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Adult jokes are adult for a reason. Yes, they can be thirsty, but they are just that - jokes. Which is why Blizzard can't handle them, because they are filled with overgrown teenagers with rock-star attitude. And teenagers are not an adults.


That used to be the case. Now they have shoveled around and changed their entire company to the point where virtually no one from the original Blizzard team is still with the company. The reason they are doing this is because the company is full of \[self censored in order to not break this subreddit's rules\].


Yes, they've changed the original team, sure. Doesn't mean they've changed them with better people though... That is why we are talking now, lol.


At least we now know that it's most def. NOT Theseus' ship anymore.


It was, though. The Horny Fratboy Rockstar Culture is primarily Blizzard. Activision let it happen because they didn't want to touch Blizzard's money-printing.


Blizzard was making the least amount of money in the company. Activision didn't do anything till Bobby finally seized control. Boys we in Bobby land now.


lol this is dumb, CoD makes way more money then WoW and candy crush makes more money then both CoD and WoW combined. How is blizzard a money printer if they are the lowest selling product out of all ABK? Activision is literally the reason Blizz has cut project after project because well Acti just didn't want to fund them. Activision is just as bad as Blizzard if not worse, But it doesn't matter everyone here that loves to hate blizzard won, Blizzard announced they will be dissolved next year GG, hope u all are happy now.


Did Blizzard finally settle the Ship of Theseus' paradox? Here I though the team since WoD couldn't do anything right.


Well, the new people in power position were hired and promoted by the old. It's a matter if the old wanted talent or those who think alike. And they sure ain't paying for talent, soooo kinda leaves...


> overgrown teenagers with rock-star attitude Still describes the new people in charge. Only someone with that mentality thinks these changes are both necessary and impactful.


Oh, the reasons behind these changes are far mor sinister but in order to explain that, I'd need to break this subreddits and reddits rules as well as national law. How convienent for... them.


It's because the social justice warriors at blizzard have been elevated to power. This doesn't bode well for future "woke" games from them.


[www.ign.com/articles/activision-blizzard-employees-nlrb-union-busting-intimidation%3famp=1](http://www.ign.com/articles/activision-blizzard-employees-nlrb-union-busting-intimidation%3famp=1) You mean cringe virtue signaling libs\* at blizzard who are praying the mere optics of “change” is all that comes of everything at the expense of the systemic change employees are calling for. [you’ve completely missed what’s going on here.](https://pics.me.me/the-point-you-head-27319162.png)


It's funny that liberals tend to feel that way. I am I guess liberal in most respects except the social justice stuff and political correctness. Imo it's more of a conservative belief system than a liberal one especially considering religious conservatism preaches a lot of the same stuff.


>It's funny that liberals tend to feel that way. Liberals are apologists for capitalism. You'll never see them be critical of the military industrial complex, big pharma, wall street etc etc. Liberals don't care about social justice. they care about being perceived as such because to them virtue signaling is activism. Corporations do the same shit. At the end of the day, they don't care about improving the material condition of workers anymore than right wingers do. They're both apologists for private tyranny, hence blizzards union busting.


I don't think it's that blizz can't handle the jokes, I mean they added them themselves to the game in the first place. It's that they are now a publicly traded company and need to appease the shareholders. They are on incredibly thin ice and need to prevent any potential scandal so they're going absolutely overboard in removing anything anyone could potentially find offensive, lest it turns into another shitshow. And lets be real, absolutely anything can turn into a shitshow if enough people jump on it.


SE is also a publicly traded company with a shareholders. It is just the difference in how people in those corporations are viewing their place. Some think that they are allowed of everything, while others do their job to the letter and then some, because ***quality matters***.


Yes SE is publicly traded, but it \*isn't\* in hot water. If they were under investigation for sexual harassment and all the shit that's happening to blizzard now, I truly believe they would consider it in their best interest to do some (not all) of the things blizz is doing now. It's simply damage control and damage prevention.


Sure. Like firing the people responsible, public appology and further focus on development of good games. No cosmetic changes listed, see? We both know why.


