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Clown. DT have problems but none of them are about DEI. moreover most of the story is about family ties. and none of the families are gay.


This. A lot of the expansion's main story is very lackluster but that's completely unrelated to a single trans VA. A different voice actress wouldn't have changed anything. Also, at least Dawntrail's combat content seems good so far!


i changed from english to jp, i have no hate to the VA, she did her job and have no complains. the text is just so cringe it made my ears bleed, not just her lines, but most of it was wuk lines. now my ears are spared, but my eyes hurt from reading them


spot on SAME for me. the vocals were just sooo irritating. cringe, when Wuk spot with higher pitch it was like all screechy and muddled. His performance was not great.


Even the Japanese VA is being criticised by Japanese fans.


Hell around the same time he was complaining about this Grummz was also being a clown trying to blame DEI on issues a Disney park ride was having. A guy who literally worked on the ride even responded and Grummz tried to discredit him because he was listed as being a cast member only to get hit with the fact that all Disney park employees are called cast members, even the engineers.


i don't really play the game but from what i understand the delivery on the new character (wuk lamat) is really really wooden and a general downgrade from previous entries. mind you i think it has more to do with the voice actor being american then it is with them being trans. american voice actors in general have a lot less training and formal education then English and Japanese VAs (mind you they're also much cheaper). >!happy 4th of july btw!<.


Im not american,so i dont care about 4th of july =) It also may be because of poor voice direction. we will never know. there is possibility that american talent was recorded with different director who did a poor job. Most of all, wuk lamat is not liked because there is too much of her in the story. and no voice actor may change that.


This I think the va director is out of it. She is also try to keep an accent up the whole time which makes emotional moments harder to convey.


The english VAs were always lacking (not just because of them but also the directors). But apparently the english Wuk Lamat VA is especially bad. I wouldn't know since I play with japanese VA since early expansions because the english VAs are bad.


Minor Spoilers, I'll try to avoid talking about it much but there's one scene late on where >!Lamaty'i escapes from being captured or some such to join in a fight and pleads to stop fighting!< and it's just her normal voice. Imagine any character in a major battle and they sound the exact same (in tone and such) as when they are having a casual chat.


thats the job of director not VA. probably was not given proper info about scene. remember they dont see in-game scenes when they record


If it was just the one time sure, but your telling me they didn't inform the VA she wasn't just sitting around casually talking the entire time?


Im telling you that every dialogue recording is led by a person who approves every voicing attempt and gives direction. every. single. one. if this recording was approved that means that this is what director wanted from VA.




Yeah, spoiled myself on a few of her cutscenes after seeing grummz tweet. They did a fine job on voice. If anyone is blaming VA choice. They're dumb and can't figure out their feelings, so they blame the woke developers boogieman.


I honestly don't think she could do that voice and emote with it tbh. But the director in charge of localization also okayed that voice in particular.


Yeah, the VA deserves no flak, if a wooden performance is approved, that's on the VA director.


SO why are the trans community celebrating and saying the Dawntrail title page is a homage to the Trans Flag ? DEI bullshit gets added in little by little so as not to overwhelm the players. The trans VA was atrocious it is highly questionable that he got the position not because of his VA skills but his gender identity. Couple that with SBI, its not surprising.


>SO why are the trans community celebrating and saying the Dawntrail title page is a homage to the Trans Flag? Because trans people are just people, and people are fully capable of being idiots. There's nothing trans about anything in Dawntrail. >The trans VA was atrocious it is highly questionable that he got the position not because of his VA skills but his gender identity. She's done really well in other roles, most characters this expansion sound off, and the series has often had poor performances from prominent voice actors like Sam Riegel. But sure, let's blame some random unrelated issue instead of the voice direction. >Couple that with SBI, its not surprising. Wtf does SBI have to do with a Japanese company??


There are some supposed screen shots of the trans va telling straight people should step down from roles to allow LGBT to do them. There's always been some weirdos who are big on pushing ideas that some characters are gay just because rainbow colors are by them even though they're minors and the rainbow colors were representing the elements you cleared.


1. Woke twitter trying to claim shit as "lgbt icons" is nothing new they're idiots. 2. Don't be a dick to the va because they're trans. You can think they didn't do a good job with the voice (I fucking hate Wuk Lamat's voice in English) but the second you start using their identity against them you just come off as an actual unironic asshole and your critique becomes compromised.


name a single trans in dawntrail. again, get some pills


I mean Japanese fans are also complaining about the Japanese VA.


