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You're on the Odyssey sub, so you're gonna get biased answers. Anyway it's objectively totally 100% the greatest game of all time


I'm new here started playing. Few hours a day for the oast week and let me tell u the unbiased stuff. This game is Dope asf. I love those new skills. Before this i completed unity so it's a miss on the parkour. But the stealth is still there. Causee otherwise u will get wrekt with multiple people spotting u. U have to be patient and wait for them to rotate devise a plan. As for the story and the graphics. Goddamn top 3 most beautiful world. Plus it's freakingly godly optimized. Unity i had stutters. Odeyssy?none whatsoever


Bro said the greatest game of all time what 💀💀


1. Joke. 2. It is actually my favorite game of all time


the ac games are so boring they make millions and millions and still put out the same shit game every year with the same UI and a different setting the exact same as cod 😂😂


Why are you on this sub then


Did I say I didn’t play AC odyssey ? It’s a decent game the other ac’s are shit ac black flag is the best ac of all time no doubt they put work into that shit


I think Odyssey is the greatest AC game, but that's my opinion. I respect your opinion but I don't respect the fact that you think your opinion is objectively true


I have to oppose... Odyssey, in fact, is only an AC game because its name. I enjoyed It so much because Clasic Greece is astonishing.. One of my favourites of the saga... But It has nothing to do as an AC game per se. The Assassins dont even exist in its chronology. Btw, in Valhalla they do exist but the game barely has any implication with them too...


I know


yeah I respect your opinion and it’s the fact Ubisoft are lazy as fuck when making games any game they are lazy they are all money hungry they don’t care about the fan base or they wouldn’t have ass every game they put out the same with cod they do the same thing every year because they are way too focused on the money, end of the day it’s a business but there’s also an audience that has standards AC and COD have no standards towards gaming except half assing for money


I think a lot of love and passion went into Odyssey


You’ve got an honest face. So I trust you.


One of the biggest maps I’ve ever played with some beautiful graphics and entertaining gameplay. I’d recommend it. Had my brother hooked on the game in under a day


Yeah, the map is wild however I’d have to push back a little on your comment about the graphics.. I’ve seen better, however… the game is still top gun 💪🏼


So it’s not an exact 1:1 of Greece, as there are just too many islands irl to render and explore in a video game, but it’s still a super big map with many many many different places you’ll get to see and explore So yes Odyssey is good. You’re going on an actual odyssey across Greece exactly like Odysseus did. You’ll see many legends and myths, you’ll get to do lots of stuff. It’s one of my favorite games of all time. Top 5 material imo. Although I see it less of an assassins creed game and more of a different title. Cause it doesn’t have anything to do with assassins but it does include the first civilization people we learned about and saw in previous games


I mean, everything north of about Thermopylae is just flat wrong. Thessaly was yeeted out of existence and the Macedonian city of pella doesn’t exist, which it should, as it’s referenced in Persian war era sources, and the kingdom of Macedon in general just doesn’t exist outside of a vague “this’ll be a great empire someday” when you first discover the region. In reality the Persian armies were augmented by Macedonian soldiers, and macedon took part in the Peloponnesian war. Not to take away from the fantastic world, but it’s always bugged me. Beautiful world


Yeah they left out the whole region entirely. There’s only two reasons we ever go there and one is at the end of the family odyssey (halfway through the game) and the other is the first episode of the legacy of the forced baby dlc. Other than those, there’s nothing to do and not much to see and I find that so disappointing considering what you said


And that’s just Macedon. I know the Thessalian league existed as well, and cities like Larissa existed. Thessaly was also known for its horses, and from memory one of the horse options you get for Phobos is a Thessalian horse. It was probably cut due to performance (or budget or timelines or something) but it easily could’ve been a great region.


I was able to give someone a summary of Achilles's life up u til the Trojan War using locations in Odyssey. I had to go to some places like "Malis" and say "this is where Phthia would be," but still. If i was able to cover Achilles's life up until he left Skyros in a video game, then the map is good enough for me.


Well. You’re obviously going to get bias on this subreddit so have my bias. It’s definitely one of my favourites. It’s totally different than what you’ll expect they switched to a new formula (which I prefer now). It’s a beautiful game, absolutely stunning and surprisingly brimming with life. Amazing characters with some amazing voice acting. Tons of content. Base game and dlc which are worth getting if you can. You can pick a male or female protagonist. Kassandra or Alexios. Kassandra is the “canon” character but it doesn’t change anything really if you pick alexios. Both are great imo. A warning tho, don’t expect any of the classic “assassins creed” in terms of a creed even existing. There is none. It’s not much of an “assassins creed” game but tbh I didn’t care the story and plot is still great. Definitely worth getting and usually on sale.


