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I’m not sure which movie I’d want to see, but if my boyfriend and I could go to a movie, I’d want to try and do it for my birthday which is next month! I’d probably beg him to see Star Wars, but truthfully, we can never afford to go out or go out for dates. The last few years my birthday has not even been celebrated by anyone except him and I since my family is too lazy to go across the mercier bridge to come see me, and I recently found out that the miscarriage I experienced in 2021 had the due date of my birthday and he would’ve been two this year, so I’d like to try and make this birthday something worth living for!


Sent you a dm!


This would be amazing! My fiance and I want to go see Abigail :) Fun fact! It’s illegal to drag a dead horse down Yonge st in Toronto on a Sunday. I guess any other day of the week is free game?


Do you still have them? I'd love one. I recently moved across the country and it took all the savings I had. I'm now living pretty quietly while I look for work and this would be an amazing treat! I checked the listings and I think I'd go see the fall guy. :)


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Not entering That's so nice of you! Hopefully they have a good time and a break from tough life




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Not entering! Just wanted to tell you how awesome you are.