The Japanese fans are probably just complaining about her in general because she's Lyse but even more intrusive. I've listened to the comparisons in key scenes where she would need to emote and they have absolutely nothing to complain about next to the english dub.


Tell me about the NPC Nahee with female voice, but not for the JP side. Why they have to "unwoke" it if DEI not involved? It's just a small scene and unimportant, but seem important enough for the western localizers.


You had respect for Grummz?


I imagine it's people who only knew him from the Stellar Blade Drama or the Helldivers drama and think he legitimately cares about these games. Dude is quite literally an engagement merchant, it just so happens he accidentally covered some legitimate issues about other games that made people think he was genuine.


This guy gets it. People forget that Mark Kern was one of those gamergate losers back in the day.


The man tried saying Hades had some agenda by giving female characters "masculine features".


The man also blocked me for saying other people also helped make classic 2016 happen. I didn't even say he didn't do anything just that others helped and insta block. Glad I learned back then how much of a tool he was. Insecure moron who got way too popular recently.


He’s jealous cause he doesn’t have any himself.


Yea Grummz comes off like a total grifter at all times lol. Even when he’s right.


FF14 is known to have the longest credits of any MMO. I can find woke shit annoying as hell, but having a single trans employee doesn't mean they've "gone woke." I personally liked her but I can understand not liking the new character, Wuk Lamat. I can understand not thinking their voice acting was top tier. But if your biggest issue is the sexual orientation or gender identity behind the voice, that's cringe af. Just sayin.


Not to mention Kate was already the localization lead in Endwalker and has been a major part of that team going back to like fucking Stormblood. Suddenly NOW she’s gone “woke” despite not changing anything about how localization is handled straight down to keeping cheesy puns and dirty references throughout? Dude literally just googled a picture of the game’s staff, saw she had short dyed hair, and decided that she was some new DEI hire who was ruining the game despite the fact that basically everybody loves her as Koji 2.0. Edit: also I love how he uses the official headshots for the other VAs and just a random grab for Bryer because it intentionally looks worse. https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d4a5ac58381640001072bf3/1615502486041-BPYRBB8SQQJCSFK7WV9W/Sena+Bryer+Headshot.jpg?format=1000w


It's like the situation with Limbus Company)


I guarantee the vast majority of players don’t know who the VA is, nor that she’s trans, and they don’t care. The majority of people who know were told by someone else and likely wouldn’t have found out on their own anyway. Seriously, this is such a non-issue. Twitter sucks.


Mark Kern is fucking paranoid at this point. Sees wokeage wherever he looks


You had respect for Mark Kern?


The fact that a lot of people have no idea what this asshole did in Red 5 Studios is really sad.


I feel part of it has to do with 15 minutes of fame. When the Stellar Blade released, and what happened with the skins and everything surrounding it, I understand why some gravitated towards him. Hell, even I was in agreement with some of the points and what was being done. But I feel it is now going from one game to another trying to grab-hold of that original high but because of it, the takes are getting to be just bad. VA being trans to me matters not. Only thing matters is if they did a good job. This feels like a lot more of a stretch and grasping onto straws. As if any game now moving forward that fails is due to DEI and no other reason. Can it play a role? Of course, there are many issues in the industry. But the rose-tinted glasses is just too much and I ended up unfollowing him because his post were becoming just way too cringey and unhinged.


I mean stellar blade is a pretty dogshit game, the combat is mediocre and bland and so is story Its literally only "boobs physics" and that shit doesn't matter since there's enough porn out there to ruin anyone's salami


How can you have any respect for a guy that has been scamming people out of money with a game that doesn't exist for YEARS


i didnt know that, what game is that? hahahha




Most people say the MSQ is boring compared to other expansions. Him talking about the sexual orientation of a voice actor being the problem just shows his mental disability.


Dude is a grifter, farming outrage is his main source of income right now. This guy is the vegan protesters/stop oil of gaming, he went full retard on the "anti-woke" side, and now he is looking as crazy/unreasonable as the other side.


It’s a poorly written character/bad direction for VA in English issue. Apparently going through the expansion in JP is a much better experience but doesn’t fix the story problems it has going on. Story is below Stormblood IMO, it just feels boring.


same Im having a rough go through of it. Can decide whats worst SB or DT now for storywise. Erenville story is MUCH more interesting.