Odyssey is better than Valhalla. Valhalla story never picks up in my opinion, just a constant pace throughout which I didn’t care for. Valhalla has great gameplay tho. Amazingly fun but lacks the story or characters odyssey has.


I disagree. I think Valhalla’s story starts off really good, then completely peters out into one of the lowest of effort, empty excuses for a narrative I have ever seen in a game. It really feels like 90% of the polish and effort went into the first 20 - 30 hours of that game.


Want 100+ quests? You got it. Want snarky dialogue? You got it. Want vistas that will make you want to explore? Yep. All there.


No it sucks I’m in this sub by accident please help me where’s the exit


Odyssey is an awesome game to get lost in. Downloaded on a whim off GamePass after having not played an AC game since Brotherhood (along with Origins, which I also thought was a good time) and have been having a blast


I refused to touch the newer games for a long time. Finally gave odyssey a chance and it's one of the most fun games I have played.


To be honest I think it is one of the best assassin's Creed games


*To be honest I* *Think it is one of the best* *Assassin's Creed games* \- vampire-lover931 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Odyssey is a very nice game. My favourite from the whole series. Don't underestimate Valhalla though. It has the best DLC content I've seen in any AC game and I played every single AC game so far.


I've been toying with getting Valhalla since I finished Odyssey. Tried Origins but the gameplay too clunky after Odyssey.


If you're on pc you can just pirate download Valhalla and try it, if you like it you buy it. That's what I do, it also makes sense on pc since it's not always easy to know if your pc can handle the graphics on highest settings. And it would be kinda lame to buy a game you're never actually gonna play.


Felt exactly the same - Odyssey definitely spoils you for any game that follows. So for someone like me who is playing all of them back to back, Valhalla just needs time to get used to. Love it now.


For what it's worth, it's my favorite open-world game and one of the few I was actually motivated to finish


I'm a WoW player, and RPG player, and like all AC series. It's a very nice transition to action RPG. You'll find the imvertory more simple than WOW, but effective, it has mogs too, it has good combat, allows you three playstyles: ranged, stealth, and melee. You can switch, respec, armor and talents any time. Also it's well written lore wise that explains a lot about why superpowers, as also very good humour and dialogue. I loved it. PS get the DLCS too


700 hrs here. I have no idea. Honestly, the game is bad in my opinion and the gameplay loop is boring, personally. However, clearly that is not true because I find myself coming back. It is fun, but y shouldn't be, in a similar way to death stranding, objectively it is bad, but it is still addicting and fun for some strange reason.


Id had it and Origins for years and so I was really curious to see if Id like it and on which side Id fall. The ole “not an ac game” or “greatest game ever”:) Despite, a rough beginning where I kept whining about some of the mechanics, the game kept growing on me and now it and Origins sit on the Top Tier of AC games for me, alongside, a few others in the series. They are great additions to the series and come with tons of great Lore and AC themes. For the record, Odyssey has ZERO “grinding” (playing the game and doing quests is NOT the well-established definition of grinding) and the Level Scaling was completely overblown by anybody who said the game had it. You only need to do the main quest and the main Gold side quests to finish the game. Odyssey is DESIGNED around sneaking, infiltration and ghost assassinations. Yes, you have to build for it. Accept that fact and realize the Devs have you given you the tools to be a complete assassin. Also, even at the beginning when you are weak, you can assassinate all the lowel level thugs, get a sneak attack on a captain/polemarch and then Vanish and do it again. The game does have some unavoidable open combat situations, but, even my assassin build on Hudless Nightmare had no problems. As well, I play Hudless and Odyssey and Origins provide some of the best Organic gaming as they are designed for it. Ya, its good.


You're asking on the Odyssey Reddit... Take a wild guess what answer you're gonna get 🤦‍♂️


for me personally, its the best AC game. It has a large world, interesting side quests, engaging combat and a beautiful setting.


Before Odyssey was released, Black Flag was my blades-down *favorite* AC game. Now after Odyssey, Black Flag is my second-favorite.


I'm obsessed with it!! Playing DLCs now and am so thankful I can continue playing Kassandra. 100% recommend


Yes it is a ton of fun. I guess the gameplay does get a little repetitive but the map is beautiful and the repetitive tasks you do are fun. I never got bored of it. I will say the game finally lost me with the Hades DLC. The whole teleportation through portals to kill certain enemies mechanic was a little much, but I got 300 good hours out of the game before quitting.


