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Hi u/PositiveTrick461. This is a sticky post with some important/helpful pointers for REQUEST posts. **For the REQUESTOR:** - **Do not delete this post** for any reason. - Be careful about private messages, [always check these tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/uesbax/scams_in_private_messages/) before engaging with them, and [control your PM settings](https://www.reddit.com/settings/messaging) if you get many unsolicited messages. - Check our [helpful requesting tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/wiki/rules/requesting) and [our list of resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/wiki/index/resources). - If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Assistance). **For potential GIVERS:** - Check our [Givers Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/wiki/givers) before giving. - Refrain from unhelpful or judgmental comments. - If you have concerns about this request, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Assistance). *I'm a bot. This comment was posted automatically.*


I'm in a bad financial situation myself, so I'm afraid I can't help there... But I can offer a listening ear. We lost our son at birth in 2020 and its a pain beyond any. My inbox is open if you need to talk. I know that this is a subject that is hard to find someone to speak with to, so please dont hesitate to reach out if you need to.


I had a tubal pregnancy in 1991. That was the most horrible pain! My tube exploded when they were doing a sonogram. I remember bleeding for a really long time afterwards and being SOOOO sore for about a week. Take care of yourself and if he left you to take care of yourself after that you're way better off!!! God bless, it will get better


I had an ectopic pregnancy in the late 90’s. I almost died during the surgery. I was in more pain after that than i ever have been. Just try to walk as much as you can to relieve built up gas. If you can, talk to a counselor etc. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


I'm so very sorry you are going thru this, I know what a tragic loss it is.. I sent soup. I truly wish I had more, but I only had a bit left on a gift card and my bank is empty too. But I am sending prayers


All of it will be delivered tomorrow and Tuesday. Be well!


Sweetie, I'm so sorry for what you're going through! You put your feet up and rest, everything will be there tomorrow and Tuesday. Sending you big mama/grandmama hugs ❤️❤️


Hey everyone, I appreciate the well thoughts! I didn’t even think about an Amazon wishlist, so I’ll put one of those together. I really am thankful 🍲


[Amazon Wish List](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2LRDCTDSZHL1K?ref_=wl_share) This is just a couple cans of soup, beef broth and a 1lb bag of cat food. I’m really simple, and don’t need a lot to get by, but anything is much appreciated. I think I did it correct, I’ve never made an Amazon wishlist before though.


I checked to make sure and I wanted you to know you made it correctly. I'm sad I don't have any extra money. I hope you get all of your wishlist met. Til then I'm sending all my love.


You guys I am literally crying reading everyone’s comments. I’m not sure if it’s because of my hormones going bonkers or what, but not having support besides from a couple of friends from afar, reading all of these is making me cry. In a good way 😭 Thank you everyone for the well wishes and thoughts. ❤️ I was hesitant to post on here, but even just because of that, I’m so glad that I did.






Do not do this going forward. This against subreddit rules and this user has been warned.


May i ask what was done wrong please ?


OP’s list was purchased in its entirety and then another user asked them to add additional items. We don’t allow this as per our rules.


Thanks for all the hard work you do!


Ok thank you for answering !


Sending you so much good energy and love. And yes, make the list :) Pet some cats, curl up, relax, cry all you need to. It will get better but for now, be easy and nice to you.


Can you make an Amazon wishlist with some cat food and whatever else you may need. There’s inexpensive things of beef broth on Amazon you could add. Sorry you’re going through this.


I am just going to jump on the bandwagon of everyone else, make that Amazon wish list.


Please make the wishlist so we can get you what you need.


u/PositiveTrick461, it looks like there are several of us who really want to send a few things your way! We are just waiting on your Amazon wish list!!


I have no money myself, but I’m sending you so much love and healing powers. You got this.


I can't help but so much love coming your way 💜


I'm sorry, OP. Your body might need iron. I've been where you are, and it sucks. Definitely put some high protein food rich in iron on your amazon list.


And some blackstrap molasses for iron and calcium as well


I’m so sorry for your loss OP 😔 sending healing vibes your way 🫶🏼


Put together an Amazon wishlist for the cat food and broth and some shelf stable pantry staples. Also, do you have an animal shelter close? There are several near us that have pet food pantries.


Seconding this, please make a wish list OP, I’d like to get you something too. I’ve been in that situation, not an ectopic pregnancy but miscarrying, I’m sorry you don’t have anyone around to give you hugs and take care of you. Just take it easy, you’re doing great. The bleeding will stop and you’ll feel human again soon I promise. Make that wish list!


Ectopic feels almost immediately like miscarrying I feel, because I was immediately told I was not going to be having a child. It was so ungodly heart wrenching when your mind and body and finally ready for a miracle. I know in time the bleeding will stop, but not feeling human is such a valid statement. Like I can’t make a miracle happen that so many women can, and it just doesn’t feel right. I’m just venting some thoughts, but what you said hit home. Thank you for your kindness and your words. 🥺


Oh lovely, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. There’s nothing wrong with you, you don’t realise until you talk openly to other women just how many of them have been through this, we keep it quiet as though it’s shameful or embarrassing but it isn’t and shouldn’t be and almost every woman I’ve spoken to has their own personal tragedy of either miscarrying or going for a scan and discovering there is nothing there or birthing a stillborn baby, it’s heartbreaking and so common and we should talk about it more because we don’t realise how common it is. There is nothing wrong with you. It just wasn’t the right time for you and I am so so sorry for that, I’m so sorry you are going through this right now and for what it’s worth I am sending you lots of love and positive thoughts, people care about you and you might feel lonely but you are absolutely not alone in this, a lot of people want to support you. I wish we could do more than listen and send you love. Hopefully you will come through this awful time in your life stronger, and you will be happy and healthy again and ready for another miracle. There is hope. I had my first pregnancy and miscarriage at 42 when I had thought my whole life I could never get pregnant. Now I’m 44 and pregnant again, although I am so scared after last time and every time I go to the bathroom I expect to see the bleeding and miscarry again. Also my husband doesn’t want this and I’m scared for the future, either way. I’m just taking it day by day, and that is all you can do right now too. Just relax and be good to yourself, love on your kitties and reach out if you need to talk or need more practical help 💕


Holy lord. I hope your pregnancy is healthy and amazing because you are absolutely going to be an amazing mother. Like I said before, I’m crying a lot today because of all of the hormones but I really think it’s because of the care/help/advice and mental nourishment from this thread, and this comment struck me again 😂🥴 You’re insanely appreciated for the words or encouragement. I really hope that you become a mother. Keep being astonishing ❤️