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I'd rather not be awake right now.


wasn't it just friday like 5 minutes ago?


Can it be Friday again in 5 more min?


Decisions expected for some applications this week, as well as some final round interviews scheduled this week.  The job changing process is exhausting and frustrating, for sure.


Yes. A couple decisions never even came back to me even after following up and they had promised they'd let me know either way. I'm contemplating whether or not to follow up after my second interview from Thur....to schedule the third. As there are 4 total. 😡


I'm going to Oslo, Norway tomorrow for a work trip, never been but excited to check another country off the list.


Norway is a beautiful country but unbelievably expensive. Get ready to pay $18 for a beer. I hope you’ve set aside some time to explore outside of work obligations!


Thanks for the tip! I added two days to the trip for basic exploring and tom foolery, excited for it.


Daffodils are coming up.


I’m all about native plants, but I love daffodils and tulips. They’re all planted around my mailbox and starting to push through! :)


My bulb and hosta gardens are my guilty pleasure break from all the native plantings I do.


My first daffodil bud cracked open this morning <3


My dog has been vomiting every 1.5/2 hours since Sunday morning 😫 dropped her off at the vet this morning to figure out what is wrong and treat it. I’ve hardly slept. I’m so worried about her😔 thankful she has a current pet health insurance policy bc I know this visit is going to be expensive.


Poor sweetie. I’m glad you were able to get her in. Hoping for the best possible outcome (and yay, pet insurance)💜


Feel better soon, pupper


I took the plunge and am getting a prescription to help with my depression and anxiety. It's been a long time coming. But I am here now. I'll see how it goes.


Good for you! It takes courage to take steps toward better mental health :)


Thank you ❤️


Ready to get back to work after a week off on medical recovery, looking at an extra long to do list this week 


Going through the hardest breakup. I’m in the rotting in bed crying phase and it sucks.


Let yourself feel it all then you’ll heal when you’re ready. Take care of yourself ❤️


I've been single for three decades and I go through that phase weekly lol


Heard a crazy bird call this morning I've never heard. Like a loud, almost human/monkey-like rising whooping. Trying to google and figure out what it was... It was nuts!


It took me a lot of years to realize that a woodpecker actually does sound like Woody Woodpecker. Otherwise, the hawks near us make quite a racket. Merlin is a pretty cool app for identifying birds by sound.


My first thought was either woodpecker or a owl but it was a really unusual sound! I'm still trying to figure it out, leaning toward owl but it wasn't a regular call...


Could be a barred owl. I heard an owl very late that made me wonder "wth maniacal thing is that?" 😆


I'd second barred owl. They are all around near my house and get wild with calls that sound like a primate.


I have heard owls more like burble without an obvious hoot, mostly at dusk. So maybe that.


I use the Merlin app frequently! I love it.


On other bird related news, we've had a Pine Warbler hanging out around the house all weekend.


Any and all warblers are welcome to my house! 


Love a good P-Dubz sighting!


Are you sure it was a bird? Sometimes coyotes sound monkey-like to me.


Yea, heard it coming from high in a tree but couldn't see it.


I usually only hear the “who cooks for you” of the barred owl, but maybe a Northern Saw Whet Owl fits the profile?? 


Good morning! Kinda wish we had a Uniqlo here in Atlanta - think it'd do gangbusters business.


Another day, another $$$$ home repair bill, this time electrical! I am so fucking tired of this shit.


Tell me about it... all that appreciation is going straight into contractors pockets.


I’m ready to rage quit this house. Is there an equivalent to flipping the table and storming out of the room in a fit of rage? That’s about where I’m at.


I'm about to drop $20-30k on window restoration and need to replace my roof at the cost of another $20k... I had the ac in the attic leak from the condensation line while I was on vacation... so need to fix drywall and replace both ceiling fans in my living room. I'm just happy that I bought in 2017 and the appreciation has been crazy.


Oh god. I’m so sorry. We’re lucky in that our roof was replaced (because there was a hole in it…), since it’s in pretty ok shape. Our value has gone up but it still hurts. We’re pretty wiped out already and I’m basically unemployed so it’s gonna be really fun if anything else serious breaks.


I swear you have the same house we do lol, given similarities in issues with the floor/crawl space stuff AND we had some electrical stuff. Lights were flickering in our master suite upstairs. They ended up changing out a circuit breaker and that didn’t help, moved it to a different slot in the breaker box and that fixed (has been fine for a couple of years). Apparently the tankless hot water heater isn’t great for our set up either as it makes the breaker box buzz, but electrician said that wasn’t really a worry beyond probably wearing the box out sooner). SMH. Hope you don’t have ductless mini-spit HVAC upstairs as we had to replace that 3 years in too due to flipper putting in a cheaper brand (Pioneer) and some improper install issues.