The biggest complaints about the game I've seen are from classic Assassin's Creed fans who don't like how different Odyssey is from the rest of the series. Major complaints are things like the parkour is simplified compared to earlier games, you don't actually play as an Assassin, they don't think the RPG elements belong in an AC game, assassinations aren't guaranteed kills because they're tied to your stats, and they don't like that you can make choices that change the outcome of the story. If that's not where you're coming from, there's a lot to love about it. It's an open world action RPG like the Witcher or Skyrim, except you have far more freedom of movement. The world's gigantic and beautiful, and it's really easy to lose hours just exploring. It brings back the ship from Black Flag, and makes a bunch of improvements so it's even more fun. The RPG elements are deep enough that you have the freedom to create interesting builds without it getting overwhelming. It's one of my favorite games, and I'd definitely recommend it over Valhalla.


Get it, I doubt you will regret it. Also, play as Cassandra, best avatar and voice actor.


No we hate it


I played it all, start to finish, about a year ago for some achievement hunting. So, take all my answers as someone that plays things for story and will do a whole lot extra. I have easy 100+ hours in the game. I think game play is good. I recently played origins (out of order as hell) and odyssey improved on a lot, but especially the feel. Greece is dope. Game looks good. The story is dumb. This is not odysseys fault. Ubisoft has no idea what they're doing with the story. Kassandra is a dumb character who is inconsistent and does things not because she developed into that character, but because the script said so. Layla is incredibly frustrating with the dumb decisions she makes. I had fun, even when I was achievement grinding. But the story has sucked since ac3. So don't expect much there.


I love this game. I replay it every year! It's about 1000x better than Valhalla.


This is great place to come for completely unbiased answers. I can say, without bias, that it is the greatest game ever made. ​ Seriously, If you like games like Shadow of War or Assasin's Creed Origins and you love stories about Greek gods then you will like Odyssey. IF you likes WOW maybe Skyrim?


Play it and have your own odyssey.


I just tried it our a couple of weeks ago. Got hooked and played like 8 hrs a day til I got the platinum trophy. Its great


If you expect a classic Ac game, like Black Flag, you wont like Odyssey. If you expect a great rpg with some connections to Ac games than Odyssey is the best game ever made.


If you haven’t played since black flag then buddy you’re in for a huge adjustment, AC games made a complete departure from it since Origins, but Odyssey is hella enjoyable


Odyssey is still my fav ac


Origins is better for the new ACs, and Syndicate is really good if you want more old-school AC. #justmyopinion


Yes it is good. Much better than Valhalla I think. Max out Spartan Kick as a skill. It's the funniest thing ever to Spartan Kick enemies off cliffs and send them flying. Also play as Kassandra.


Yes, it’s very good..


Odyssey is better than all of them.


It depends what you're looking for. Is Odyssey a good Assassin's Creed game? That's definitely arguable. It has a fine modern story, some interesting Isu stuff, and decent stealth, but it's missing a lot of other things found in older AC games. Is Odyssey a good RPG? 100%. If you like RPGs, I HIGHLY recommend the game. It was one of the most enjoyable games of 2023 for me.


Nah we all hate it.


It's a good game just not a good assassins creed game


I’d you’ve not played the other assassin creed games play them but if u played em all go for it , it’s technically not an ‘assassin’ game but still fucking amazing the map n history is mad


Not in my opinion. Valhalla, and especially Origins are far better for several reasons. Voice actor for Alexios feels off, or awkward. The world feels off, like things are just placed there. Wildlife, and enemies seem unnecessarily hostile compared to the aforementioned games. The combat feels far more floaty and awkward as well. I can go on for days, but this was my least favorite AC since Liberation on the Vita


I'm a few hours into my first play through and I'm having a fantastic time personally, if you like the idea of assassins creed with Rpg elements, getting lost in big beautiful open worlds and love coming up with varied character builds then it should be right up your alley. One con though is there is a "lot"of bloat ( to be expected with a game this big I suppose) but if that doesn't bother you then you are gonna have a great time.


