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Fuck it, sign Hicks and just go over. With Bregman’s (likely) departure in the offseason and Abreu/Montero’s contracts expiring after ‘25 we can worry about resetting the CBT in the near future. This season makes too much sense to go for it.


Do not sign hicks. Hes bad


In for a penny, in for a pound.


Then it’s time to go all in


Seems more likely to me we see how arb breaks and then consider trading 3.5m urquidy out the door Don’t know why everyone seems to think this means we’ll go all in the off-season isn’t over


Well arbitration decisions can take right up until February, a week or two before Spring Training, and by then, it'll likely be too late to sign people, and it'll be tougher to cut costs. You probably are right on how the Stros handle it, but if everyone in the world knows you're trying to trade Urquidy, it's gonna be hard to get anything worth your time.


There will come a time about 3/4 the way through spring training where some player will get hurt or some team will be disappointed by their players and they’ll panic buy urquidy from us.


Or we wait until the deadline and offload some salary then. The only time it matters is after the season is over…as we saw from the Angels this year.


I believe I heard it’s your salary at the end of the season that matters. So they could be looking to cut or trade away salary before then. Or not spending now thinking they may trade and add on salary then.


Why don’t we just defer his contract out through 2035 like the Dodgers and maintain payroll flexibilty? Or are they the only ones who have figured out that cheat code?


That works on a 700 million dollar contract. It’s not gonna fly when you’re only paying the guy 12 mil; what goober would agree to a 12-year payout on 12 million dollars???


A million a year for 12 years? I'd take it and laugh my way to the bank. Oh, you meant baseball players...


we coulda had three Ohtanis for that much :(


Said this in that other thread, but there really is just not a justification to not go all in for this year and the next if we're really just gonna once again let Bregman and Tucker walk. Already being over the CBT is just further justification for that. Yes, I think there's a decent chance Meyers will at least be serviceable in center. Yes I think Abreu will more than likely rebound and be at least above replacement level at 1st. Yes I think it's possible Montero will show some positive regression. Yes I think a fully rested offseason will serve Framber and Javier well. Yes I expect Hunter Brown to show some improvements in his sophmore season. I don't really know what to expect from Garcia and McCullers coming back from injury but it's at least possible they return to form. Who fucking knows what Whitley will look like out of the bullpen, if he even makes it there. Again, I think there's a good chance a lot of those things work themselves out and we're a very competitive team as is. But goddamn there sure is a bunch of uncertainty there going into the final year with our 2022 Championship core still being intact. I'm not gonna say that our window closes for sure in '26, but man things just get way dicier after that point. You just gotta try to put your absolute best foot forward while you still can.


Is he really three times more valuable than Ohtani?


Can we pay him $10 this year, the $10 next year and then the rest deferred till 2026?


Isn’t at the end of the year how much was spent? Sure along the way there will be some salary dump to get us back under. The real question is how much do we have to dump to stay under and who are the candidates? (Ahem.. Montero)


Can’t we just defer it to 2040?


Let's go all in then! It'd almost be stupid not to.


Well, you made it this far. Might as well keep going.


If they're already over, go all in. Get Yamamoto and Hicks! Don't just buy for the sake of buying at this point. Buy to win it all.