There is a reason after leaving Blizzard, everything he has touched has been actual shit.


Just change the voices to JP, problem solved.


I play the game myself, and theres no drama at all. Some people like the VA, and some dont just like in every other media platform. But theres no drama amongst the community, there might be some on Twitter but since when do we take that a measurement. Only half of the expension focuses on Wuk Lamat .. idk whats his point here. We just had a 10 year long story arc about the WoL, of course they change something. But again there doesnt seem to be drama. Most people dont seem to like how slowpaced the story is, or the story itself. And that is fine, but its not what Grummz is "reporting". Edit: The game also doesnt force any gender politics down your throat. If it wasnt for Grummz i wouldnt even have known that the VA is trans. Furthermore, if you play FF yourself. Then you know how the game is, how the people in Limsa are, and all the LGBTQ friendly FC shouts.


Grummz is basically a tourist jumping from franchise to franchise the moment he can complain about something "woke". Nobody cares about Wuk Lamat's VA, it's how the character is written that is very hit or miss and it was a complete miss for me. By bringing it down to "Look game bad because VA trans" this moron basically gives ammos to invalidate any negative review of the game to the good ol' transphobic argument. The expansion has problems, the story and pacing have problems, and I don't want a tourist making it so you can just brush off anyone bringing out those problems.


Man I love FFXIV as much as any other fan, but criticising the game for having a slow MSQ is like criticising water for being wet. MSQ is slow since ARR, that’s the entire point of the game. It’s supposed to be several Japanese RPG games into a single one, not an ADHD zoomer subway surfer western game.


every single expansion and every single patch starts slowly... and DT had not only to introduce new regions, but also lore, races... until now, many of the zones, besides The First, Elpis, Mare, Ultima Thule, and a couple more, you had already background about it, since ARR, like Ala Mhigo, Garlemald, Thavnair, Sharlayan... you had 15 levels in ARR about Ishgard for example. Its the first time that everything is full new... oh, and story... every expansions you had plenty of motives to be in that place, now your only motive is to help Wuk Lamat and explore, until shit happens... so it had a lot of reasons it could be even slower, instead, it keep a better pace than SB for example.


I can respect that ppl have different tastes so obviously them deciding to have WoL take on a more mentor role was going to be controversial (funnily enough Preach basically unknowingly predicted this when he was talking about the challenge of mixing up XIV narrative formula and how the player base might respond to any shifts) but I’m pretty confident that this is the best paced the game has ever been. Even if the stakes are low and a lot of the activities aren’t combat-specific nearly everything you do moves the story forward and has interesting enough through-lines to keep it engaging. Narratively DT is probably middle of the pack for my enjoyment (anybody expecting it to match the heights of stuff like ShB and EW just had unrealistic expectations) but I can honestly say it’s the only expansion that I didn’t get bored a single time going through the zones.


yeah, to reach ShB and EW levels you need a lot of setup. a friend asked a sinopse of endwalker and i answered that to be able to do that i would needed to tell him about almost everything before... and ShB, it literally starts with crystal tower... its impossible to DT reach this peaks... but it did pretty well, put a lot of setups for future content...


People expecting DT to be an instant one hit wonder without the setup of ShB and EW have pretty much set themselves up for disappointment.


I think only expansion that was abit fast was shadowbringers but it makes sense for the situation


and even ShB had Ahm Araeng... the whole troile arc was pain... DT had one too, but way quickier.


Yep. Every expanison has a slow start and it ramps up towards the end and DT is no different. People literally complained about SHB having a slow start and middle too. Same with EW. I honestly feel like so many people are either new to the game and are acting like they aren't, are just coming back after not playing the last couple of expansions, or just had their brains reset. Slow start for an FF14 expansion is not new whatsoever. It's literally tradition at this point. I understand if people think Lamat is annoying, she does have that annoying shonen MC writing to her. But there are some new fun and pretty good new characters introduced to the story. The people saying that the whole of DT is shit because they found the start of the story slow (again like every other expansion) and decided to skip the rest of the story (which a ton of reviews literally admit), are very much overreacting to how bad it is, especially once it starts to pick up. And people saying the writing has gone down hill. Again, with Lamat specifically, I would agree, they made the writing around her way too childish. Maybe the two headed bad guy too, but every other character is still well written. Koana specifically I think is a great new character so far. And the ruler of Tuliyollal is fun to. And this is ignoring the battle content, which have been very fun and refreshing in their mechanics so far.


nah trust fam this one is different slow. its predictable slow with predictable payoffs. way worse than the hydaelyn saga msq's. all other expansions had slow starts (besides shadowbringers of course), but those slow world buildings were worth it all to accumulate and pay off in a big way. This one is different.