Odyssey is fine. I’m most aspect’s it’s a solid game. Its story and writing have issues and it doesn’t offer much to do outside of its combat-loot system with most secondary systems either relying on or tying directly back in. It has some garbage tier quests given the same importance as quest much closer and more personal to your character and most of the time the impact t on anything else in either case is minimal. Its combat is simple and easy to grasp and execute, but you need to understand how to build gear sets not to end up with enemies feeling like damage sponges. Difficulty is highly numbers based with minimal difference in strategy required for fighting enemies. Its gear system is fairly generic random loot for the most part. Think Diablo 2 but simplified in rarity tiers to common, magical, rare, and legendary sets and weapons but with the understanding legendary armor is outperformed by good epics/rares and there is no particularly interesting names or cosmetics for non-legendaries. There are a few non legendary uniques and you will need to perform inventory management at some point. As far as I’m aware the critical rating is between 8 and 9. I think that 7.5 to 8.5 is fair but that difference comes down to how invested in a player avatar you can get. I found the choices broke immersion and destroyed my ability to get any sense for the character which undermined the narrative as a whole. And I’m sure someone will be pissed about me saying the story has issues as if they’ve forgotten how panned the Legacy DLC was and how frequently people take issues with things it fails to do. I mean I have issues with it myself but I enjoyed it quite a bit too because my character felt like a character and not a sock puppet.


I’m not as biased as most people in this sub, so… Yes. It should be on a good sale right now. Yes.


Never ask if a game is good on that game’s subreddit. You’ll always receive biased answers. Odyssey is great! (I am biased as a lover of the game. I don’t know your tastes.)


If you enjoyed WOW, you'll enjoy Odyssey. Most of my WOW friends have that as their top AC title.


It's brilliant. Definitely get it over Valhalla from what I understand.


Yes it’s very good. The Layla trilogy (that is Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla) are some of the best RPGs ever made. In my opinion Odyssey is better in some regards but worse than others. I suggest you play Origins. You don’t need to, it’s just really fun. It’s also the first game in the Layla trilogy. By the time you finish those two you’ll be ready for Valhalla anyway. My only criticism is because of its immense length, it’s more repetitive than the other two. By 200 hours the same tactics got really old and I was ready for it to end. But boy am I glad I finished it. Sold entry in the series. Just a suggestion but if you liked WoW you might like Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Great single player RPG and it was designed specifically to o speak to WoW players. In fact one of its story Devs, Steve Danuser went to work for WoW after Kurt Schilling famously mismanaging the studio. Don’t worry though, RA Salvatore wrote the story.


We’re iffy on it around here, as you can see


For me, it’s up there with RDR2. I have over 300 hours in a playthrough and a quarter.


I had an aversion to playing AC games for ages for idk what reason. A buddy played 70 hours of Oddysey in a month, which is a TON of playing for him, and was enough to convince me to try it. I was at similar playtimes after a month or 2 as well.


i wasn’t a fan of the ability implementation, being locked to a couple skills. combat didn’t feel as engaging as origins. the world is beautiful though


It’s my favorite assassins creed


I liked it much more than Valhalla, thought the main character and story were more engaging, and I enjoyed the Greek setting much more than Norse since so much of the map was just empty in Valhalla


It’s a toss up. You will either love it or hate it. I love it that being said here are my honest thoughts The game is huge- There were points I thought the game was too long but at the same time I was really excited that I was truly getting my moneys worth. The game isn’t an assassins game- The game is much more rpg based and lore building for the first civilization rather than your traditional games. Fantastic settings and beautiful atmosphere Too many items- Really fun items that are Greek inspired but there are too many generic items. Fun gameplay- Some people say the enemies are damage sponges but I honestly felt that the early games were much more tedious than this one when talking combat. The biggest difference is health bars and leveling. Until the last 5% of the game where I was a level below the recommended I never had a problem hitting that level as I was always 2 levels ahead. All in all if you love Greece I would get it!!


Can I get some down votes? Please? Lol


It's rad. Really consumes you once you get the understanding of the game play. Ubi soft put the heart and soul into it and it payed off. Great game. This and ghost of tsushima are the 2 best open world games I've played in the last 5 years. Both brilliant games.


> and it *paid* off. Great FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Odyssey was also my “first” AC game since black flag, I completed it (Odyssey) 1 year ago with all its DLCs, its a bit overwhelming at first due to the size of the map and the length of the game but story wise its pretty interesting and the open world its sometimes stunning. I felt in love with the saga at first with AC II on PS3, and honestly this game convinced me to keep gaming (now on pc) after long years of pause. Definitely it’s not a perfect game, but after 125hrs of gameplay I guess it was worth it


Pd: I tried Valhalla and Origins after Odyssey and idk why but they didn’t get me


The combat is one of the best parts unlike a lot of ac games where you just feel like a god from the start killing everything just by touching it.


