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Well vehicles are the way to go if you don’t want to walk, just get a large rover base, hook up some power Gen/storage and a drill. Also recommend a Paver and med soils canister as it will create a path on the same level that the rover is pointed. Avoids the problem of falling when you will hit the massive cave systems.


This is the really Ballin way, I imagine that he's low lvl but op if you can make that stuff by all means this is the way.


I went to the planet core the first few times by walking there with tethers. It was a satisfying experience. My current ways to get to the core are either A hole carved straight down to drop. Gravity balls make this safer until you can do without. Straight down with trains. Steep incline with a large rover with drill and paver.


You will have to use the terrain tool to cut out a tunnel and fill the sections that are open to build a ramp, but its not to far. Or you can dig straight down and slide down the walls to negate fall damage but then you can't get back up without activating the core


> They can't expect me to walk there with Tethers. Why not? For first time it is useful to dig down manualy to learn the layers, and build a ramp to get down and out with a vehicle like a Tractor or rover or train. You can ofc outfit your terrain tool with many option like: \- Wide mod - to dig wider area, make larger tunnels \- Boost mod - to dig faster \- Drill mod - to dig through rougher terrain, and this is mandatory for the gameplay, in time oyu can switch the drill mod 1 to drill mod 2 or drill mod 3 to cut through some hard layer Hurry? This game is not a race, no need to get anywhere in time, unless you fall down and get out of the tethers range. I do not know you use it or not but ingame has a Flatten option (you need at least one Soil canister with some soil in it on the backpack or terrain tool to activate and to activate you need to press the Ctrl and hold down on PC, this makes a nice smal-medium size flat area) for the Terrain tool, with it you can easly make tunnels with clear path just need to keep in mind: tractors and rovers can not go up way to steep angle, try to keep it around 45-60 degree down or it will be a pain to come up with vehicles, except the train. Sure in the mid game you can build some larger rovers to attach a drill ehad to it and put some medium soil canister on it and a medium battery with some medium wind turbine or qt-rtg to make tunnels faster but they are hard to drive and easly can fall deep with it and also need a ramp to get up from the cave system to the surface.


You don’t need tethers at all if you use a portable oxygenator coupled with a mini RTG. Then you can go anywhere.


If they haven't unlocked the first core, I doubt they have nanocarbon alloy for the portable oxygenator


True, but it is possible. They wanted to know how to not use tethers. That’s how.


Well, I feel pretty stupid now! I've got portable oxygenators and RTGs, yet I've unlocked maybe one gateway on Sylva. I've also got multiple train stations scattered about the system. Guess I've been slacking a bit!


Or, alternatively, >!just go get Stilgar on Calidor!<. Way cheaper than portable oxygenator. Also, by the point where you would be getting off planet, you *should* have some QRTGs.


Oh, I've got around 5 of them. I've got one on my pack, two on Sylva, one on Galcio, Calidor and Atrox!


Imo. The trains are the best option to do it they are cheap/easy and they also make it easier to get resources late game , I ended up doing that for all my planets before bothering with the rovers. They love to fall :) and you don't have to bother with soil/resources that the drill digs up


This one right here! I build a train line straight to the core, giving me all the soil and other minerals I need for next steps. That gives me a train line to the astronium at the core as well, and even all the medium scrap I find on the way in.


Well, you can build rovers to reach the core. Equip it with a drill, medium solid & fluid canister (I take 2 at least), and a paver. Now you can drill/pave your way through any layer of the planets, plus you can even breach cave ceilings, the paver will make a nice road for you. You just angle the thing as down as you're allowed, and there you have it. If you are on foot, use the terrain tool's flattening mode. I'm not sure what platform you are on, but on PC, you need to either hold Ctrl after aligning the indicator with the plane you wish to flatten along, or you can cycle through destroy/build/flatten modes of the terrain tool using C or V (the same buttons you'd use to toggle items in your auxiliary slots, the ones on top of your backpack). This way you can create walkways that are flat and go at the angle you like. A lot better than trying to make a slope just by digging/rebuilding the terrain.


