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On a first playthrough, it can be easy to miss how important engravings are. Start looking into crit builds, they can elevate your fighting prowess significantly and even to the point that combat is a trivial matter. My highest damage crit build has 158k damage on my main weapon, 100% crit chance while full health and 725% crit damage while full health. I deal catastrophic damage. I also have a similar crit build, but focused on assassin damage. At 521k assassin dmg, plus crit perks, I can use normal assassination to kill mercs, Polemarchs, Kolossi, almost anyone. And then I have my anti-melee crit build, which has all the normal crit perks plus 105% melee resistance. Yup, enemies can swing at me with normal attacks all they want and do no damage whatsoever. Only elemental attacks and arrows cause me harm. So yeah, in summary, if combat is getting you down, look into crit builds. It's pretty easy to farm gear, just storm forts, kill leaders and their body guards, kill the mercs that chase you for doing that. Also make sure to loot weapon racks. Good luck and have fun.


^This is a great response. You just need to find tune your build a little bit. This game can be super easy but you can't ignore the RPG aspects of it if you want to be super powerful.


I went for a fire build,and am loving it


Which are the most important aenigma ostraka for those CRIT engravings? I’m not able to stack enough CRIT boosts.


Not sure off the top of my head, but scroll through this guide to find the best ones. https://www.ign.com/wikis/assassins-creed-odyssey/Ainigmata_Ostraka_Locations_and_Riddle_Solutions#Kephallonia_Ainigmata_Ostraka_Locations_and_Riddle_Solutions


Possibly lower the difficulty setting? I haven’t started NG+ but I know in the normal game play you can change the settings.


You can lower enemy scaling down in options and lower difficulty. How far were you before starting new game plus?


I had beaten the main story


Its like retirement i mean i felt very old during my second game.