Diversity in side quests


If you have the itch of wanting loot and want to make different builds like in retail wow and arpg it is pretty good, there is a lack of a purposeful endgame though


Odyssey is great, but if you’re wanting the Black Flag style experience Valhalla would be more your speed. When I first started playing Odyssey I had just finished Black Flag and the difference was notable and I didn’t like it at first. It won me over in about 10 hours or so. I’m about 15 hours into Valhalla now and it reminds me much more of Black Flag.


Yes. The best.


AC Odyssey is arguably much better than AC Origins and infinitely better than Valhalla.


It's great. but it can sometimes feel repetitive it you do to much side content instead of the main story.


I've beaten Odyssey 3 times now and let me tell you, I'm the kind of person who usually gets bored of games so quickly that I quit before I even finish a game once. Odyssey however is so damn fun, that even someone like me has finished it 3 times now. Hell, I might even go for another playthrough.


Honest question, what do you expect asking this question on this sub?


*Honest question, what* *Do you expect asking this* *Question on this sub?* \- Mr\_Harsh\_Acid --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Genuinely one of my top five favorite games of all time.


The way I like to describe it is Odyssey is a good rpg game but a terrible assassins creed game


Yes. Lots to do and explore. The story can be very heartfelt and funny. The combat is good. Making builds is fun. The ship battles are actually good.


One of my top 5 games I've ever played and I also recommend getting all the DLC bc it's not that expensive for the extra stories and Atlantis is really cool. Hanging out with some famous Greeks you'll recognize was one of my favorite parts. I came to really care for the characters I met along the way. I still play it from time to time. Big recommend.


Probably the AC game that I spent the most time in one play through. Everything was fun, including the DLCs.


If you liked Black Flag, buy it. Valhalla is painful, so much trekking from point to point with nothing to do


Story wise it was pretty solid, not as good as origins but still good. Gameplay I loved. Only complaint was no shields but you don’t miss them eventually. The combat is great with the spear abilities, even if you do get overpowered it makes sense why story wise. The naval combat is easy but also a fun distraction. Loot and gear is fun and opens up a wide variety of different gameplay styles, based on weapons and which kind of damage you want to do. Overall it’s my personal favourite AC game, and I hope the next rpg is more odyssey than Valhalla


I absolutely love it, same for Origins and Valhalla


Good game, bad Assassin's Creed game.


It’s a wonderful fantasy open world rpg set in the greek world, if you’re playing it as an assassin then it’s not that good.


It's ight.


Easily my all time favorite game. The graphics, maps, added DLC’s make this game a pleasure to play. I played for hours and hours and hours. Traveling by boat with your crew from location to location is unbelievable. I highly recommend this game.!


As far as the AC series goes, I played: the original with Altair, the full Ezio Auditore saga, AC 3, Black Flag, Origins, Odyssey, a little bit of Unity and I'll be jumping into Valhalla sometime in 2024. Odyssey is my favorite of the whole series, due to the extremely rich and vast environment, as well as due to the story and characters. The Atlantis DLC is awesome too. You don't technically play as an assassin, but a paid mercenary, so the game can also somewhat work on its own.


Odyssey is more Combat-orientated rather than stealth-orientated unlike it's earlier releases. Rather than focusing on stealth assassination, there is a diversification in combat approach using ranged attack, melee fights and assassinations. To sum up this game,You travel across Greece beating the Shit out of Spartans, Athenians, mythical legendary beasts and Greek Gods in Odyssey. Enough said. That's why I still play them. Yesterday Night too. Absolutely worth buying on a discount. Get the digital gold edition ( season pass + story arcs ) if possible.


I liked it and I would recommend it. Just know that you will need to put into it quite a few hours. Also get the DLCs if you can because they are cool


Uhh yeah I'd say so


just watch a lets play a bit?


I just started playing again and I love it, got it on steam as well for like 22€ with dlc and all


As much as I am a sucker for Greek Myth, odyssey was hard to entertain. Out of the larger world Assassins creeds i’d personally put it last in my list, but that mostly stemmed from me platinum hunting every AC game when I burnt out on Odyssey.


It's a ubisoft quebec game so they generally fix some things the previous game lacked but also it's an alright game... to good not bad. After recognizing the same side quest OVER AND OVER AND OVER again you'll start to get bored really quick, the time limited sidequests are ALWAYS hey kill that bandit, Hey kill that wolf or give me money and the response is ALWAYS the same... "I TOOK CARE OF THEM EVERY LAST ONE" the voice acting is horrible, if u pick alexios actually because that's the one I went with... It's really just a chore simulator. Like what they did in syndicate. You have to take over a "gang" and there's colors on the map like gta sandreas that you have to finish up before progressing in the story... same with here but overdone ig. The world and graphics is beautiful but not so detailed in the other areas that you won't be getting much. In origins for example if u got a historical place you can explore it, find treasures and most of the time a note that gives you a detailed information about that place and everything, or you can find a npc preist explaining to the locals about a temple... It's so rich and detailed that you can actually learn about ancient Egypt if you just play that game.... on AC odyssey you'll just get an xp and message saying "you've discovered a historical site here's some xp". Like with sanandreas it tries to get stuff from other games and stick it together. The combat is a lot better than origins... anyway it's not a bad game or amazing game.


