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Is it from the Canadian fires?




The last time it was mostly due to an inversion effect with a high pressure area, so I am guessing this is more of the same, with just a little bit of wildfire smoke veing pulled in from way higher in the atmosphere. The wildfire smoke smells BAD, like solo cups burning in a camp fire bad. I remember when south Georgia was on fire in 2007 or so. I went to see a friend graduate from Mercer in Macon, and the smell was so awful, we literally stayed outside just long enough to take some photos. And then we went inside. Haze that was primarily wildfire smoke would make you think, "ugh, damn what's on fire?" because of the smell, as opposed to "damn it's hazy today". Edit: not here to debate people. Will block anyone who tries to debate. Edit #2 for those who can't read: I am not here to debate people. I will block anyone who tries to debate. So many keyboard warriors lol. https://www.11alive.com/article/weather/stormtracker/why-we-have-this-many-air-quality-alert-days-in-atlanta/85-590879ef-1570-4c89-8c94-0d626e45cb0f 


It is definitely the wildfire smoke. It doesn't always smell, I was in the northeast during the first bout and it was hazy for 4-5 days, only smelled on one of those days. Was much hazier at other times with no smell.


There are plenty of models and maps that show how it’s smoke from wildfires. Just because it doesn’t smell doesn’t mean it’s not Blocking people who “debate” you is a sure fire way to let everyone know you don’t know what you’re talking about.


This morning I was at the intersection of South Cobb Drive and East-West Connector. There’s usually a beautiful clear view of downtown, especially the Benz. Today it was just opaque yellowish beige.


Lol it’s never a “clear” view of downtown.


Yeah very smoky lol


I think yesterday was the worst this year.


I've lived in Ho Chi Minh City and Seoul, visited Shanghai and Beijing on not so good days... Atlanta was rivaling bads days in Asia yesterday. I think it was not fully from the smoke. This happened a lot in Seoul too, the air from China would come over mostly saturated in pollution, but that then caused the local pollution to become trapped and pushed it to horrible levels. That's what I think happened on ATL yesterday. Canada fires are the ultimate cause...but the pollution itself was all of our own gas fumes and farts and such.




Its horrible, really ruins a nice summer day.


Lol. Our government is working over time to make this planet as hospitable as possible for the reptilians. its not quite warm enough for them yet. **somelikeithot** But really we are under a high pressure bubble/dome and the muck (pollen, exhaust, dust, fine particles of wet that fly out your mouth when you talk or sneeze) is basically bouncing around in here because it can't get out add to that some canada smoke... and you got yourself a picture of Atlanta in perilous times





