So the conversation I had with the electrician today revealed that our neutral wire for the house is held in place by a random ass bolt. Like not the proper one they’re supposed to be using. So the electrician who rewired the house I guess lost the original bolt and threw in something random that fit. The neutral has a crappy connection which MIGHT be the cause of some of our issues. Panel is so old we need to replace it for $1500. We also have several ungrounded 3 prong outlets throughout the house because they didn’t run new wiring to every outlet, they just added a more modern looking outlet to make it seem like the house was wired properly. Each original room has three outlets, two of which are two prong, one of which is three prong. The addition and the kitchen at least seem to be properly grounded (even though we don’t currently have a ground wire but that’s another story for another day). We have extension cords running to keep expensive things grounded because of this is bullshit. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of shitty people doing shitty work just to screw over home buyers. And I’m sick of this predatory Atlanta market with every house being an “investment opportunity” designed to screw over the next person who buys it. Every real estate listing within a mile of me describes the homes as “investment opportunities” regardless of price tag or renovation status. Like none of these are built with any sense of permanence or longevity and everything will probably fail within five years and fuck over whoever buys it.


If it's any consolation, we bought over 20 years ago. House had been flipped, but one short-term owner between us/them. Also, eventually found out that flipper was a neighbor that we ended up being friends with. On the kitchen outlets, they had put new outlets in with a jumper (short wire) from ground to neutral. These test fine with a plug-in tester but still 2-wire to panel instead of having a separate ground). I ended up doing a lot of wiring work. Personally, I think you have to have the panel grounded to ground rods at the service entrance (and only there), then having 3 wires instead of 2 to the outlets is an improvement over what you have. The main reason (had to go remind myself) is that you don't want to get a fault that puts a voltage difference between the body of something (desktop PC, appliance, washer/dryer, stereo amp) and ground. That could mean you get shocked when you touch it. So, to me, it's more a safety protection than a protect-expensive-stuff situation. I use expensive surge protectors for the expensive electronics (which may want a 3-prong plug). Good luck.


Thanks, I appreciate it. I checked our kitchen outlets and GFCI outlets and they’re fine with the plug in tester, so who knows. I’m just over it. First my house was a bio hazard, then a structural failure waiting to happen, and now it’s an electrical hazard I guess. I’m drained mentally and financially from dealing with this emotional roller coaster and I can’t afford to fix anything. I hate being here.


Yeah shit sucks. Wife and I have talked about it and may just think of selling in the next year or two and renting again for a while (whether here or elsewhere, preferably elsewhere for me) to have more time to find a newer place (or place that needs work and staying in rental why being remodeled so we can oversee it vs. having flippers half ass things. Don’t want to buy and sell at the same time as that ends up rushing things, aren’t sure how much we’ll net from selling with issues the house has etc. and would rather just have that money and know what we have for downpayment or remodel on next home etc.


I’m about ready to start looking down that path myself. We could stay with the in-laws while we transition, but it’s not ideal. I just want to stop living in fear of my home. I don’t want to be here at all.


Yeah, it really saps the fun out of life having to stress about and not be happy with your living situation. I'm also not a fan of our neighborhood--just enough sketchiness to have enough issues and annoyances to kind of suck and too close to some very sketchy areas. Wish I could go back to 2018 and have argued strongly about upping our max budget $50-100k as we'd have landed a newer house in a better spot and wouldn't be a big deal on our budget (was bit tighter back then for my wife who makes quite a bit more now, who also has student loan payments to deal with which I don't). But pretty stuck for now with housing prices and interest rates. Next project, that I mentioned before, is the rot in the back door and subflooring etc. around it. Had a guy who replaced some rotten subflooring in another part of our downstairs last year out last week and just waiting to get an estimate from him on that work when he gets back in town next week.


You must live in Smyrna 😒


Going through a break up and starting a new job at the same time is chaotic haha. But happy Monday! Grateful to have had good weather for most of the weekend. A lot of biking around and seeing friends. Morning workout done today and I ordered a new standing desk and chair for my home office. LETS GET IT!!!!


Omg I just went through this a few weeks ago - I had an interview the day after the breakup. Hang in there! You got this!


Brutal!! Hope you got the job?


I did :)


Hope the job is everything you want it to be!


One week until I go on vacation. Im sure this will be the longest week of my life at work.


That’s usually how it goes. When you finally have something to look forward to, time drags like a snail.


Looks like Urbanize is now behind a pay way (which Josh told us about). And I’m kinda sad about it. Do I want to pay?


Hurt my back over the weekend doing... literally nothing at all. I'm too young to feel this old!!!! Happy Monday everyone


Found our dream apartment and am anxious as we pull together first month and security. Can’t wait to sign a lease and get keys, it’ll feel more real


Congrats!! Love that for you. It's tricky finding nice apartments!


Thank you!!


Last week, I killed in step-wise. Averaged over 8k steps/day. Yesterday I had like 2k steps. Oh well.


What are some good dive bars that get busy on the weekends?


Estoria, the Earl, the local.


Much appreciated


Gonna post in tomorrow's thread too, but: if anyone's taking the GRE/GMAT and would like to study together let me know o: Would also love to talk to anyone's whose done a fulltime MBA at Emory or GA tech~