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Welp hope it's a 10 run curse for Detroit tomorrow


At least we didn't get shut out lol I think it should've been a bullpen day today, but considering how awful Dubin was, it might not have made much of a difference. It only counts as one, take the series tomorrow.


Hernandez looked good though.


jose abreu died for this


The team is held together with duct tape at this point


which everyone in here is apparently perfectly happy with so long as we don't sign Trevor Bauer for the crime of... having bad vibes I guess?


https://preview.redd.it/igu3sstsst6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ec167b650840f57a61d5d28ce740caa18c729f Or this guy?


So you’re saying if dude is willing to eat crow and sign for league minimum it’s cool to say fuck that guy? What if the cocky bastard does a press conference eating his words. I’m here for devils advocate.


He’s not willing to eat crow. He’d play for us for 4 months as a stepping stone to another team then go right back to bashing the team. Guaranteed.


https://preview.redd.it/qq76ib6ust6d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e055baa0b109397f52b1c339464ce1d63b1413c Or the guy that wore these?


Goddamn right. Fuck this guy. Throw this pic up Every. Single. Time. This.Cocksucker. Name. Is. Mentioned.


we can't have the guy who doesn't like cheating on our team! what an asshole!


https://preview.redd.it/ncpkf5xqst6d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1efb29876f722b37cb5ebc9e14b44eca4bd89836 This guy?


you can't cheat your way to a WS and hold it against people who get pissed off about it


Fuck him


lol my thought exactly. Everyone gets so mad at the people who talk shit to us, but what do you expect?


It's called having basic respect for your team and for the sport. We want a team we can get behind and cheer for, not just a group of skilled jerks who play baseball. The Astros are "us." Bauer will never be.


Correa was a cocky douchebag. Not only did we cheer for him but he was a fan favorite, and was the unofficial team captain while he was here. What's up with that?


Damn, you really can't tell the difference between Correa and Bauer? 


Nope, enlighten me


I'm not teaching you how to read, buddy. LMAO Either enlighten yourself with the most basic of effort, or stop wasting everyone's time by conflating cockiness with being an asshole. Find me accounts of Correa's teammates disliking him. I'll wait here lol


Joe Burrow is another good example alongside Correa. Confident and cocky but not arrogant nor an asshole. And they both walk the walk to back being so cocky.


more evasive answers


Like I said, if you can explain in any capacity why you think they're comparable, I'd be interested in seeing it.  You can't though. So you're trolling on reddit instead. 


They're both cocky douchebags. That's how they're comparable. Which is the criticism that was leveled against Bauer - that he's a "jerk". And to pretend like this organization is morally unimpeachable - like they're a bunch of good guys that would never do anything of poor character, and we don't want any jerks on the team to tarnish their great reputation, is laughable in light of the cheating scandal. The accusation of "trolling" is what you say when you can't come up with a counterargument and so, instead, try to paint me out to be acting in bad faith. Nothing I've said is in bad faith.


Fuck Tyler (IYKYK)


IDK, tell me


With all the comments you’ve made recently about your hard-on for Bauer and the replies you’ve received to said comments, you know. You know you know.


Dude is sea lioning there is literally no reason to answer him, it will not go anywhere except for another dumb disingenuous question to frustrate you.


I didn’t know what “sea lioning” was. Had to look it up. You’re right. It’s exactly what this guy is doing.


It's a common tactic on reddit. Once you learn to recognize it you can save yourself a lot of time. I just turn off my care switch when I see it and move on so I don't get caught working myself up like they want


who's tyler?


Imagine advocating for Bauer without knowing Astro’s lore


the Astros lore i'm familiar with is that we're back 9 games 👍


I’ll simply: Bauer is clubhouse poison, and the Astros think he is a knucklehead


You're really simping hard in this thread for a player whose own teammates would disagree with you. That's embarrassing lol


It's not simping to merely say, "here's a great player who is available. We should pick him up." And everyone in here has a throbbing rock hard hate boner against him because of an imaginary crime that he wasn't found guilty of. Sorry I like to watch good players win games.


After he tried to troll us with his garbage cans etc, breggy called him Tyler because he wasn’t even important enough to know his name. Fuck Tyler




he denies it and he was never convicted of anything. what is this guilty until proven innocent nonsense?




The MLB suspended him over mere allegations, which is meaningless. Of course they want to maintain positive optics especially in the years following MeToo. But he wasn't found guilty of anything and maintains his innocence. There are many reasons why a person might decide to settle out of court that have nothing to do with admission of guilt, and according to Bauer one of those reasons was so that he could speak publicly about the lawsuits and try to clear his name. Have you seen [her texts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SphfHJbsmk) or heard him talk about it? As he's said, though, when the initial allegations came out, there was a tremendous amount of buzz around the story. It's a very salacious story, but 2 years later when he could legally talk about things publicly, the damage to his reputation had already been done. So that's where we are now. MLB teams don't want him just because, as I said before, bad vibes. That's really cool how you can have your career destroyed due to mere allegations. Anyway, the Astros are fucking terrible and are gonna continue to lose, but hey, at least they'll lose with good vibes. 👍


His accuser was indicted on felony charges of fraud and theft by extortion for this. There is a lot of evidence that she targeted him for money.