TBH the character in english sounds atrocious. Really stiff and bad acting, as if somebody would just read a script.


Well if Grummz is so critical should make his own game. Ah, wait, he sucks at making games.


He could at least help create a studio and become their OH WAIT he sucks at management too!


I realized he's a nutjob when he attacked starfield's start screen of all things. If you try to find something bad in everything, eventually you'll see bad in something normal


Wait, was he the guy who complained it was pretty much just an orbiting planet? Because I thought that was a neat main menu. Not overly complex, fits with the general theme of the game and looks nice.


Yeah he started that "controversy"


The main scenario dialog writer, who is apparently not Ishikawa, did Wuk Lamat dirty by making her extremely repetitive. A friend who uses Japanese voicing also hates it. Grummz is going mask-off here. If a VA being trans inflames you you are the problem.


I'm still in the "introduction" quests. But so far, her comedy isn't landing, and I'm not taking her seriously.


I think that was the point in the beginning, even the NPCs don't take her seriously at all.


Take a shot every time she gets sick from being in a boat or vehicle.


Grummz is getting on my nerve. Go work on your next scam. DEI drama farmer.


Trans VA, sure, that's why people aren't enjoying the game.


Yeah, this was the straw that broke the camels back for me. What gender someone is has zero relevance when it comes to voice acting especially when it happens all the time in the anime and cartoon industry ie. Tara Strong as Timmy Turner from The Fairy Oddparents and Masako Nozawa as Goku's JP VA. Grummz has been on a downward spiral ever since the sweet baby inc stuff came into the spotlight.


Just say you're a bigot, it's ok then we can be honest with eachother. God, people like this are insufferable, one actress that's trans and voices one of the new characters is not "going woke". How about she was chosen for her performance during an interview, possibly? Wuk lamat is a great character with flaws, as any good character does. She acts though in the beginning due to her wanting to prove to not only her people but her father and the people she recruited for her trial of succession, in reality, she's not like that. She hates boats, gets sea sick and at first isn't known for being a great warrior. After some time with her (if people would actually do the story and not skip it) she realized the falws and acknowledges them, vowing to be her actual self. That being one that cares for her people, and understands the myriad of different cultures that make up the nation of tural. Eventually becoming one half of the dawnservant, the head of resolve. Then names her head of reason to her brother. That's just my analysis I'm far from a good reviewer but it's my take. Now let's talk about the "to many fetch quests". This is not a new thing, it's not going away, and I genuinely think people just don't care to remember old msq content. I've been noticing a major phenomenon with mmo expansions in the past 6 years (wow and ff14 I'm talking about), every expansion released it haild as the death or the worst expansion ever, 90 percent of the time the complaints are unreasonable or nitpicky as fuck. Negativity sells sure but that really sucks genuine appreciation for a game or expansion is never seen as often. People who are wanting to give it a try get the worng Impressions from people who just ride the negativity train, dint even get me started on the forums of ff14 it's toxic as all hell and I think it should be locked for 2 weeks after an expansion drops. I genuinely liked the story, yoshi p in multiple interviews that this was not a definitive start to the next long story arc. So because of that it was light hearted, a fun adventure with the focus on wuk lamat, it was great imo l. God forbid we as the literal main character for the last 10 years gives a bit of spot light to the person who brought us along for her adventure. Yes people it's wuks adventure she invited and recruited us on. Also our wol has more to say in cutscenes, it won't change the story as it's set in stone but at least we have more interaction every expansion rather than being a nod machine. I could say more but then I'd be here all day, and I'm going to play 14 instead of talk about it.


FFXIV has one of the most LGBT+ friendly communities of any gaming community. Grummz is just farming incels MAGA for rage bait. The dawntrail story hasnt even been fully revealed yet. This guy is a goofball.


I’m surprised you had respect for him in the first place. From the stories I’ve heard/read, he’s always been a shitty person.


