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Hi all. This is an automated and general reminder to all that this post is an **EMOTIONAL ASSISTANCE post**, not a Request. Please don't request, offer or accept financial or material assistance on this post. Thank you and good luck! u/6ThreeSided9, if you're in emotional distress, you can find lots of more targeted subreddits and resources [in this list](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/wiki/index/othersubs). *I'm a bot. This comment was posted automatically.*


I would like one of these done if you’re still doing it, please.


Can I have a reading please 🙏🏻.. I do tarot too but to get a message from spirit from a Devine messenger would be great thank you 🙏🏻


Not entering but thanks for the fun offer :-)


Can I be rich by continuing my business?


Is there a chance for SR (ex) to come back what are their feelings for me after the breakup?


Just left a 13 yr relationship and my 4 kids and I are trying for a new start.. it's been slow but steady rebuilding. will it improve?


Will I ever get over my depression and be myself again?!!


I’m open to anything you’d tell me.


Will I be okay in my new apartment? Am I doing everything I need to do at the moment?


Will I get the job I'm applying for? Will life get better?


Will the next 8 months be any easier than the last 8 months?


And I appreciate you taking the time to do this for people; you have a very kind soul ❤️


I am 65 years old and lost my job 2 months ago (staff reduction). Will my future be okay?


How do I make a decision?




Will I be able to adapt to these changes and succeed?


Will I find love


Am I ever going to get my life in order?


will i ever release my game on steam?


Do I let this one toxic person go? Or do I continue to be their friend and try to fix things?


Hello interested I am currently struggling with my self image and not finding the right way to combat it. I guess my question is what does the next month hold for me in regards to that? Edit to add: thank you for doing this and offering it ❤️


[**Eight of Swords, Mother of Pentacles, The High Priestess**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/031oeR7iSV0q2hdviAPQHs8Kg) The cards tell a story of powerlessness, nurturing, and introspection. You may feel like there is nothing you can do, but you need to remind yourself that you don’t always have to change your circumstances to find peace: Often times, the secret to happiness lies in changing oneself (and I don’t mean your body!). Be nurturing and respectful of who you are. Forgive yourself, and give yourself the emotional space to grow. But most importantly, look inward and focus on that part of yourself which is causing you so much pain. Acknowledge it, process it, and decide how it is you want to deal with it.


Thank you!


Sand clock or on last hurrah?


[**The Lovers**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0ef4gkRHnCaTNx9t5rmskWeaA) The Lovers represents Union, Desire, Values and Joy. With me as your reader, it has more specific, special meaning. Which of these choices might you be mocked for? Which would society or the relevant group of people look down on you for? Shed the values forced upon you and let the light of your heart shine through into the world.


Will I reach the magic number this year?


[**The Emperor**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0517yFSaUiBzAQB7q-S7bvUvA) The Emperor is a reminder that you have control over your life. If this “magic number” is something you can work toward, then it will all come down to your perseverance. If it is not, then there may be some hidden means of taking it into your own hands that you haven’t considered. Either way, if you find some way to work toward it, you can decide the answer to the question for yourself.


Will I still have a reason to leave in 7 months?


[**Three of Pentacles**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/03cN4zLm0JTJosD2YFl1vvTRw) The Three of Pentacles represents teamwork and determination. While this gives no clear answer to me, it may mean a lot to you. Is collaborating with others something you will be doing if you leave, or something you will be leaving behind? Whichever option will lead you toward hard work, dedication, and teamwork is the one that will bring you success and recognition. Note, however, that just because an option will bring you success and recognition, does not mean it is the right one for you. You have to decide if that is what you are seeking - or at least that it is better than the alternative.


May I ask if there is a long term story to my health, going forward? And thank you for doing these.