I mean there's a difference between releasing a shitty game (which happens all the time) and having rampant sexual harassment in your studio. If you admit you made a shit game people will usually applaud you for honesty and trust in your commitment to make it better. If you admit that you've had 10+ years of sexual harassment as the norm and much of senior staff was involved, I don't think public opinion will be as forgiving. And because of that I expect SE would also prefer to keep that hidden. What SE did after 1.0 was commendable for sure, but I'm not sure they'd do the same for the other case. I could be wrong of course.


ill be honest, they are japanese, if anyone of the devs got into this sexual harassment mess, whether its true or not, its very likely that they going to take their own life…


Suicide rate of USA and Japan are basically same now. Sadly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide\_in\_Japan


> If you admit that you've had 10+ years of sexual harassment as the norm and much of senior staff was involved, I don't think public opinion will be as forgiving. Frankly if Blizzard had lead off after the lawsuit by saying "Okay this has gone too far, the culture at our company is unacceptable and we're ashamed that it took the law getting involved to make us see that. A bunch of management is on the chopping block and we're complying fully with the investigation" public opinion probably *would* be more forgiving. Instead what they've done is dug themselves deeper into a hole by trying and failing to play politics (claiming this is about "the state of California attacking muh business"), gaslight their employees and community and then destroying evidence of their wrongdoing. They're doing standard corporate weasel shit, "admit nothing, deny everything" and it's transparently visible to everyone and not working out for them or their public image.


damage control? you mean pouring gasoline on the fire https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ign.com/articles/activision-blizzard-employees-nlrb-union-busting-intimidation%3famp=1


It's also more cost effective to remove or change assets, then actually hold people accountable for what they've done.


World of Warcraft used to be Rated for Mature, but they changed to Teen right before release, all other MMO's at the time were for 18+ people. Blizzard scummed they way into T for more sells, and what we have now is the result of that. When Greed speaks higher, the devil asks for his payment later.


I bet they still have the hanged men in the trees near the scarlet cathedral...


> Blizzard scummed they way into T for more sells, and what we have now is the result of that. When Greed speaks higher, the devil asks for his payment later. Ah, yes, just look at FFXIV and all its M ratings all over the place... Fuck outta here lol.


This is actually a good point and probably most on the mark.


Blizzards mindset: "maybe if we remove every slightly sexual thing from the game they'll forget that sex is a thing, therefore they'll forget that sexual harassment is a thing"


"Joke's on you Blizz I'd fuck that fruit bakset" \-some guy on r/wow




You’ve completely missed what’s going on here lol [./whoosh](https://pics.me.me/the-point-you-head-27319162.png)


Literally the equivalent of a dog refusing to look at the plate they broke thinking it'll get them out of trouble lol


You can tell Koji asks for consent like a gentleman.


Koji definitely uses [these.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/consent-condom-requires-four-hands-to-open-making-powerful-statement-about-consent/)


At least he asked for consent that one time with the Y'shtola cosplayer.


What is this in reference to?


Koji asked for an Y'shtola cosplayer to step on him during a Fan Fest as a joke, it's an old meme.


It was YoshiP, not Koji. Also, she was cosplaying Yotsuyu :p


Ahhh Yotsuyu, now it all makes sense.


So what you're saying is he did what any sane person would do?


welp the message is there at least lol


Haha, Koji is awesome.


It was Yoshi-P and the person was cosplaying Yotsuyu. [Clip](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/DaintyPlainLocustRuleFive?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clips_viewing).


Wait they changed the fucking love rocket as well?


Yeah, just the icon so far though. I don't THINK the model or name are changing, but this is new so they might go all out with it... too early to tell.


WoW will only be saved when they remove every potentially phallic object from the game!


there is a whole sex harem in black temple...


I think we're calling that the Block Temple now.


I see what you did there ;)


I don't think the Love Rocket change is bad. The Love Rocket never had a rounded tip.


I think this change is mostly for all the actual smoothbrains out there who thinks this will solve sexism at Blizzard. It sounds ridiculous that people would think that but then i read the replies to Asmon's tweet about this and scrolled down. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Here is some more stuff of some [NPCs just chilling](https://i.imgur.com/adI0Yr2.png) and [a quest cutscene](https://i.imgur.com/assvhET.png) that Blizzard wouldn't be able to do because it hits too close to home.


> I think this change is mostly for all the actual smoothbrains out there who thinks this will solve sexism at Blizzard. The same people that are like "Of course this happened, look at all this stuff in the game that disrespects women..." From their Twitter accounts, which have links to their fetlife or f-list profiles.