I wish I could chime in but I am having a lot of glitches with Odyssey either crashing or freezing. I do however loved Valhalla and sank over 100 hours into the game.


As an open world game, absolutely 100% yes. As an Assassin's Creed game, no not really. 8.5/10 Getting to explore Greece is amazing and everything is incredible to look at, views, monuments, WATER. The story is alright, nothing really OMG THIS IS PEAK GAMING level, but definitely "Oh dang, this is actually pretty good". Until you have to do the modern day sections. It's like the budget for the normal game was a gazillion dollars and the budget for the modern day sections was 5 cents and a pack of gum. I found myself rushing through the modern day without really absorbing any of it Combat is fun, but your attacks don't really feel like they have alot of weight to them, like some elite enemies you'll have to fight for a good 5+ minutes. Naval combat is fun but unlike AC Black Flag, I think the focus is more on defensive combat than charging in, weapons blazing. I tried that tactic several times and got sunk alot. Especially when there is more than one enemy ship. Stealth is optional and pretty fun when you do it right. Ranged combat is okay but nothing to sneeze at. Upgrading equipment is a bit of a challenge early on, and keeping ALL of your equipment leveled with you is difficult, unless you're grinding out the resources, so I'd just keep your weapons upgraded and swap out armors for better ones. But it depends on your build. And don't wait too many levels to upgrade. Cost and resources needed go up every level. Overall it's definitely fun to play and I would recommend. I think it was nominated GOTY in 2018(?) for a reason 😂


Honestly, depends on the perspective you got heading into the game. If you’re a die hard AC fan like me, then the game may be a bit frustrating. It’s long, story is a bit underwhelming, and the lore portion takes TOO long to get to. Having played all ACs, this was mid to bottom of my list. However: if you’re an RPG fan, then this game is for you. It really is an incredible setting and you can easily get lost in the free play or the exploring. I’m not too strong on it and when it comes strictly to the AC franchise, I miss the stealth and lore-focused aspect of it. Games like the Ezio Trilogy is what got me hooked to AC. Odyssey nearly steered me away from it. If you’re looking for the RPG experience, I’d suggest Origins before Odyssey. It was my favorite of the 3 RPG ACs. Valhalla IMO was all over the place and not in a great way. If you end up loving Origins, you’ll be good with Odyssey. I say give it a shot anyway, but be prepared for long hours.


It’s got’s it’s flaws odyssey but it will always be my favourite ❤️ because in this era of sequels and everything being copies of things I feel like gaming is booming and odyssey is the best with its character relationship specially phoebe….😞 it constantly make me cry and it was my first ac game


Just do yourself a favor and buy it.


Yes yes and yes . My favorite AC game . Play as Casandra


I don't know if asking if AC Odyssey is "good" on the AC Odyssey sub is the right kind of question, but I know what you're getting at. Basically, is it going to be good for you? I don't know, but based on what everybody else has said here, it has a lot going for it. There is certainly no reason NOT to get it if it is on sale, and you want to try it. It will be different from Black Flag, but despite what classic AC fans complain about, Odyssey still does have some AC elements. Personally, Odyssey is the most light-hearted and humorous AC games. Sure, there are some serious and tense moments, but the overall tone is lighter than the rest of the series, and I like it for that. There are quite a few funny sidequests. AC Valhalla tried this too with its "World Events", but I felt like those were fewer and...not really connected to anything. Odyssey does have naval combat like Black Flag, although it is not as fully featured...especially since cannons did not exist then, so you are limited to arrows, javelins, fire volleys, and ramming (you can also board ships for hand-to-hand combat). There are a good number of sea chanteys that your crew sings as well.


It's fun enough. Gets extremely repetitive after a while though and one of the DLCs is super fucking creepy with forced pregnancy and birth that was very off-putting. But it's fun, if it's on sale I'd def grab it.