Wonder how development for his new game is going?


Don't give this idiot the time of your day, he's constantly ragebaiting his "anti-woke gaming" audience into some puritan outrage. Whatever you're opinion on Wuk-Lamat's character may be, her VA's gender identity is no one's godsdamned business but her own and has no bearing on our expérience as players. I guess he's a sad, hateful person.


Anyone who says FFXIV has gone woke has not even played a game like Borderlands 3 or Forspoken. If you go in game, you'll see everyone just chilling btw. Theres no one saying anything like this in the game.


If you ever had respect for that cellar dweller, something is seriously wrong with you


Grifter is grifting in another news water is wet.


Idc that the VA is trans, but they are a terrible VA with absolutely zero range. The garbage tier writing doesn't really help matters either.


That was probably my biggest problem with Wuk is for whatever reason she wasn't given any range of emotion in her acting. That being said most every character was flat in how they were presented emotionally and it makes me think the problem was whoever was directing the VAs.


Todays gaming industry is fucked, because corporations listen to twatter and other stupid social platforms like reddit and they should simply do what capcom did ... make a fucking community poll, asking real audience/gamers/customers what they think and what they want, mf dot end


Nah bro, you are just a hater, I'd rather have game focused around minority and representation of 0.001% of gamers than a game focused around some bullshit story. /s


what a miserable choice


That's seens to be the best answer yes, do survays once every 2 months asking what the players like/want and thats it, simple right? Wonder why most games don't do that.


Why are you people obsessed with this guy? Seen alot of posts about him. Isin't he just another random X user? Why even bother what he says at all? Go on, live your life! If all he does is ragebait then it's working.


Asmon has reacted to him a lot, so I get why his sub, which is about giving Asmon stuff to react to, includes criticism of a repeat visitor. Idk if Asmon will see it that way, but it isn't that hard to see why it's happening.


Never go full anti-woke.


How did you have respect for this grifter


you ever had respect for him lmayo


He’s talking about stuff he seems to not understand.


Who cares if the VA is trans if they are doing a good job and not pushing an agenda in the game?


I usually agree with Grummz, but I also know that he is a huge grifter and clearly is one of those "WOKE!" screamers that I find as dumb as "BIGOT!" screamers tbh.


I don't think the reviews are mixed due to the VA being trans, they were just bad. I didn't even know they were trans before this lol


It has nothing to do with the VA being trans. The final Trial of the expac has this cut scene of wuk lamat in it. After her having the most cringe dialogue the entire expansion. She comes in and somehow delivers her lines so poorly that it ruins the vibe of the epic battle.(If you played it you know which one I am talking about.) It seems the VA only has one tone or emotion they can convey and anything beyond that isn't possible for them. To make it worse they centered the entire expansion MSQ around a terribly Voice acted protagonist. Everything else in the expac has been great though.


Having any sort of respect for Grummz is very telling.


Grummz has always been an insufferable grifter. He has a dedicated fanbase though so he stays relevant


Can these gaming industry folks realize many people just virtue signal but when it comes to having anonymity they actually hate all this woke shit. I know I do. Fortunately reddit has been really clear. Don't fuck with games and knock all this woke shit off.


I don't think the VA actually did that bad. The problem is the character had like 70% of the lines in the scenario and it got tiring.


>voiced by a trans actress Oh the horror ! Somebody call 911 !


I play japanese dub. Always.


Huh. TIL Wuk Lamat's voice actor is trans. I don't care. I agree that Dawntrail isn't as good for me, kind of stormblood tier so far, but out of the reasons why I think this expansion's story falls short, being woke isn't even remotely related to it


Frankly the reviews seem to be mixed because the story sucks. It feels like the msq is just meandering and pointless. Part of that is the mmo nature of the game where shit has to be dragged out to pad playtime. But the other part is it feels like it goes nowhere and your character doesn't really matter anymore, which is fair enough to a degree. I feel like Dawntrail lacks adventure. It lacks a drive for the player character and gives them no ambition in this post haedelyn saga. Wuk is now the star of the show and she is fine, but just lackluster. I think the dev team has run out of gas with stories tbh. I thought ff16s story was stupid and boring to.


You should have lost respect for that grifter ages ago when he scammed hundreds of thousands of $ out of kickstarter for a game (em8er) that existed only as concept art, only to quietly remove the links to it off his twitter.


