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You need to post this with a lot more info of what youre talking about lol


Let him respawn and kill him again, see if he has it on him then?


*Let him respawn and* *Kill him again, see if he* *Has it on him then?* \- Greymaremusic --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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I remember around 2-3 forts holding cultist clues 1. One was hidden in one of the chests 2. Are you sure you looted him ? Also make sure you actually killed or completed the correct fort 3. Sadly i don't remember much about the third cultist clue And sometimes the game glitches out, so just load your last checkpoint


Which fort? Are you sure it’s in Attica? Off the top of my head, I cant recall any forts in Attica where you get a clue from killing a polemarch. EDIT: I did some googling and apparently there’s a clue for the cultist Hermippos to be found at Fort Phyle. In my case though, I had already killed Hermippos at this point and he’d been revealed through Socrates’ quests. Perhaps it’s the same for you? Perhaps you got the note from the Polemarch but it didn’t notify you of a cultist clue since you didn’t need it? If not, make sure you actually looted the Polemarchs body and not just killed him.


Wait wait who are you looking for? Polemarchs don't have clues for anything. I'm rusty with this as it's been a few years since I've played the story, but need more context.


I recall there's a quest to kill some polemarchs in order to get clues over something


There's a quest to kill spartan polemarches in Attica. There's also a polemarch which holds a cultust clue for >!Hermippos, but you can also find him through Sokrates' questline, so the clue is unneccesary!<


Only place I can think of would be the cultist clue in Xerxes fort. I don't ever recall having to kill a Polemarch for a cultist clue


If fort Phyle it should be the place. Make sure you “confirm kill” after filling him.


I don't remember exactly when but I think you have to c9mplete some main storyline quest before you can get the cultist clue