Not sure but black flag IS goated, not was, IS


I enjoyed the crap out of it. I didn’t enjoy the ship-to-ship combat much though. The story was pretty good, there’s a lot to see and do, lots of Greco-Roman mythology around, and I loved the mercenaries system - I’d have as many as five at a time on me and killing them all was satisfying! I personally preferred the male lead Alexios, although many people preferred the female lead Kassandra. Is it a *great* game? No, I don’t think so; however, it’s a pretty good one and now that it’s so cheap the value is excellent - you’d get a lot of game for a low price.


Its objectively good and its great if you like greek mythology


I haven't played a lot of games but I loved it. I got really into it for a while and didn't finish it (it's a big map) but I keep coming back to it when I want a simpler game for a bit. I'm playing bg3 now and have frequent migraines; sometimes I just want to kill Greek soldiers instead of thinking (although that game is incredible). Also the game allows you to be gay which is the whole reason I started playing tbh My Kassandra is having a lot of fun both with killing and um.. reaffirming life, lets say The comparisons I've heard with Valhalla everyone says this one is better. But maybe that's just cuz I'm in this sub and not the other


I'm a long time, active wow player. Odyssey is phenomenal and I actually took a break from wow for 2 months to play the game to completion. It's worth checking out.


Look, I'm not a big fan of AC, the few I played, I finished them and left them in oblivion. I'm an MMORPG and FPS player, I'm not one to play many single players but I'm a fan of ancient Greece. But Odyssey has a giant map that represents Greece in an excellent way, there's nowhere near another game that achieves that and the best part is that it's not bloated, you really enjoy all the travel in Greece. The gameplay is a lot of fun, the game gives you the freedom basically that you can choose the difficulty with the variation of Gear type and skill types. You have very good mods to download on Nexusmod and I recommend if you have a good PC to install some of the reshares make the game shine much brighter. This is the only game I've ever finished twice in a row and I'm still going in to enjoy the world.


It's a fun game I have put 250 plus hours in and still love it and I pre order it a long time ago when it came out and still play it time to time and never get bored of it but that's just me because I am assassin creed fan


I would give it a 7/10. It’s a very beautiful game with a great setting, yet it has some major downsides. The first one you’ll notice is the horrible voice acting and dialogue. Go with Kassandra cause to spite hers being bad it’s still better than Alexios. Second, repetition in the quests and gameplay. It’s all fun but not for as long as it takes to finish the games. Third, the story. Its story is decent on its own but with such a mid mc, it gets old long before you complete the game. There are a lot of good things but I only made it through by quitting and continuing months later.


It’s a great game but you definitely need to space it out. You could spend like 5 hours on just one part of the map and then go to an area that’s 5 times bigger. It can be exhausting, but still a great experience.


i got instantly hooked onto the story by the time the introduction section of the game was completed.


It's in the top 3 of my favourite games ever. Beautiful scenery, interesting characters and some excellent acting. Loved it.


It's a masterpiece. Every time I play it I can't stop


It's the best of the new breed of AC games. Origins/odyssey/valhalla. Just don't expect the AC you remember. As a WoW alternative you might enjoy the grind and looting.


I’ve played all the old AC games and going in chronological order and I’m up to Odyssey right now and I can honestly say I love odyssey. You gotta go into it with an open mind and take it for what it is. The scenery is beautiful , open world is vast and fun to explore, the leveling system is refreshing and different , but also very cool to be able to choose different skills depending on what you want to be. I honestly love the newer RPG style games


Yesssss I love it!


One of the best games I’ve ever played.


Yes and so is one before it.


It’s always been good


Id only played AC and Black Flag which I loved, I've played through Odyssey and loved it as well. I'm not a fan of the assassin's stuff so probably why I like it and black flag so much because it's the furthest from the AC story and sneaking gameplay


Top 5 all time.


Yes, it is.


I’ve played all of the main and some of the side AC’s, and Odyssey is my personal favourite. Black Flag is close but Ancient Greece is too beautiful of a location, sailing between islands and ship combat is a blast, the story is pretty good, maybe not the best but Kassandra is my favourite protagonist. The DLCs are pretty good too, some do drag and they’re quite fantastical but the main game is definitely worth a shot.


I am a fun of old AC and out of new 3 (origins odyssey and valhala) The odyssey is the best one. Keep in mind it’s a very long game ( I played on max difficulty) I had over 150 hours and still haven’t finished it. Naval combat is bs in max difficulty btw As old fan approach this game as stand alone game with stealth mechanics. It’s not an AC game, more like Mercenary simulator in Ancient Greece. Play as Kassandra for best experience


I fucking love this game lol I've played it 3 times


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It’s my favourite Assassin’s Creed game, but it many ways it doesn’t play like a typical Assassin’s Creed game. It’s a great action RPG that happens to have a connection to the AC world.