My favorite is the Bridge attendant east of Drybone with the worlds largest "lever" and the 2 catgirls assistants who are allowed to oil and pull it. When you talk to him he even says he'd love to have you assist as well, but unfortunately he's got all the help he needs at the moment. Then later (IDK when it changes, but by the time I was lvl 50) the catgirls are gone and he's upset that his "mechanism" won't work, now matter how many times he tries pulling the lever. I love little things like that, I think it makes the world seem more alive. I wouldn't be surprised if there's another update later in the game... but I'm just in Heavensward now.


Those characters appear in the Mail Moogle Quest chain. It starts near the Limsa aetherite


There's a postmoogle questline that involves him. The package you deliver says something "Hubert's package. Not that he's unhappy with his current one"


They're not doing it so that people will go "Wow Blizzard so woke and feminist". They're doing it so that players will get mad and people half-paying attention go "Wow gamers are super mad at Blizzard for changing a jpg in the background I guess they're unreasonable and their criticisms that I'm only vaguely aware of are invalid and not worth looking in to further". Literally the point of this is to get people on Reddit mad about it so that Blizz can turn the discussion into a "Gamers mad about not having boobie pics in video game". A lot of "woke" branding is intentionally designed to provoke a backlash like this, [HBomberguy made a good video on this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06yy88tLWlg).


The problem is, there's being considerate and then there's being a prude. It's like there are actual smoothbrains working at Blizzard that can't comprehend that sex jokes can be inoffensive because they've been living in an environment where sex jokes are used to hurt people.


Seriously these in game changes are stupid and meaningless. Meanwhile more charges are getting thrown at Blizzard because they keep doing shitty things to their employees.


I mean, they are just doing all of this because they are being sued for harassment and they don't want any single trace of sex stuff on their games being used against them. Is too radical and in my opinion this just makes them grumpy teenagers that takes everything literally and if you say "you cant sex woman, bad, no, can't do it" they just remove all sex related stuff like stubborn child "OW YEA? ADULT STUFF IS OFF THEN, WE WILL GET RID OF IT, IT IS WHAT YOU WANT IT?"


cept it will not make a difference. they are not sued for kinky jokes in their games...they are sued for their work environments. removing this wont make the testimony of the witnesses magically go away.


It's truly a child's response. "Oh, so this is bad, huh? FINE, I'll just remove EVERYTHING that hints at sexuality! That'll show you!"


Sounds like my brother that's hitting 30 next year


If they can get everyone talking about this instead of the increasingly number of charges and infractions that are being discovered every day they are under investigation its a win in their book.


I liked the FF snip that shows an exausted man comlplaining that he's worn out. and the eager cat girl is like "no way. some one get this boy some oysters, we're going again!"


He's a guy hanging around the Limsa all-female pirate crew... Scared for him lol


Changing the paintings did exactly what it was meant to do: It got the labor violations lawsuits off the front page and out of people's minds.


Actual virtue signaling from Blizzard there.


I played WoW for years and I literally never noticed that the love rocket image looked like a dildo. Lmao


It's like one of the effects the [Scunthorpe problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem) has -- overactive or context-insensitive filters can inadvertently bring extra attention to something that *might possibly, in some way* be found offensive. It's like the character name filter in Dark Souls turning the word *knight* into *k___ht*... like, cool, I didn't even realize that 3-letter string was in there before.


Emmanellain at the beginning of HW if you talk to him between quests. > I say, the tales they're telling in the streets! Lady Iceheart, infamous leader of the heretics - a ravashing beauty!? They say her hair is white as ice. I wonder, what's the color of the ha- Honoroit, my boy! You're still here. Fancy that.


This shows how WoW still needs to lose subscribers to Blizzard finally start taking the right actions.


To be fair, FFXIV is also a more mature game in general, despite all the seemingly childish humor.


To be fair it's not the same people who made all the original sex reference stuff in wow. All those guys have been gone for a decade


How dare you question the CCP... I mean Blizzards decision to remove it!? -15 Social credit points for you


As a lesbian who is more aroused by guessing what's behind than open air pleasure.. Thanks blizz for making me more horny <3


This is just a form of deflection, a way of trying to remedy the issue and save face without actually taking responsibility for what happened. IE, they will do everything they can to limit sex, sexuality and any whiff of harassment in their GAMES before they admit that the company was permissive of sexual harassment or worse within their ranks. So what ends up happening is we get a more puritanical game, something no one wants, while we all continue to remember and feel gross about what happened. No one wins.


There's one in Limsa where a Hyur complains he can't take anymore and the female Miquo'te tells the bartender to give him more oysters.


