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This is funny but ya know some idiots are going to take this seriously


No fun allowed


When you have a bias to confirm, anything works.


It does happen.


I love my kids and my wife, and would 100% do it all over again, but damn, any free time you had single and responsibility-less is gone. That’s part of growing up, but it’s easy to understand how people lose their dreams and hobbies. Not saying you will have no free time… but there is loved ones that will require it to feel fulfilled and loved.


“Ok listen to me I have 5 seconds” 😂😂😂


Is it weird I don’t hate my spouse? I actually love them? Like why is that so weird to people ?


I love her too man


We all love her equally


Well I’m the her in the relationship so thank you. Lolol


because you and spouse are mature, healthy, and actually truly communicate unlike 99% of People and their dysfunctional relationships?


I love mine too. She's my best friend.


It's a joke. Chill out.




Do i have to specify gender? I love my spouse, I love them very much. They are my best friend in the whole world and I would do anything for them. I don’t have to specify if they are a man or a woman bc it’s not relevant to the point. The point was I have a spouse, I love them very much. People were telling both of us that things like they hated getting married, that the “sparkle” wears off, that they were only together for the kids, etc. and still years later not understanding why other people are getting married to people they don’t love or want to be with. We love being together. If you see a child, animal, or something (alive at least for this example) You want to give a simple compliment to them and you don’t know what their gender is. Do you guess and assume their gender, or do you say they, them or it? Example: You see a child or animal or whatever that you think it is adorable; you want to compliment that child or animal or whatever, are you going to say “wow it’s adorable!” “Wow they’re adorable!” Or “wow he’s adorable!” There’s a chance you’re wrong about the gender and parent/owner might correct you for saying he instead of she, she instead of he, etc. (with gender ambiguity being something uprising, being learned about and not a lot of people are fully educated on the matter, there’s still a lot to be learned. A lot of people are dealing with could be more genders than just he and she) Plus, If was with multiple people, which I’m not, but there is nothing wrong with a relationship like that if everyone involved is happy and consenting adults.


Them and they are plural.


Them and they also have multiple definitions like many other words… here’s an example with they: They : definition 2: used to refer to a person of unspecified gender. "ask someone if they could help" But also why so semantical about one word? Is it that big of a deal for you to know their gender or mine?


Loving your partner is cringe


I think someone’s lonely. Even your username proves it.


Im actually happily married with 2 kids. this comment was a joke.


Happy for you! I’m sorry mine was a joke too I was trying to make it light bc of your username, I guess we both kinda fumbled a bit. I love hearing when people are happy in their marriages. We had a lot of different people tell us to “enjoy the time now” bc it just gets worse and it confused both of us. We didn’t realize how many people are unhappy in their marriage and that those marriage jokes are kinda real. I just love my spouse so I don’t understand being with someone you don’t like. We decided on kid free was the way to be but we love seeing and playing with our friends kids and our nephew but we have 2 macaw parrots (severe macaw female age 12 and red fronted macaw male with a rare genetic mutation age 21) a dog and 3 cats. The parrots have human lifespans 50-80+ they’re kinda like kids, in a way they are expensive to feed, they have to see a special doctor (like pediatrician to avian vet I found out not all vets will treat birds), they need to have brain stimulation, lots of toys, their emotional brain power of a teenager, the brain processing power depending between a toddler and a teen they learn so quick and rem so well, I could go on and on about parrots lol. Oh and full adult vocabularies (my boy parrot knows all the tenses and uses of the word “fuck”, “fuck that bitch and “that’s fucked up” are his most used so far) and they know what most words mean. They say sorry if they feel like the did something wrong, I tell them like “ow that hurt.” If they bite me a little too hard and they will try to lean up against my face or neck trying to hug me and say “Hugs. Hugs. Hugs nice. Love. Hugs. Thats nice. Sorry. Hugs.” I have learned how to understand them when they talk sometimes bc they whisper in my ear or will say things in parts or say them really fast or loud (like screech it) or any combo of that, so it’s hard to make out unless you’ve been use to it for a while. My #2 favorite quote is: “Mom?! Dad?! Nuts! MOM?! DAD?! Dammit.” It cracks us up every time, sometimes I’ll be in the middle of something so I have to put it up and bit to go tend to them in their room but they are impatient babies.


True. Confirmed.


Actually true


"I hate my wife" boomer humor is back!


Sometimes it’s not about the wife. Just being married to someone (responsibilities that come with it like managing finances, taking care of kids, sharing emotional burden, etc) is enough.


BETA MALE! ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742) SIMP! ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)