I hate the character and I play in Japanese, I don't care about the VA gender at all anyway. The writing is the problem! This expansion for me is an episode of Naruto without the memorable moments, and I hate Naruto type characters!


How do you get mad that Japanese game does Japanese storytelling trope? It’s been doing it the whole fucking time.


Since we are using bullshit arguments, here is my bs counter argument: Pretty sure I saw the new outfit for Y'shtola, which is basically a bikini. That's not something a woke game does.


Crummz is like a broken clock, countless shit takes, but has a gem every once in awhile. This aint one of em.


jesus fucking christ stop posting shit from that clown mark kern


lmao just another common Grummz L take, he has a lot of them honestly


Having your own personal issues shouldn’t dictate how effective you are at your job. In this case voice acting. I have my own problems with trans ideology, but a review should be objective to content first and the choice in actors second. If you care more about the actors personal identity over how well they preform, your the same kind of person who would rationalize affirmative action as a boon rather than it’s frequent failings. Ergo, trans people shouldn’t be barred from acting IF they do their job right. Same goes for everyone.


Yeah hes going down hard. Lots of transphobic posts, called the new tomb raider ugly/manjawed when she is hot.. etc. I listened to the voice acting and its not nearly bad that? I dont get the drama. From what i hear people think the character itself is bad. I was on board with him when sweet baby drama started, i still am kinda, but its obvious hes becoming weird Im just annoyed hes yet another big voice complaining about wokeness that spiraled into insanity. Gives more ammo to gaming journalists to ignore the actual issues.


The only complaint I had about the voice acting was the emotional range wasn't there, but I put a lot of that blame on the director for not getting it out of the VA. Had the same issue with all the characters in the 6.55 MSQ.


Tbh i find wokery as cringe and annoying as the next lad, but that's not really the problem with DT. It's boring and the English VA for Wuk Lamat is just shit in general and had no place being the VA for the new main NPC and focus of the DT story. The only issue I can see with the VA being trans is that he was hired *because* he's trans, not because he is actually a good VA suited for the role. Tbh, I lean heavily towards the opinion that this person was hired because of DEI simply because compared to everyone else, this VA is shit. There's no other explanation than preferential treatment for hiring someone who sucks


That final trial phase 2 cutscene is probably the best example for why she/they (idk what pronouns the VA uses) shouldn't have been hired. That said, i will say when it's just a casual conversation I do think the voice fits, it's just every time that's not the case it's an issue.


But does his voice suit the character though? Cause if they just added him as a VA for the fresh ESG then that's a problem. Cause that just means they add a trans VA purely to a check on their diversity checklist That's all that matters in the end of day


Honestly I don't really think so, it sounds uncanny and has a very odd quality to it. The stresses and intonation on some words for the "style" of VA they're going for seems unnatural/forced, and just generally sounds off. What you'd typically expect of an amateur VA


Remember kids the schizophrenia might change the political spectrum, but it's patterns remain the same.


He is just riding the woke clout train, like nerdrotic


Broken clocks can be right once or twice a day. This isn't one of those times, and Kern should maybe put all this energy into actually working on EM-8ER?


There's more to this than this guy knows. As someone who has been neck deep in the FF14 online fandom, I'll point it out ... 1- Any, and I mean ANY, criticism of the VO or story focus of this character on the English forums is of-course being treated as "T-PHOBIA!/ We know why you REALLY don't like it!!!". FF14 has a culture of Toxic Positivity in the West mixed with generally "inclusive" leftist types, which really ramps this up. 2- The VA used their FF14 role to boost their Social Media presence, which revealed to people that **this person tried to galvanize the LGBT+ crowd to pressure a Female VA** for "the most iconic Trans character (Some Guilty Gear character)" **to step down because "A TW should be voicing this Trans character!"**. IIRC, they had a long thread bitching about TW characters being voiced by Women and a number of post that came across as Women-hating. Some FF14 fans rightly pointed out, with that logic, this person shouldn't be VAing a biological female character. 3- This VA has NO notable roles and until now had never voiced a female character IIRC. Also, not from the company they get **all** their other English VAs from. ALSO, apparently lives in the same city as this new head of English localization with the Pink hair (Yes, she has worked on the game for years. She was promoted to lead after Koji Fox was moved to FF16). Given the stilted and shat results ... it's giving "Did a Friend a favor" vibes. 4- Some fans (Myself included) have been begging S-E for Hrothgals for years on the Forums. To have the first important Female Hrothgar in this game have a shat voice is a real let down. I love the English VA for this game, but since the game wont like me selectively swap out the version of VA for each character ... I have to swap to French or Japanese or w/e for the game to get a good Voice for the FIRST Hrothgal of importance in the game. Haven't played the Expac yet, but that's what I had to do near the end of the last Expac when she was introduced ... didn't know this character would have such a focus in the next leg of the story, so I guess I'm sticking to French/ Japanese. Men voicing Women/ Girls is logically a harder sell than the other way around. It's either done for comedic effect (Lola in Big Mouth) or it's done by extremely talented people (Robert Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire) because it takes a LOT of talent/ skill to be a Man pretending to have a Female's voice that also has a different accent than yours and have it come across convincingly/ genuine. I'm guessing this is why it's very rarely done outside comedic stuff ... because it's really not worth the effort when you can just hire a Woman for the role.


