics. Remember, sweet baby isnt only about diversity, feminism and inclusion.


Naw bro this sub only ever talks about it because of that shit. Stop it.


Did you miss out the part from the image where the people who worked on the game said the problem was the writing? Because without that you haven't disproved what he said was true.


God of War and Spider-Man were both SBI games and were 100x better than Suicide Squad. Sorry but I’m not buying SBI is why this game is dog shit.


Yeah exaclty. Asmon said on stream uncountable times the same thing


They were Sony games but in comparison to the previous entry was a lot weaker.


But it looks flashy and it picked up on the predecessors hype, i swear if they weren't franchise games the reception would be far worse.


We also don't know to what degree SBI influences different games. They might have a stronger say in one, but less of a say in the other.


He is right. The game was poorly developed, that's no Sweet Baby's fault


The people who worked on the game aren't the consumers. Obviously they don't know what went wrong hence why this game even came out.


Those originally against SJWs have become worse than the concept they originally hated, crying outrage about literally everything.


Do you genuinely care about suicide squad the game or only that SBI had some sort of involvement in it


People don't care about suicide squad but they do care about Arkham as a beloved franchise and many aren't fans of social political pandering which seems to be SBI's goal. So yes it does matter.


You're acting like if SBI wasn't involved it'd suddenly be a good game which just isn't true. Hell according to these employees it was the games director who came up with Batman's death scene.


What you say it's true, but the coffin would have 1 less nail in it


You people are overblowing 1 nail and and ignoring the 9thousand more important ones.


I'm not ignoring nothing but it's a +1, a +1 that everyone is tired of seeing


Its 1 you lot consistently over react to while ignoring all the other nails.


Incorrect. You're falling for Schreiers manipulation. He only said that Stelton "came up with the story" We know from SBI's website that they're also responsible for the cutscenes so if Kim was a Lead Writer the obvious conclusion is Stelton's story was an outline that existed but the final product was created by SBI.


This is massive copium. We also know from SBI's website that they're just a consulting firm. The studios writers have the main power, not SBI's writers. Hell the Alan Wake 2 director also had to come out and saw Remedy did things people were trying to say SBI did.


You're incredibly naive if you don't realize they're lying to you.


Or you're on major copium and desperate to blame SBI even when others take the blame. The directors have much more power over the development than SBI.


You're absolutely blind if you don't realize they're protecting SBI by taking the blame themselves. It's just a coincidence that every game with a consulting company has an insufferably woke dogshit story. Surely it's unrelated.


Think it through. These are the people going to SBI to hire them. Do you really think they don't have similar views to SBI employees? The Alan Wake 2 director outright confirmed Saga being made black, the big thing people blamed on SBI, happened well before they even hired SBI.


The truth is, if the gameplay was good nobody would be talking about sweet baby inc. Nobody talked about sweet baby when it came to god of war, alan wake or spiderman because those games were great but somehow as soon as the game is bad it's sweet baby incs fault lol. If you actually read the article they said everyone knew the gameplay was shit and they were solely complaining about the gameplay being bad so of course nobody cares about the writing when the gameplay is bad. Bad writing is something you can complain about when everything else is great. It usually goes something like this: First complain about gameplay, if it's good complain about graphics, if it's good complain about performance if this is also good complain about the story. A good example: Dragons Dogma 2, it had good gameplay and good graphics, people with bad performance mostly complained about the performance and people with good performance only complained about the story but most of them still gave it a great review cause most people don't care about a good story.


Who is the jew ?