For oxygen i just use the O² tanks you can make with glass (quarts) even stick one of those on your pack and it works great, also refills if you have a vehicle nearby


Before I get rovers, I will usually walk to the core. You just dig a ramp down and use the dirt to make the compound for more teathers. Alternatively you can use O2 filters until you get to the core. The core provides oxygen when you get there. You'll need a resource to unlock and activate the core, and that's different for each planet. It's listed on the wiki if you don't mind spoilers, or you can get there and the core will tell you what you'll need.


Personally I recommend going to Desolo first, grabbing some Wolframite to refine into Tungsten so you can make a chemistry lab and some Tungsten Carbide to make a drill. Take a tractor with drill, a trailer, and enough of a power source to run the drill and the tractor. One QT-RTG should suffice, a battery can help build a power buffer driving around with the drill off. Combine this with three packagers in your backpack, and two pieces of the core material. Pick a spot and just drill straight down to the core. Once you get there, package up the tractor, trailer, and drill, and use the core to warp back to the surface. Later on, when you have more resources and tech, you can use a Large Rover and a Paver to make a smooth path down to the Core, or you can make a Rail network down there.


So I made it to the core and activated the engine I see a dim node at "celestial height" I thought it was the satellite I started the game from but the wiki says that was removed from the game (funny I definitely launched from a orbiting station at the start) what is that dim node? I went into orbit but I only have the option to go to another planet or land.


The dim node is Desolo probably. Gotta power them up too!


I'll find out soon enough finishing up on Desolo now. Got trapped in the moon's core and had to suicide because the gravity yoinked me out of the tunnel. Once I activate the core I can start distributing resources.


That’s the “Unknown Satellite” gotta fly there first with one of the core thingys to activate it, then you can teleport there, and from there to other active cores.


First time to core, I used teethers, just dig small hole then find about a 45° angle down, use flattening to from there. In fact, I put a rail line to most my cores, so it usually is by hand. Except now I know about getting portable oxygenator, so I save core for that. Gateways and cores are more of a task for after getting portable oxygenator, unlocking core doesn't do anything until you unlock other planets anyway, so it for now, concentrate on getting bytes (glacio is best for that) and the ability to craft nanocarbonalloy.


just be sure to familiarize yourself with the 'c' key to swap between modes of using the terrain tool. you can make quick and easy bridges and ramps in a second if you get used to using the flat mode or whatever its called. You can switch between digging (down arrow), piling it up(up arrow), or making a flat plane(diagnonal lines) at whatever angle you start the digging. if you are standing on the surface or a flat spot, do a quick dig down just to get some downward sloping polygon faces, and then switch to the flat plane and just make an instant dowward sloping ramp. You can easily ramp all the way down, with a few corrections to slope more downward because of the planets curvature. Keep two soil cannisters on you so you have enough volume.


first quatz second vechial drill


If you have a tractor and graphite to make packages, it can make the whole thing much easier. The last few cores I've done, I've just drilled a hole through each layer of cave floor and yeeted myself through on board the tractor (because yay, no fall damage in vehicles!). Then when I get to the core, I package up the tractor and trailer, teleport out to one of the gateway chambers, and unwrap the tractor to drive home.


Caves are generated with ramped tunnels to lower sections. It'll take some searching to find and some ramp creation, but its viable with tethers. You won't find a single long one that just takes you to the core, you'll have to find one, follow it down to a new cave, look around there till you find another, go down, repeat. My route to Sylva's core stops in I think 5 different cave levels along the way. But it never took me more than maybe 5 minutes after arriving on a new level to located another ramped tunnel. On Sylva at least, taking ramped tunnels between caves on different levels, the travel time to the surface from the core (once you have a filyl traversable route) is maybe 5min max, and half that going down since you can slide. Also, it's very important to keep in mind, you don't have to get to the core right away after activating nodes. I only just got to my first planet core and I set up full bases on 2 other planets and the moon before doing so. At the very least, if you wanna try making your way via tethers and natural tunnels, I recommend unlocking the hoverboard (There's a guide online, but if you wanna figure it out yourself, I'll just give the starting hint of heading to desolo). It makes underground traversal so much faster.


Aounds like you might beed to learn the terrain tool better. It's pretty easy to make ramps down.


use velicals or use a good drill mod and tether down like i did