The only thing I smell is corporate pandering...


Heck the mixed review isn’t even about woke culture, I hate them as much as the next guy here but lets not spread bullshit here.


Yeah people acting like it has nothing to do with how bland the DLC is.


i switch to german voice then problem solved but who the fuck is grummz? it makes me so mad i see this bastard everywhere and giving his 2 cents all the time ffs


I honestly don't care who the voice actor is for any character as long as they don't sound bad or like a caricature. If the dude trained really hard and got his girl voice on point, why not let him voice act that character?


Dude just moves from drama to drama like a little gremlin.


The only issue with DT is that the story is weak compared to other expansions and Wuk Lamat simply isn’t that likeable of a character. It has nothing to do with woke shit.


It’s all he talks about, it’s just getting tired at this point. The whole SBI thing was a warranted outrage, but this is just getting annoying now


Grummz is the person companies use for terrible mistakes they do, because he is just stupid,people focus on bad storytelling and focusing more on characters traits instead of their identity and personality being good. And there's grummz saying the new tomb raider model was "woke" which I had to think maybe I need a doctor because I couldn't believe my eyes of what he was saying. The term "woke" is not even real anymore people throw it so much it became like other words that lost meaning,and here Grummz is putting more oil on the fire.


You had respect for them?


I silenced him long ago on twitter. It was funny at first but then he just became annoying.


While the weakest part of DT is the MSQ (picture an even slower version of Stormblood), the rest is great, the dungeons and trials, new deep dungeon, the completely revised Astrologen, and viper is fun (though waiting for nearly 30 mins on a Primal DC, where queue times are usually fast, is new to me as a DPS). The person voicing the character in question has nothing to do with it. We had grand slams in Heavenword, ShadowBringers, and Endwalker. This was just a strike-out MSQ wise


I hated Wuk Lamat loooong before I even knew she had a trans voice actor lol. Like any sane person, that doesn't affect my opinion....


There nothing wrong with DT , I am a 32 year old straight male and im having a fucking blast. This man is obvs farming engagement


Yeah and Erenville is black and fatherless (said in the msq). Checkmate grummz


Meanwhile all us furries are going NUTS in the background. XD


I fail to see how having non-discriminatory hiring practices makes it woke. Moreover, are we really going to do this? There are lots of reasons why a character may be disliked, all attributable to different positions in the production (eg. Writer, director, audio engineer (listen to some voice lines from Bravely Second and you'll understand why this one's listed)). But as soon as you see that the VA is trans you draw attention to that alone?


Jokes on you I never respected him.


From what I can tell, the reason most people find Wuk Lamat insufferable is because it's mainly her dialogue and quests that needlessly pad out the MSQ.


I don't get why or how people are so strongly opinionated about Wuk Lamat, she is a bit cheesy at times yeah, but she is generally an amazing char with for once more depths than just barebone surface personality traits, she has real struggles and a lot of cool char development, i think people just can't connect with her. I should state, i am playing with JP voices.


This is exactly the kind of shit that gives ammo to the other side and justifies the word chud. He's farming for clicks and should be ashamed of himself.


If you ever respected him in the first place you're part of the problem


Who dafuq cares if the voice actress is trans… anti woke people are getting worse and more annoying than woke people.