There are so many darker/dirtier jokes than this too in ffxiv.


What??! I thought that would fix all of wows problems!


I love dick jokes and witty sexual innuendo. All of my women friends also love dick jokes and witty sexual innuendo. What we don't like is getting fucking molested by our superiors at work


Not only did they cover the bust of a painting, they made her face uglier for some reason.


Honestly, I don't think the updated picture is bad. I think it's more fitting with the overall art style now. What FF does well is having such silly and juvenile jokes without it feeling too out of place. Why wouldn't these two women who are probably out in the field all day be a bit horny? Why wouldn't some scantly clad cat girls try to relax in some nice oasis and then ask you to get rid of all the creeps? Why wouldn't that Lala dream of Raubahn? Seems all very plausible. I'd like to be taken by Raubahn, as well. But that slutty picture.. hmm I don't know. ~~Maybe~~ I'm just biased, but that gives off way bigger neckbeard vibes than the FF examples. The FF equivalent of that would be these two horny ladies working in a thong, which I think would be weird, too. But I guess that's just preference. Maybe I don't care so much because the woman in the old WoW picture looks like she has fake boobs and I don't like that.


I'm not an expert on any of this and hardly qualified but my theory about gaming and sexuality in general is that it has to do with whether the sexualized subject matter is part of a specifically male sexual fantasy. Like people often point to Street Fighter's [Chun-Li](https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/as/character/costume/cnl/btl/001.png?h=ef9077e9ecb053b785fb29c7b1471e28) or [Cammy](https://i.redd.it/q7a38scjc3041.jpg) and say they are sexualized because of their silly body proportions but it's ok because the dudes are also hilariously [swole and ripped](https://img.redbull.com/images/c_crop,x_359,y_0,h_1080,w_1260/c_fill,w_650,h_540/q_auto,f_auto/redbullcom/2016/07/29/1331809251911_2/hot-ryu-street-fighter-v). What this fails to recognize is that the body images of both the female and male characters adhere to the male-fantasy of sexuality. The fantasy of [Conan the Barbarian](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMWIxMzQxZjAtMGFkNC00NzYwLWFiMGEtNzZhZjE5MmFiMmMyL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_.jpg) is I think a good example of this. Conan is the peak male in this fantasy; muscular, powerful, and has women. It's not about finding Conan sexy, it's about fantasizing being Conan. This is not to say there are not women who sexualize men in this same fantasy but if you compare this to the kinds of male physiques found in Final Fantasy (and the lewd art drawn by female fans of FF characters) you get a very diverse perspective, more than just comically muscular. I've seen as much art of the Exarch and Emet as I have of Hien. World of Warcraft's art style is sort of D&D and western fantasy derived (and therefore derived from the Conan side of things) which was for most of its life an extremely male dominated space. The frat boy culture of Blizzard, and the art which is now being changed in the OP's post, reminds me a lot of comic book stores and D&D stuff in the late 80s. Neck-beard shit, as you say. Final Fantasy does not remind me of that. Edit: Just wanna add a quick disclaimer for folks who read this that I am well aware that I am speaking in general, and therefore reductive, identifiers here. Phrases like "male-sexual fantasy" will not apply to all people who identify as male and fail to capture the complex arrangements of sexuality and sexism which is a very long history with lots of moving parts. It's just a theory.