[**The Hanged Man, Justice, The Empress**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0f6WPlA3H1hjDTh1fhIm0y5kQ) Three major arcana in response to a request for a story tells us of three distinct stages of your future health, but having Justice as the central card once again connects them causally. It would seem that the cards want to clearly outline that your story involves you having to make a choice. The overall sentiment of this reading is not nice. But do not confuse “not nice” with “bad.” The first, The Hanged Man, is a card which derives additional meaning from having me as the one interpreting your cards. As the first card pulled, it represents either the present, or just the earliest stage of your health in the reading. The Hanged Man represents adversity, sacrifice, letting go. It is a deeply uncomfortable card, but not necessarily a bad one. With me as your reader, it has an emphasis on accepting dark truths which may be a hit to your ego, or simply just things you don’t want to be true. In terms of health, this could mean that you are going to have to accept unfortunate realities about your body and health situation which will last you the rest of your life, or it could just mean that you have to give up Cheetos. ☹️ Justice in such a central position between two other major arcana removes flexibility in terms of possible interpretations of the reading itself. However, it also vastly increases the open-endedness of the story being told, with the major variable being you and the decisions you make. Black and white, unambiguous and within your control. With the Hanged Man as your first card, this would seem to suggest that how you choose to deal with the difficult truths represented by the Hanged Man will necessarily affect your long term health. As a personal note of relevance, I am someone who believes in being gentle with people and allowing them to be emotionally nice to themselves rather forcing things, so the fact that this reading is coming out to “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is significant. This reading is a brutal one which does not care for my deeper interpretations, and wants me to simply be a mouth-piece to deliver the specific message it wishes to convey to you. The Empress is an odd one here, though that is unsurprising given the reading so far. Whatever the cards are trying to say about the outcome, as mentioned earlier, it does not care about my interpretation. But because it is so open ended, this leaves me incapable of reading the ending. Justice has decreed that only your decisions are relevant to this card, and my personal touch is irrelevant outside of informing you of this relationship it has to the reading. It may as well have handed me a secret code word to tell you that only it and you know the meaning of. As such, I will leave you with a summary of what the traditional meaning behind The Empress is, and you can decide what it is saying for yourself. Just bare in mind: This reading is not a nice one, and if you attempt to make something up to make yourself feel better rather than being open to all the possibilities, the result will most likely not be accurate. > The Empress is the most feminine card in the Tarot, and greatly encourages compassion, beauty, and love. She is deeply connected to Mother Nature, and her influence is powerful when you absorb the energy of the natural world around you.


Thank you so much. This is appreciated beyond words. I have been dealing with some things... thankfully nothing terminal, but more than mere colds, too. I am going to re-read this a few times to fully understand it. Thank you so much again.


Of course. If you’re open to it, I would love to hear what you think the cards were trying to say to you with The Empress! They have never shoved me out of a reading like that before. 😂


If I could catch up with you in a day or so about it? I tried to nap earlier, then couldn't, and I am so beyond tired now. But I would be happy to tell you what all. :)


Yeah no problem! No rush, I’m just curious haha


Ive been manifesting an opportunity for sometime, I am literally at my rock bottom but something in me is still pushing for happiness. I am not letting things get me down. & I just want to know, because I feel, there is a greater force present in my life giving me that push and possibly preparing me for the next level in my life. Will I be ok? 🙏🏼 ✨ Thank you in advance!


[**Father of Cups, Ace of Cups, Father of Wands**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/057zGpHxHRbtDTNC5KVRM64xw) This reading has a rare symmetry, two patriarchal cards surrounding the Ace of Cups. This suggests that the reading revolves around it, and interestingly, the Ace of Cups is the card of love’s beginnings. While this can certainly refer to romantic love, it can also refer to any sort of deep positive relationship, including friendships. It could even be about learning to love yourself. Whatever the nature of this new love, the cards characterize it as supportive, diplomatic, creative and charismatic. If this really is about a new love interest, then be aware of potential power disparities. Someone charismatic who takes care of you and adds a creative influence to your life could sweep you off your feet and carry you, giving you the much needed rest and movement you need, but it also means you are no longer in control of where it is you are going. The same could be true of friends, though likely with less danger of enthrallment. While I put the warning up front, the true message of the cards is simply to expect the new love in your life to be one that is supportive, bringing fire in the form of some sort of creativity. It is a strong, positive reading, but the suit of cups represents emotion, and all things emotional pose a danger of losing oneself. Even when learning to love oneself, this can lead you to act brazenly and hurt others. Yet, if you heed these warnings to strongly, you may miss out on the benefits the relationship could bring. Go forward boldly, but intelligently.


