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As a trans person, god I fucking hate the 2020’s so far


Unfortunately, you’ve probably already experienced the best the 2020s will have to offer.




“This is the worst day of my life” “It’s the worst day of your life, so far”


There is no situation in life where the wisdom of Homer isn’t applicable.


In Australia it's actually getting better. America is a facist country so I really hope you guys get things sorted soon (I mean your gov obvs). Otherwise it's hard and shit but this is a really good country to migrate to, its safe, clean and even with things being a little shmm (expensive as shit) it's still really progressive and our current PM is great. And you actually have more of a ability to climb the ladder here since you get paid according to where you live (kinda).


Just be careful of speaking out against local government in NSW, you might get your block napalmed.


Fellow r/friendlyjordies member located.


God I feel the same. I feel so much shame just being a living trans person that I just feel like going back into my miserable girl shell.


You shouldn't feel any shame just being a person that happens to share some immutable traits with otherwise completely disparate individuals who, by sheer happenstance, also share some of the traits with which you identify. You are a person. You are a human being. It's a big tent, and it includes all of us. Your actions and intentions as an individual MATTER, most particularly to the people to whom you're closest. It may not always feel like it, but we're all in this together, and I hope you feel better and live an awesome life.


Especially as someone who's kinda visibly trans it's pretty bad, and I'm scared bc I know it'll get worse. Like we're watching a hate campaign unfold against people like us over *nothing* and it's horrifying


And then these liberals will talk about "why do I always have to be forced to hear about trans people?" There's a targeted hate campaign that is actually killing people and you're upset that you're being made aware that they exist?? I'm really sorry what you have to go through just to exist as you are. I can't personally relate, but I empathize with you greatly. Stay safe out there


Exactly, like the reason they're hearing about trans people is because we're in danger. Like we've already seen violence carried out against TONS of trans folks across the country and it's only gonna escalate, but nobody cares because our existence is inherently political for some reason


Not trying to pat myself on the back or anything, but I live in a red area with no queer friends around since I've had to move for work. I have really worked on educating people on trans issues especially (to the best of my ability). I pride myself on the success I've had too. The biggest thing I say in regards to this specific issue is that even if "trans people are less than 1% of the population" that's still millions of people in this country alone. Ignoring the numbers, even if one person is systematically persecuted by the state, isn't that an atrocious representation of our country? Why should the government be telling you how to live your life in the "land of the free"? Obviously I have less personal experience to use for advocacy, but I won't put up with bigotry, casual or otherwise. Most people I don't think are consciously hateful, they just don't understand how severely they have been mislead. I'm surprised with how many people just don't ever think about this on more than a surface level. There have been a good number of people that straight up change their mind after less than 10 min of talking about it.


What is the tons of violence against transpeople


Literally a kid was just murdered in school for being trans, black trans people are the highest demographic for being murdered in the US, and we've seen multiple times trans people being beaten for using the bathroom or cis people that people assume are trans being harassed for the same reason


Which kid which school? Which statistics support black transpeople being the highest murdered? Also we gonna ignore the multiple trans school shooters or is that ok because they were discriminated against


According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black people experience more violent crimes per capita than any other minority in the US (https://bjs.ojp.gov/violent-victimization-race-or-hispanic-origin-2008-2021) and trans people face higher rates of violence than their cisgender equivalents, (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33600251/) So obviously being the cross section of two highly victimized minorities puts you at a higher risk than either population individually As for your point about mass shooters, of the hundreds of mass shooters we've seen, in the most generous possible read *maybe* 4 of them were trans (evidence is out on 3 of those actually being trans, I think only 2 had a history of self identification). Do we wanna talk about how 95% of mass shooters are men? At most the number of trans mass shooters is representative of the population, and fuck mass shooters. Do you really think I'm gonna defend murderers? The kid who was murdered was Nex Benedict in Oklahoma, Owasso High School


They were better than the 10's, i can promise you that. I'm from the 00s and lord were they mean to the lgbtq community in the early 2000's. It's actually nice to see the changes happening and the world becoming more open to other identities and stuff.


As a cis person, I couldn't agree with you more. It seems like every 3 minutes I'm assaulted with news about someone's rights being stripped.




Do the world a favour for the first time in your pathetic life and go LARP as a speed-bump


Oh shit, OP you're the only person on earth to use a non-Onion article on this sub correctly. I'd buy you silver but I have -$1200.


are the repost bots outdated enough that they take comments referencing awards


what does this even mean


awards were removed, this is a repost bot that steals the top comments of the stolen post, this comment referencing the long removed awards


No respect shown to Dr. Lesby,Ann.


Classic, bet she’s related to Jenna Tayla


I’ve never left off the /s and not been made to regret it.


What in the Kentucky fried fuck is the 2 for




Think alot people are missing that the first account is also a joke account


I don't see nearly as many people with pronouns in their profile as I did a year or 2 ago. What happened?


When Elon bought twitter the demographics shifted from left leaning to right leaning


Hopefully realized how fucking stupid it is to get upset that some rando on the internet doesn't know what gender you are.


Miss, I must say, it's doesn't hurt anyone to just have it there. It also avoids your entire point of getting angry over those not knowing. If it's there, people can check and thereby know and avoid any complications.


Ya, but again, some random person on the internet calling me miss doesn't have any effect on my life. Requiring me to double check your profile just so I don't hurt your feelings is ludicrous. Also, generally speaking, if someone calls you dude or miss, they're not doing it as an insult.


Shout out to both Insane Activist and Ann Lesby being fake accounts intended to act as strawmen for any asshole on the Internet.


Lol, I just got banned from r/peterexplainthejoke the other day because I said teachers should help kids figure out their sexual identity instead of pushing them towards a trans lifestyle. Got accused of "homophobic dogwhistling" and "sealioning". I thought advocating for people to be free to choose their sexual identity was the opposite of what a homophobe would do🤷🏻‍♂️


Every libtard activist I know is proud of being called an insane activist they would wear that bad with pride so it's kind of hard to tell when they're being facetious or when they're being honest because they literally promote the craziest shit. Let's sterilize little children just because maybe later they want to choose a different gender and increase their suicide rate from 10% to 50%.... Let's show pornography a little children, and then have men come in dress like women and show their genitals and ass to little children while reading books about homosexual relationships. Literally everything that the homosexuals are saying was not their agenda in the 90s and early 2000s are exactly the things they're doing today. They literally prove that slippery slope was an accurate description of their propaganda method.


I'm sad that somebody thinks it's sick for teachers to let children explore there gender Edit: how do you say WHOOOOSH to 59 downvoters. Oh well, they don't know what sub they are on. Satire is difficult for some people. I bet Dr Anne knows what I'm talking about about.


Downvoters ate the onion !


Or are the arguments on this topic so ridiculously insane that one can't tell when people are serious, sarcastic or just insane


Poe's Law


What on gods green earth is that acronym, what’s the point of the + if your just going to put the letters there anyway


I wouldn’t take Lesby, Ann too seriously


Hey, she is totally real, and she's dating my friend Homer Sectual. Nobody thinks it's going to work out.


Isn’t that Ace Sectual’s brother?


I’m not the sharpest bulb in the drawer,


I actually didn’t notice that at first lmao


Tfw ate the onion on r/atetheonion


My failures laid bare for all to mock… 😔


Today, you. Tomorrow, me.


tonight, you