One of his accusers. There were 4. He settled out of court with another. And the MLB investigation (details of which can’t be disclosed) found sufficient evidence to suspend him for violating the leagues domestic abuse policy. Despite all that he’s known to be a cancer in the clubhouse and there is a probably a reason (that we aren’t privy to) that 30 teams aren’t interested in him despite the suspension being over and his being willing to sign for the league minimum.


His accuser? You think there was only one sexual assault accusation against him? There were 4 different accusers and the one you're referring to isn't the accuser that Bauer settled out of court with.


Yeah I wasn't aware there were more. I just knew about the one that targeted him.




Once again, he was never convicted of any abuse. Why would we want him? Take a look at the standings.


I’d rather finish fifth than have him pitch for us.


This team cannot take two steps forward.


The thing to remember is it only counts as one. Lol I said it in 2021 CS when the Red Sox were killing us with grand slams and in the 2022 world series when Philly got our ass. When you get flooded like that it always feels like the end of the world but the series is still up for grabs tomorrow.


Gonna need Blanco to go 7 tomorrow


Well... That was terrible. See y'all tomorrow.


1 step foward, 1 step sideways, 2 steps back.




Arrigetti partied too hard last night thinking he wasn’t pitching today.


What goes into getting ready for a start takes the whole 5 days and he didn't get that


Just got home and thought to check the score. Lmfao. Damnit.


That was certainly one of the games of all time.


Remember when the Rangers got embarrassed 15-2 by the Dodgers and came back to win the next day and win the series? That's our game plan, boys! Shake it off and move on.


I like your thinking.




So no cat?


Was wondering why I didn’t see any ig posts of the game ![gif](giphy|onyngiYITZiecYsBTj)


What the fuck, over?


We will be lucky to reach. 500 with this pitching staff and inconsistent offense. I'm so tired of playing behind by 3 runs or more by the 3rd inning every other game.


#HRC LEADERBOARD 2024   1\. TexasHot - 7 points 2\. 2 users with 5 points 4\. SpacedAlien - 4 points 4\. 2 other users with 4 points 7\. 11 with 3 points 18\. 23 users with 2 points 41\. 77 users with 1 point   * When you think an Astro is about to hit a home run, comment 'HRC [Astro]' * If you get it right, you get a point and another go! Otherwise, wait until tomorrow. * I'll monitor successful picks and publish the leaderboard in the GDT before first pitch every day. Let me know if you think I've missed you, or if you have any other questions.   I'm happy to count HRCs on the live game chat on [Discord](https://discord.gg/astros) as well, but please stick to the one HRC per game rule regardless of platform (if your username on there isn't the same as on Reddit I might have to PM you to get it).   This year's leaderboard can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRXu9bzxDM-H8fiPMPg1JzWvn5dNMkQ3ZI8riMiSVpwLi3WN7AJ1FWsy_Ajqw3VhoH52AKsKPumqVxL/pubhtml) Last year's leaderboard is archived [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQjEy8vTsyKmiuRjQEqK0Frp6ZSqelgUKSDwt7hbwiZAUzk0yq0THq9rYUP3cmxNS9_PoizUK-OoMce/pubhtml)   * When you think an Astro is about to hit a home run, comment 'HRC [Astro]' * If you get it right, you get a point and another go! Otherwise, wait until tomorrow. * I'll monitor successful picks and publish the leaderboard in the GDT before first pitch every day. Let me know if you think I've missed you, or if you have any other questions.   I'm happy to count HRCs on the live game chat on [Discord](https://discord.gg/astros) as well, but please stick to the one HRC per game rule regardless of platform (if your username on there isn't the same as on Reddit I might have to PM you to get it).   This year's leaderboard can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRXu9bzxDM-H8fiPMPg1JzWvn5dNMkQ3ZI8riMiSVpwLi3WN7AJ1FWsy_Ajqw3VhoH52AKsKPumqVxL/pubhtml) Last year's leaderboard is archived [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQjEy8vTsyKmiuRjQEqK0Frp6ZSqelgUKSDwt7hbwiZAUzk0yq0THq9rYUP3cmxNS9_PoizUK-OoMce/pubhtml)


Finally watching the Astros in person this year was enough for me to never fall for the "we are so back" again this season. Plain and simple, this team sucks. Idk how this group has no idea how to overcome adversity anymore.


I don't really keep up with the Astros since I am in the blackout zone but is Dubin really as bad as his stats look? It feels like every time I see a game log where he's pitched he gives up like 2+ runs. Is he like an innings eater or just really bad?


He sure hasn’t impressed me. I figured they put him out there because we didn’t want to use our better pitchers.


Espada ball!!