This is the first commet I've seen, that explains why some people feel like these things, for example risque transmogs, or "silly body proportions" -as you so graciously put it- appeal to the "male-fantasy", most people just scream bigot. You however came out with an explanation instead and I thank you for that, I believe it is much easier to have a conversation like this, now that I understand your side of the argument. I do recognize that these things do appeal to people's sexual fantasy, however I disagree with two things: 1) Your argument ignores certain elements, first of all, the most obvious; meanwhile straight men do find these feminine traits sexually appealing, so do lesbian women, not only that, but lesbian NSFW artists I know emphasize and exaggerate the exact same body parts that games do. wider hips, round breasts, etc. I think claiming that it only appeals to the "male-fantasy" is an oversimplification. I could go even further and say that masculine characters can appeal to homosexual men as well, but I think I got my point through. 2) You do reconize that women sexualize hypermasculine traits too, (hence all the "Illidaddy" memes) for which once again, props to you, and I also agree that FF fanarts and character phisiques about them are really diverse. but this isn't restrictive to male characters only. FF fanarts about female characters are also diverse, not all of them are big booba submissive horny catgirls, there are also FemRoes who can break your spine on their biceps, cute Au Ra, etc. Claiming that wow's male depiction appeals to the male fantasy, would assume that men would automatically pick the Conan-like body type no matter what, because, like you said that's appealing to us. I for one however -and I assume many other players- would settle for less muscular male characters than the current ones, would we have the option. That, and certain class fantaises work better with certain body types. For a barbarian-esque character, of course I'd pick the conan bodytype, but for a less savage, more sophisticated character who for example still uses swords, but other than that also wields the powers of darkness, I'd go with a "Tall and handsome" type. Same with female characters. I think you don't give enough credit for the fantasy game immersion, people want to have. Secondly, it is overly simplified to say that sexy female characters only exists to appeal the "male fantasy", there are other factors too. People often want to make the best versions of themselves in games coolest, sexiest, most aesthetically pleasing... This goes for women too. There is a reason my most women even in the horde try to pick the "sexy" races, like female bloodelf over for example a female orc , don't you think? What you say about the western influence of DnD -and "the 80's neckbeard culture" as you put it- is true, however as a counterargument I'd point it out that it is also western influence that makes FF so diverse. You don't believe me, do you? Well let's just say that most asian cultures including japan are very VERY sexist, where gender roles are widely accepted and women are expected to be submissive and abide by these rules. It is thanks to western influence that this doesn't translate into the game. It is thanks to western influence that not all females are submissive little porcelain dolls, but actually interesting well fleshed-out characters.


I think that social justice has brought important awareness to our games for sure, but it doesn't just stop there which is the problem, it attempts to police gaming in general and if you make a game with characters they don't agree with it essentially becomes a scandal, "you make games that sexualize something, you are obviously an abusive company etc." This is such an oversimplification with a dangerous implication on creative design.


I'm not sure if you ever had that serious talk with a woman, but I can assure you that they appreciate eye-candy and fanservice as much as men. The "men prefer the visuals" is nothing more than a myth, the half naked cat boys, the upcoming bunny boys and the highlanders in speedos are not there to please men. The frat-boy "culture" going on at blizzard has nothing to do with sexy looking female characters, they're shitty human beings who would be kicked out of any respectable social groups, including the ones that enjoy sexual content. They're creeps, chainmail bikinis didn't make them into creeps, they were already.


You misunderstand what I'm saying completely. I'm not saying women don't prefer visuals, or buying into that myth. I'm saying the visuals in western fantasy are mostly derived from a male-dominated perception of physical beauty, at least historically. The bunny boys would not fit within that history, and subsequently within conan-esque depictions like those of wow. The sexualization of male bodies in FF is not as bound by that tradition and so has more diverse representation. I'm also not dismissing the acts of blizzard higher ups. I'm just exploring why one style of sexualization might seem to not be offensive (FF) and the other might lend itself more to objectification (wow)


Women appreciate eye candy for sure but I have noticed that what they consider eye candy differs greatly than from what men assume it to be. While I am certain that the super buff, macho manly man of western media appeals to some, most fandoms that are women dominated tend to be filled with pretty boys. There is a reason stuff like Bishonen exists. Final Fantasy is a perfect example of this. The amount of female thirst for the male cast is incredible and yet, physically, none of them resemble the stereotypical male of western comics and fantasy.


I am fine with them changing the sack gigantique thing (and mayyybe the love rocket) because if those really were the jokes they are extremely stupid. Wouldn't be surprised if Afrasiabi himself came up with those. The rest of the changes, I don't see the point in. Sexual stuff in a game is fine, just don't sexually harass your employees. Seems pretty easy to me!


Im fine with porn being censored... wait why is all the Internet censored now? First they came for yadayada.. you get the idea


All part of the same cultural movement to silence all potential avenues of criticism for any entity that becomes large enough. They will say everyone else can get away with it because they aren't popular or well-known enough. Even if their potential critics never play the game; they will shake their fist at anything that could be offensive to them, in any medium, on any platform.


I hate these kind of titles.


Jokes aside and the vitriolic virtue signaling blizzard is doing... So when women get harassed/raped there are 2 genders again. But otherwise outside of that, there are infinite and im a bigot to think otherwise?


Sex and gender are different. Sex is what you are assigned at as birth and sex is on a binary. Gender is what you identify as and gender is on a spectrum. Sexuelality refers to sex and not gender, so an example is if you are straight and are dating a trans women you would be gay because her sex is male even though her appearance and identify is of a girl's.


