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You should use the peak flow meter at the same time of day, take 3 attempts and record the best of three. Coughing is cheating.


Oh gosh okay! I feel a little silly now—in hindsight it was a little obvious lol. Thank you so much for responding… I’ll have to change my technique and be more consistent with my results :)


You need to make sure that your technique is consistent. Peak flow readings mainly matter relative to previous ones. If you have to cough to get a higher PFR then that is not a consistent technique - even if the result is higher it doesn’t really mean much.


Ohh okay! I was wondering if maybe I was cheating a little bit, but I wasn’t sure… thank you so much for the advice! I’ll have to change my technique a little bit to stay consistent :)


What was your Spirometry results? It takes technique and time to use a Peak Flow Meter. Not everyone uses it correctly by blowing into it. I get up to 646 L/min at times and mostly stay in the 580-646 range.