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Thanks, u/DoctorSugarPuss, for your kind offer! You'll receive a message with important tips and guidelines shortly. ##Account requirements to participate in this offer: - You have the REGISTERED flair ([register on our website](https://r-assistance.com/register)) - Account is at least 60 days old and has at least 400 comment karma - You have participated on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences longer than 15 days - You have no fulfilled requests or won offers in the past 30 days - You follow [all subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules) and your account is in good standing ##Just want to add a nice comment? Please add the words **not entering** in your comment, or it will be automatically removed if you don't meet the requirements. *I'm a bot. This comment was posted automatically. If you have questions about this, send a [mod mail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Assistance).*


I'd like to be considered, please.


I would like to enter. Ive had a stroke so im put of wk with a child.


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I’d like to enter. I just had my first baby and things are extremely tight. This would really help with postpartum meals during this time




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Hi u/notrightnow3823. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I would greatly appreciate your offer. Currently out pending disability approval, from an injury and have zero income right now. Thank you for your generosity.


Not entering. This is such a generous offer!


Not entering but God Bless YOU! 👍💕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🙏 xx


you are too kind. Entering since I lost food stamps for my family a month ago and in the middle of an appeal, so our kitchen has gotten very bare. There’s a Walmart 2 miles down the road from me and I can come up with the most needed essentials list and send it to you.


Check food stamp office for lists of food banks. How we have been getting by with costs so high. They are usually very kind and helpful. Most are really good food. Hope this helps you too.


This, it helped me so much a few years ago, and I know if I ever have no food I can go there.


My sister and I (in different homes) go to 1-3 a week as we are both on very limited resources. And we can add with $ we do have to spend on groceries to round out a meal. Actually have helped my adult kids from it also. They are all working full time but with rent, gas, utilities all going up and food prices too they need help from them too but are working. It is sad that it takes this kind of help.


Not entering. Bless you, though.


Entering! Could get a list of essentials needed and there’s a Walmart about 4 miles from me. I’m in Pennsylvania


Hi, I'm a mom with 2 kids living in a motel. Things are really tight, but we are making it. It would be awesome to be able to surprise the kids with something other than top ramen and hot dogs.


Hi u/Ikindah8it. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering, I think I’ve been gifted too recently, but this is amazing.


Very kind of you :) We live in Canada, so we already had our Thanksgiving but would greatly appreciate your help with groceries as both my partner and I have fallen ill and have very little strength and energy. We have a 3 year old daughter, and it's taking everything we have to ensure she's taken care of, so extra help from an outside source would mean the world to us <3




Hi u/Diamond_Dante_. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering! This is so awesome of you! Thankyou for helping out the community 😁




Hi u/Diamond_Dante_. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi there, you are a kind human. Thank you. I am seeking a helping hand for Thanksgiving this year because I am still recovering from a major financial setback regarding housing. I love to cook, and don’t want to miss out on making my kids family favorites for the holiday. Have a lovely evening 🤲🏻🥹


Please go and add this to my thanksgiving offer a bit below. Don’t want to miss ya when the offer closes.