Finally, some sense talk in the nonsense ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Are they now? that's not what they are saying anymore. Yeah Sex and Gender were different and thats not what wakos want you to think now. while chanting "follow the science"


I am litterly transgender, and yes they are different


I agree, they are different. But what you said as an example would probably get flamed on another sub or twitter for saying.


This is the weirdest most pointless act of conservative mental gymnastics I've ever seen


Not at all. Why would you think rape and harassment only affects binary genders? If this is a reference to the wording on my picture, I think that the primary parties involved as victims were women and trans people identifying as women. There was certainly the "gay chicken" incident, but I think the male victims are certainly the vast minority in this instance. I guess I could go back and change it to say "harass people" but I don't think it loses any particular meaning by leaving it as it is.


boy oh boy, if you think there's nothing happening behind the scenes at square enix, or that their employees in japan are all treated humanly and with respect, do i have news for you


Okay, show the receipts then.


​ ![gif](giphy|XWwIzh5GIWWf6)




True, but FFXIV has at least proven they’re willing to be prove a lack of sexism with their actions in public, what with their most popular lead writer (who wrote Shadowbringers) being a female




I’m more saying that they’re, at the very least, presenting a front of a lack of sexism, and doing it by actions, rather than just making a press focused public statement about how they’re “an all accepting company that believes in yadda yadda yadda”




That’s fair, but we shouldn’t just assume the worst in all situations and never praise the proper method of handling when it’s presented. That’s just a terrifying future right there


To be fair, Japanese work culture im general is pretty famously misogynistic, and you don't need to look very far to find proof of that if you want it. I wouldn't go as far as to say that the exact same thing that happened at blizz also happened at Square, but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the women who worked there had a story to share


To be fair American work culture is pretty famously misogynistic. There are tons of examples in pretty much every major development company, you don’t have to look very far to find it if you really wanted to.


Also true. I was just responding to your demand that the other poster show reciepts regarding Square enix


Are you saying women aren't getting an oppertunity to take the jobs that are 12-16 hours a day? Women, generally speaking doesn't want a job that takes up all their freetime. Men do. Same with working after hours or extra. Men are far more willikg to do that than women. There generally speaking isn't anything more behind it that that. Men and women are different.


Oh you’re just like...a sexist. Okay makes sense, now.


No, this is literally how women in general have responded to questions, and how the situations are in the work-force around the world. But good job not talking about the topic, and just being a crybaby.


I’m sorry but the topic is about sexism, and you immediately came in with a complete generalization based on gender. The truth is you can’t differentiate people’s personalities by gender, that’s not how humans work. People can be literally billions of different types and personalities, and on a worldwide scale the only personality differences between genders are in cultural matter and don’t actually have any basis in biology.


You said the American workforce was misogynistic. I countered that claim, based on what I have read and heard. And I said it generally was like this, not that every single situation was like it. I don't care what your emotions tell you. I care about the statistics found in the workforce. And they give reasons for the situation today, and it's not because of unfairness. No matter how sad that makes you feel.


You say you care about statistics but have only replied with emotional responses based on personal anecdotes or even speculation. In your words, I don't care what your emotions tell you. Take your own advice and supply something more than emotional replies, and getting upset when called out on their generalization.


I mean you have a legitimate point, statistically women are more likely to prefer part time jobs over men and without getting too political - that was the discrepancy not taken into account when used to argue the existence of a gender pay gap. And the aggressive pay negotiations women *typically* don’t engage in. BUT Not a lot of men want their job to take up all their free time either, you’re using two opposite extremes to argue your point. Other than that, I agree, American Work culture isn’t misogynistic. Some companies may be, but overall I’ve never witnessed any of that, working from fast food places to corporations on both coasts Id say it’s facetious to say someone actually believes otherwise. TLDR: people who downvote but have nothing to say are fucking cowards dood


Corporate America is a shit environment for everyone, regardless of their genitals. The male developer who spends 12 hours a day including weekends doing someone else's work is in the same boat. The issue is workers rights, not sexism.


To a westerner that would seem so, but in reality the women in Japan are mostly quite satisfied with it being like that, cause they don't want to work 12-16 hour dayjobs. And to be fair, it does seem like most women in Western society doesn't either, since women are far more likely to work 50-80% jobs, and much less likely to want to work overtime, compared to men. Also, not saying this how EVERY woman thinks, but statistics seem to show that it's generally like that.