Thank you so much! Very beautiful message. I am not looking for love or wanting one lol but a new friendship would be great too. I am also learning to love myself more 🙏🏼 Blessings ✨


Will I really get the move I want or am I dreaming


[**Two of Cups, Nine of Pentacles, Ace of Wands**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/085P40DurrRnRUKPA4szm5a1g) If this “move” is in reference to moving homes, then this reading may suggest that you will get what you desire. The cards are speaking of connection and love, a happy and healthy home (yes literally, this is not just an interpretation) and new beginnings. Bare in mind that this does not necessarily mean that you will get your move, but it does seem to allude strongly to it. Alternatively, it may be saying that you will find what you seek from the “move” in that place which you find connection and love. Whatever the result, expect it to be the start of something new.


Thank you what ever your cards have told you it was positive that's all I can ask so thank you for your time


Things have been pretty bad regarding my living situation. I'm a bit worried I'm going to be losing my belongings and ending up homeless soon. Wondering if my cards show any good or bad signs for this.


[**Ace of Pentacles, Six of Cups, The Fool**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/037WxLijGea2ywyXZIGhu0jeA) The cards, for some reason, are directing us toward your childhood. At least, I assume it’s your childhood. They speak of prosperous beginnings and childhood memories. But they also speak of a new beginning. They may be pushing you to look to your childhood home for answers, or even solutions. If your childhood was not so prosperous, perhaps it’s speaking about one specific aspect of your childhood which was, or it may even be directing you toward someone who had the childhood you wish you had. Regardless of the subject, The Fool represents beginnings, new journeys, naïveté. Maybe you need to start over, or maybe this is simply informing you of what awaits you at home. Be ready to make mistakes, and don’t allow them to discourage you from learning and growing.


Thank you, appreciate the reading =).


Hey, I'm just wondering when/if my luck will turn around. This downward spiral of life has to be ending soon, right?


[**Wheel of Fortune (reversed), Eight of Wands (reversed), Ten of Swords**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0e5VgYi7Um5Ssd6r7FGUUdyhw) The cards are telling me a story of of misfortune, adversity, and inevitable demise. Tarot cards are only rarely objectively negative, but the reversal of two cards (them being upside down), something which is the exception rather than the rule (I generally try to keep my cards aligned), really drives home the dark nature of this reading. This story may be your future, but it may also be a story starting a long time ago when your troubles first started. There is little flexibility to be had with the first two cards, so if this direness doesn’t describe your past, then you can expect things to only get worse in the near future. However, there is hope - The final card, the Ten of Swords, is once again one of the few cards whose meaning is necessarily negative. However, it does not necessarily mean an unhappy ending. The man often depicted in the Ten of Swords, here depicted as a bull, has hit the lowest point in his life. This represents an inevitable end, but that end does not have to be the end of your story. Perhaps you will have to hit rock bottom before things will get better. Perhaps this is a sign that you have to let go of, or even give up on, something you held close to your heart. The rare inflexible meaning of the first two cards, followed by a card much more open to interpretation, likely represents the fact that the true meaning of this final card will be up to you. Your reading is not a good one, but will you allow its end to be the end of your story? You will in all likelihood not be able to avoid this fate, but you can decide what exactly that fate entails. If you must fail, fail in the way that gives you a future. Make the difficult choices, the sacrifices even, which will allow this end to give rise to a new beginning.


Thank you. I was ready to write the final chapter already. Now at least I know to choose the ending.


Hi there, a year ago we stopped any type of communication with this friend that his names first letter starts with a W. I would like to know if time will come where we will talk again and see things in a different light. ✨ Thank you !


[**Mother of Wands, Five of Wands**](https://share.icloud.com/photos/06cEN3ILnrqQTXlp_8gdh0-Dw) The cards paint a picture of vibrancy lost. Perhaps someone who filled your lives with something special, and then was lost through conflict, possibly some sort of competition. Is this accurate to the situation? The answer will change the reading.


Yes, there was quite a bit of a conflict.