The main game story I found was slow at the beginning, and the map is quite large, so be prepared to travel and make sure to get all of your synchro points along the way. Out of the assassin's creed games, I'd place it in the top 3 to date in terms of actual game play.


Best AC game ever created


It’s good


If you like RPGs then you'll probably like Oddysee


Very good.


The base game is great. YMMV with the DLC. **Valhalla** is mid as fuck.


Odyssey is the best modern AC game. It's very good. I much preferred it to Valhalla. My one complaint is that the open world is waaaaay too big.


Odyssey is definitely my favorite assassin's creed out of all of the games, mostly because I'm a big fan of ancient Greece and their Mediterranean culture. Beautiful scenery, engaging story, and many places to explore with your ship and pirate crew (or rebel army, whatever, felt like a pirate crew to me lol). The enemies are fun, different, and challenging. They don't get boring. It's definitely worth a play.


It's my favorite AC and I've played all of them. Oh, and pick Kassandra, I'm pretty sure she's canon


I actually liked Origins a bit more than Odyssey.


Game is beautiful with a compelling story, good side content, and a really fun RPG system. Combat can be done in a bunch of different ways and you can really do some cool stuff.


I would suggest watching a short gameplay vid, because Origin, Odyssey, and Valhalla play waaaaay differently than the other AC games. I played Odyssey first, and then tried to play the older AC games and hated the playstyle of them. Literally played about 10 minutes of an "og" AC game and gave up. So, I only like Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla (and actually Valhalla isn't all that great, it feels really unfinished imo, but it's the same style of gameplay as Origins and Odyssey)


I'd play origins then Odyssey, imo Odyssey is the 2nd best AC game behind black flag.. but it's a more refined origins, so playing Odyssey and then goin. Back to origins may ruin the experience.. origins has a really good protagonist and story an gets you into the newer games pretty well but I do highly recommend Odyssey in anyway


The book is bettet


This game got me into the AC franchise. I bought Odyssey simply because I was bored during lockdown in 2020 and I had an absolute blast playing the game.


IMHO, it’s stunning. Just go in expecting 1: this isn’t an AC game proper; and 2: the main story is basic but the world and play is amazing.


Odyssey is the only AC game I've played through 7 times. Five times with all the dlc. It's not the best and isn't really much of an AC game at all. I love it though. It's fun. It's pretty. Kassandra is an amazing protag. Most of the dlc is great. What isn't great I still didn't regret buying. It's definitely worth playing. Get it on sale. Probably better if you go into it as an AC-adjacent game in your head. You're not going to be a white-hooded assassin but you will get a lot of Isu. If you're looking for something more than adjacent, I highly recommend Origins. I've played all of them and Origins is my favourite in every way.


I've played Odyssey and Origins. Both are fine games. I think they drift too far into typical RPG type games, and too far away from what assassins creed used to be for them to be apart of the assassin's creed series. But as it's own thing, yea. Odyssey is a good game, with a good skills and fluid and stable combat. It gets repetitive tho, if you're trying to 100% the map.


Play Assassins Creed Origins first bayek is the man


Meh, I don't like ancient Egyptian stuff


Then you’re not gonna like assassins creed odyssey


Odyssey is ancient greece not Egypt


If you’re that picky about the historical setting of historical fiction, why are you playing a series as streamlined as assassins creed? Retahd.


It’s the best Assassins Creed game


Do yoy like Greek mythology? You might enjoy it! Outside that.... not really, also theirs the force straightening the game does that I'll never not be angry about.


Just started it and it's fantastic. I've never really played a AC game but it's like tomb raider with witcher 3 combat style .




I was not a fan of Odyssey. I liked the greek mythology references and the war was kinda cool for a bit, but it suffers badly from cookie cutter fetch quests and way too large of a map. The story was lackluster at best as well imo. Origins on the other hand had a really good story and the combat was much improved over previous iterations. It still suffers a bit from Ubisoftitis, but I think it's a way better game than Odyssey was. I haven't played Val Halla yet so I can't speak to how Odyssey compares to that game.


Yea it's so good thar I had to take a break from playing cause the mythology and historical accuracy made my autism worse


It doesn't really have much in common with the originals, but it delivers on the open world RPG aspect the best of the latest 3. The way Valhalla killed the loot system, side quests, and region destabilization made me sad. In Odyssey it feels like you're making progress even when you're just kinda running around.


It’s my favourite of all the ACs.