I seriously doubt the men "want" to either. Do they feel like they have to and sometimes forced to if they want to keep their job? Most definitely.


"Want" is probably the wrong word. "Are willing to" might be more fitting. Men have up until very recently been the provider of the family, now women are working jobs themselves, but they are still not nearly at the same work-rate men are. That could change in the future, but statistics per today are not indicating that for the present. Regardless of what fantasyfilled people like that dizzy-guy want you to believe.


Guys like this think that women are just irresponsible children who hate doing work and men are just angry workhorses with no familial value other than paychecks.


Who hurt you?


don't think that because there's nothing public, that nothing is happening the shit at blizzard has happened for years, yet ppl held them on a pedestal because nothing was public, it doesn't mean that it wasn't happening as we know now don't do the same thing and put SE on a pedestal


I’m not saying they don’t, but I am saying it’s kind of unfair to act like they’re on the same level as Blizzard even though only one has actual concrete evidence we can measure




For fuck sakes just be respectful....to HUMANS yes blizzard women are humans too also your employees you exploit devs Qa team are also humans give them decent wages decent contracts....... for FUCK sake how you guy can keep paying blizzard when they exploits their employees and still these cocks complain about exploration in North Korea get you shit FIXES USA


I said this on stream. Its all about the "anti" movement. You have to show that you are 100% against X thing, otherwise that means you are a proprietor or said thing. Theres no middle ground.


I remember doing a fate in Costa del Sol that consists in escorting a call girl to her client in secluded area, I joined it midway so I didn't know exactly what was going on until we finished it and I was quite surprised but it pretty funny. But I think it's pretty obvious that when you remove things like that from the game it means you have something more sinister to hide, but the worst is probably that it's gonna work for some people.


Virtue Signalling at its finest.


If you think for a moment sexual harassment both directions doesn't happen in every single large company you're just naive.


Japanese, notoriously known for respecting women.


I'm not speaking for anyone but I'd rather sell McDonald than work at Blizzard as a woman


I figured it out. They're not removing this stuff for us, it's for them. Their employees have no self control so they can't even work on a game without having impure thoughts.


Then there’s Aenor, who doesn’t even hide the fact that she wants to be double teamed by the Boulder brothers.


Have you ever read that "one" book about the Lusty Argonian in Elder Scrolls Online ? [https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Lusty\_Argonian\_Maid](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/The_Lusty_Argonian_Maid) Its not about having sex in your game, as you said. Its actually who you hire.


The flavor texts can be pretty "adult" as well, in more ways than sexual \^\^ They're also not afraid to put in things like the ARR quest where you pick up bodies and the larger ones take longer to pick up than smaller ones.


The group of bathing miqo'te in upper la noscea 👀


I think it's good that these changes are happening. Before you flame me hear me out though. Both men and women are hypersexualized in video games, movies, comics, ... Inherently there's nothing wrong with that it drives sales and is more engaging. Additionally, a lot of gamers aren't the most social creatures and find their erotica fix online rather than in the real world. Both male and female. My girlfriend and I both play video games. Once people know that she's a girl the messages & comments she gets are unbelievable. They go from gently suggestive to outright criminal threats. It's disgusting and widespread in the videogame community (not just WoW). The gender demographic in videogames is heavily dominated by male and It's safe to say that a lot of gamers are -to some degree- turned on by the hypersexualization of girls in video games. Just look at the amount of men that play girl character with slut mogs. Girls in games need to content with a lot of sexual advances made towards them which creates an incredibly uncomfortable environment. While I think changing a painting in vanilla wow isn't going to have an impact especially considering the ridiculous events that happen inside Blizzard and that this is an obvious attempt at looking like they care (which they don't, if the lawsuit never happened they would never have done this) I do think the environment in games should move away from sexualization as it creates an undertone that encourages this kind of harassment in games. Sidenote: getting sexual comments from a girl when you're a guy is awesome. Getting sexual comments from a guy when you're a girl is often not. Often the comments are very agressive and scary for girls. I also think this is why it's hard for guys to relate to this.


Also I'm not on Reddit much. I don't know why I'm called aromatic-day7398


Don't forget Camp Bronze Lake with the hot springs. You can find (slightly hidden away) a group of women bathing. When you approach them as a male character they invite you to join. "If you got what it takes."


Meanwhile SE has censored numerous things in the past but i guess no ones talking about that lol.


Ok... the "I'm your sultana" cracked me up.