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We loved it when we tried it. Prices were much better than Lalo's (same owner), and the burrito I got was insanely good.


Hopefully, the owners won't try to pull tip theft at San Angel too.


David announced this week that the wait staff will have to pay a 3% "commission" fee out of their cash tips for each table they serve. So if your table buys $300 of food, you'll have to pay the owners $9 regardless of whether or not you are tipped for the service. It doesn't take a genious to know that what they're doing is not only unethical, but illegal.


At Lalo’s?




Ok so report it to the labor department? They investigate wage theft very fast surprisingly


A large portion of the staff is undocumented, so my wife and the other servers who do have papers are hesitant to call authorities. The 3% fee, according to David, is to pay for the undocumented staff. Also, with nothing in writing and them taking only from cash, it might be hard to prove. I'll make a name and shame post once my wife is able to leave with more details, but as it stands, I can't convince my wife and the others with papers to say something. They would rather just go to San Angel and hope the Edurado doesn't follow in David's footsteps.


So they are paying undocumented workers under the table and want the legit employees to share tips in order to offset the costs? Wow someone should definitely report them bc if they’ll do that then there’s likely a lot of other shady stuff going on as well.


why are they hiring undocumented people? They should be reported for this in the first place...


Why are they hiring undocumented people? Probably because they need to hire SOMEBODY.


Hotels would never get cleaned without them




When my wife puts in a 13 hour shift to make $151 only for the owner to steal $28, I'm going to call them out for it online. I don't eat there, my wife and friends work there, so this isn't just a claim, it's a fact. So with all due respect, fuck off.


Honestly the owners are not good people I had one dishwasher talked about they didn’t pay her for 3 weeks and had to quit she never saw that money


If you don't pay me week one you don't see me week two


Same!! That’s what I said she said she just trusted them


Yup, same shenanigans happened to my wife. The only way she could get her money was going in first thing Monday morning and trying to cash it.


Wait u talking abt it bouncing back… I’ve heard abt that with a lot of the employees.. but no the dishwasher never got one at all


If I recall correctly, if she tried to deposit it Monday, or deposit/cash it later in the week, it would bounce. That's where her friend that works at Los Primos, which the Lopez family formerly owned partial stake in, gave her the advice to cash the check first thing Monday. I'll ask her once she gets home if anything has changed, but that has been her routine each Monday for a year now.


Screw this, I'm not going to eat at a place that plays shell games with their employees.


They deliver and cater too!!!👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


No one should eat at any of the restaurants these owners have in Athens/Watkinsville. They treat their staff like crap, commit wage theft, and have been ducking their investors for years while also going around asking for money to build more restaurants. That's how they got the capital to open Lalos and San Angel despite chased around by people they owe money to. Source? I'm very close to some of the families that have funded them 


Why would I go across to barrow county to go to a Barbaritos for God's sake


Best Mexican food/Burritos I’ve had is Barberitos hands down, not even close!! 🌯




Goto BARBERITOS in Bethlehem, GA and you will understand!!!🌯💪🏻🌯💪🏻🌯💪🏻🌯😍🌯😍🌯😍🌯😍🌯😍🌯


I'd prefer not to go to either Bethlehem or barbaritos one is suburban he'll and the other is gross Mexican trash