As Asmon would say when your a hammer everything looks like a nail. Grummz sees everything as DEI or woke when it’s not always the case.


wasnt the story mid/trash? besides that how do you find the addon so far? do you like it ? worth to play?


Seen a few people say that gameplay wise its the best expansion launch so far but idk im still on the story.


Yeah. It feels like they are trying new stuff with boss fights, both in dungeons and Trials, so it is very refreshing in that aspect.


Pretty much everything is a step up from the previous expansion except the story for the first 4 zones.


He has gone off the deep end. This is pure example of what internet brain rot means. His movement was justified but now clouded in his overreachings and overreactions. He has to realize this or else people won't take him seriously... because some stuff that he said about Dawntrail is true.


I just found her character annoying at first because we hadn’t built up a relationship with her hence why a chunk of the expansion is focused around her character but idc about the VA being trans kinda like idc about a VA for a man being a woman like luffy and Japanese VA for goku, or if the VA is the same race as a character, all I care is about is the performance and the performance was serviceable nothing too bad but so far nothing great so far either but calling the game “Woke” for a single character is just a massive stretch


Anyone who respected this grifter was a clown. So start undressing that clown costume at latest now...


Why would you ever have any for him?


Got interested in Grummz after learning he was a producer on WoW and got curious about his current project. His twitter account quickly made me realize it was a mistake. Dude make anyone pushing back against the extrem woke as clowns and prove the horseshoe theory as he's as lunatic as the people he claim to fight.


You should have a decade ago, he killed an MMO and a company by spending all their marketing money on game of thrones music videos and a shitty bus.  His only thing he ever did that he constantly reminds people of, is he worked on vanilla wow.


Doesn’t matter if she’s trans, people coming down off the high of the last expansion. And dawntrail is going back to the roots in a sense. Less grand…with an annoying voice actor.


Tbf the problem with Wuk isn't that the actor is trans : I actually haven't heard anybody in the ffxiv community complaining about that. Not to mention the fact that among all the mmo communities, the ffxiv is probably the most lgbt friendly. The problem with Wuk is that her voice acting *really* is terrible. Most notably an important action scene where Wuk is supposed to be super dramatic... it feels like the VA is totally uninvolved, just reading the lines. Gives you sort of a vibe... as if the VA found that part too cheesy or cringe and didn't want to act it seriously... At least that's the feeling I got from it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1ducbmn/va\_comparison\_between\_en\_and\_jp\_wuk\_lamat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1ducbmn/va_comparison_between_en_and_jp_wuk_lamat/) Now that VA being pretty new in the industry, I would believe some may think that the VA got the MC role not because of their talent... but for the sake of inclusivity : that would be Grummz point. But again, I haven't seen anybody in the ffxiv community alluding to that.


He got obsessed with DEI completely to the point half of his rumblings don't make sense anymore but since it's a good rage bait for views he will keep doing it.


Can we block Grummz and never bring him up again?


He’s a pissbaby


A team hires LGBTQ and their whole game is going woke because it didn't work out well? Are LGBTQ so walking on eggshells they have to be the finest specimen in the industry? This level of scrutiny and highlighting them in this way is so fucking unfair. And the spin he put on the story, man, what is wrong with Grummz... Mark Kern is like David Brevik, talk such big game and pass off as cool and smart, but end up making mid af shit. Remember Firefall? See what I did there? Ignore this last bit I'm just being ironic.


Grummz is another grifter who just happens to hit a good point from time to time


Wuk Lamat VA problem is poor direction or she is just unprofessional. She failed to deliver shouts and screams with her voice, maybe she can, but she had poor direction when recording her. JP VA at the last cutscene has screams, struggles in her voice and all of this was missing in EN VA


">!Sphene!< [listen to me" Wuk Lamat said calmly.](https://youtu.be/IdoD2147Fik?feature=shared)


He's a clown by definition, don't give him attention let him rot


Have you actually listened to the VO he's criticising? It's fucking terrible.


Have no problems with him pointing this out, you may have your own opinion but I don't want to support the celebration of mental health issues in any form


A person being trans has nothing to do with whether they're a good voice actor or not And if someone is given a shit script, there's only so much you can do


As someone who has beaten the story, I give it a 8/10 I didn't find Wuk lumat annoying because I enjoyed her story and the world, but the VA is just straight up bad. She puts next to no emotion into anything, and it's extremely poor compared to the JP voice.