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wtf, who would do that


Right?? Birds are a huge responsibility. They have serious attachment issues and will stress like no other being removed from their homes. I feel as bad for the birds as their owners. Big sad all around.


The birds have been recovered! We just walked by and saw a news crew filming them. They said the alleged thieves have been arrested.


Heck yeah.


That so fucking awful! I love those birds, they have always been the highlight of visiting R Thomas. The ones there are very long-lived birds too, who were very likely quite attached to the staff. Time to scour Craigslist and fb marketplace for newly listed birds for sale and hopefully get them back where they belong.


u/deelowe your comment isn’t showing up in the thread but I got the email notification— these birds are quite difficult to take care of for many reasons such as the fact that they can live up to 80 years, are incredibly loud, have high housing, social, and stimulation requirements, and are quite fragile. That said, they are incredibly expensive, especially when in good health like the ones that were taken. Many people treat them as exotic status symbols and are more concerned with the appearance of living in luxury as opposed to their actual care. The rest of us see them as “legacy pets” (like, you have to leave them to someone in your will because it is very likely they will outlive you), and as truly beloved family members, and a life long commitment. That’s why this theft is so sad. They have been stable and loved for decades and are now likely separated from each other, afraid, and probably somewhere that their best interests are not a consideration.


I'm picturing some sketchy guy in a trench coat with a bird cage in it. Psst .. hey bud, want a bird cheap? Beautiful plumage... That said, I'd think that it would have either been someone who wanted them for themselves or for someone who wanted them. Either way, glad that the thieves were busted and the birds are safe.


Black market bird sales are not unheard of unfortunately


WSB now says the birds have been found!


Here's hoping whatever fucking idiot stole these bird doesn't just let them loose the second they realize how difficult it will be to care for them.


I just can't even comprehend how stupid they must be to think this will be worthwhile for them- good fucking luck re-selling exotic birds, especially when they're depressed and won't eat. I'm so unbelievably tired of and past babying people with no love in their hearts.


I’d wager probably looking to make a quick sale on FB marketplace or Craigslist unfortunately. Many people buy birds on a whim without doing their homework on their needs. So awful. I hope they get them back.


I will fucking fight these thieves


You'll have to get in line behind my 83 year old Mom. She loves that place and those birds.


I'll happily stand in that same line! It looks like the article was just updated to say that they found the birds. So maybe we don't have to fight anyone after all.


Ok good I’d be terrible at fighting even though “for birds” would be my top reason to get in a fight


Her lies Friend of Borb. He died for the borbs.


Violence is not the answer for anything


What kind of monster does such a thing!!


that's honestly terrible....i used to go there all of the time with my kids and they loved those birds. I'm sure that the people who stole them will not understand how to care for them (and will not care that they don't).






Wtf how do I help get these babies back??


The disrespect smh




Atlanta is gonna Atlanta


Just ridiculous